TNDP Chair to Speak at DeKalb Election Season Kickoff Rally

Tennessee Democratic Party (TNDP) Chair Mary Mancini will be the speaker at the DeKalb County Election Season Kickoff Rally to be held Saturday, June 6. The rally marks the start of the 2016 Election Season and will be held at 10 a.m., at the DeKalb County Courthouse basement, One Public Square, Smithville.
“We are thrilled to have Chair Mancini in attendance to help us kick off this Election Season,” said Jordan Wilkins, DeKalb County Democratic Party Chair. “This event is to bring like-minded people who share Democratic values together and discuss ways to show support for each other while strategizing on how we can be better represented whether it’s on the city council, county commission, at the legislature, in Congress or in the White House.”
Mancini will focus her speech about her vision to seat more state, county and local leaders.
“At the TNDP, we are working on engaging Democrats from all over the state and from all walks of life to get fired up and ready to go to register people to vote, knock on doors, call on their neighbors and friends to be an active participant in the Democratic process and be a part of our Get Out The Vote programs,” said Mancini. “The way GOP lawmakers voted this past legislative session shows we need a change in the legislature and this election cycle we will be focused on shoring up Democrats and engaging voters so we have elected officials who will advocate on behalf of Tennessee’s families on issues such as access to affordable health care, raising the minimum wage, retirement security and greater accountability in the public and private sectors.”

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