Three Nashville Area Men Arrested During Burglary in Progress at Center Hill Sports Marine

A Sheriff’s Department deputy caught three Nashville area men committing a burglary and theft at Center Hill Sports Marine on Sparta Highway while doing his nightly patrols, checking on businesses Friday evening, June 1.
20 year old Dainier Vasquez Hernandez of Star Boulevard, Madison; 28 year old Davier Negron Cabrera of Drummond Drive, Nashville; and 28 year old Lisyander Morales of Lutic Street, Nashville are each charged with possession of burglary tools, vandalism, theft of property over $1,000, and burglary. Bond for each is $16,500 and they will be in court on June 21.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that entry was made by cutting through a fenced area on the property. Once inside the fence, the three men entered several boats. Found at the scene were bolt cutters, used to cut the fence. Inside their vehicle, a white Suburban, the deputy found various tools including a hammer, pliers, screwdrivers, and binoculars. Items stolen from the boats included sixteen life jackets, two tubes, a knee board, two fire extinguishers, and multi boat ropes. The total estimated value of these items is $1,240.
According to the officer’s report, the deputy discovered the burglary in progress while conducting his nightly business checks. While pulling in the parking lot of the business, the officer saw someone inside the gated area, carrying a tube that is normally pulled behind a boat. The man waved at the officer, then dropped the tube. When the deputy stopped and got out of his patrol car, he saw life jackets piled up outside the fence and noticed that the fence had been cut. Bolt cutters were found by the fence. He also spotted a white Suburban parked across the road and heard persons nearby running into the woods. More life jackets were found at the vehicle. After searching the area, the deputy saw one of the suspects in the woods near the Suburban. Two other men were later seen walking along Sparta Highway. All three men were taken into custody.
According to Sheriff Ray, this is an example of how his program of conducting nightly business checks is working. “We do checks on businesses throughout the county on the night shift. The officers go around and check the doors to make sure they are locked and to make sure nothing around the buildings looks suspicious. It puts a patrol car in the area. It also lets the owner of the business know that we have checked on them. We do leave a card there at the business which shows their property was checked by us. We do not write the times of the checks on those cards, but we know and that gives us a time line in case something does happen later,” said Sheriff Ray.

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