DQ Manager and Boyfriend Arrested for Theft After Staging Break-In

A manager of the Dairy Queen and her boyfriend have been arrested after allegedly stealing thousands of dollars from the business and then staging the scene to make it look like a break-in late Sunday night.
21 year old Rebecca Duffield and 20 year old Anthony Skinner are each charged with theft of property over $1,000 and vandalism. Bond for each is $12,500 and they will be in court on May 14.
According to Smithville Police, Duffield and Skinner were inside the restaurant cleaning up before closing when they stole more than $6,800 from the safe and then ransacked the office. Before they drove away in a blue Dodge Durango, Skinner was observed by a witness breaking out a glass in the drive through window apparently to give the impression that someone had broken into the business. The witness notified police and Officer Joey Myers responded to the scene at around 11:55 p.m.
Upon further investigation, Captain Steven Leffew said that the Durango was found parked at a residence on Short Mountain Highway and that both Skinner and Duffield were inside the home. Lieutenant Matt Holmes was informed that Duffield had just closed up the Dairy Queen and left moments prior to the incident. Lt. Holmes went to the residence and requested permission to search both the home and the Durango where evidence was collected. Police recovered over $6,800 which has been returned to the owners of the Dairy Queen.
Captain Leffew said he would like to thank DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department Deputies Sergeant Brian Williams, Shane Hickman and Jimmy Martin for their assistance. He also commended Smithville Police Officers Lt Matt Holmes, Sgt Travis Bryant and Officer Joey Myers on a job well done.

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