Chamber Presents “Extra Miler” Award to Jim and Diane Loy

The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce presented a well-earned “Extra Miler” award to Jim and Diane Loy Monday. Since 2001, Jim and Diane have picked up over 1,600 bags of litter and have volunteered over 3,000 hours in DeKalb County.
Some of their efforts include:
•In 2001: Adopted Highway 56 from Hurricane Bridge north 2 miles to their home – On their initial cleanup, they spent 2 days picking up litter and collected 71 bags of trash
•In 2002: Adopted League Chapel Cemetery – They spent 2 weeks hauling away trash, and cutting and trimming trees. They built a sign for the cemetery, made wooden crosses and planted roses for each grave site, and created a pathway and sitting area.
•In 2007: Adopted the scenic Center Hill Lake overlook on Highway 56. They cleaned, repaired and painted the support structure for the scenic overlook sign, designed and mounted a new sign, placed landscape timbers and landscape rocks around the sign, planted flowers and cleared the area of weeds and litter.
State Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver was on-hand to present Jim and Diane with an American flag, a Proclamation, and the rare orange “Blue Book” filled with personal messages to the Loys by numerous legislators. Rep. Weaver also informed the Loys that Governor Haslam will be sending them a congratulatory and commendation letter next week.
In receiving this award, Jim and Diane Loy responded with appreciation for the recognition and for this beautiful area that God has entrusted to each of us. They want to encourage all residents to help with the responsibility of its care. The Loys are truly are “friends of Tennessee” and inspiring examples of going the extra mile.
Pictured l-r:
Chamber Director Suzanne Williams, TDOT Highway Maintenance Supervisor Donnie Smith, Road Supervisor Butch Agee, State Rep. Terri Lynn Weaver, Chamber Extra Miler Award recipients Diane and Jim Loy, County Mayor Tim Stribling, Chamber Board Members Kathy Hendrixson and Gail Gentry, Jim Sullivan

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