Jackie Smith Appointed to DeKalb Election Commission

A new member has been named to the DeKalb County Election Commission by the Tennessee Election Commission.
Jackie Smith, a resident of Smithville and a local State Farm Insurance Agent, is replacing Harry Lasser as one of the two democratic members of the local commission. She will serve out Lasser’s term, which expires in April, 2017. Lasser served for four and a half years. He was first appointed in April , 2011.
“I really am excited. I worked elections for several years. It’s a duty that I take very seriously. When I got the call and was asked, I was just thrilled. I am really happy to serve in this capacity. I am looking forward to another venture in my life,” Smith told WJLE.
Since the state legislature is made up of a majority of GOP lawmakers, Republicans have the right to hold majority memberships on the Tennessee Election Commission as well as all county election commissions in Tennessee. The appointments to local commissions are made by the state election commission.
“Democrats and Republicans in the Tennessee General Assembly appoint who serves on the Tennessee Election Commission. Those state people from each party have a representative from middle, east, and west Tennessee and they typically consult with the county chairs for each county on who they want on their county election commissions,” said Jordan Wilkins, DeKalb County Democratic Party Chairman.
“Mr. Harry Lasser was one of our Democratic commissioners on the election commission and he called me about two months ago telling me he needed to resign. I want to say I will miss Harry. He was a great commissioner for us. He was always good about representing us on the commission and keeping us updated on what was going on. I thought long and hard about the name of the people I wanted to submit to the state. That name is Jackie Smith. She has been a lifelong member of this party. She has always been very supportive of us. She is very progressive and I am very excited about her representing us,” said Wilkins.
Hearon Puckett is the other democrat on the commission.
The other three members of the DeKalb County Election Commission are Walteen Parker, Barbara Vanatta, and Jim Dean. All three are Republicans. Parker is Chairman.
The term of each member is for two years.

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