DeKalb Democratic Party to Host “Insure Tennessee” Meeting

The DeKalb County Democratic Party will host a meeting on “Insure Tennessee” on Saturday, September 12 at 10:00 a.m. at the county complex.
Jackie Shrago, Special Project Coordinator, Tennessee Health Care Campaign and participating in management of GetCovered Nashville, will discuss Insure Tennessee, a plan by Governor Haslam to make health insurance options available for 280,000 people.
Insure TN is a state proposal to cover people who are now in a Gap excluding them from many of subsidies for health insurance premiums under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA, also often called Obamacare). The Gap is the product of legislative committee obstacles that prevented the Tennessee legislature from passing Governor Haslam’s Plan. The Plan would be fully funded through the ACA and a commitment of the Tennessee hospitals to make up any shortfall.
The Tennessee Health Care Campaign has worked for affordable accessible health care for all Tennessee residents for 26 years.
Walter Davis, Executive Director of THCC, says, “We welcome the opportunity to speak to any organizations wishing to understand the Governor’s Plan and the impact of so many people not having insurance. We welcome questions and criticisms hopefully in a mutually respectful discussion. We want to learn from one another and to hear the stories of Tennesseans including those in the Gap.”
THCC and its colleagues at the Tennessee Justice Center (TJC) have been traveling throughout the state listening (TJC’s Counting the Costtour), speaking (THCC in Town Halls) and advocating (in conversations with elected leaders of both parties). THCC is a non-partisan non-profit that does not endorse parties or candidates. It does, however, present an opportunity for those in the Gap to tell their story. We also gather the stories of those who unnecessarily face high costs and deteriorating health conditions due to exclusion from the ACA.
THCC believes it is important to hear one another. We believe if people talk about Insure Tennessee and bring forward their concerns, they will find the Plan to be a good step in the right direction.
THCC provides hundreds of volunteers working thousands of hours to enroll those eligible under the Affordable Care Act. Our volunteers have also reached out to legislators to consider the needs of constituents.

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