Caney Fork Electric Issues Scam Alert

Caney Fork Electric Cooperative has been made aware of a scam In the CFEC service areas. A member was called and informed “their electric bill is due to be cut off for non-payment and to avoid any interruptions the member can make a payment over the phone using a credit/debit card or could give checking account information for an automatic withdrawal.”
Caney Fork Electric DOES NOT ask for this type of information over the phone. The fake caller even gave a phone number that went to an answering service saying they were Caney Fork. Please forward to as many friends and family members, so they will know not to give out any information to someone claiming to be from CFEC asking for a payment over the phone using a credit, debt card or wanting checking account information. CFEC will ask that you come to the office to make payment or to use our website payment. Please call 808-505-3030 if you want to call about the status of your bill if you receive a call.

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