Saint Thomas DeKalb Hosts Retired Teachers Luncheon

DeKalb County Retired Teachers Association was honored with a special luncheon provided by Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital recently. The theme of the luncheon celebrated Breast Cancer Awareness Month for October by providing tote bags and pink gift items for those present. The group pledged to spread the word about the importance of mammograms and early detection to at least five of their friends and family. The guest speaker was Shan Burklow, Director of Marketing for Saint Thomas DeKalb and Saint Thomas Stones River Hospitals. Burklow spoke on the importance of community health, emotional well-being, and the exciting opportunities that being a part of the Saint Thomas Health System will bring to our region. The afternoon ended with a delicious meal and desserts provided by the hospital’s dietary department.
“We were so honored to host the retired teachers luncheon this past week,” said Shan Burklow- Marketing Director for Saint Thomas DeKalb and Saint Thomas Stones River Hospital, “This is a wonderful group of people that do so much good on a daily basis for our county. It was a great way to spend the afternoon. Some of our guests actually taught me in school, and for that, I apologize,” Burklow laughed, “and most of them have become my friends and mentors throughout the years. I feel unworthy to speak to such a wise and caring group.”
Those present took the “Pinky Swear Dare” sponsored by the hospital’s social media campaign supporting Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or PINKtober, as the hospital calls it. The ‘Pinky Swear Dare’ asks the public to pledge and spread the word about breast cancer prevention during the month of October to five people. Upon taking the pledge, participants paint their pinky nails pink to share the message that ‘mammograms and early detection saves lives’. Any age can participate in the dare. If someone rejects the dare, they are asked to donate five dollars to the breast cancer charity of their choice.
“It is our hope that this important message will spread across Tennessee and the nation,” said Sue Conley-CEO of Saint Thomas DeKalb and Saint Thomas Stones River Hospitals, “Breast Cancer is such an ugly disease and early detection is key. It is empowering when we come together, unified, in the fight against cancer. Last year, over 178,000 people took the #PinkySwearDare across the nation on social media, and hundreds have already taken the challenge online for 2015, but we don’t plan to stop there. Tell your friends, your neighbors and your family about the importance of self-exams and regular mammograms after the age of forty. It is a simple, yet powerful, message.”
For more information on the ‘Pinky Swear Dare’ for Breast Cancer Awareness Month, join the Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital facebook page. To schedule a mammogram, contact Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital Radiology Department.
Pictured: The Retired Teachers of DeKalb County attended a luncheon hosted by Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital to show their support for Breast Cancer Awareness Month by taking the “Pinky Swear Dare”. The dare challenges participants to tell five friends and family the importance of mammograms and early detection after the age of 40. The group received pink gift items in support of the event. (not pictured: Shan Burklow, Teresa Steele, Cassandra Basham of Saint Thomas DeKalb Hospital)
Pictured: The ‘Pinky Swear Dare’ campaign that is aggressively growing across social media.

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