DCHS General Metals Class Works with County Fire Department on Special Project

DCHS General Metals Instructor Todd Cantrell and members of his class recently completed a design and construction project for the DeKalb County Fire Department’s rescue truck.
Firefighter Steve Repasy assisted the class by designing the storage shelving unit which will store all of the cribbing used for vehicle stabilization. This shelving unit will be mounted in the department’s rescue truck. In all, approximately 30 hours (or a total of 600 man hours) were donated by the class and Firefighter Repasy to complete this project.
Members of the DeKalb County Fire Department wish to express their sincere appreciation to the class, Mr. Cantrell, and to Firefighter Steve Repasy for committing their time, effort, and skill. The department made a $150 donation to the General Metals class to help purchase equipment and materials for their shop.
(Photo provided by DeKalb County Fire Department)

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