In his latest report on city crime, Smithville Police Chief Randy Caplinger reports that 30 year old Jamie Anne South was cited for shoplifting on July 12. K-9 Officer James Cornelius responded to the Dollar General Store where it was discovered that South allegedly put items inside her clothing in an attempt to deprive them of their property. South will be in court August 29.
29 year old Megan Ann Lann was cited for shoplifting on July 15. Officer Chip Avera responded to the Dollar General Store where it was discovered that Lann had concealed an item in her purse in an attempt to deprive the store of its merchandise.
Detective Brandon Donnell cited 25 year old Karie Lynn Padgett for shoplifting at the Dollar General Store on July 16. She allegedly took items belonging to the store without paying for them.
Officer Stephen Barrett arrested 38 year old Kevin Donald Bogle on July 18 for DUI. He was also cited for violation of the implied consent law. Bogle, operating a motor vehicle, was stopped for reckless driving. Bogle had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. His eyes were glazed over and he performed poorly on field sobriety tasks. Bogle’s bond is $2,500.
27 year old Nikita Dawn Clark was cited for theft of property on July 19. Corporal Travis Bryant was called to Wal-Mart to check out a reported theft where it was discovered that Clark was in possession of several items she had not paid for.
46 year old William Ray Cantrell was cited for two counts of simple possession on July 21. Officer Joey Myers responded to a motor vehicle crash on Smith Road where the vehicle had turned over. Officer Myers found outside the vehicle a zip lock bag containing pills believed to be Xanax and a small plastic bag with a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana.
25 year old Brandon Wayne Hutchings and 24 year old Jessica Anne Jenkins were arrested July 21 for promotion of the manufacture of methamphetamine. Hutchings was also cited for simple possession and possession of drug paraphernalia. Sergeant Bradley Tatrow stopped a vehicle for a traffic violation. Sergeant Tatrow noticed that the driver, Hutchings, had slurred speech and he was unsteady on his feet. When Hutchings was asked to empty his pockets, a pill believed to be morphine was discovered. Police asked Jenkins for permission to search her vehicle but she refused. K-9 Officer Cornelius was then called for assistance. Jenkins’ vehicle was searched after K-9 LEO was deployed and alerted on the automobile. Several items were found during the search known to be used in the illegal manufacture of methamphetamine. Bond for Hutchings and Jenkins is $25,000 each and they will be in court September 12.
19 year old Amber C. Barrett was arrested for assault on July 22. Captain Steven Leffew was dispatched to a residence to check out a domestic call. Upon arrival Captain Leffew spoke with the victim who stated that she and a family member (Barrett) got into an argument that turned physical. Barrett’s bond is $1,000.
53 year old Debra Ella Hayes was arrested on July 22 for leaving the scene of an accident and driving on a revoked license due to a DUI. Officer Stephen Barrett was dispatched to South Congress Boulevard to investigate a hit and run accident with injuries. It was discovered that Hayes was operating the car involved in the crash. She was found at Jewels Market. A computer check revealed her license were revoked in Oklahoma and Missouri for DUI. Hayes’ bond is $7,500 and she will be in court August 8.
35 year old Jeremy Austin Scruggs was arrested July 23 for public intoxication. Officer Stephen Barrett was dispatched to Highland Avenue to a fight call. Upon arrival, Officer Barrett made contact with Scruggs whose arm was bleeding. Scruggs had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. He was unsteady on his feet and he wouldn’t comply with officer’s commands. It was discovered that Scruggs, who had been drinking, hurt his arm in a fall due to his intoxication. Bond for Scruggs is $1,500 and he will be in court August 8.
59 year old Dale A Golden was arrested for DUI and cited for simple possession on July 24. Corporal Travis Bryant received a call of a possible drunk driver on West Broad Street. Corporal Bryant spotted the vehicle in question and stopped it for a light violation. Golden, who had slurred speech, was unsteady on his feet and he performed poorly on sobriety tasks. A search incident to arrest revealed a small blue pill believed to be Diazapam on his person. Bond for Golden is $1,500 and he will be in court August 15.
18 year old Zachary Vincent and a juvenile were cited for simple possession and possession of drug paraphernalia on July 26. Vincent was a passenger and owner of a vehicle that Sergeant Bradley Tatrow had stopped for speeding. Upon a search of the vehicle, a small bag of a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana was found along with paraphernalia. Vincent’s court date is September 26.
37 year old Jody Lee Wright and 40 year old Amanda C. Oaf were arrested on July 30. Wright was charged with DUI and cited for failure to maintain his lane of travel and violation of the implied consent law. Oaf was charged with public intoxication. Officer Chip Avera stopped Wright’s vehicle for failure to maintain lane of travel. He noticed that Wright had slurred speech. Wright was unsteady on his feet, uncoordinated and performed poorly on sobriety tasks. Oaf, a passenger in the vehicle, had slurred speech. She was unsteady on her feet and she performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. A search incident to arrest revealed two pills believed to be oxycodone in Oaf’s possession. Bond for Wright and Oak is $1,500 each and they will be in court August 15.
Category Archives: News
DeKalb Schools Open Today, 2013-14 School Calendar Released
DeKalb County Schools Open Today.
Registration for all students will be Thursday, August 1. That will be an abbreviated school day from 7:30 a.m. until 9:30 a.m.
Friday, August 2 will be an administrative day for teachers only
The first full day of school for all students will be Monday, August 5
The 2013-14 school calendar is as follows:
Students will not attend on Monday, Labor Day, September 2.
Schools will be closed for the fall break October 14-25
Students will be off for the Thanksgiving holiday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 27, 28, & 29 and for the winter break December 23 through January 3. Wednesday, December 20 will be the last day students attend before winter break and that will be an abbreviated school day. Students will return after the holidays on Monday, January 6.
Schools will be closed for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on Monday, January 20 and for President’s Day, Monday, February 17.
Schools will be closed for spring break March 24-28
No school for students on Good Friday, April 18 and Memorial Day, Monday May 26.
The following are designated as Early Release dates: Friday, October 4; Friday, February 14; Friday, March 7, and Friday, March 21
Students will not attend on Tuesday, May 27. That will be an administrative day and all teachers must attend. The last day of school will be Wednesday, May 28. That will be an abbreviated school day and report cards will be sent home.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on Tuesday, October 8 and Tuesday, March 11 at DeKalb County High School from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will also be held from 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. Thursday, October 10 and Thursday, March 13 at DeKalb Middle School, Northside Elementary, Smithville Elementary, and DeKalb West School.
DCHS report cards will be sent home on Monday, October 7 and at all other schools on Tuesday, October 8. Report cards to be sent home from all schools on Tuesday, January 7. DCHS report cards to be sent home Monday, March 10 and at all other schools Tuesday, March 11.
ACT Test for the 11th grade will be Tuesday, March 4
Writing Assessment for the 5th, 8th, and 11th grades will be February 3-7.
TCAP testing of elementary students will be April 28 through May 9
First Day of School Education Celebration Thursday
The Eighth Annual First Day of School Education Celebration for DeKalb County will be held on Thursday, August 1 from 6:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. downtown around the courthouse square.
The celebration is held on school registration day.
Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-Kindergarten to 6th Grade, said the event is free and all parents and students are urged to attend to help kick off the new school year. “Our goal is to provide an evening of activities, education, and enjoyment for the residents of DeKalb County. We will be having information booths, passing out school supplies, refreshments, and various activities for the students to participate in while promoting education.”
“This will also provide a time for our teachers and parents to come together to build a foundation for new and positive relationships, right from day one,” said Burklow
“Our First Day of School Celebration is an opportunity for our schools to take a leadership role in re-enforcing and improving relationships among parents, teachers, students, and the community. This is the one day each year when it is both easiest and most important to enlist families as partners in our children’s education. This is a great time for us to engage our families and make them feel welcome into our schools.”
“So come out and join us. Everything is free that evening. We’ll have free school supplies, free food, snacks and lots of community people coming together to make this event possible”, said Burklow.
“There are many volunteers, churches, and organizations that come together to make this event possible for our children so they are able to start school with new supplies and a great positive attitude.”
If you would like to help with this event please call Michelle Burklow at 597-4084. Volunteers are needed.
This celebration is totally free of charge to those who attend so make plans now to join the fun downtown Smithville on Thursday, August 1.
School Officials Pleased with Overall DeKalb TCAP Results
DeKalb County student performance on the 2013 Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program shows growth in nearly all subjects.
The data, released by the Tennessee Department of Education, show district-by-district results for each subject of the 3-8 Achievement Tests and High School End of Course exams.
“These numbers reflect that the DeKalb County staff and students have done an outstanding job this past year,” said Director of Schools Mark Willoughby in an interview with WJLE last Friday, July 26. “We’ve seen growth in almost every area and we’re really excited about that. The achievement scores are wonderful,” he said.
“Our Annual Measurable Objective (AMO’s) are broken into two areas,” said Lisa Bell, data analysis. ” One area is achievement which is the percentage of students that are able to meet the bar set by the state. The other side is our growth side. That is how much growth a student has made from the last year of testing to this year of testing,” she said.
Growth over last year represents the difference between 2011-12 and 2012-13 in terms of the number of students who scored proficient or advanced. The following shows combined grades 3-8 student performance in the subject areas of Math, Reading, Science, and Social Studies:
DeKalb County:
(43% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(1% growth over last year)
(50% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.6% growth over last year)
(64.9% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(1.8% growth over last year)
Social Studies:
(84.8% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.9% growth compared to last year)
DeKalb County exceeded last year’s percentage of proficient students locally in 3-8 Reading which means more students met the expectations set by the state than last year. DeKalb’s growth rate in 3-8 Reading was also among the best in the state, according to Bell. “We have some very positive things to say about growth. The state releases a ranking of all of the systems compared to one another and they compare us in many ways. One of the ways they compare us is how much our students change their percentile ranking from third grade to eighth grade. They take the third grade’s percentile ranking and they test those students in third grade and then they test those exact same students in eighth grade and then they compare where they fall in the percentile in the state. They rank 135 systems across Tennessee. I am really proud to say that in Reading we (DeKalb County) are twelfth out of 135 systems when you look at how much a student changes from third to eighth grade in that percentile ranking,” said Bell.
DeKalb’s 3-8 Reading Growth Standard also ranks high, according to Bell. The growth standard reflects how much our average eighth grade student had grown (academically) each year since third grade. “As for our Reading growth standard, we are 27th out of 135 systems. When you look at the growth standard that we have for our third grade students, as you look at them progressing from third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh grade, and eighth grade, our growth standard makes us 27th out of 135 systems in Reading. That is extremely positive,” she said.
Math is another subject in which DeKalb County, on average, exceeded last year’s percentage of proficient students locally in grades 3-8. “When you look at our three year average, the Tennessee Value-Added Assessment System (TVAAS) gives you colors and green is always great. Green means you are significantly above the growth standard for the state. When you look at our growth standard for our three year average in math, we are still solid. I think that says a lot about our teachers and about the effort they have put forth when it comes to the changes that the state has been doing for the last three years,” said Bell.
As for the End of Course Achievement test 9-12 student performance, Annual Measureable Objectives (AMO’s) were met in all areas, Algebra I and II, and English II and III. “Our students and teachers are working very hard and I am very proud of them all” said Lisa Cripps, Supervisor of Instruction for grades 7-12th. “We missed our Graduation Rate Target Goal of 94.6 by 1.1%.” Tennessee’s overall graduation rate continues to improve reaching 87.2 in 2012. “Our high school graduation rate, while falling short of our target continues to be significantly higher than the state average” said Cripps.
End of Course Achievement and Growth results for grades 9-12 are as follows:
Algebra I:
(1% growth over last year)
Algebra II:
(28.8% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(8.2% growth compared to last year)
Biology I
(72.1% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(15.5% growth compared to last year)
English I
(68.1% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.7% growth compared to last year)
English II
(56.9% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-2.3% growth compared to last year)
English III
(32% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(0.7% growth compared to last year)
U.S. History
(92% of students performed at the proficient or advanced level)
(-2.1% growth compared to last year)
While the overall results are positive, officials said the local school system still has some work to do in closing achievement gaps among certain subgroups of students.
“I would like to commend our teachers and our students on such a great job that they did last year when we know that the rigor of the test changed tremendously from one year to the next,” said Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-K through 6th grade. “This speaks volumes for the hard work that our parents, teachers and our students did in partnership. I think we’re proving that everyone working together can make changes for our students in DeKalb County,” she said.
“Our goal starting in kindergarten and going to twelfth grade is for them to be college and career ready. We’re spiraling up to that and I think we’re getting where we need to be,” said Cripps.
It’s Official! All DeKalb County Schools to Have An SRO Officer
All five DeKalb County Schools will soon have a School Resource Officer.
The county commission, by a vote of 9-4, adopted the 2013-14 consolidated budget during Tuesday night’s meeting at the courthouse. The new budget includes funding for four new SROs. Commissioners Jeff Barnes, Mason Carter, Elmer Ellis, Jr., and Jerry Adcock voted no on the budget.
DeKalb-2014 Consolidated Budget 7-13-13.pdf (206.35 KB)
The county has been funding one School Resource Officer at the high school for several years. The other four schools in the county have never had an SRO.
Under the spending plan, two of the new School Resource Officers will be funded (salaries and benefits) in the county general budget while the other two new SRO’s (salaries and benefits) will be paid for out of the school budget. Money to equip and train all four new SRO officers will be included in the county general budget and the four extra used patrol cars for the officers will be paid for out of the county general’s capital projects fund. The officers are to be hired by the sheriff and will work out of his department.
The new SROs will be assigned to Smithville Elementary, Northside Elementary, DeKalb Middle, and DeKalb West School once they have completed training.
In addition to passage of the budget, the county commission voted to keep the property tax rate status quo for the 2013-14 fiscal year at $1.62 per $100 of assessed value. The vote was 12-1. Commissioner Jerry Adcock voted no.
According to County Mayor Mike Foster, plans are in the making this budget year for the development of a Solid Waste transfer station. “It will be in this budget year,” said Foster. ” We already have funding in place for it. We have saved money through the years to build it but we don’t have it in there (budget) yet because we don’t have an engineer report on it. We will do a budget amendment to the enterprise fund (when needed). If we don’t do a transfer station then we will have to develop a new landfill within the next year because the one we’re in will be full by this time next year,” said Foster.
Funds to offer health insurance to full time county general employees under the Affordable Health Care Act remains in the county general budget, even though the penalty provision of the federal law will not be enforced this year. The so-called employer mandate, which penalizes employers with more than 50 employees if they fail to provide a minimum standard of affordable health insurance, was set to kick in during 2014, but now will take effect in 2015.
The fire department plans to apply for grants to purchase a tanker truck and other equipment. The budget includes a total of $17,500 in local matching funds under the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. If awarded, a $12,500 local match (5%) will be required for the purchase of a tanker truck and a $5,000 local match (5%) will be needed for equipment. The fire department budget also includes $6,000 to purchase new pagers to replace some old pagers; $8,000 for reimbursement of in-service training costs for the last half of the fiscal year (after grant funds are exhausted); $23,000 for annual replacement of nine sets of turnout gear and eight breathing cylinders) to avoid a major one-time purchase in the future; and a Capital Project funding request for a one-time expenditure of approximately $20,000 to place a new roof and doors on an existing building at the Main Station.
Two years ago, a step wage scale was adopted for full time employees of the sheriff’s department. Last year, a step plan was put in place for full time county general employees. According to County Mayor Foster, a wage scale will be developed later this year for full time employees of the ambulance service. Apparently no other pay raises are budgeted.
Total budget appropriations for the fiscal year 2013-14 come to $42,208,422.
One cent of the tax rate generates $42,953 in local money with a 7.7% delinquency rate figured into the equation.
The proposed tax rate is broken down as follows:
County General: 82 cents
Highway/Public Works: 3 cents
General Capital Projects: 10 cents
Debt Service: 12 cents
General Purpose Schools: 55 cents.
The solid waste fund, under this budget, will not receive any property tax money but will continue to be supported by revenues derived from payment-in-lieu of taxes, local option sale taxes, hotel-motel tax, bank excise tax and wholesale beer tax, etc.
Capital projects fund expenses for the year include:
*Motor vehicles (Patrol Cars for Sheriff’s Department)- $131, 000 ($50,000 of this amount for 4 used patrol cars for new SRO officers)
*Other equipment (Fire Department Turnout Gear)- $23,000
* Building Improvements (Rescue Squad)- $1,700 (to purchase a roll up door)
*Building Construction (Veterans Building) $30,000 (repairs)
*Building Construction (Omega Building) $68,000 (repairs)
*Building Construction (Courthouse) $50,000 (repairs)
*Building Improvements (Fire Department) $20,000 (place a new roof and doors on an existing building at the Main Station)
*Building Improvements (Rescue Squad) $8,700 (adding shed to cover a boat)
The county commission also adopted a resolution making appropriations of $145,734 to the following non-profit organizations:
DeKalb Sparks Softball- $150
Upper Cumberland Development District- $3,411
Tennessee Division of Forestry-$1,500
DeKalb County Rescue Squad- $16,821
Plateau Mental Health-$7,180
Families First-$750
Senior Citizens Program-$26,934
DeKalb Soil Conservation District-$34,062
DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce-$15,000
Imagination Library- $7,200
Genesis House- $1,500
Upper Cumberland Child Advocacy Center- $1,780
DeKalb County Fair- $1,500
WCTE-TV- $5,000
Prospect Incorporated-$12,500
Upper Cumberland Human Resources-$1,200
UCHRA Assessment-Homemaker Aide, etc-$9,245
In other business, the county commission adopted a resolution authorizing the implementation of a five year plan for capital project improvements for DeKalb County.
County Mayor Foster said long term planning for construction projects is in the best interest of the county. The plan may be approved each year with passage of the annual budget. “I need to get two or three things in here for the first year. This is not all. The first year would be to approve the energy efficiency school project (by Johnson Controls) and the school roof (DeKalb West School) not to exceed three million dollars in school bonds; a roof for Omega Apparel (county owned building) not to exceed $80,000; windows for the Veterans Building not to exceed $25,000; Security camera system for the county complex not to exceed $10,000 for the office part. There are other things that should be in there (such as plans for a solid waste transfer station). But these are things we would want to proceed with fairly soon. Some of these (projects) have some grants built into them. We will start working on this each month and upgrading it. This thing requires that each budget have a working plan with what is going to be done within that year,” said Foster.
The commission also adopted a resolution to approve the DeKalb County Board of Education Facility Improvement Project Funding Plan. Under the plan, the board will utilize all the energy savings generated by the schools energy efficiency renovation project for payment incurred by DeKalb County for the energy efficiency portion of the debt issued. Additional funds from the Local Purpose Fund (local option sales tax/sinking fund) will be used to repair the roof at DeKalb West School. ” What this simply says is the Board of Education will fund the debt service on the energy efficiency part because they will be reaping the benefits of it and the county, through the Local Purpose Fund, will pay for the new roof that is going to be put on DeKalb West School,” said County Mayor Foster.
DeKalb County Fire Department Receives Elite Award for 2012-13 Training Efforts
Of the 732 fire departments in Tennessee, both volunteer and paid, DeKalb County Fire Department ranks # 6 for 2012-13 training achievement by the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy. Considering the ranking among volunteer departments in the state, DeKalb County Fire Department ranks # 1 (complete listing of recognized departments shown below).
This is the fifth consecutive year DeKalb County Fire Department has been recognized as one of Tennessee’s elite fire departments for outstanding training achievement. Last year, the department was awarded the Silver Level Award and was the #2 volunteer fire department in Tennessee for training hours. This year, the department logged 3,306 training hours and was recognized as a Gold Level fire department in Tennessee for its 2012-13 training efforts. Roger Hawks, Executive Director of the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy, attended the DeKalb County Commission Meeting on Tuesday evening and made the formal elite award presentation to DeKalb County. Accepting the award on behalf of the county fire department were (pictured above left to right: Assistant Chief Jeff Williams; Lieutenant David Agee; Roger Hawks, Executive Director of the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy; Captain Anthony Boyd; and Lieutenant Jay Cantrell)
DeKalb County Mayor Mike Foster commended the department’s members and leaders for making DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s training program such a huge success. “It is amazing to see the level of commitment that we continue to get year after year from our volunteer firefighters who work hard and train hard to make sure our citizens have good fire protection here in DeKalb County. Getting this kind of statewide recognition for the fifth consecutive year makes it very clear that we have an excellent group of men and women who are willing to do whatever it takes to be prepared to respond to the emergency needs of our citizens,” says Mayor Foster.
Chief Donny Green says he wants to personally commend Lieutenant David Agee, the department’s Training Officer for his determination in planning and coordinating the department’s training activities in a manner that identifies our training program as one of top in the state; volunteer or career. In addition to the 3,306 hours at the Academy, Lieutenant Agee coordinated 2,237 hours in “in-house” training. Chief Green says that without the support of County Mayor Mike Foster, the County Commission, and the citizens of DeKalb County, the department could not have achieved such recognition. “Properly trained firefighters are the best tools available to any fire department. Without proper training, the best and most expensive equipment is useless. However, good training coupled with good equipment is priceless,” says Chief Green. Training performance and documentation are a core elements in the Insurance Services Office’s (ISO) property protection that determine how much property owner’s have to pay in homeowners insurance premiums. The DeKalb County Fire Department’s proven success has resulted in a dramatic improvement to DeKalb County’s Public Protection Classification Rating of Class 6.
If you are interested in learning more about the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department, or would like information on how to be a member of our team and become a volunteer firefighter, you can visit the Department’s website at: or call 615-464-7176. You can also visit the Department’s FaceBook group page.
Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy’s
Elite Club 2012-13
Bradley County Fire Department 18,900 Hours
Rural/Metro Fire Department 6,864
Murfreesboro Fire & Rescue 4,450
McMinnville Fire Department 4,019
Lebanon Fire Department 3,308
DeKalb County Fire Department 3,306
Rutherford County Fire & Rescue 3,222
Morristown Fire Department 3,054
Nashville Fire Department 2,985
Johnson City Fire Department 2,937
Oak Ridge Fire Department 2,628
Montgomery County VFD E-911 2,464
Putnam County VFD 2,436
Wilson County EMA 2,234
Hendersonville Fire Department 2,223
Gallatin Fire Department 2,183
Andersonville VFD 2,095
Hardin County Fire Department 2,011
Elizabethton Fire Department 1,874
Jefferson City Fire Department 1,861
Athens Fire Department (City of) 1,859
Cookeville Fire Department 1,857
Milan Fire Department 1,709
Cumberland County FD 1,600
Germantown Fire Department 1,521
Clarksville Fire & Rescue 1,508
Shelbyville Fire Department 1,486
Selmer Fire Department 1,427
Greeneville Fire Department 1,303
Blount County Fire Department 1,281
Humboldt Fire Dept. 1,216
McMinn County Rural Fire Department 1,120
Seymour Volunteer Fire Department 1,077
Cocke County Fire Department 1,059
Rhea County Fire Department 1,028
Smyrna Fire Department 1,025
Two Indicted in Rash of Burglaries and Thefts
Two men charged in an investigation into a rash of burglaries and thefts in the Dowelltown and Dry Creek Road area last winter were indicted Monday by the DeKalb County Grand Jury.
25 year old Robert Allen Lester, Jr. is indicted on eleven counts of auto burglary, three counts of burglary, seven counts of theft under $500, four counts of theft over $1,000, two counts of theft over $500, and one count of aggravated burglary
Lester and 19 year old Ronald Deshon Reeder are co-indicted on two counts of auto burglary, two counts of theft under $500, one count of burglary, and one count of theft over $1,000.
Sheriff Patrick Ray told WJLE that the burglaries and thefts occurred on December 28 and from January 7-10 mostly in Dowelltown but also on Dry Creek Road in the area from New Home Road to the city limits of Smithville. There were nine victims altogether. Lester is accused of breaking into the Dowelltown Post Office, burglarizing automobiles of residents on South Mill Street, North Mill Street, Happy Valley Drive, Corley Street, Dry Creek Road, and the burglary of a shed/guest house on Corley Street, and an outbuilding on Dry Creek Road.
According to Sheriff Ray, Lester was responsible for the actual burglaries and thefts. In the case of the vehicles, he allegedly entered through an unlocked door in most instances and took what he could find, mostly guns and GPS devices, among other belongings. Reeder was originally charged with Lester in three of the crimes on Dry Creek Road because he rode along with Lester and sat in the vehicle while Lester was out committing the burglaries and thefts, knowing what Lester was doing. Sheriff Ray said after Lester was identified as a suspect, detectives and officers of the Sheriff’s Department raided his home and found most of stolen items.
Smithville Police also arrested Lester in January and charged him with three counts of burglary and three counts of theft. Chief Randy Caplinger said that on December 4 and January 2 Police received reports of vehicles having been broken into and items taken from them on Hayes Street, West Main Street, and Spring Street. Upon an investigation, it was determined that Lester had committed the crimes.
Indictments against Lester allege that:
*On or about December 4, 2012, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a TOM TOM GPS, being under the value of $500.
*On or about December 28, 2012 Lester broke into the Dowelltown Post Office and took three money orders being over the value of $500.
*On or about January 2, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a Blue Jensen Double Speaker Box, a GPS, miscellaneous baseball cards, miscellaneous CDs, miscellaneous tools and miscellaneous wiring, being over the value of $1,000.
*On or about January 2, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a wallet, a driver’s license, social security card, birth certificate, insurance card, set of keys and car keys, being under the value of $500
*On or about January 6, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a TOM TOM GPS, being under the value of $500.
*On or about January 7, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s residence and took one set of engagement rings, two anniversary band rings, a diamond bracelet, a Dell computer, a Canon digital camera in a case, an MPG player and a power cord, being over the value of $1,000.
*On or about January 7, 2013, Lester broke into two victim’s vehicles and took a Garmin, a phone car mount, fifteen Disney DVD’s, a car charger, twenty CDs and a car safety kit, being over the value of $1,000; along with a another Garmin, an iPod, an adapter and a charger, being over the value of $1,000
*On or about January 7, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and a building and took a 10 inch laser guide and two TOM TOM GPS’s, each being under the value of $500
*On or about January 7, 2013 Lester broke into a victim’s building and took a Stevens over and under 22-20 gauge shotgun, being under the value of $500.
*On or about January 7, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s residence.
*On or about January 8, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a Remington rifle with scope, an H&R rifle with scope and a Smith and Wesson 270 rifle with scope, being over the value of $1,000.
* On or about January 8, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a bottle of blood pressure pills, being under the value of $500.
* On or about January 9, 2013, Lester broke into a victim’s vehicle and took a Smith and Wesson .38 caliber pistol with holder, being under the value of $500
Lester and Reeder are co-indicted in the following offenses:
* On or about January 9, 2013, Lester and Reeder broke into a victim’s vehicle and took clothing, change, a buck knife, a hunting pouch, 270 Winchester shells, a vest, and hat, being under the value of $500
*On or about January 10, 2013, Lester and Reeder broke into a victim’s vehicle and building and took a Play Station 3, money, a 250 piece Kobalt socket set, a Brother sewing and embroidery machine, and a pack of Pall Mall cigarettes, being over the value of $1,000; along with a TOM TOM GPS and seven cell phone chargers, being under the value of $500.
Grand Jury Indicts Forty Seven
Forty seven people were indicted by the DeKalb County Grand Jury Monday including thirteen persons named in sealed indictments.
Those indicted will appear for arraignment in DeKalb County Criminal Court on Monday, August 12 at 9:00 a.m.
Defendants and their charges are as follows:
Brittney Barnes- Worthless Check (2 counts) and Theft under $500
Joseph Blair- Driving under the Influence, Possession of Paraphernalia, and Failure to Carry a Driver’s License
Anthony Bullard- Sale and Delivery of Schedule II drug
Wesley L. Burrage- Violation of Community Supervision for Life (4 counts) and Violation of the Sex Offender Registry
Andy Certain, April Lee Hollingsworth, and Kelly Lee Hollingsworth- Burglary, Theft over $1,000, & Possession of Paraphernalia
David Baxter Cook- Sale and Delivery of Schedule III drug (2 counts) & Sale and Delivery of Schedule IV drug
Sobhy Eskandar- Sexual Battery (3 counts)
Rachel Green and Clayton Green- Aggravated Burglary, Auto Burglary, Theft over $1,000, Theft under $500, and Possession of a Weapon by a Felon.
Joel Thomas Hayes- Burglary and Theft over $1,000
Larry Lattimore- Driving under the Influence (4th offense)
James Steven LeDuc- Possession of a Schedule II drug for resale, Possession of a Schedule IV drug for Resale (2 counts)
Robert Allen Lester, Jr.- Auto Burglary (11 counts) Theft under $500 (7 counts), Theft over $500 (2 counts), Theft over $1,000 (4 counts), Burglary (3 counts), Aggravated Burglary
Robert Allen Lester, Jr. and Ronald Deshon Reeder- Auto Burglary (2 counts), Burglary, Theft over $1,000, and Theft under $500 (2 counts)
Trina Matthews- Theft over $1,000, Theft under $500
Travis Melton- Aggravated Burglary (2 counts) and Theft over $1,000 (2 counts)
Howard R. Moon- Driving under the Influence (5th offense) and Evading Arrest
Alvaro Alfaro Munoz- Driving on a Suspended License
Shelly Newby- Theft over $1,000 (2 counts), Theft under $500
Calen Paschal- Aggravated Assault, Possession of a Weapon by a Felon, & Possession of a Schedule VI drug for Resale
Joseph Huff Ray- Theft over $500 and Initiation of Methamphetamine
Zachary Adam Shinabery- Driving under the Influence (2nd offense)
Brandon Thomas- Initiation of the Manufacture of Methamphetamine and Driving on a Revoked License
Tracy Ann Thomason- Theft under $500 (2 counts)
Johnny Trapp- Domestic Assault
Richard Turner- Theft under $500
Ray Darnell Underwood-Possession of a Schedule II & VI drug, Evading Arrest (2 counts), Promotion of the Manufacture of Methamphetamine, and Driving on a Suspended License
Stephanie Vanatta- Theft over $1,000, Auto Burglary (2 counts), Theft under $500 (4 counts), Burglary (2 counts), Vandalism over $500
Tracy Nelson Veach- Driving under the Influence (4th offense) and Violation of the Implied Consent Law
Jason Mark Watts- Driving under Influence and Evading Arrest
Paul Willingham- Introduction of Contraband into a Penal Institution
Autumn White- Possession of a Schedule VI drug and Possession of a Schedule II drug for Resale
Melissa Darlene Woods- Initiation of the Manufacture of Methamphetamine
Man Arrested for Concealing Camera to Video Sixteen Year old Girl Taking a Shower
A man who concealed a camera in a bathroom to capture video of a sixteen year old girl taking a shower has been arrested by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department.
19 year old Clayton Daniel Gott of Blue Springs Road, Smithville is charged with three counts of unlawful photographing and violation of privacy. He was arrested on Saturday, July 27. His bond totals $4,500 and he will be in court August 8.
According to Sheriff Patrick Ray, the incidents occurred at the home of the victim’s grandparents. The victim is a sister to Gott’s girlfriend and Gott, who lives next door, had been a frequent and welcomed visitor to the home. Sheriff Ray said during Gott’s visits, he would go to the bathroom and set up the camera. After the victim took a shower, Gott would go back in the bathroom and remove the camera.
During the third episode, the victim discovered the recording device in a toilet paper holder in the bathroom. The camera was on and recording while she was taking a shower. The incident was reported to the sheriff’s department.
According to Sheriff Ray, Gott admitted to hiding the camera in the bathroom for the purpose of collecting video of this 16 year old female. Gott claims to have done this a total of three times within the previous two weeks. He was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
31 year old William Travis Malone of Curtis Avenue, Alexandria is charged with initiation of a process intended to manufacture methamphetamine. Malone was also issued a citation for possession of drug paraphernalia (two needles and several cut straws). His bond is $50,000 and he will be in court August 8. Sheriff Ray said that on Tuesday, July 23 Malone, Candice Vickers, and others were in a vehicle at the Walmart parking lot in Smithville. Vickers had an active warrant against her. A deputy pulled over the vehicle to serve the warrant. While checking for warrants on others in the vehicle, the Smithville Police Department K-9 unit was deployed. The dog indicated on the automobile. Officers searched the trunk of the car and found a black and orange bag that contained a 20 ounce plastic bottle of muriatic acid, an 8 ounce Folgers container full of lye, plastic tubing, six lithium batteries, two cold packs including one cut open, and other items used to manufacture methamphetamine. According to Sheriff Ray, Malone said these items belonged to him. Malone was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
An investigation by a sheriff’s department detective into reports of forgeries resulted in the arrest of 38 year old Christopher Alan Scruggs of Highland Avenue, Smithville. He is charged with three counts of forgery. His bond totals $4,500 and he will be in court August 8. Sheriff Ray said that Scruggs allegedly passed a $35 forged check at Jewel’s Market on Highway 56 on Wednesday, July 10 and again on Friday, July 12 . Scruggs also allegedly passed another $35 forged check at Shiney Rock Market on Thursday, July 11.
25 year old Brandon Wayne Hutchings of Young Ridge Road, Sparta and 24 year old Jessica Anne Jenkins of Fall Creek Drive, Smithville are each charged with burglary and theft of property under $500. Jenkins is also charged with filing a false report. Hutchings’ bond totals $7,500. Bond for Jenkins is $9,000. Court dates are August 1 for Hutchings and August 8 for Jenkins.
Sheriff Ray said that Hutchings and Jenkins are charged with breaking into and taking a purse from a vehicle parked at Sligo bridge on Sunday, July 21. Entry was gained by breaking out a rear window on the passenger side causing $300 in damage. The purse contained a wallet, pants, tank top, and a belt, all valued at less than $500. Hutchings and Jenkins were arrested some two hours later. Found on Hutchings was the victim’s identification.
Jenkins was arrested again on Saturday, July 27 on the filing a false report charge after an officer went to her home to serve an active warrant on her. The deputy asked Jenkins if anyone else was in the home. She said no. After checking further, the officer found three others including one person with an outstanding warrant. Jenkins was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
Two female inmates have been charged with assault for fighting while in jail. 36 year old Stephanie Lee Vanatta of A.B. Frazier Road and 29 year old Rhonda Joy Goff of Students Home Road will be in court August 8. Bond for each is $2,500. Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, July 28 Vanatta and Goff began arguing and that the incident escalated into an altercation. Correctional officers had to go into the cell area where Vanatta and Goff were on the floor. Vanatta was bleeding from her nose and she complained that her ribs were hurting. Goff was observed on the jail’s video surveillance system going after Vanatta.
Another prisoner is also charged with fighting in jail. 33 year old Anthony Doel Atnip of Johnson Chapel Road, Sparta is charged with assault. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court on August 1. Sheriff Ray said that on Thursday, July 25 Atnip and another inmate got into an argument which escalated into an altercation. Atnip allegedly struck the other inmate several times about the head and body with his fist.
38 year old Jimmy Mason Page of Old Snow Hill Road, Dowelltown is charged with evading arrest. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court August 8. Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, July 28 an officer went to Page’s home to serve an outstanding warrant on him. As the deputy was driving slowly by trying to find Page’s driveway, he spotted Page sitting on the front porch of his home. When Page saw the officer, he jumped up and ran into the woods. While deputies were searching the woods, Page returned to his house. He was subsequently arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
45 year old Brett Allen Anderson of East Bryant Street, Smithville is charged with driving on a revoked license. He had already been cited earlier that day for the same offense. Anderson was further cited for simple possession of a Schedule II drug (Morphine). His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court August 1. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, July 22 Anderson was operating a vehicle on Midway Road when a sheriff’s department drug detective pulled him over, having prior knowledge that his driver license were revoked. A computer check confirmed that his license were revoked for failure to provide financial responsibility on June 24, 2013. During the traffic stop, the detective saw Anderson putting something in between the driver’s seat and console. The detective checked there and found a cellophane pack with two pills believed to be morphine. He was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
28 year old Tristan Jade Burgess of Potts Camp Road, Smithville is charged with domestic assault. She is under a $2,500 bond and she will be in court August 8. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, July 22 Burgess and her husband got into an argument which became physical. Burgess allegedly scratched her husband’s neck, chest, and back leaving red marks. She also tore his shirt. Burgess was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
31 year old Renee Lynn Simpson of Church Street, Dowelltown is charged with domestic assault. Her bond is $1,000 and she will be in court August 8. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, July 22 Simpson and her brother got into an argument. During the incident, Simpson allegedly slammed the television to the floor. Then, as her brother picked up the TV, she allegedly slapped him in the head, grabbed the TV and threw it down again, breaking it. Simpson grabbed a fork and followed her brother, threatening to kill him and his family. She then picked up his computer and threw it on the floor. Simpson was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
36 year old Jayme Lynn Dowell of Carter Street, Smithville is charged with domestic assault. Her bond is $1,000. Sheriff Ray said that an officer was dispatched to a domestic call at Dowell’s home on Tuesday, July 23. Upon arrival, the officer saw the victim in the doorway with blood on her arms and head. She was fussing with Dowell, who is her sister. After speaking with both parties, the officer learned from Dowell that she tried to push her sister out of the door. Dowell was determined to be the primary aggressor and she was brought to the jail for booking.
36 year old Tim Melvin Hickman of Bridgeway Motel, Smithville is charged with an eighth offense of driving on a revoked license. He was also issued a citation for improper passing, a violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance), and a violation of the registration law. His bond is $10,000. Sheriff Ray said that on Tuesday, July 16 Hickman was operating a Gold Harley Davidson motorcycle on Highway 70 when he was stopped for passing another vehicle in a no passing zone. He had no tag on his motorcycle. He could not produce a license nor proof of insurance. A computer check revealed his license were revoked. Hickman was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
52 year old Paul Randall Ervin of Big Hurricane Road, Smithville is charged with domestic assault. His bond is $1,500. Sheriff Ray said Ervin and his wife got into an argument at their residence on Thursday, July 18. Ervin allegedly hit her in the chest, grabbed and scratched her arm, and took money and a phone from her hand and hid them. Ervin was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
22 year old Eva Caroline Parliament of Meadows Drive, Lebanon is charged with driving on a suspended license. A passenger of the vehicle, 25 year old Melissa Hadidian Moghadam of Hermitage is charged with public intoxication. Bond for each is $1,500.
Sheriff Ray said that on Friday, July 19 Parliament was behind the steering wheel of a motor vehicle, parked in the middle of Midway Road just after midnight with her lights off. The officer checked the vehicle and found Parliament under the steering wheel. The officer detected an odor of an alcoholic beverage coming from the vehicle when the doors were opened. Parliament had no drivers license. A computer check revealed her license to be suspended for failure to satisfy a citation in Rutherford County. Moghadam submitted to but performed poorly on field sobriety tasks. The deputy allowed Parliament and Moghadam to call someone to pick them up but after an hour passed and no one showed up, Parliament and Moghadam were arrested and brought to the jail for booking for the safety of themselves and the public.
County Fire Dept. Installs Smoke Alarms for Elderly Resident
“Don’t have smoke alarms in your home? There’s no excuse now!
The DeKalb County Fire Department has a supply of free smoke alarms available for those who need them. Anyone without working smoke alarms is at high-risk and may be served through this program, especially low income individuals, residents of manufactured/mobile homes, the elderly, and families with young children.
All you have to do is complete a very short survey form and give the fire department your address and phone number. Members of the department will come install the alarms promptly and upon arriving at your home, firefighters will provide you with official identification and will be driving a department vehicle. The fire department does this for your safety and to make sure you are comfortable with whom you are letting in your home.
90 year old Porter Webb, a resident of 311 Jefferson Road, received two smoke alarms Monday afternoon. Brian Williams, Commander of the Main Station of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department, installed the smoke alarms for Mr. Webb. They were placed over the doorways of the living room and a bedroom.
Webb said he is very glad to have the new smoke alarms and is thankful to the county fire department for providing them.
Please call 615-417-3935 or 615-464-7176 to request and schedule your smoke alarm installation. Don’t wait, these will go quickly!”