County Commission Adopts Budget (VIEW ENTIRE BUDGET HERE)

The county commission Monday night adopted the new $42.4 million consolidated budget for the 2016-17 year which includes salary increases and a new wage scale for most county general employees.
DeKalb-FINAL 2017 Budget 6-28-16.pdf (478.88 KB)
The vote to approve the budget was adopted 11-2. Commissioners Betty Atnip and Bradley Hendrix voted against it.
Salaries established under the new wage scale for employees of the County Mayor, Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, Circuit Court Clerk, and Clerk and Master will be tied to what these county public officials earn. The plan also includes five step increases for these employees with them being eligible to earn up to 44% of their employer’s salary at level five and after eight years of service. But since the county mayor’s salary is $10,000 more than the other six aforementioned officials, his employees will earn more than their clerks and those public officials (Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, Circuit Court Clerk, and Clerk and Master) have been and remain opposed to this part of the plan. There are a total of sixteen employees in these offices combined. Based on their level on the new wage scale and their years of service, two of these employees will get a raise this year of $961; two will get a $1,058 increase; one will be raised by $1,254; three will see a raise of $1,906; six will get an increase of $2,265; one will earn $5,206 more; and one will get a raise of $6,712. And because their salaries are tied to a percentage of what their bosses are paid, clerks in these seven offices will get an automatic pay hike funded by the county every time the state grants a pay raise for the county’s public officials. Sheriff’s Department employees are not included in this new pay plan because the county already has a separate wage scale in place for them.
Sixth District Commissioner Betty Atnip spoke out against the new pay plan as it relates to tying these clerk’s raises to their bosses salaries. “I just want to go on record. It’s totally wrong. I don’t get mine based on that and I don’t know of any company that bases their raises on that. I’m totally disappointed in it,” she said.
“You hit it on the head. It’s not a company. It’s a government entity,” replied Fourth District Commissioner and Budget Committee Chairman Wayne Cantrell, who supports the new pay plan.
“That’s right. And it should be paid according to how someone works. Not by their boss’s (salary). Your boss has nothing to do with the way you work,” answered Atnip.
“This is not the only county that does that,” Cantrell said.
“It’s not right for DeKalb County either,” Atnip replied.
“That’s your opinion,” answered Cantrell
“An its very obvious how you stand,” Atnip said.
“The people made a big change two years ago in these seats with a big turnover because they were tired of the way things were done up here. And they’re not getting any better in the two years that I have been on here. I just want the people to know that one person cannot do a whole lot with the attitudes that are here,” Atnip continued.
“What we could do is just leave it (salaries) like it is and base it on what the Social Security increase is every year. That is what mine is based on,” said Fifth District Commissioner Jerry Adcock.
“The situation is no matter what we would have done somebody is not going to be happy. I disagree with the percentile but that’s not my committee. We have entrusted the budget committee to make that decision and bring it before this board and we make those decisions to pass it. I disagree with it but I trust my budget committee to make the decision for this governmental body. Therefore I’m probably going to pass this (vote in favor) because we’ve got to pass the budget so we can move on with our county government,” added Fifth District Commissioner Anita Puckett.
Again the budget which includes this new wage scale was approved on an 11-2 vote.
Salary increases are also included for the Library Director, Election Commission Office employee, and Soil Conservation Secretary. They will be paid on the same aforementioned five step wage scale with them being entitled to earn up to 44% of what the Trustee, Register of Deeds, County Clerk, Assessor of Property, Circuit Court Clerk, and Clerk and Master earn at level five after eight years of service. Salaries of the Senior Citizens Director and the full time library employees will also be tied to the public officials (noted above)and they too will be on a five step scale with them being able to earn up to 37% of what these officials are paid at level five and after eight years of service.
All part-time County General Employees will be paid $10.00 per hour. Custodians will get a 2.158% increase in pay and the director of the Landfill will receive a salary of $42,000 per year. Landfill employees with a commercial drivers license will get $13 to $16 per hour and Landfill laborers will receive $12 to $15 per hour based on their years of service from one to seven years. Convenience Center employees will earn $8.50 per hour.
Employees of the ambulance service will get a 4% pay raise. The EMS Director will not receive a raise this year since his position was budgeted a $2,000 increase last year.
County Road Department employees will also see pay raises this year.
As part of the budget adoption process, the county commission set the new certified property tax rate at $1.83 per $100 of assessed value. The vote was 12-1. Sixth District Commissioner Betty Atnip voted no.
The latest five year reappraisal cycle was recently completed in DeKalb County and it showed an overall drop in assessments (property values). As a result, the new certified property tax rate, as established by the State Board of Equalization for the 2016-17 fiscal year will be increased from $1.78 to $1.83 per $100 of assessed value but it is expected to generate the overall same amount of property tax revenue for the county government as it did this past year prior to the reappraisal. Although the certified tax rate is increasing to $1.83, it doesn’t necessarily mean that property owners will pay more. That depends on whether their property assessments went up or down or stayed the same.
The new $1.8335 certified rate will break down as follows:
County General: .9535 cents
Schools: 61 cents
Debt Service: 12 cents
Road Department: 4 cents
Capital Projects Fund: 11 cents.
Other budget highlights include the following:
The county clerk’s office will be getting a new part time employee position. The County Clerk had sought one additional full time employee but his request was countered by the budget committee with a part time employee not to exceed 20 hours a week at $10.00 per hour and additionally contingent on the clerk cutting $5,000 from the previous year expenditures to help fund the position.
In an effort to shore up revenues in the EMS budget to help fund the operation, ambulance service billing rates were increased, effective July 1. The Basic Life Support rate has gone from $350 to $500. The rate for Advance Life Support has increased from $450 to $600 and the Advance Life Support 2 fee has jumped from $650 to $700. Mileage charges have also increased from $10.50 per mile to $12.00 per mile. The new rates are more in line with what other counties in the area charge.
A new ambulance will be purchased during the year. A total of $130,000 is included in the capital projects fund for this purchase.
The county has entered into a one year contract with a new company to provide inmate health care at the jail. Advanced Correctional Healthcare will take over the service from Southern Health Partners as of August 29. Although the new company’s services are more expensive, $204,000 per year compared to $175,000 for Southern Health Partners, Sheriff Patrick Ray said he believes the county will save money in the long run by having healthcare practitioners at the jail more often which could prevent taking inmates on unnecessary trips to the emergency room of the hospital for more costly treatment. The county will also be purchasing and equipping five new patrol cars on the state bid contract. The cars will come with warranties. A total of $159,000 is included in the capital projects fund for this purchase.
Last year the county commission set aside $25,000 as seed money for the eventual development of a new fire hall in the Four Seasons Community. This year another $50,000 has been set aside for a total of $75,000 for this project. The county will also be funding a 5% local match for a FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) which has been approved in the amount of $70,895 to purchase personal protective equipment (turnout gear) and a thermal imaging camera for the fire department. This equipment will serve all 11 of the department’s stations across the county. The Federal share of this award is $67,520 and the local matching share, to be provided by the DeKalb County Government, is $3,375. The department has also applied for another FEMA Assistance to Firefighters Grant for the purchase of a new Quint fire engine with a 75 foot aerial device. The total project cost is $554,929 including equipping the truck. If approved, the county will have to fund a 5% match or $27,746.
The budget for the Smithville-DeKalb County Rescue Squad has been increased by $6,000 this year to $22,821. Plans are to use the extra funds to pay for diving equipment, to provide certified diver training among members, and if funds are available by the end of the year to offer a small gas allowance for members. The Rescue Squad also plans to have future fundraisers to raise money to obtain a pontoon boat to aid in water rescue and recovery.
A total of $9,000 has been budgeted to be divided among six county owned ball fields at $1,500 each to make improvements. This is a one time expense.
Plans are to make the transition from the existing Class 1 landfill to the new solid waste transfer station perhaps by September or October. A total of $600,000 has been budgeted for the post closure of the Class 1 cell and for the development of a new Class 3 cell which will be used for non-household solid waste such as construction material, etc. A total of $100,000 is included in the capital projects fund to purchase a new skidsteer/backhoe. The county has also budgeted $150,000 to purchase a loader. In August, 2014 the county commission voted to enter into a five year contract with Smith County to dispose of DeKalb County’s household solid waste at the rate of $29.00 a ton after the transfer station becomes operational. The county has not yet bid the actual hauling of the waste to Smith County.
The new school budget includes $258,000 from the state to cover pay raises for certified staff. That amounts to about a $1,000 increase per employee. Plans are to give a local $500 pay raise to members of the support staff/non certified personnel. The Board of Education budgeted an increase for themselves in the per diem each member receives for attending regular meetings and work sessions. Currently, board members get $50 per regular meeting and $15 per work session. The increase will put their pay more in line with the county commission, members of which receive $150 per regular meeting and $75 per committee meeting/workshop. This budgetary line item in the school spending plan has increased from $6,000 to $18,900 for the year.
Other new spending in the school budget includes:
*Funding for two and a half new positions including a new Math and RTI (Response to Intervention) teacher at DCHS and an ESL (English as a Second Language) teacher.
*Funding for an additional Educational Assistant at DeKalb West School
*Funding to add a new SED (special education) teacher
*Funding to address inequities in supplement pay for DCHS football, basketball, and cheer coaches
*Funding to purchase one new school bus (instead of two buses)
*Funding for a new Soccer Field at DCHS
Third District Commissioner Bradley Hendrix said he voted against the budget partly because of the school’s boards commitment to spend up to $50,000 to develop a new soccer field at the high school when the same commitment has not been put toward other sports. “I’ve gotten phone calls over the soccer field, the $50,000. The school board hasn’t put in for the new girls softball field at the middle school. They haven’t put in for the high school football facilities. The training room and stuff like that. I don’t know what makes the soccer more important than these other sports. Just on that I’m going to vote no on the budget,” said Hendrix.
The new budget and tax rate take effect immediately.

Twenty Nine People Indicted by Grand Jury

Twenty nine people were indicted by the DeKalb County Grand Jury Monday including five named in sealed indictments.
Those indicted will appear for arraignment in DeKalb County Criminal Court on Monday, August 8.
The names of those indicted and their charges are as follows:
Olivia Hope Barber: possession of paraphernalia
Joshua Lynne Batey: possession of a schedule IV drug for resale, possession of a schedule VI drug, and possession of a weapon by a felon
Jennifer Elizabeth Benton: driving under the influence and violation of the light law
Steven Darrell Bly: domestic assault with injury and domestic assault with fear
Gary Charles Boatwright, Jr.: evading arrest, failure to maintain lane, financial responsibility, and driving on a revoked license (4th offense)
Kevin Donald Bogle: possession of methamphetamine over 0.5 grams and tampering with evidence
Sabre Maurine Bussell: theft under $500 and aggravated criminal trespass
Jeremy Claiborne: driving under the influence and failure to yield
Christopher Daniel Gibbs: unlawful possession of a weapon
Carl Bryant Henry: driving under the influence and speeding
John Allen Judkins, Jr.: aggravated burglary and theft over $1,000
Callie Keys: driving on a revoked license and driving on a revoked license (2nd offense)
Jason Knowles: driving on a suspended license
Amy Lawson: theft under $500
Sharon Caldwell Malone: criminal simulation and theft under $1,000
Richard Leon McDaniel: aggravated assault and domestic assault
Lynda Michelle Neville: evading arrest, reckless endangerment, and driving on a revoked license (1st offense)
Christopher Neil Patterson: aggravated assault
Scott Pedigo: driving under the influence (1st offense)
Marlin Ray Pinkard: aggravated assault, initiation of methamphetamine, driving on a revoked license, and driving on a revoked license (5th offense)
Jimmie Dwayne Rayder: aggravated assault
Edward Wayne Tarpley, Jr.: aggravated assault
Jamie Lee Beising (Wagner): initiation of methamphetamine
Denzel Young: child abuse and domestic assault

Beshearse Pleads Guilty to Killing Black Bear

A Smithville man recently cited by the TWRA for illegally killing a black bear appeared in General Sessions Court last Wednesday.
Jim Beshearse entered a guilty plea on the citation for killing big game during a closed season.
Judge Bratten Cook II handed down a six month suspended sentence. Beshearse will be on unsupervised probation. He was fined $250 and he must make restitution to the TWRA in the amount of $1,000. His hunting privileges have also been suspended for a period of one year.
Beshearse shot and killed the bear on Friday, June 3 after it wandered onto his property on the Old Snow Hill Road near the Smithville city limits. The bear had been spotted by several other people in DeKalb County that morning and the evening before.
Although the bear was killed during a closed season there is not an open season for black bear in DeKalb County.

“Under the Lake” to be Released Soon

A new book featuring Historic images, stories, and genealogy of life along the Caney Fork River before the impoundment of Center Hill Lake is completed and will soon be available.
“Under the Lake” by Carol Williams, Judy Fuson, and Ria Baker chronicles four years of research and interviews with families revealing stories associated with the removal of homes, cemeteries, churches, and schools to make way for the lake.
Center Hill Lake was formed as the result of the Federal Flood Control Act of 1938 under which the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was authorized to erect a dam on the Caney Fork River to provide electricity and flood control to the area.
“Under the Lake” is a 9” x 12” inch hardback book with 304 pages. The cost is $40.
Orders are now being accepted for the book which is expected to be available by the end of August.
To place an order contact Carol Williams at 931-260-5844, Judy Fuson at 615-464-5305, or Ria Baker at 615-529-2840. No books will be held without payment.

Test Drive a Ford to Raise Money for DCHS Football

Florence & White Ford and the Ford Motor Company are offering DCHS Football the opportunity to raise thousands of dollars with their test-drive program on Friday, August 5 prior to a scrimmage game against Friendship Christian. Tiger football fans can earn money for the DCHS football program by simply test-driving a new Ford at the school.
The scrimmage game starts at 6:30 p.m. but fans are invited to come out as early as 3:30 p.m. to enjoy a meal and to test drive a new Ford vehicle by the Florence & White dealership in Smithville. For every valid test drive, Ford will donate money to the football program.
Tiger Coach Steve Trapp says the more fans who come out and test drive a new Ford vehicle, the more money will be made for DCHS football.
“We just want to get as many people involved as we can. We’re really thankful to Florence & White Ford. They are going to be out with some real nice vehicles and everybody who test drives a vehicle for Ford, they actually donate money back to our program. We have an opportunity to really get our community involved and to really help our program out as well with a significant amount of money. We’ll also have some food available to purchase as well including barbeque, chips, drinks, and ice cream. If you’re getting off work and cruising by and need something to eat and want to drive a real nice car and watch some great football you’ll be able to take advantage of that on August 5th,” said Coach Trapp.
The DCHS Football season kicks off with three straight home games starting with Warren County on August 19th followed by Stone Memorial on August 26, and York Institute on September 2. The Tigers then hit the road for the next three weeks with games at Cumberland County on September 9, at Smith County September 16, and at Macon County on September 23. The Tigers will host Sequatchie County on September 30 and then play at Grundy County on October 7. The last two weeks of the regular season has the Tigers at home against Upperman on October 21 and at Cannon County on October 28. All games start at 7:00 p.m. WJLE will have LIVE coverage each week.

Alexandria Man Arrested in Wilson County

The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office had a busy night Thursday that carried into early Friday morning following a series of crimes ending safely with the arrest of an Alexandria man reported to be armed and carrying drugs. Over the course of several hours, the man, 32 year old Kevin Matthew Bly, is alleged to have broken into two homes, threatened a woman while armed and carrying drugs. He was captured after stealing a car in the southeastern portion of the county.
It all began when a woman called Wilson County 911 at about 8 p.m., Thursday franticly telling emergency communications that an ex-boyfriend had forced his way into her home armed with a gun, threatening her. Once inside, the man began to chase the woman throughout the home and into the yard all the while threatening her with a gun. The woman fled the scene and called 911. Upon their arrival, the responding Sheriff’s Office deputies determined the suspect had fled the scene on foot. Officers immediately rendered aid to the woman and put out an alert to other officers to be on the lookout for the suspect.
Approximately three hours later, a homeowner on Cainsville Road called to report that a white male had entered the residents’ home. When the residents confronted the man, they said the suspect told him he was looking for an item and then immediately fled the home on foot. Soon afterward, a deputy who had been searching in the area looking for the male suspect observed a vehicle travelling at an extremely high rate of speed. The deputy caught up to the suspect and took him into custody. The driver was identified as 32-year-old Kevin Matthew Bly of Alexandria, TN. After the stop, it was determined that Mr. Bly was operating a vehicle that had been taken from another home on Cainsville Road. The vehicle was returned to the owner.
Bly was transported to the Wilson County Sheriff’s office where he now faces charges of aggravated burglary, three counts of reckless endangerment, one count of vandalism, two counts of aggravated assault and a count of aggravated criminal trespassing. Other charges include one count of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, one count of drug paraphernalia, one count of simple possession of a drug believed to be methamphetamine, and one count of manufacturing, delivery and sale of methamphetamine. Bly is being held on a $77,000 bond and is scheduled to appear in Wilson County General Sessions Court at 9 a.m. August 9.
“Given the nature of the offenses reported by all of the victims involved, our citizens are extremely fortunate that no one was physically harmed,” Wilson County Detective Maj. Robert Stafford said. “Our deputies did an outstanding job of communicating quickly, connecting the chain of events and taking control of a dangerous situation by getting the man we believe was responsible off the streets without incident.”

Sissy Johnson Wins Lipsync Battle (VIEW VIDEO HERE)

Sissy Johnson of DeKalb County won the Lip Sync Battle Friday night at the DeKalb County Fair.

Johnson, who lipsynced to Heart’s “Who Will You Run To” took home the grand prize of $250 and a trophy.
In the contest, participants appeared on stage at the Lions Club Pavilion to do a lipsync performance to a song by a popular artist. Audience response determined the winner.
Taking second place and a $150 prize were Monte Caldwell and Monica Carlton of Smithville who lipsynced to the song “You’re the one that I want” from the movie “Grease”.
Bee Tubbs received third place and a $50 award for her lipsync performance of Mary J. Blige’s “Just Fine”.
Other participants were Destiny Franklin and Wyatt Ware of Smithville who lipsynced to Sonny and Cher’s “I Got You Babe” and Jessica Farris and Bryson Farris of Smithville who did a lipsync performance to Silento’s “Watch Me”.
Today is the last day of the fair for this year. Events are as follows;
Saturday, July 23: Horseshoe Tournament at the Tot Kelly barn at Noon.; Gospel Singing at the Lions Club Pavilion at 5:00 p.m.; Super Tractor and Truck Pull at 7:00 p.m. at the T.C. McMillen Arena: and (2- $500 cash drawings) at 9:30 p.m.
Take a stroll down Memory Lane and enjoy nightly entertainment at the Memory Lane Stage in Memory Village.
Rides on the Midway will be provided by the Family Attractions Amusement Company. Unlimited rides will be available for $18.00
Admission to the fair is $4.00 per person. Children age four and younger will be admitted free! Gates open at 4:00 p.m. The exhibit building is open from 4:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Parking is Free!
For more information, call 615-529-FAIR or visit on-line at

Toddler Show Winners at the Fair

Winners of the annual Toddler Show were announced Friday evening at the DeKalb County Fair.
First place winners received a blue ribbon. Red ribbons went to those receiving second place.
This year’s recipients are as follows:
Boys (13 to 18 months)
Winner: Easton Jack Harvey, the 18 month old son of Chad and Kayla Harvey of Alexandria
Runner-up: Julian Reed Vanderpool, the 18 month old son of Reed and Julia Vanderpool of Smithville
Other participants: Carson Lee Marx, the 18 month old son of Jessica Bain and Joseph Marx of Smithville; Brady Daniel Luckett, the 13 month old son of Brandon and Hilary Luckett of Alexandria; and Lucas “River” Garrison, the 13 month old son of Rachel Garrison of Smithville and Ronnie Irwin of Lebanon.
Girls (13 to 18 months)
Winner: Addison Kate Silcox, 18 month old daughter of Dalton and Cheyenne Silcox of Smithville
Runner-up: Alayna Maelee Hendrixson, 18 month old daughter of J.J. and Amanda Hendrixson of Smithville
Other participants: Josee Irene Cripps, 18 month old daughter of Tyler and Jessica Cripps of Alexandria; Adelann Jean Taylor, 14 month old daughter of Chris and Jessica Taylor of Smithville; 17 month old Sage Nycole Adkins, whose grandparents and guardians are Michael and Michelle Adkins of Smithville; Makenlee Faith Collier, 13 month old daughter of Matthew and Brooke Collier of Smithville; and Anniston Faith Davidson, 17 month old daughter of Trista Atnip and Robert Davidson of Smithville.
Boys (19 to 24 months)
Winner: Cooper Lane Robinson, 19 month old son of Heath and Tiffany Robinson of Smithville
Runner-up: Jackson Denton Duke, 23 month old son of John and Whitney Duke of Smithville.
Girls (19 to 24 months)
Winner: Jordyn McKenn Cantrell, 20 month old daughter of Tiffany Frazier and Joshua Parham and Jacob Cantrell of Dowelltown
Runner-up: Clara Ruth Cox, 24 month old daughter of Brandon and Whitney Cox of Smithville
Other participants: Kaylee Rena Kubiak, 20 month old daughter of Zachary and Miranda Kubiak of Smithville; Auna-Leigh Starnes, 20 month old daughter of Rhonda Cantrell and Brandon Starnes of Smithville; Klara Mai Armour, 24 month old daughter of Nathan and Hannah Armour of Dowelltown; Ariel Mullins, 21 month old daughter of Ellis and Jessica Mullins of Smithville; Lakelynn Taylor Rushing, 24 month old daughter of Allison Taylor of Smithville; Zoey Rylinn Frazier, 22 month old daughter of Dustin and Gabrielle Frazier of Smithville; Mia Grace Johnson, 22 month old daughter of Clint and DeDe Johnson of Smithville; Ariana Rayne Herrin, 21 month old daughter of Mitchell and Amanda Herrin of Smithville; and Jacqlin Ila Rose Prichard, 21 month old daughter of Mark and Amanda Prichard of Smithville
Boys (25 to 30 months)
Winner: Bryan Paul Parker of Smithville, 27 month old son of Mandi and the late Paul Parker
Girls (25 to 30 months)
Winner: Paris Monroe Grigsby, 28 month old daughter of Jill Goneke of Smithville
Runner-up: Abigail Hale, 27 month old granddaughter of Candy Hale of Smithville
Other participant: Ireland Beth Hobbs, 28 month old daughter of Ashley Beth Hobbs of Smithville.
Girls (31 to 36 months)
Winner: Shaniya Esmeralda Bates, 32 month old daughter of Thomas Bates and Ada Bates of DeKalb County
Runner-up: Katy Jo Bowen, 33 month old daughter of Joseph and Kimberly Bowen of Smithville
Other participants: Aydalyn Elizabeth Cook, 31 month old daughter of Cora Beth Rhody and Dustin Cook of Smithville; Serenity Rayne Foster, 32 month old daughter of Shea and Justin Foster of Smithville; Harmony Nadine Edwards, 36 month old daughter of Shannon and Abram Edwards of DeKalb County; and Ayla Shae Brown, 31 month old daughter of Dustin and Karah Brown of Smithville.
Boys (37 to 47 months)
Winner: Levi Bryson Nixon, 38 month old son of Nathan and Jessica Nixon of Smithville
Runner-up: Charles Dalton Wayne Evans, 38 month old son of Ashley and Johnny Evans of Smithville
Other participants: Braxton Levi Knowles, 39 month old son of Justin and Mary Knowles of Smithville; Noah Bradley Hall, 40 month old son of Bradley and Lacey Hall of Alexandria; and Johnathon Troy Wilmore, 42 month old son of Austin and Tiffany Wilmore of Alexandria.
Girls (37 to 47 months)
Winner: Paisley Marie Bain, 46 month old daughter of Larry and Rachel Bain of Smithville
Runner-up: Lillian Rose Dillard, 36 month old daughter of Edward and Anna Dillard of Dowelltown
Other participants: Araya Hope Redmon, 42 month old daughter of Allen and Heather Redmon of DeKalb County; Makenzli Ashlynn Myers, 39 month old daughter of Gary Myers and Crystal Stibil of Smithville; Raven Nicole Fay Jenkins, 42 month old daughter of Rachel and Michael Lawrence of Smithville; Zadah Miller, 46 month old daughter of Brandy Bass and Shane Miller of Dowelltown; Arraya Jenae Taylor, 46 month old daughter of Angie Taylor of Smithville; Izzabella Mai Askew, 39 month old daughter of Robert Askew and Tia Bonner of Alexandria; Averi Gracella Speaks, 37 month old daughter of Justin and Donna Speaks of Smithville; and Samara Brier Emberton, 42 month old daughter of Steven Emberton of DeKalb County.

592 Vote Early as of Tuesday

A total of 592 people have cast ballots during the first ten days of early voting for the August 4 elections.
Fifty three voted in person on Tuesday.
That brings the ten day total to 555 who have voted in person, 27 by absentee, and 10 at the nursing home
The vote totals in each election are as follows:
Tennessee Democratic Primary: 224 (total)
Tennessee Republican Primary: 289 (total)
DeKalb County General Election Only: 79 (total)
Smithville Municipal Election: 230 plus 51 property rights voters for a total of 281
Dowelltown Municipal Election: 2
Liberty Municipal Election: 6
Early voting runs through July 30 on the first floor of the DeKalb County Courthouse. Hours are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.; Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. until Noon. Five elections are set for August 4—the DeKalb County General Election, the Tennessee Republican and Democratic Primaries, and city elections in Smithville, Liberty and Dowelltown.

Judge Sentences Alexandria Man to Six Years Probation for Aggravated Assault

An Alexandria man who allegedly assaulted a woman while holding a gun on her appeared for sentencing in DeKalb County Criminal Court Monday.
Judge David Patterson presided.
43 year old Timothy Dewayne Johns entered a plea by criminal information to aggravated assault and received a six year sentence all suspended to TDOC probation on judicial diversion. He must make restitution of $400 to the victim and he is under a restraining order to keep away from her. Johns must also undergo domestic violence counseling.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Saturday, May 7 a deputy responded to a residence on New Hope Road due to a physical domestic involving a gun. While speaking with the victim, the officer learned that Johns had allegedly ripped off most of the woman’s clothing and assaulted her. The deputy observed a knot on her left brow and several scrapes and red marks on her neck, hands, legs, and knees. According to the woman, Johns held a pistol to her head during the assault and then put the handgun in her mouth, saying he should just kill her. The woman claims Johns tried to choke her several times while inflicting blows about her head and body. Johns was placed under arrest.