Putnam, DeKalb County students grand award winners at science and engineering fair

Nearly 100 competitors representing grades 4 through 12 participated in the 58th annual Cumberland Plateau Regional Science and Engineering Fair this spring at the Millard Oakley STEM Center at Tennessee Tech University. The students were from more than 10 counties.
“I was very pleased with the level of exhibits on display during this year’s fair,” said Peter Li, director of the fair and professor of geography at TTU. “It is always exciting to see the discoveries that our students make in their research. I congratulate all of this year’s participants, award winners, their families and teachers.”
Two students, Thomas Brown of Cookeville High School and Erin Cantrell Pryor of DeKalb County High school, won the Grand Award this year, which includes a $3,000 scholarship to TTU. Elijah Walker of Monterey High School won the Grand Reserve Award and a $1,500 scholarship.
Brown and Pryor went on to compete in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburgh, Pa.
Meanwhile, Monterey High School student Payton Norrod won first place in the engineering category of the junior division, which includes grades seven through nine. Kirkland Smallwood of DeKalb West School in Liberty took second and Dakota McDonald of Livingston Middle School won third.
Standing with fair director and TTU geography professor Peter Li are (left to right) Thomas Brown, Erin Cantrell Pryor and Elijah Walker.
Standing with fair director Peter Li are (left to right) Dakota McDonald, Kirkland Smallwood and Payton Norrod.

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