Beer Permit Returned to VFW Club

The VFW Club will soon be serving beer again.
In a brief meeting at the courthouse Thursday night, the DeKalb County Beer Board gave the okay for Quartermaster Thomas Skelenka to pick up the permit at the County Clerk’s Office.
County Attorney Hilton Conger said since the license had never been revoked, the beer board could simply give it back.
The VFW Club had to surrender its permit in March following an undercover investigation into allegations of illegal sales of liquor. Agents of the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission raided the club on the Sparta Highway March 15 seizing gambling machines, a raffle prize, and cash.
Operators of the VFW Club allegedly kept selling liquor, even after letting their liquor license expire.
During the April beer board meeting, Sheriff Patrick Ray said he was instructed by former beer board chairman Mack Harney to take the VFW’s beer permit after operators of the club were issued citations for selling liquor without a license and for possession of gambling devices. Sheriff Ray said he retrieved the permit and surrendered it to the county clerk, pending a final decision by the beer board.
Last month, Skelenka told the beer board that the club could not survive financially without a beer permit. He said membership participation had dropped off and unless business picked up and new members could be recruited, the VFW, which has been in operation since 1946, could go bankrupt and have to close its doors.
Beer Board members last month voted to have county attorney Hilton Conger attend the May 3rd meeting to render a legal opinion on how to handle the situation with the VFW since the allegations had to do with liquor and gambling, something the beer board has no control over. The question beer board members wanted to know is whether the actions of the VFW constituted a violation of their beer permit and whether the beer board should impose further sanctions or civil penalties.
As a result of the investigation, bartender Brian Foye was cited for unlawful sale of alcohol and quartermaster Thomas Skelenka was issued citations for storage of alcohol for sale and possession of gambling devices. All are misdemeanor offenses.
Foye appeared in General Sessions Court on Thursday, April 12 and received a six month sentence but was placed on good behavior probation. He was fined fifty dollars and court costs.
Skelenka’s case has been continued until May 17th
Meanwhile two other businesses were granted an on and off premises permit to sell beer, the Company Store on Dale Ridge Road near Cove Hollow and the Sharp Lodge on the Cookeville Highway near Silver Point. The Company Store already had an on premises permit, but with this approval, can now sell beer for consumption off the premises as well.
The board also accepted an application for an on and off premises permit from Pablo Gonzales, the new owner of the former Stop Market , LLC at 3794 Short Mountain Highway, Smithville. Final action will come at the next meeting on June 7 at 7:00 p.m. at the courthouse.
(Top Photo: Beer Board Chairman Edward Frazier (right) tells VFW Quartermaster Thomas Skelenka (left) that he can pick up the VFW Beer Permit at the County Clerk’s Office)
Bottom Photo: Members of the DeKalb County Beer Board- LEFT TO RIGHT: Jim Stagi, Robert Rowe, Edward Frazier, Leonard Dickens, Johnny King, Bazel Dick Knowles, and Frank Thomas)

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