Board to Consult TSBA on Director Selection Process (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

The DeKalb County Board of Education will seek consultation from the Tennessee School Boards Association is establishing a procedure for selecting the next Director of Schools.

Following an hour long work session, the board held a brief special called meeting Monday evening and voted to move forward with the process. “I make a motion that we consult TSBA for their free service with guidelines on how to proceed with our director selection process,” said Fourth district member Kate Miller. Seventh district member Shaun Tubbs offered a second to the motion.
The board’s policy states that the board must develop a procedure for selecting a new director before it begins a search. “Prior to conducting a search to fill the position, the Board shall initially develop the following:
* A job description
* A timeline
* A process for accepting and reviewing applications
* Selection procedures
Based on the school board’s action Monday night, a TSBA consultant will be asked to meet with the board of education, at no charge or obligation, to discuss options with the Board and to explain the Search Service in detail. Specific items to be covered at that time include planning a tentative timeline; defining the scope of the search; and discussing qualifications, contractual details; community/staff involvement; media relations; and confidentiality.

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