Northside Church of Christ Dedicates New Place of Worship

The congregation of the Northside Church of Christ held worship services for the first time in their new church home Sunday.
Following morning worship, lunch was served followed by a dedication service and ribbon cutting at the new church building, located beside the old one on Highway 56 north which had served as the congregation’s worship center since 1970 . The congregation’s beginnings date back almost seventy years.
“It is very exciting,” said Burnes Lyons, minister of the congregation. “One of my objectives is that I wanted to see the older members be able to see a new building erected and that’s why we have them up front cutting the ribbon. We wanted to build something in the community that would be passed on to future generations that might benefit those who come behind us,” said Lyons.
Members of other congregations joined in helping the church commemorate Sunday’s special occasion.

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