GED Classes Starting Soon

Registration for GED classes is scheduled for Monday and Wednesday, September 10 & 12 from 4:00 p.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the DeKalb County Complex on South Congress Boulevard
Anyone age eighteen and older may sign up. The ten week course is offered at no charge locally but the cost is $55.00 to take the final GED test. The fee will increase to $120.00 in 2014.
Tom Werling, GED Volunteer Instructor, said after a student registers, a test is given to determine his or her grade level in certain subject areas. “Step two is going to be the TABE Test, Monday September 17 or Wednesday, September 19 at 6:00 p.m. The TABE Test will give us an idea of where you (students) are education wise. We have had people from the second grade (level) all the way to the twelfth grade (level) so this will give us an idea of the books we need to give you and the things we need to do for you,” said Werling.
Step three will be the OPT test, Monday and Wednesday September 24 and 26 at 4:00 p.m., which is the official practice test for the GED program, according to Werling. “The GED test is divided into five categories, Reading, Writing, Social Studies, Science, and Math. To get your GED you just need to average 450 in each one of the those areas. The new GED test will be coming out in 2014. It will be a computer based test and it will be harder. The fee will also be going from $55.00 to $120.00 for the test. Right now it is $55.00. There is no charge or fee for the classes here in Smithville. We’ll provide you the books you need. We teach on a one to one basis because of the variance in the education level of the people we will be seeing,” said Werling.
For more information call 931-528-8685.

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