Most county employees would get a pay raise under a new wage scale proposed by the county commission’s budget committee.
During a five hour meeting Wednesday evening, the budget committee came up with a new pay plan for employees who work under the county general department, except for the sheriff’s department (which has its own wage scale) and the ambulance service. The plan, adopted 5 to 0 by the budget committee, will be included in the proposed 2016-17 budgets to be presented to the county commission in July. Members of the budget committee are Wayne Cantrell, Larry Summers, Jack Barton, Jerry Adcock, and Jimmy Midgett.
Under the new plan, employees of the elected offices of Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, County Mayor, Circuit Court Clerk, and Non Elected Clerk and Master would get step raises at a percentage of what their employer earns. For the 2016-17 fiscal year, all these elected officials (Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, Circuit Court Clerk, and Non Elected Clerk and Master) will be earning a salary of $65,221 per year except for the Office of County Mayor whose salary will be $75,329. All salaries of county public officials are set by the state. Employees of county officials are established by the county.
According to the new scale, the step raises for employees of these offices would be as follows:
STEP 1: 39% of their employer’s salary -1 year of service
STEP 2: 40% of their employer’s salary-2 years of service
STEP 3: 41% of their employer’s salary- 3 years of service
STEP 4: 42% of their employer’s salary-4 years of service
STEP 5: 44% of their employer’s salary-8 years of service
Meanwhile the Library Director, Election Commission Secretary, and Soil Conservation Secretary would be on the same scale (as noted above) with their salaries being a percentage of $65,221 which is what the Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, Circuit Court Clerk, and Clerk and Master earn.
Full time library employees and the Senior Citizens Director would get a percentage of $65,221 based on the following scale for them:
STEP 1: 31% of $65,221- 1 year of service
STEP 2: 32% of $65,221-2 years of service
STEP 3: 34% of $65,221-3 years of service
STEP 4: 35% of $65,221- 4 years of service
STEP 5: 37% of $65,221-8 years of service
All part-time County General Employees would be paid $10.00 per hour excluding part time employees of the ambulance service.
Custodians would get a 2.158% increase in pay
The director of the Landfill would get a salary of $42,000 per year.
Landfill employees would get the following rates of pay:
Drivers with Commercial Driver Licenses (CDL):
$13.00 per hour for 1 year of service
$14.00 per hour for 3 years of service
$15.00 per hour for 5 years of service
$16.00 per hour for 7 years of service
Laborers would get the following rates of pay:
$12.00 per hour for 1 year of service
$13.00 per hour for 3 years of service
$14.00 per hour for 5 years of service
$15.00 per hour for 7 years of service
Convenience Center employees would get $8.50 per hour