Congressman Diane Black Tours Omega Apparel, Donates Books to DCHS

Congressman Diane Black was in Smithville Thursday to take a tour of Omega Apparel. She also visited DeKalb County High School where she donated books from the Library of Congress to the school library.
“The Library of Congress gets a copy of every book printed each year whether it’s an instructional book, a nonfiction or fiction book. When the shelves get too full they weed out, and as they do we are allowed to pick out books to send back to the district and we take them to schools,” Congressman Black told WJLE.
DCHS Librarian Lisa Craig and Class of 2015 Salutatorian MaKalee Ruch were among those who greeted Congressman Black at the school to receive the donation of books.
Dean Wegner, President and CEO of Omega Apparel, accompanied Congressman Black on her tour of the local factory. County Mayor Tim Stribling, Smithville Mayor Jimmy Poss, and Chamber Director Suzanne Williams joined them.
“It’s incredible what they are doing. When I was here three years ago there was concern that there was not going to be as much business there and the drop in the number of employees and now we see someone who has lots of new ideas and really growing the business. It’s going to be a wonderful thing for DeKalb County and the people that live here,” said Congressman Black.
Asked about her concerns in Washington, Congressman Black said tackling the nation’s debt is still a priority. “I think it’s our growing debt that we’re going to leave on the next generation. So every dollar that is spent in Washington, I am looking to see if there is fraud, waste, and abuse and if it’s being spent wisely because I do worry about the future generations and what we’re building up for them to have to pay back,” she said.
As a member of the U.S. House Ways and Means Committee, Congressman Black said she continues to push for tax reform and a repeal of Obama Care. “We know that if we could do something that would reduce the tax burden on people that money would then be spent in the economy and would grow our economy so tax reform is a top priority and then what’s happening in Obama Care and what I’m hearing from people about how it is directly affecting them. I am on a committee that has jurisdiction over both of those things and they are two issues that are up front for us,” she said.
International turmoil is also a major concern. “That is a huge issue that is very difficult because militarily some people want us to be stronger. Others don’t want us to be as strong. Funding for the military has dropped and I worry about our men and women that we ask to serve our country. Are we giving them the very best that they can have to protect them while they are on foreign soil,” Congressman Black concluded.

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