Boy Scouts Praised for Work at Edgar Evins State Park

The Boy Scouts of Troop 875 recently built a new volleyball court and horseshoe pits for the campground at Edgar Evins State Park.
“Edgar Evins State Park would like to thank Eagle Scout Troop 875 for their hard work and dedication to the park. These additions will be valuable to the park and will offer our visitors more outdoor recreational activities to choose from. Troop 875 was also instrumental in the success of this year’s first ever Jr. Ranger Camp. The scouts actually led the land navigation program and worked hard all week assisting with the other programs and helping take care of the children. A big thanks to Troop 875. From the trails, the campfire ring, the campground, recreational and educational programming, the Troop has made and continues to make lasting contributions to the park and its visitors,” said Park Ranger Mark Taylor.

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