2012 County 4-H Public Speaking Held

What is your greatest fear? Some would say snakes, others would say heights, and still others say flying in a plane. You will be surprised to hear that man’s greatest fear is public speaking. For DeKalb County 4-H members, however, public speaking is a life skill which they have honed into poise, charisma, confidence, and a desire to achieve.
The DeKalb County 4-H Public Speaking Contest was held recently. According to Extension Agent April Martin, “The public speaking contest is one of the 4-H Club’s most important activities. Speaking before an audience is something that we all have to do at some point in our lives. 4-H is one of the first places that young people learn this skill. Public Speaking teaches 4-Hers writing, organizational, and speaking skills as well as equips them with confidence and a sense of accomplishment.”
Participants in the 4th grade included: Mya Ruch (1st place), Clayton Kirby (2nd place), and Christian Trail (3rd place). Other participants included: Mary Maple, Kaylee Martin, Anna Chew, Darren Waggoner, and Isaac Cross.
Participants in the 5th grade included: Kaitlyn Bain (1st place).
Wyatt Martin was the 1st place winner in the 7th grade and Lydia Trail was the 1st place winner in the 9th grade.
Mya Ruch, Clayton Kirby, and Lydia Trail advanced to the regional contest recently and received participation awards.
The University of Tennessee Extension offers all its programs to all eligible persons. More information about Extension programs can be found at https://utextension.tennessee.edu/dekalb/Pages/default.aspx.
County 4-H Public Speaking Participants (front row, left to right): Anna Chew, Kaitlyn Bain, Kelsey Wade, Jadyn Young, Mary Maple, and Kaylee Martin. Second row: Mya Ruch, Clayton Kirby, Christian Trail, Isaac Cross, and Darren Waggoner. Third row: Wyatt Martin and Lydia Trail.

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