State Releases TCAP Test Results for DeKalb County

The 2012 achievement scores for DeKalb County show several areas of improvement over last year’s TCAP results, according to Director of Schools Mark Willoughby.
The Tennessee Board of Education on Thursday released district breakdowns of TCAP test results. The data show district-by-district results for each subject of the 3-8 Achievement Tests and High School End of Course exams.
“In grades 3-8, the DeKalb County School System improved in Reading and Language Arts, Math, and Science,” said Willoughby. “This improvement means that more students scored proficient and advanced on this year’s TCAP. The leading subject with the most improvement over 2011 was Math. In Social Studies, 81.4% of our students performed at the proficient or advanced level,” he said.
“DeKalb County High School also increased the percent of proficient and advanced students for the End-of-Course achievement tests for 2012 for the academic areas of Algebra I, Algebra II, and Freshman English. US History had 94.1% of students to score proficient or advanced,” said Willoughby.
“Overall, the increased rigor of the standards and the higher bar set by the state for proficiency has been embraced by the teachers and administration. These changes have led to increased achievement for our students as well as students who are more prepared for college and careers. Math will continue to be a focus for us in the coming year,” he said.
Growth over last year represents the difference between 2010-11 and 2011-12 in terms of the number of students who scored proficient or advanced. The following show combined grades 3-8 student performance
DeKalb County:
(42% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(3.9% growth over last year)
(49.4% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.7% growth over last year)
(63% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.9% growth over last year)
Social Studies:
(81.4% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-0.2% growth compared to last year)
End of Course 9-12 student performance
Algebra I:
(2.9% growth over last year)
Algebra II:
(20.6% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(7.2% growth compared to last year)
Biology I
(56.7% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-13.3% growth compared to last year)
English I
(67.4% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(4.7% growth compared to last year)
English II
(59.2% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-4.6% growth compared to last year)
U.S. History
(94.1% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-3.9% growth compared to last year)

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