Cantrell Gets Ten Years Probation in Meth Case

A 24 year old man allegedly caught with meth lab components at City Walk Apartments near Smithville Elementary School last fall was sentenced in DeKalb County Criminal Court Friday, May 25.
Justin Andrew Cantrell of Adcock Cemetery Road stood before Judge Leon Burns, Jr. and pleaded guilty to initiation of a process to manufacture methamphetamine. He received a ten year sentence, all suspended to probation, supervised by community corrections. He was fined $2,000 and must undergo an alcohol and drug assessment. Cantrell was given jail credit from November 30, 2011 to May 25, 2012
Cantrell was arrested on November 30 and charged with violation of the drug free zone and initiation of a process intended to manufacture methamphetamine.
Sheriff Patrick Ray reports that detectives and deputies of the sheriff’s department saw Cantrell in the parking lot of City Walk Apartments holding a bag. When Cantrell saw the officers he began to walk away from them. When the officers asked to speak to him, Cantrell put the bag down beside of some parked vehicles. One of the detectives went over and looked in the bag, which was partially open. He saw tubing and a plastic bottle containing a clear liquid and noticed it to be the one pot method of manufacturing methamphetamine. The officers also found in the bag a gallon of Coleman fuel, coffee filters, a plastic bottle containing acid, two plastic baggies (cold packs)containing ammonium nitrate, and an ice pack which had been cut open. In his pocket, Cantrell had a coffee filter and a hypodermic needle. Cantrell was taken into custody and charged in the case.
Meanwhile, 30 year old Kenny Bain pleaded guilty to sale of a schedule III controlled substance and received a three year sentence to serve at least 30% before his release eligibility date. Bain was fined $2,000. The sentence is to run concurrently with a probation violation against him. He was given jail credit of 92 days. Bain’s probation was revoked for an earlier charge of sale of a schedule II controlled substance and he must serve the balance of his original three year sentence in that case. Again, the revocation is to run concurrently with the sentence he received Friday.
42 year old Wendy Whittemore pleaded guilty to sale of a schedule III controlled substance and received a two year sentence to run concurrently with a violation of probation against her. She was fined $2,000 and given jail credit of 91 days.
47 year old Steven Dale Osment pleaded guilty to hindering a secured creditor and received a two year sentence to serve at least thirty percent, but the term was suspended to probation. He must make restitution of $25,590.

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