Bid letting is expected this summer for the construction of the DeKalb Utility District water treatment plant.
During Thursday’s regular monthly meeting of the DUD Board of Commissioners, Bryant Griffin, Project Manager for the engineering firm of Goodwyn Mills and Cawood said bids could be opened for the project by the middle of August. “I called the folks at the State Revolving Fund today to talk to the fellow reviewing the plans. I did not get him but Buddy (Koonce) and I have both talked to him. We anticipate that everything should be approved on their end by July 15. We probably need about four weeks to advertise for bids and let people look at it. So we’re thinking August 15 would be about the time we would open bids. It could move up a couple of weeks depending upon what we have to deal with in the funding agencies and the state. But around August 15 is what we’re thinking,” said Griffin.
Governor Bill Haslam and Department of Environment and Conservation Commissioner Bob Martineau announced last month that DeKalb Utility District has been approved to receive $5.25 million in low interest loans for water and wastewater infrastructure improvements.
The funding paves the way for DeKalb Utility District to complete the proposed water treatment plant. In a letter to DUD Chairman Roger Turney dated May 5, 2014, Sherwin N. Smith, Director of the State Revolving Fund Loan Program wrote that the DUD’s Facilities Plan for the project has been approved.
The facilities plan provides recommendations to construct a new 2.0 million gallon per day water treatment plant and upgrade the existing water treatment system serving the DeKalb Utility District (DeKalb, Cannon, Smith, and Wilson Counties). The total estimated project cost is $12,000,000. The DeKalb Utility District will receive two Drinking Water State Revolving Fund loans totaling $5,250,000 to fund this project. The first loan is for $2,500,000 with a $2,000,000 loan and $500,000 in principle forgiveness that will not have to be repaid by the DeKalb Utility District. The second DWSRF loan is for $2,750,000. Additional funding includes a Rural Utilities Service loan for $5,000,000, a Rural Utilities Service grant for $1,250,000, and an Appalachian Regional Commission grant for $500,000″.
“With the two loans from the State Revolving Fund Loan Program, the savings for DUD customers has improved dramatically. The $12 million project will be funded with a $2.25 million grant including a forgivable loan, $4.75 million with a 20 year loan at .60% and the final $5 million with a 40 year loan from Rural Utilities Services at 2.75%. Because of the low interest rate on this completed financial package, issuing bonds with a higher interest rate will not be necessary” stated DUD manager Jon Foutch.
The project provides for the construction of a new raw water intake structure and raw water pump station on the Holmes Creek Embayment of Center Hill Reservoir (Caney Fork River); an 18-inch diameter raw water transmission line from the raw water pump station to the new 2.0 million gallon per day water treatment plant located along Holmes Creek Road; an 18-inch diameter finished water transmission line along Holmes Creek Road, Allen’s Ferry Road, and U.S. Highway 70; and new 8-inch diameter water distribution lines along Big Rock Road, Dry Creek Road, Game Ridge Road, Turner Road, Tittsworth Road, and Walker Lane. A finished water pumping station will be constructed to deliver water from the Snow’s Hill Water Tank to the Short Mountain Water Tank. The new water treatment plant will also include clarification, mixed media filtration and backwash systems, and a 250,000 gallon clear well
Category Archives: News
DUD Board Seeks Reappointment of Two Members
The terms of two members of the DeKalb Utility District Board of Commissioners are expiring this year. During its regular monthly meeting Thursday, the DUD board certified a list of nominees to the county mayors of DeKalb and Cannon County to fill those positions.
The term of Roger Turney, serving Cannon County on the DUD’s board will expire on August 31, 2014. Jimmy Womack’s term will expire on October 31, 2014. Womack is one of three members on the board who serves DeKalb County. Each term is for four years.
By law, the DUD board must submit the names of three nominees to fill each position, listed in order of preference. During Thursday’s meeting, the board voted to submit the names of Turney, Chris Blackburn, and Winfred Gaither in that order to the Cannon County Mayor. The DUD board also voted to submit the names of Womack, Jimmy Herndon, and Paul Blair in that order to the DeKalb County Mayor.
Under the law, a customer could have also submitted names for consideration by the DUD board for the list of nominees. A public notice was published last month but no names were offered by DUD customers.
The general provisions of Tennessee Code Annotated (State Law) TCA § 7-82-307 provide that the utility board members must submit three nominees, listed in order of preference, to the county mayor (where the vacancy exists). The county mayor has the authority to appoint one of the nominees to the vacant position on the board or reject all of the nominees. If the county mayor rejects all three nominees, then the board of (utility) commissioners has to submit three additional nominees to the county mayor for consideration. If the county mayor rejects these nominees, then the process would continue until the position is filled. There are, however, exceptions to these general provisions in the statute. Any order either appointing or rejecting a list of nominees shall be entered of record on the minutes of the county legislative body and a certified copy of the order shall be furnished to the board of (utility) commissioners and to the appointee; provided, that upon the rejection of any entire list of nominees by the county mayor, the board of (utility) commissioners shall continue to submit new nonidentical lists of three (3) nominees to the county mayor within sixty (60) days after each such rejection until such procedure shall result in the vacancy being filled for the remainder of the term or for the new term, as provided in this section.
The DUD Board is made up of five members, three from DeKalb County (Jimmy Womack, Joe Foutch, and Hugh Washer), one from Cannon (Roger Turney), and one from Smith County (Danny Bass). The terms are staggered. Bass was absent during Thursday’s meeting.
Three Injured in Wreck on Smith Road
Three people were injured when their 2011 Chevy Cruze crashed into a utility pole on Smith Road Thursday afternoon.
Officer Lance Dillard of the Smithville Police Department told WJLE that 49 year old Regina Stone of Smithville stated she was driving north on Smith Road when an oncoming car crossed into her path. Stone swerved trying to avoid a collision but her vehicle went off the road and snapped a utility pole.
Stone and passengers of her vehicle, 37 year old James Hesson and 37 year old Michelle Taylor, both of Smithville were taken by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital.
Other Smithville Police officers were also on the scene along with members of the Smithville Volunteer Fire Department. A crew from Smithville Electric System was called out to replace the broken pole, which brought down utility lines.
Jamboree Pageants Set for Saturday
The Miss/Mrs. Jamboree Pageants will be Saturday, June 7th starting at noon at the County Complex auditorium for ALL TN Girls ages 4-29. Register at the door or online NOW at
Over 60 awards and titles will be given away! The crowned winners will also have an opportunity to be an awards presenter during the televised 2014 Jamboree.
Jamboree_Pageant_RegistrationForm_FRONT.pdf (2.46 MB)
The Miss/Mrs. Jamboree Pageant is sponsored by DeKalb Community Hospital, a proud supporter of the Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree.
*For Ages 4-6 / 7-10 / 11-13
Sat. June 7 – sign in by 11:30am
*For Ages 14-17 / 18-20 / 21-29
Sat. June 7 – sign in by 12:30
Optional Rehearsal for all age categories, Friday @ 6pm / DeKalb Co. Complex Stage.
Questions? Text or email Shan Burklow @ 615-594-2792 or
“Baby and Me Tobacco Free” Program Helps Pregnant Women Quit Smoking
DeKalb County is starting a three-year tobacco prevention program with funds from the tobacco settlement lawsuit. DeKalb County received funding for this year and part of those funds will be used for the Baby and Me Tobacco Free program to help all women quit smoking during and after pregnancy. Baby and Me has a 60 percent success rate in helping pregnant women quit smoking and stay tobacco-free. Baby and Me will be available at the DeKalb County Health Department.
“Quitting smoking when you are pregnant is the most important thing you can do to protect your health and the health of your baby. We are committed to helping all pregnant women quit smoking,” Monica Turner, RN with the DeKalb County Health Department.
Research suggests a mother is never more motivated to quit than when she becomes pregnant, and Baby and Me hopes to capitalize on that motivation by offering four brief counseling sessions on how to quit smoking during pregnancy. After the birth of the baby, the mother returns monthly for a quick carbon monoxide breath test. If she stays smoke-free, she receives a $25 voucher for diapers from Wal-Mart for each month she is smoke-free. Vouchers can be received for the first 12 months of the child’s life. The $25 diaper vouchers, along with having no more cigarette expenses, will help new parents save money as well as protect the health of their family. While this savings could be particularly helpful for low income households, this program is available to all pregnant smokers, regardless of income.
When pregnant women smoke, the chemicals in cigarettes reach the baby and can keep it from getting the food and oxygen it needs to grow. The risk of miscarriage is much higher for women who smoke while pregnant. Smoking during pregnancy often leads to low birth-weight and premature birth. Smaller babies typically get sick more often and have a higher risk of death within their first year. After the baby is born, second-hand smoke exposure increases the likelihood of colds, bronchitis, ear infections, allergies, and asthma.
According to Monica Turner, RN, “Approximately 28.4% of pregnant women in DeKalb County smoke. We want to help these women break the tobacco habit and keep their babies healthy.”
For more information on the Baby and Me program or to sign up, call the DeKalb County Health Department at 615-597-7599
Smithville Electric Announces Another Planned City-Wide Power Outage
Smithville Electric System will have another planned city-wide power outage at midnight Saturday, June 7 until around 2:00 a.m. Sunday morning, June 8 in order to replace a circuit switcher at the Sub-Station. The power interruption will be for approximately two hours and will affect only Smithville Electric System customers but it will be city-wide.
Teacher Files Federal Discrimination Lawsuit Against School Board and Director
A physical education teacher at Smithville Elementary School and a third district county commissioner has filed a federal employment discrimination lawsuit against the DeKalb County Board of Education and Director of Schools Mark Willoughby.
Attorneys for Bradley Hendrix filed the lawsuit last Thursday, May 29 in U.S. District Court in Nashville. He is represented by the Hendersonville law firm of Andy L. Allman and Associates.
In the lawsuit, Hendrix alleges that he has been “subjected to a continuous and ongoing pattern of harassment and retaliation for his votes as a county commissioner on matters pertaining to the school system”, particularly his vote against purchasing land to build a new high school. According to the lawsuit, “On or about March 2011, the issue of the land purchase and school construction came before the county commission for approval. Hendrix voted against the measure. From that point on, Hendrix was subjected to harassment and retaliation by Mr. Willoughby in his employment”.
Hendrix is suing the Board of Education and Director of Schools, both jointly and severally, seeking compensatory and punitive damages. He also wants a jury to try the case.
More than three years ago, the school board sought to purchase fifty two acres of property on the Allen Ferry Road for the future home of a new school. But in April, 2011 the county commission, on a 7 to 7 tie vote, denied the school board’s request for approval of a budget amendment in the amount of $374,000 from the school system’s Basic Education Program Reserve (BEP) Funds to buy the property. Eight yes votes were needed for passage. Hendrix was one of the seven county commissioners who voted no.
Later that year, Hendrix got into trouble with his school supervisors over a field trip incident. Director Willoughby suspended Hendrix for one day for “neglect of duty” and “insubordination” after Hendrix left early from a student field trip in Murfreesboro in December, 2011 without getting the permission of his supervisor, Dr. Bill Tanner, who at the time was principal at Smithville Elementary School. Hendrix appealed Willoughby’s decision and a hearing officer took up the matter in February, 2012. A month later, the hearing officer issued a written report on his “Finding of Facts and Conclusions of Law” upholding Director Willoughby’s suspension. Hendrix then filed an appeal with the Board of Education.
During a special meeting in April, 2012, the school board voted 5 to 0 to sustain the one day suspension of Hendrix imposed by Director Willoughby. But taking the position that the one day suspension was not enough, the board then voted 4 to 1 to suspend Hendrix for two more days without pay, making his total suspension three days.
The “facts” of Hendrix’s lawsuit are alleged as follows:
“In the spring of 2010, Plaintiff (Hendrix) began campaigning for the office of County Commissioner of the 3rd district. Hendrix was duly elected by vote of the people on the 2nd day of August 2010.”
“On or about January 2011, Hendrix as a county commissioner, was called to a meeting held by the Defendant, Board of Education, to discuss the purchase of land and construction of a new school within the District. Prior to the meeting Hendrix had requested of Defendant, Mark Willoughby, a five to ten year plan to determine how the County was going to pay for this land purchase and new school. At the meeting the requested plan was not presented nor was there any discussion about the land purchase and school construction. Hendrix brought the subject up to the Board Members and informed them that discussion should be had because at that point he was not going to vote for the project.”
“Hendrix’s duties and obligations as a county commissioner include voting on matters of funding for the DeKalb County School System of which Willoughby is the Director.”
“Subsequent to the January meeting, Principal Tanner approached Hendrix in the hallway of Smithville Elementary and inquired how Hendrix was going to vote when the issue of land purchase and new school construction came before the county commission. At all times relevant hereto, Hendrix was a teacher at Smithville Elementary School and Principal Tanner was his supervisor.”
“On or about March 2011, the issue of the land purchase and school construction came before the county commission for approval. Hendrix voted against the measure. From that point on, Hendrix was subjected to harassment and retaliation by Mr. Willoughby and Mr. Tanner in his employment.”
“Up until his vote, Hendrix had been allowed to continue volunteering for the “early morning drop off duty”. This was a job responsibility he had been doing for approximately nine years. This responsibility was removed from Hendrix.”
“On or about December 2011, Hendrix attended a field trip with students, including his son, to a fun center. Hendrix left at approximately 11:00 a.m. to attend his daughter’s basketball game. Prior to this day, Hendrix communicated his schedule with Tanner. Mr. Tanner admitted to Hendrix that he had in fact discussed this scheduling issue with him. However, Tanner brought Hendrix into his office and began chastising Hendrix for leaving the field trip. Tanner instructed Hendrix to note on his timesheet that he had taken half of a personal day. The following morning Tanner called Hendrix back into his office and suspended him one day without pay. Tanner told Hendrix that Willoughby wanted him suspended one week without pay. It was common that teachers would leave early to attend special functions of their own children, and none had been suspended without pay.”
“On or about January 2012, Hendrix asked the assistant principal if he could leave the campus while on his lunch break to run an errand. The assistant principal informed Hendrix that only Tanner could give him permission to leave campus even if it were on his lunch break. On or about February 13, 2012, Tanner informed Hendrix that anytime he left school ground he would be charged with a personal day. Just two weeks later this same assistant principal, without hesitation, gave another teacher permission to leave school grounds to run an errand even though she was not on break.”
“On or about February 8, 2012, Hendrix received a written reprimand for saying something that allegedly embarrassed a student in physical education class.”
“On or about February 21, 2012, Hendrix received another written reprimand for not following school policy when obtaining a substitute teacher for his classes from February 15 through the 17. Hendrix scheduled a substitute teacher on his own for those days he knew he would be out on leave recommended by his doctor. This is the same procedure Hendrix and other teachers had been using in the past when they knew in advance of any absences. In fact, another teacher used sick time to take a vacation and suffered no disciplinary action.”
“Upon information and belief, Willoughby was actually seen at Hendrix’s doctor’s office inquiring as to whether Hendrix had actually been seen by the doctor on specific days. In addition, Willoughby presented himself at the home of Hendrix’s friend with the intent to interrogate him about Hendrix’s whereabouts. This person refused to talk to Willoughby.”
“On another occasion in March 2012, Willoughby singled Hendrix out at a teachers’ meeting. Willoughby was addressing the teachers at Smithville Elementary about teacher absences from school for personal reasons. In front of the entire meeting, Willoughby specifically pointed out Hendrix by name, using him as an example on the issue of absences from school, including the instances listed above for which Hendrix had been wrongfully disciplined.”
“As part of Hendrix’s job duties and responsibilities, he is required to attend different conferences dealing with subject matter relevant to his everyday duties. On April 18 and 19 of 2012, Hendrix attended a “Related Arts Workshop” presented by the Tennessee Department of Education in Nashville. Hendrix did not request to attend this workshop but was informed by his assistant principal that he had been signed up. When Hendrix was originally informed of this workshop he was told that his attendance was due to the size of the class and available slots. Hendrix was only informed a week and a half prior to the workshop that he would definitely be able to attend.”
“Hendrix was also scheduled to attend a Parks and Recreation Committee meeting on April 18 in the courthouse in Smithville as part of his county commissioner responsibilities. This committee meeting was scheduled to begin at 3:30 p.m. and was for the purpose of interviewing and hiring an individual to supervise and oversee a new civic center that had recently been built.”
“Upon arrival at the workshop, Hendrix approached the workshop coordinator and explained that he would need to leave early on this day to attend the Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. According to the syllabus, the workshop concluded at 3:30 p.m. Hendrix left the workshop at 2:30 p.m. in order to travel back to Smithville for the committee meeting. Hendrix attended the entire second day of the workshop.”
“Willoughby interrogated Hendrix about leaving the workshop early on April 18 and accused Hendrix of telling the workshop coordinator that he had a meeting with the Director of Schools. This was a false accusation as Hendrix had informed the coordinator of his Parks and Recreation Committee meeting. On April 24, Hendrix was called into Mr. Tanner’s office by Mr. Willoughby. Willoughby began interrogating Hendrix about three sick days he had used. Hendrix had provided Defendants with a note from his medical doctor verifying his absences.”
“In this meeting, Hendrix was given an “official written and final notice” to refrain from this unprofessional and insubordinate behavior” and threatened with termination. Again these were false accusations by Defendants.”
“On May 11, 2012, Hendrix reported to work at Smithville Elementary. This day at school was “Carnival Day” wherein the children are allowed to celebrate the end of the school year. Hendrix’s three children were also attending this “Carnival Day”. At approximately 10:45 a.m., Hendrix was called away from supervising his students to attend a meeting with Willoughby, Tanner, and the assistant principal, (Karen) Knowles.”
“On or about December 2012, then Attendance Supervisor, (Clay) Farler made known to the Defendant and its employees his intent to retire from his position.”
“Defendant (Willoughby) formally posted this vacancy on or about April 2013. Upon posting, Defendant (Willoughby) was to create a list of applicants who met the qualifications for the position and begin interviews in making the final decision as to who should receive the position.”
“Hendrix applied for the position within approximately one week from the job posting by going to the Central Office acquiring an application and returning the same.”
“Approximately one week thereafter, Hendrix was informed by his supervisor, (Julie) Vincent, that he was to have an interview with Willoughby for the Attendance Supervisor position. That same day, Hendrix had his interview with Willoughby.”
“Candidates for this position were to have an Endorsement 094. Without an Educational Specialist Degree, a candidate must have successfully completed course work. To obtain this endorsement, a candidate must attend an eight hour course and then submit documentation to the State of Tennessee, Department of Education Licensing Division.”
“Hendrix was exempt from the course work because he already possessed an Educational Specialist Degree (“EDS”). Hendrix simply needed to submit his “EDS” to the Department of Education and receive the endorsement.”
“Defendant (Willoughby) chose candidate (Joey) Reeder for the position. Reeder did not have the requisite endorsement, nor did he have an EDS or Masters Degree.”
“Defendant (Willoughby) sent Reeder to a conference to become certified so that he could receive the requisite endorsement. Hendrix had a Masters Degree in Instructional Leadership and an “EDS”. Hendrix was not provided the same opportunities by Defendant to take classes which would further enhance his qualifications.”
“Hendrix was as qualified, if not more qualified, than Reeder for the position of Attendance Supervisor but was not selected as yet another act of retaliation and harassment of his previous voting as county commissioner and his complaints of treatment.”
“Since Hendrix’s vote, and while Tanner was principal, he has been subjected to retaliatory harassment in the workplace.”
“Hendrix has been subjected to a continuous and ongoing pattern of harassment and retaliation for his votes as a county commissioner on matters pertaining to the school system. In addition, Hendrix has received the “cold shoulder” treatment from Mr. Willoughby, Mr. Tanner, and even the assistant principal.”
Attorneys for Hendrix allege that the defendants actions were motivated by ill-will, malice, and spite towards Hendrix which has resulted in him being singled out for harsher treatment than other employees in violation of his constitutional rights.
Hendrix’s attorneys further allege that “The DeKalb County Board of Education adopted, permitted, encouraged, tolerated, and knowingly acquiesced to an official pattern, practice or custom of its officials, including the individual defendant (Willoughby), violating the constitutional rights of the public at large, including Hendrix.”
“Defendant (School Board) is directly liable for the constitutional violations committed against Hendrix because these violations were committed by the official policy makers for the school district and Defendant Willoughby.”
“Further, Defendant (School Board), is liable for the actions of the individual Defendant (Willoughby) and employees of the school district because the Board, by and through Defendant Willoughby, instituted an official policy, practice, custom, and campaign of harassment and intimidation against Hendrix.”
“As a direct and proximate result of the foregoing policies, practices, and customs of the Board of Education, Hendrix’s constitutional rights were violated”.
“Defendants’ conduct alleged herein were willful, intentional, reckless, malicious, and fraudulent entitling Hendrix to a substantial award of punitive damages.”
Legacy Athletics Wins Tournament Championship
The Seventh Grade AAU Legacy Athletics competed in tournament play in Pigeon Forge on Saturday May 31.
On the first day of play, Legacy competed and were victorious in all 3 games of play. This automatically put Legacy in the winners bracket on Sunday June 1 to face one more competitor in order to advance play for the championship game. Legacy was not only successful to advance but also won the championship game overcoming a North Carolina team they had defeated the previous day. The overall record for the year is 19-4 with 4 tournament victories.
From back to front: Coach Jason Winningham, left to right back Tanner Poss, “Hootie” Huerta, Masyn Winningham, Trey Crockett, Austin Burchett, Brady Lawson, Dustin Guy, Kegan Dodson and Bella Winningham
Theft of Fishing Rods and Reels Lands Morrison Man in Trouble
A Morrison man has been arrested for allegedly stealing fishing rods and reels from a boat at Sligo Marina.
25 year old Jarrod Allen Herrin of Morrison is charged with burglary and theft of property under $500. His bond is $7,500 and he will be in court Thursday, June 5. Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on October 23, 2012, Herrin entered a pontoon boat at Sligo Boat Dock and took two rods and reels. The case was investigated by a Criminal Detective of the Sheriff’s Department. Herrin was arrested on Tuesday, May 27.
27 year old Shauna Faye Stringer of Tubbs Street, Liberty is charged with domestic assault. Her bond is $2,500 and she will be in court June 5. Sheriff Ray said that on Thursday, May 29 a deputy was dispatched to Tubbs Street in Liberty in reference to a physical domestic in progress. When the officer arrived all the parties were separated and he spoke with Stringer, who informed him that she and a man started arguing and that she broke a window in the house. Stringer further stated that she punched the man in the head. She was determined to have been the primary aggressor and was arrested for domestic assault.
26 year old Robert Eugene Wright, III of Murfreesboro is charged with a fourth offense of driving under the influence. He was further issued citations for driving on a revoked license, failure to maintain lane of travel, and violation of implied consent. His bond is $6,000 and he will be in court June 19. Sheriff Ray said that on Friday, May 30 Wright was operating a motor vehicle on Highway 70 west in Dowelltown and left his lane of travel. A deputy conducted a traffic stop of Wright’s vehicle and found him to have an odor of alcohol on his person. He was unsteady on his feet and his speech was slurred. Wright submitted to but performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. Wright refused to voluntarily submit to a blood test. A computer check revealed that his license were revoked and that he has had three prior DUI convictions. Wright was placed under arrest for DUI.
54 year old Lonnie Ray Dyer of Short Mountain Highway, Smithville is charged with criminal trespass. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court June 12. Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, June 1 a deputy was dispatched to a residence on Short Mountain Highway for an unwanted guest. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Dyer who was sitting in a chair on the front porch of the residence. While this is the home of a relative, Dyer knew he was not supposed to be there because he was arrested on August 24, 2013 for the aggravated burglary of and theft of property from this residence . Dyer had further been advised previously by another deputy not to be back on the property. Dyer did not have consent from the homeowner, who owns the property, to be back there. He was placed under arrest.
Man Charged with Aggravated Sexual Battery of Child
A 40 year old man is charged with aggravated sexual battery for allegedly touching his 11 year old niece inappropriately.
Smithville Police Chief Randy Caplinger said Joel Henry is under a $25,000 bond and he will be in court June 5.
The incident occurred earlier this year at a residence on College Street in Smithville. According to the warrant, the child, who was spending the night, was asleep in bed with her grandmother. She awoke to find Henry standing over her and allegedly touching her in private areas. Following an investigation, Henry was arrested last week by Smithville Police.
Meanwhile a 19 year old man was arrested last week in a January auto theft.
Lucas Shane Bogle is charged with stealing a 1999 Toyota 4Runner from the driveway of a residence on Riley Avenue January 29, 2014 and then driving it to a local salvage yard where he sold it for scrap. The vehicle was in perfect shape and running good, according to Police Chief Randy Caplinger. Valued at more than $5,000, the 4Runner was sold for $489.
Chief Caplinger said while police recovered the stolen vehicle the same day it was taken, Bogle has been on the run since the theft. Bogle was picked up last week in Wilson County and charged with auto theft. He is under a $15,000 bond.
29 year old Travis Clint Tramel is charged with driving under the influence. He was also issued two citations for simple possession of a schedule IV drug (xanax and valium). His bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said on Saturday, April 26 police were dispatched to an area of West Main Street in answer to a complaint of a possible drunk driver. An officer stopped a vehicle on Riley Avenue and spoke with the driver, Tramel, who had a light blue powdery residue in his nose. His speech was slurred and labored. Tramel also performed poorly on field sobriety tasks. He was found with a metal pill container which held seventeen and a half light blue pills believed to be xanax and four light blue pills and a light yellow pill believed to be valium. Tramel was placed under arrest.
20 year old Jesse R. Herman is charged with burglary and theft. His bond is $16,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Sunday, April 27 police were dispatched to NHC Healthcare Center in response to a complaint of two vehicles having been broken into. A suspicious person later identified as Herman had been seen in the area. An officer found Herman on White Street and asked him about the thefts. Herman’s girlfriend later told police that Herman had burglarized the vehicles. According to Chief Caplinger, $605 worth of personal belongings were taken from the two vehicles.
49 year old Steven Stoner is charged with public intoxication. His bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Monday, May 5 police received a call from Kwik-N-Ezy about an intoxicated person who was trying to purchase beer but was refused. Police were told that the man, Stoner, had gone across the street to Mapco Express. An officer went to the store and spoke with Stoner at the counter. He appeared to be very unsteady on his feet. He had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and his speech was slurred. For his safety, Stoner was placed under arrest.
49 year old Leslie Franklin Arnold is charged with driving under the influence and driving on a revoked license. His bond is $6,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Tuesday, May 6 Arnold was operating a motor vehicle on Highway 56 when he was observed crossing the yellow line. As the officer was making the traffic stop, Arnold sideswiped a van. A computer check revealed that Arnold’s license were revoked for DUI in Putnam County on January 30. Arnold had an odor of alcohol on his person and his speech was slurred. A half pint of Vodka and two empty beer cans were found in his vehicle. Arnold was taken to the emergency room of the hospital by DeKalb EMS.
42 year old Kathy Sue Morris is cited for shoplifting at Walmart. Chief Caplinger said that on Monday, May 5 Morris was observed by a Walmart employee concealing items on her person inside the store. An officer confronted Morris and found the items.
53 year old Roy Douglas Atnip is charged with domestic violence. His bond is $2,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Tuesday, May 6 at a residence on East Main Street, Atnip and his girlfriend got into an argument. Atnip got mad and pulled a glass cabinet over and hit her on the leg. The woman, in fear for her safety, called 911. Atnip was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
40 year old Steve Mabe, Jr. is charged with theft over $500. His bond is $5,000. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, May 3 Mabe allegedly went to Lynn’s Auto Sales at 415 Dry Creek Road and removed four tires and wheels from a vehicle on the sales lot and replaced them with other tires and wheels. He also took a radio from the vehicle. The stolen tires, wheels, and radio were later seen on Mabe’s vehicle at his residence. Mabe was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
22 year old Joshua Cripps is charged with theft of property. His bond is $2,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Wednesday, May 7 at the parking lot Evins Manor Apartment on Foster Road, Cripps allegedly stole a radiator from the bed of a truck. He was arrested after being found in possession of the radiator.
39 year old Dondi Billings is cited for shoplifting at Walmart. Chief Caplinger said Billings was observed by a Walmart loss prevention officer concealing items inside her purse. Billings went through the cashier line, purchasing some merchandise but not the goods in her purse. She was stopped at the door and the unpaid for items were found.
22 year old Dillon Myers is charged with driving under the influence. His bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, May 10 police responded to a complaint of a possible DUI on Highway 70. An officer spotted a vehicle matching the description given by central dispatch. It was parked on a sidewalk. The officer approached the automobile and found the driver, Myers, passed out behind the wheel. He had difficulty getting Myers to wake up. Myers had a strong odor of alcohol on his person and he was unsteady on his feet. Myers performed poorly on field sobriety tasks and he refused to submit to a blood test. Myers was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
33 year old Kendra Dean White is cited for shoplifting. She will be in court on June 12. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, May 10 police were dispatched to the Dollar General Store due to a complaint of a shoplifter. An officer spoke with the store manager who said she saw White putting items in her purse. The officer confronted White and asked to look in her purse. She consented and the unpaid for items from the store were found.
31 year old Chassity Phillips-Watson is charged with driving under the influence. Her bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said that Phillips-Watson was involved in a car crash at the intersection of Holmes Creek Road and Allen’s Ferry Road. She was found to have slurred speech and very watery eyes. She was taken by DeKalb EMS to the hospital. According to the warrant, she left the hospital against medical advice and she was arrested by police after submitting to and performing poorly on field sobriety tasks.
28 year old Jose Sanchez is charged with driving under the influence. His bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Saturday, May 10 Sanchez was operating a motor vehicle on Highway 70 when he was stopped by police for speeding. He had a strong odor of alcohol on his person. The officer noticed an open container of beer in a cup holder on the driver’s side. Sanchez was unsteady on his feet. He performed poorly on field sobriety tasks and he consented to a breath test. Sanchez was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
18 year old Bradley Mullican is charged with public intoxication and cited for consumption of alcohol under age 21. His bond is $1,500. Chief Caplinger said that on Thursday, May 15 police were dispatched to the county complex on South Congress Boulevard to check on a person seen stumbling into the walls there and holding an alcoholic beverage. An officer spoke with the man, Mullican, who had slurred speech and a strong odor of alcohol on his person. Mullican told the officer that he had consumed several wine coolers within the previous hour. For his safety, Mullican was placed under arrest.
35 year old Jason Skaroupka is charged with a fifth offense of driving on a revoked license. His bond is $12,500 and he will be in court on June 5. Chief Caplinger said that on Friday, May 16 an officer stopped the operator of a Jeep who was speeding on South Congress Boulevard. The driver, Skaroupka told the officer that he did not have a valid license because they were revoked for failure to pay child support. He further could not show proof of insurance. A computer check confirmed that Skaroupka’s driver license are revoked and that he is an habitual traffic offender. He was placed under arrest.
42 year old Richard Brandon Turner is charged with public intoxication. He is under a $1,500 bond and he will be in court on June 5. Chief Caplinger said police were dispatched to the area of Bell Street and Atnip Street on a complaint of an intoxicated man. After receiving a description of the man, an officer spotted him on Atnip Street. He was found with an open container along with several unopened containers of beer. The man, Turner was unsteady on his feet and his speech was slurred. After becoming belligerent with the officer, Turner was placed under arrest.
27 year old Kenny Dyal, Jr. is charged with resisting stop, frisk, halt, arrest, or search. He is under a $1,500 bond and he will be in court June 19. Chief Caplinger said that on Sunday, May 25 police were at a residence on Jackson Street investigating a prowler call. As an officer was walking toward the residence, someone was seen running out the front door. The officer gave chase on foot. Dyal was caught and placed under arrest. He was brought to the jail for booking.
19 year old Martelia Tallent is charged with driving under the influence and leaving the scene of an accident. She will be in court on July 10. Chief Caplinger said on Tuesday, May 27 Tallent was operating a motor vehicle on East Main Street when she rear ended another vehicle which was stopped at a traffic light. Tallent then left the scene. She was stopped by an officer on West Main Street. Tallent had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on her person and she was unsteady on her feet. Tallent admitted to drinking two beers and she performed poorly on field sobriety tasks.
27 year old Jason Sturdivant is charged with filing a false report. He is under a $6,000 bond. Chief Caplinger said that on Monday, April 6, police responded to the Tannery at 504 West Broad Street in reference to a vehicle crashing into the front of the building. Upon arrival, the officer spoke with Sturdivant who said he was traveling west on Broad Street when a small green vehicle pulled out in front of him from Anthony Avenue, almost hitting him, causing Sturdivant to hit the curb and lose control of his vehicle, striking the front of the building. But, according to Chief Capliger, video surveillance from a neighboring business showed that Sturdivant’s vehicle pulled out from Anthony Avenue, crossed the highway, and struck the building.