School Board Fails to Approve Funding for Traffic Control in School Zones

The DeKalb County Board of Education is divided on whether to join the City of Smithville and the DeKalb County Commission in allocating funds for the hiring of two people to direct traffic in the school zones at Northside Elementary and at DeKalb County High School.
During Thursday night’s school board meeting, third district member Kenny Rhody made a motion to appropriate a third of the cost, $3,000, just as the city and county have done. And if the money is not all spent this school year, the rest could be rolled over to the next school year. First district member John David Foutch seconded the motion. But during a roll call vote, Foutch, Fifth district member W.J. (Dub) Evins, III, and Second district member and Board Chairman, Charles Robinson voted against it. Rhody, Sixth district member Bruce Parsley, and Fourth district member Billy Miller, voted in favor of making the $3,000 appropriation. Seventh district member Johnny Lattimore was absent. Since the measure did not receive the required four votes needed for passage, the motion failed on a 3 to 3 tie vote.
Last month, Lattimore made a motion that a school board committee be appointed to meet with county and city officials to discuss the issue. Chairman Robinson appointed board members Miller and Rhody to join him on that committee.
During Thursday night’s meeting, Robinson updated the board on what transpired at that committee meeting. “We met with the county commission, along with Mr. (Mark) Willoughby during their workshop held on October 21st. (Police) Chief (Randy) Caplinger represented the City of Smithville. Basically what we were told was that they wanted our money but they didn’t want to have anything to do with hiring, training, or conducting traffic control at the schools.”
“After some discussion, County Mayor (Mike) Foster reported that the county would hire and train personnel and it was suggested that for auditing purposes for the school system to create a paper trail, that a contract or memorandum of understanding be prepared by the county attorney on how our share of funding would be documented to satisfy our auditing issues. At that time, the amount agreed to was $3,000 from each the county government, city government, and the board of education.”, said Robinson
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby added that “At that meeting, there was not a concrete figure as far as a price that would be paid (to the traffic control officers), possibly $10.00 per hour to $15.00 per hour, so I don’t know if that has been worked out. Three thousand dollars could be a changing dollar amount. I would think as far as this year goes, since we’re almost at Thanksgiving time, that this year it will not be $3,000, even if they started tomorrow. I don’t know if they have the people trained yet in order to accomplish this goal or not.”
Evins said he believes the school system should not be in the law enforcement business. “We’ve never been in the business of directing traffic. I just don’t see that this is a school issue. With our portion of the county property taxes, I think in this budget it’s about $2.1 million dollars and while school transportation is not required by the state of Tennessee, we provide that out of county funds, which is about three quarters of a million dollars each year. Plus another $250,000 for three new buses as we rotate them in, so we’re spending about a million dollars on transportation in getting two thousand out of three thousand kids back and forth to school. We’re already spending nearly half of our county tax money on transportation. But if it takes it, put $3,000 in there and go with it, but I think we ought to re-visit it. We need to be buying microscopes, instead of investing in radar equipment.”
Willoughby replied “I agree. I have always been of the belief that educating children on our property was our business that we need to take care of . That is our priority. Roads is not our responsibility although we want safety for all kids. But since this has gone on so long and we have not been able to get it accomplished by other people, hopefully by all three organizations going together, we can have a safer area for people pulling in and out.”
Evins then asked, “Are they (officers) going to write citations? I understand they’ve written 40 plus citations. Where is that money going?
Parsley inquired further, “Do we get a third (of the money) from citations written in the school zones, if we’re responsible for it (traffic control)?”
Willoughby responded, “There was some discussion about what would happen in school zones if there was an accident, would we be responsible? Unless our buses are involved, that school zone is like any other part of the road, we wouldn’t have any more responsibility because it’s a school zone. It’s the same responsibility there would be if we were not in a school zone and there was an accident.”
Foutch said “traffic control is not a function of the board of education.”
Kindergarten students will have to attend school for a full day, just like all other students, starting in January.
The board of education approved the change Thursday night.
Currently kindergarten students may attend for a full day, or a half of a day. Parents have that option.
But Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-K to 6th grade, said she recently e-mailed several school systems in surrounding counties inquiring about their policy concerning all day kindergarten. According to Burklow, she received responses from thirteen county school systems and “all of them are a full day kindergarten and have been for several years.”
“The research shows that our teachers will have more time to dedicate to math, science, and social studies in a full day time period, where now our focus is on reading. We will be able to have our babies in our classrooms longer to prepare them academically for first, second grade, and all the way through”, said Burklow.
She added that only a small percentage of kindergarten students leave early now anyway. Most of them already remain in the classroom all day.
Meanwhile in other business, the board of education Thursday night adopted a resolution of appreciation honoring Director of Schools Mark Willoughby.
The resolution states as follows:
Whereas, Mr. Willoughby has served as director of schools for our school system for four years; and,
Whereas, he has consistently demonstrated effective leadership and made decisions with integrity and honesty; and,
Whereas, he has created budgets for our district and to provide the resources necessary for our schools to operate a quality educational program; and,
Whereas, he provides support for the programs at the schools, helping students and faculty to grow and develop academically and socially; and,
Whereas, he has built support within the community for our school system;
Therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Education officially recognizes the services of Mr. Willoughby to the students of DeKalb County and extends its appreciation for his work to enhance the learning environment of the students in our district;
Be it further resolved, that the DeKalb County Board of Education hereby declares November 18th, 2010 as Director of Schools Appreciation Day in DeKalb County.
Be it further resolved, that each school principal takes necessary measures to implement the Employee Appreciation Program in their school and recognize our director this month;
Be if further resolved, that this resolution of appreciation be recorded and spread across the minutes of the Board of Education on this 11th day of November, 2010.
In other business, Director Willoughby released his monthly report on personnel.
Kristen Van Vranken, Speech Teacher, new position
Kelly Daniels, certified substitute teacher, transferred to a full-time teaching position at DCHS
Jeff Poteete, substitute bus driver
Leave of Absence:
Tiffany Wheatley, teacher at SES, leave as requested.

Veterans Honored by Community

A Veteran’s day parade and a patriotic program were held Thursday morning as a way of paying honor to all veterans for their dedicated and loyal service to our country.
In his remarks to a large gathering at the 303 building downtown, Major General Dave Evans, the guest speaker, said it is fitting that we remember the service of our veterans. “This special day is dedicated to all who answered the call to duty, whether they live in honor among us or they sleep in valor. But it’s only right that the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of each year, be set aside as our nation remembers the moment when the guns of World War I went silent and we set aside time to recognize the service and the sacrifice of our nation’s veterans. From Valley Forge to Vietnam, from Kuwait to Kandahar, from Berlin to Baghdad, our veterans have borne the cost of America’s wars. They have stood watch, vigilantly over the peace that we enjoy. We, the American people are grateful to these veterans and all who have fought for our freedom. So today, let us honor all of our veterans, who unselfishly placed their lives on the line for our freedoms.”

Evans also read a poem by Virginia (Ginny) Ellis called “Thank You, Dad”
“Good night, Dad,” I watched my father,
As he climbed the stairs to go to bed;
“Good night, son,” he softly answered,
With a vague salute to his white head.
I waved back from my big chair,
But Dad’s wave was more salute;
He learned that sixty years ago,
As a World War II recruit.
The story goes … Dad was eighteen,
When World War II broke out;
About the age my son is now,
Too young to know what life’s about.
I think I know how I would feel,
If they drafted my young son;
I suppose my grandfolks felt the same,
December Seventh, Nineteen Forty-one.
Dad seldom talked about the war,
But I remember, as a kid,
Once I asked him where he went,
And what it was he did.
He said, “Someday, son, I’ll tell you,
When you’re old enough to know,
About the battlefields I fought on,
And the bloodshed I saw flow.”
And, you know, he’s never told me,
I’ve asked time and time again;
I do know he has some medals,
In velvet cases in his den.
He used to get them out each year,
When he donned his uniform;
Parades would be held on holidays,
And Veterans would perform.
“That’s my Dad,” I’d point out,
As he marched proudly down the street;
His old unit reunited,
Those old guys never missed a beat.
But I wonder how he felt and thought,
When, still a boy, he went to war,
Was it just a new adventure?
Did he know what the fight was for?
He gave up his days at college,
Instead of pigskins, he had guns;
He heard no cheers for touchdowns,
Just, “Thank God, they’re on the run!”
When I was just a little kid,
Sometimes Dad screamed out at night;
Mom would say, “Go back to bed,
War dreams give your Dad a fright.”
My Uncle Ned was killed in France,
That was Dad’s youngest brother;
Dad wouldn’t talk about him much,
What I knew … I learned from Mother.
That was the war, they said,
To end all future wars;
How many have we had since then?
Will there be many more?
My Dad’s a gentle, quiet man,
Who won’t discuss his fears or pains;
He fought for those unborn, as yet,
To insure this land remains.
There is no proper way to thank him,
That will have to come from God above;
But I can, at least, extend my hand,
In sincere respect and love.
Joe Goodwin, who was a Prisoner of War during World War II, read a poem during the program by an unknown author called “The Final Inspection”
The soldier stood and faced his God,
Which must always come to pass;
He hoped his shoes were shining bright,
Just as brightly as his brass.
“Step forward now, soldier,
How shall I deal with you?
Have you turned the other cheek?
To my church have you been true?”
The soldier squared his shoulders and said,
“No, Lord, I guess I ain’t;
Because those of us who carry guns,
Can’t always be a saint.
I’ve had to work most Sundays,
And at times my talk was rough;
I’ve had to break your rules my Lord,
Because the world is awfully tough.
But, I never took a thing
That wasn’t mine to keep;
Though I worked a lot of overtime,
When the bills got just too steep.
And I never passed a cry for help,
Though at times I shook with fear;
And sometimes … God forgive me,
I’ve wept unmanly tears.
I know I don’t deserve a place
Among the people here;
They never wanted me around,
Except to calm their fears.
If you’ve a place for me here, Lord,
It needn’t be so grand;
I never expected or had too much,
But if you don’t, I’ll understand.”
There was a silence all around the throne,
Where the saints often trod;
As the soldier waited quietly,
For the judgment of his God.
“Step forward now, soldier,
You’ve borne your burdens well;
Come walk peacefully on Heaven’s streets,
You’ve done your time in HELL!”
Members of the DeKalb County High School band marched in the parade and then performed during the program. Others participating were DCHS student Samantha Lewis, who gave a rendition of the National Anthem; Edward Frazier, who served as moderator of the program and led the audience in the Pledge to the Flag; local minister and veteran Charles “Chuck” Olson, who offered the invocation; and Susan Hinton, who performed a variety of patriotic music on the piano. At the conclusion of the program, a wreath was laid at the site of the veterans memorial monument on the south side of the courthouse.
A parade was held to kick off the day’s activities, featuring local veterans riding in a pickup truck; Joe Goodwin, former POW; the DCHS band; motorcycle riders; DeKalb EMS, members of the city fire department, and city and county law enforcement officers.

Operation Christmas Child Seeks Support

Christmas is arriving early in Smithville, as Indian Creek Baptist Church prepares to serve as a collection point for Operation Christmas Child. Soon, with the help of local volunteers, the site will be brimming with festively wrapped shoe boxes full of gifts.
Through Operation Christmas Child, the world’s largest Christmas project, Smithville residents are helping send shoe box gifts this year to more than 8 million children in 100 countries suffering from natural disaster, war, terrorism, disease, famine and poverty. From Smithville, the shoe box gifts will be sorted and sent using whatever means necessary—sea containers, trucks, trains, airplanes, boats, camels, even dog sleds—to reach suffering children around the world.
Operation Christmas Child uses tracking technology that allows donors to “follow your box” to the destination country where it will be hand-delivered to a child in need. To register shoe box gifts and find out what country they are delivered to, use the EZ Give donation form found at
This is the first year Indian Creek Baptist Church has served as a drop-off point for Operation Christmas Child. The church is located at 967 Hurricane Ridge Road, Smithville. The National Collection Week for Operation Christmas Child is Monday, November 15th through Monday, November 22nd and the center will be open, as follows:
Monday, November 15th through Friday, November 19th – 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Saturday, November 20 – 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Sunday, November 21 – 4:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Monday, November 22 – 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon
In 2010, organizers hope to collect over 500 gift-filled shoe boxes from families, kids, churches, schools and civic organizations in the area.
For further information please contact:
Indian Creek Baptist Church: 615/597-7299 or
Sue Puckett: 615/597-7370 (office)
615/597-7325 (home)
615/464-7700 (cell)
Since 1993, Operation Christmas Child, a project of international Christian relief and evangelism organization Samaritan’s Purse, headed by Franklin Graham, has delivered more than 77 million gift-filled shoe boxes to needy children in some 130 countries.
What You Can Do To Get Involved:
PREPARE—Enlist families, churches, scout troops, community groups and businesses to take part in creating shoe box gifts for needy children worldwide.
PACK—Fill shoe boxes with school supplies, toys, necessity items, hard candy and a letter of encouragement. Step-by-step shoe box packing instructions are available at
PROCESS—Sign up to join Operation Christmas Child volunteers at collection sites in Smithville as part of the effort to prepare millions of shoe box gifts for delivery to underprivileged kids on six continents.
For more information on how to participate in Operation Christmas Child, call 1-800-353-5949 or visit National Collection Week is Nov. 15-22.

Bounds Denied Parole- Case to be Reviewed Again Next Year

It’s official.
63 year old Gerald Wayne (J.B.) Bounds of McMinnville will remain in prison at least for another year.
The State Board of Pardons and Paroles has voted to concur with a recommendation by two of it’s members Yusuf Hakeem and Charles Taylor that Bounds be denied parole due to the seriousness of the offense in the 1981 fatal shooting of 27 year old Sherman Wright of DeKalb County.
Following Bounds’ latest parole hearing last month, Hakeem and Taylor recommended that Bounds be “put off” for two years before his next parole hearing, but the state board has decided instead to review Bound’s case again in October, 2011.
The board has requested that Bounds undergo a psychological evaluation prior to his next hearing, as was recommended by parole board members Hakeem and Taylor.
Bounds, convicted of first degree murder, is serving a life prison sentence at the Southeast Regional Correctional Facility in Pikeville.

Timothy Lee Cline

55 year old Timothy Lee Cline of Alexandria died Saturday at the Quality Care Nursing Home in Lebanon. He was born in Woodland, California, son of Mary Katherine James and Earl Gastineau. Cline was preceded in death by hIs maternal grandparents, Lorell and Luther James of Hickman and his paternal grandparents, Mamie and Dutch Gastineau of Woodland, California, and his step-father, Roy L. Tripp. In 1967, his family moved from California to Hickman. He attended the Gordonsville Elementary and High Schools. After school, he held numerous positions in the work field, from factory worker to driving a semi-truck and working construction. He was a member of the Hickman Baptist Church. Cline is survived by two daughters, Shanna and husband David Wayne Washer of Watertown and Tasha and husband Chris Brooks Cline of Murfreesboro. Grandchildren, Alissa Thackxton and Khloe Cline. His mother, Mary K. Tripp of Alexandria. His father, Earl Gastineau of Phoenix, Arizona. A sister, Debbie Eaton of Alexandria. Nephews, Jerimey Howard and Randy Eaton. Great niece, Kaia Howard. Several aunts, uncles, and cousins. Cline’s remains are at the Gordonsville Chapel of Bass Funeral Home where the family will receive friends on Thursday from 11:00 a.m. until 2:45 p.m. A graveside service and inurnment will be held at the Gordonsville Cemetery on Thursday at 3:00 p.m. with eulogist Mark Medley. The family requests that contributions be made to the family funeral fund, in lieu of flowers. The Gordonsville Chapel of Bass Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

RAM to Provide FREE Health Care Services Saturday and Sunday

The Remote Area Medical Volunteer Corps of East Tennessee is returning to DeKalb County on Saturday and Sunday, November 13th & 14th at DeKalb County High School providing free health care services to people of all ages regardless of income. A similar event took place in DeKalb County at the high school in August, 2005.
Remote Area Medical (RAM) is a non-profit, volunteer corps dedicated to serving mankind by providing free health care, dental care, eye care, and technical and educational assistance to people in remote areas of the United States and the world.
Founded in 1985, Remote Area Medical is a publicly supported all-volunteer charitable organization. Volunteer doctors, nurses, and support workers participate in expeditions (at their own expense). Medical supplies, medicines, facilities and vehicles are donated.
County Mayor Mike Foster says the November clinic will be open to anyone, no matter where you live. There are also no income guidelines. All you have to do is show up. “They go all over the eastern United States into areas that are in need and provide free medical care, especially eye care and dental care. Probably most of the people coming to this clinic would not seek medical help locally. Most of them are people who would go untreated.”
“They do eye care, dental care, and some general medical services. They’ve got 46 doctors and eleven fourth year medical students coming along with a lot of local assistants, nurses, lab techs, and others who will be here to help. One dentist is flying down from Chicago and bringing his entire staff. Everyone is donating their time for free. We had hoped to have the mammography unit here but it has already been scheduled to be somewhere else this weekend. We have about 125-130 volunteers who will be helping. We’re still in need of more local medical professionals who would like to come and they don’t have to be there for both days, maybe one day or part of a day. We’re also still in need of some donations.”
“All the county does is help pay the motel bill for the volunteers. We’re still a little bit short on donations for that. Some of the local businesses, banks, and industries have made pledges and we’re getting close.”
“Elizabeth Chapel Baptist Church is cooking for the volunteers on Saturday. Sunday lunch meal is being prepared by the Smithville Church of Christ. We really want to thank them for stepping up and doing this.”
“This is a really good thing. We had about 700-800 people (patients) here last time. They (eye care providers) made close to 300 pairs of glasses. This weekend, they will start seeing patients around 6:30 a.m. each morning and they will take the first people in line. We’ve already had some people say they’re going to take their place in line as early as midnight if need be.”
If you would like to make a donation or provide food for the volunteers call the county mayor’s office at 597-5175.

Ralph Vaughn to Speak at Chamber Prayer Breakfast

The Chamber Prayer Breakfast will be held on Tuesday, November 23rd at 7 AM at the Smithville Church of God Fellowship Center. Our theme this year is “Prayer – Where Our Strength Lies.” Former local, Ralph Vaughn, will be the keynote speaker. Ralph is probably best remembered as the manager of WJLE for 15 years and as the Program Director and emcee of the Smithville Fiddler’s Jamboree for 21 years.
Special music will be performed by pianist Tomomi McDowell and Fluty and the Flutones. Local Boy Scouts will present the flags. Prayers for our community, our leaders, and our children will make this a meaningful and memorable experience. A delicious breakfast will be catered by Jason Evans, head chef at The Inn at Evins Mill. Leadership Director Jen Sherwood and the Leadership DeKalb Class of 2011 will serve the beverages. Doors open at 6:30 AM. Tickets are $12 per person and can be purchased at the Chamber office or from the Chamber Board of Directors.
Chamber Executive Director, Suzanne Williams says, “I would like to invite everyone to join with us at this special event in giving thanks to God for the abundant blessings He has given us in our county and to be able to begin this holiday season with our community family.” For more information, call the Chamber at 597-4163.

County Receives $65,000 In WIC Funds to Assist with Health Department Clinic Renovations

Upper Cumberland Regional Health Director Debbie Johnson joined other state and local officials today to present a total of $65,000 in federal funding from the United States Department of Agriculture for the Women, Infants and Children Special Supplemental Nutrition Program to DeKalb County. The funds will be used to assist with renovations at the health department clinic in Smithville to improve services to WIC clients.
“The goal of the WIC program is to protect the health of mothers and young children by providing nutritious foods and nutrition education,” said Johnson. “We are pleased the USDA has committed these financial resources to ensure the families of DeKalb County will continue to have access to these important health services.”
The DeKalb County WIC clinic has served more than 1,000 clients during the past year, which led to more than $422,000 in WIC vouchers being redeemed in the county. The federal funding award will be used for improvements to a WIC clinic room and the patient intake area at the health department facility in Smithville.
“We are thrilled to get these federal funds to assist with renovating our clinic,” said DeKalb County Health Director Frances Reese. “These improvements will help make WIC and other health department services more accessible for the residents of DeKalb County.”
DeKalb County is one of 20 Tennessee counties to receive federal funding to enhance WIC services. Funding awards are based upon the size of the county’s WIC population.
The WIC Special Supplemental Nutrition Program is a federal program designed to provide supplemental food to low-income pregnant, postpartum and breastfeeding women, infants and children until the age of five. The program provides nutrition education, supplemental foods, breastfeeding promotion and support and referrals for health care. WIC in Tennessee is administered by the Department of Health. Learn more about the program online at
(Pictured Left to Right: Dr. Fred Vossel, Upper Cumberland Medical Director; Mike Foster, DeKalb County Mayor; Debbie Johnson, Upper Cumberland Regional Director; Frances Reece, DeKalb County Health Department Director)

Shirley Jewell Smith

75 year old Shirley Jewell Smith of Smithville died Sunday at Baptist Hospital. She was a member of the Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Smith was also a homemaker. The funeral will be Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at DeKalb Funeral Chapel. Larry Green will officiate and burial will be in DeKalb Memorial Gardens. Visitation will be Wednesday from 1:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. and Thursday from 9:00 a.m. until the service at 11:00 a.m. She was preceded in death by her parents, Jessie Tharling and Alice Kelly Jewell. Survivors include her husband of 53 years, James Smith of Smithville. A daughter, Kelley and her husband Scott Garrett of Smithville. A son, Jessie Scott and wife Rachel Smith of Bloomfield, Indiana. Four grandchildren, Austin and Sloan Garrett, Jeremy Smith, and Cheyene Smith. Two great grandchildren, Halley and Tiffany Smith. A sister, Jo Ann Jacobs of Charlotte, North Carolina. Three nieces and a nephew. Three great nieces and three great nephews. DeKalb Funeral Chapel is in charge of the arrangements. The family asks that donations be made to the Jeff Garrett Memorial Scholarship Fund or the DeKalb County Relay for Life, in lieu of flowers.

Two City Employees Charged with Theft of Scrap Brass from Water Treatment Plant

Two employees of the City of Smithville have been charged with theft of property after allegedly taking scrap brass from the water treatment plant on three occasions and selling it to a recycling center.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says 45 year old Kenny Waymon Dyal, Sr. of Floyd Drive, Smithville and 42 year old Christopher Derrick Ferrell of North Mountain Street, Smithville are each charged with two counts of theft over $500 and one count of theft under $500.
Dyal was the supervisor of the Smithville Water Treatment Plant and Ferrell was a city maintenance employee and water meter reader. Mayor Taft Hendrixson said both men have been discharged.
The warrants against them allege that on Thursday, October 21st; Wednesday, November 3rd; and Thursday, November 4th Dyal and Ferrell took scrap brass from the city water treatment plant without consent and took it to a recycling place where they sold it for $514.50 on October 21st; $156 on November 3rd, and $677.51 on November 4th.
Sheriff Ray says the brass scrap is part of the materials being removed from the water plant, which is undergoing a renovation.
Bond for each is $9,500 and they are scheduled to appear in General Sessions Court on November 18th.
32 year old Travis Brent Shoemake of Hickman is charged with theft of property over $1,000. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court on November 18th.
According to Sheriff Ray, Shoemake allegedly took a four wheeler from a residence on Lower Helton Road in Alexandria on Sunday, October 24th. He was arrested on Tuesday, November 2nd.
Sheriff Ray said other thefts have been reported in that area and more arrests may be forthcoming. ” The sheriff’s department has received reports of thefts in the Lower Helton area, about four wheelers having been stolen. After an investigation, Shoemake was arrested for stealing one of the four wheelers. Other arrests are pending. The investigation continues.”
Meanwhile, if you should be contacted about purchasing a four wheeler at a price too cheap, contact the Sheriff’s Department at 597-4935.
40 year old Frederick Michael Hughes of Barnes Mill Road, Smithville is charged with unlawful possession of a schedule II controlled substance (morphine). His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court on December 16th.
Sheriff Ray said on Saturday, November 6th, a deputy stopped a vehicle on Jefferson Road, having prior knowledge that a passenger in the automobile had two state warrants on him. Upon placing the passenger in custody, the officer noticed that Hughes, who was the driver, was trying to hide something in the console. Thinking it might be a weapon, the deputy asked Hughes to step out of the vehicle. He also asked Hughes if he had anything illegal in the vehicle. Hughes replied “no”. The officer further inquired, asking Hughes if he had anything on his person. Hughes began emptying his pockets and two green pills, believed to be morphine, dropped from his pocket.
Hughes was then placed under arrest.
41 year old Robert Todd Hendrixson of Sparta Highway is charged with reckless endangerment. His bond is $3,500 and he will be in court on November 18th.
According to Sheriff Ray on Sunday, November 7th, Hendrixson got mad at his girlfriend at their residence on Sparta Highway, took his pistol from the closet, and shot several times into the ceiling of their bedroom. Hendrixson’s actions placed his girlfriend and her children in danger. Two deputies responded to a 911 call and when they arrived, Hendrixson had left. Inside the bedroom on the bed were six shell casings and six holes were found in the ceiling. Hendrixson was later located at a cemetery on Johnson’s Chapel Road and he was placed under arrest. Authorities have not found the gun.
Meanwhile Smithville Police report that 31 year old Randy Lee Meeks of Midway Road was arrested on Saturday, October 30th and charged with a second offense of driving on a suspended license.
Sergeant Randy King saw Meeks driving a vehicle and was aware that his license were suspended. A computer check confirmed it. Bond for Meeks is $2,000.
27 year old Thomas Jacob Sims of Grande Avenue was arrested on Saturday, October 30th and charged with DUI. Sims was operating a motor vehicle that was stopped for a traffic violation. Sergeant Randy King, who made the stop, smelled a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on Sims’ person and observed him to be unsteady on his feet. Bond for Sims is $1,000 and his court date is December 16th.
25 year old Cody Lee Crips of Forrest Avenue was arrested on Saturday, October 30th for evading by a motor vehicle, driving on a revoked license and a second offense of driving under the influence. K-9 Officer Brad Tatrow saw Crips operating a motor vehicle and tried to stop him for a traffic violation. When Officer Tatrow turned on his emergency lights signaling Crips to stop, he kept going until he got to his residence. Upon making contact with Crips, Officer Tatrow noticed a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and Crips’ speech was slurred. Officer Tatrow checked his drivers license through dispatch and learned they were suspended. Bond for Crips is $9,500 and his court date is November 18th.
Meanwhile anyone with information on criminal activities is asked to please contact the Smithville Police Department at 597-8210 or the Tip Line at 464-6046.
Any information received that will help Smithville Police solve any criminal offense will be greatly appreciated. All information is confidential.