Joe Fortner New DeKalb County TWRA Officer

DeKalb County has a new TWRA officer.
Joe Fortner, originally of Cookeville has served TWRA as an officer in Williamson County since 2004.
Fortner will be relocating to DeKalb County. He is taking over from TWRA officer Mike Beaty who will now be working in Putnam County.

State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver Announces Annual Sales Tax Holiday

State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver (R–Lancaster) announced this week that Tennessee’s 9th annual Sales Tax Holiday is scheduled for Friday, August 2nd through Sunday, August 4th, 2013. During the three day tax holiday, shoppers can save almost 10 percent on tax free clothing, school and art supplies, and computer purchases.
“It is once again that time of year for the citizens of our district to participate in our state’s annual sales tax holiday,” said Representative Weaver. “This tax-free weekend presents a great opportunity to save money on back-to-school items or to stock up on much-needed essentials.”
The holiday begins at 12:01 a.m. on Friday and ends at 11:59 p.m. on Sunday. During the designated three day weekend, shoppers will not pay state or local sales tax on select clothing with a price of $100 or less per item, school and art supplies with a price of $100 or less per item, and computers with a price of $1,500 or less.
“I hope this holiday allows the people of our community to keep a bit more hard-earned money in their pockets,” continued Representative Weaver. “I am an advocate of lower taxes across the board and will continue that fight in Nashville to help put even more money back in your bank account over the coming months.”
For more information, please visit The Tennessee Department of Revenue also assists consumers via e-mail at, and through its toll-free hotline, 1-800-342-1003. Exempted items include:
•Clothing: Shirts, dresses, pants, coats, gloves and mittens, hats and caps, hosiery, neckties, belts, sneakers, shoes, uniforms — both athletic and non-athletic, and scarves.
•School supplies: Binders, book bags, calculators, tape, chalk, crayons, erasers, folders, glue, pens, pencils, lunch boxes, notebooks, paper, rulers and scissors.
•Art supplies: Clay and glazes, acrylic, tempera and oil paints, paintbrushes for artwork, sketch and drawing pads, and watercolors.
•Computers: Laptop computers, desktop computers, tablets, central processing units (CPUs), along with various other components including monitor, keyboard, mouse, cables to connect components, and pre-loaded software.
Terri Lynn Weaver is serving her third term in the House of Representatives and is a member of the House Criminal Justice Committee and the House Transportation Committee. She is Chairwoman of the Transportation Subcommittee. Weaver represents District 40, which encompasses Dekalb, Smith, Trousdale, and part of Sumner Counties.

Amateur Radio Special Event Station Successful

The DeKalb/Cannon County Amateur Radio Club conducted a Special Event Station at the 42nd Annual Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Craft Festival on Saturday, July 6th, 2013. This year marked the fourteenth year that a special event station had been set up at the Jamboree.
The station was setup at the front entrance of the Justin Potter Library during the early morning hours on Saturday. Antennas were assembled, radios were properly checked, and transmissions were begun at 7:30 AM local time. Operations took place in the 20 meter and 40 meter Amateur Radio bands, and the station was publicized in Amateur Radio magazines QST, CQ, and the club website. This year operations took place in pouring rain for most of the entire day. For the very first time, operations also took place at the DeKalb County Emergency Operations Center – Communications Room in the Smithville Fire Department to provide weather monitoring support for the local Emergency Management Agency.
The station contacted 247 total Amateur Radio Stations in 34 States, and Ontario and Quebec, Canada. One interesting contact included the Ham Station on-board the Battleship USS New Jersey, now a museum ship, in Camden, New Jersey.
Amateur Radio Operator Guests included the following: AG4VF – Bruce Newberry, Pegram, TN; WB9SJK – David Redmond, Smithville, TN; K4DZR – Jerry Goodchild, Hendersonville, TN, KF5QYU. Very special guests were: Brandon Turrentine, Winnie, TX; KD5EFM – Debbie Driver, Houston, TX; AK5Q – Mickey A. Driver, Houston, TX, who are members of the KC5WXA Jake McClain Driver Memorial Amateur Radio Club, Houston, TX.
Participants of the station included DeKalb/Cannon County Amateur Radio Club Members:
KK4OEY – Mark A. Stewart, Rock Island, TN; NN9J – Steve Kujawski, Sparta, TN; NF9G – Kathy Kujawski, Sparta, TN; KK4JUP – Jeffrey Kemper – Dowelltown, TN; KG4IKT – Jeff Estal, Bradyville, TN; and KC4GUG – Freddy Curtis, Smithville, TN. This year the station also had CW or Morse code included in the operation. This was done by N4LZY – Jerry Elkins of Woodbury, Tennessee and added greatly to the station operation.
The local club looks forward to operating another special event station at next year’s Smithville Fiddlers’ Jamboree and Craft Festival on Saturday, July 5th, 2014. The club would like to offer its thanks to Jamboree Coordinator – Mr. Jack Burton, Justin Potter Librarian – Mrs. Kathy Hendrixson, DeKalb County EMA Director – Charlie Parker, and Mr. Darryl Counts – Postmaster, Smithville Post Office for their support of this activity.
The DeKalb/Cannon County Amateur Radio Club is an organization of Amateur Radio operators from DeKalb, Cannon, and Surrounding Counties and is an affiliated club of the American Radio Relay League. The next club meeting will be on Thursday, July 25th, 2013 – 6:30 PM at the DeKalb County Complex, 722 South Congress Boulevard, Smithville, TN. Any person interested in Amateur Radio is invited to attend. More information about the club can be found at the club’s website –
Picture Captions:
Picture 1 = Amateur Radio Operators at the Special Event Station operate under the tent in the rain during the 42nd Annual Smithville Fiddlers Jamboree and Crafts Festival included:
Left to Right – KC4GUG – Freddy Curtis, NN9J – Steve Kujawski, and N4LZY – Jerry Elkins. Photo Courtesy of NF9G – Kathy Kujawski.
Picture 2 = Amateur Radio Operators at the Special Event Station operate at the DeKalb County Emergency Operations Center – Communications Room in the Smithville Fire Department during the 42nd Annual Smithville Fiddlers Jamboree and Crafts Festival included:
Left to Right – KK4OEY – Mark A. Stewart, KK4JUP – Jeffrey Kemper, KG4IKT – Jeff Estal, and NN9J – Steve Kujawski, Photo Courtesy of NF9G – Kathy Kujawski.

Recent Floods Create Problems for County Road Department

The DeKalb County Road Department is working to repair several county roads which have been damaged or even washed away in places by recent flooding alongside creeks and streams.
Much of the damage occurred on Dry Branch and Oakley Hollow Road. “On Dry Branch, it washed the abutments off each end of the bridge,” said Road Supervisor Kenny Edge. “It washed the road down completely. It washed the oil and chip off of it down to the base stone (at the bridge),” he said.
A landslide caused a small portion of Oakley Hollow Road to collapse. Repairs have been made to the road since, but Edge said problems persist there. “Oakley Hollow had a landslide. Part of the road slid off toward Smith Fork Creek, ” said Edge. “We hauled two or three hundred tons of rock in there and we’ve had to do that over and over. It just keeps going down. It’s already dropped twelve inches again,” he said.
Flood waters also washed away the wing wall of a small bridge over Oakley Hollow Road and areas of Dry Creek were affected. ” On Dry Creek, right now we’ve got everything passable. It’s not the best in the world but problems occur when you get in the end of these hollows where the creeks and the roads run side by side with a hillside on each side and nowhere for the flood waters to go but down the road. It just washes all the surface away. But you have got to go in there and resurface it. When you’ve got thirteen employees working over a six hundred mile area it’s hard to manage,” said Edge.
With a small road crew to do repairs, Road Supervisor Edge is asking the public for patience as the work continues to fix problems from the floods. “The problems with this flood damage is it takes a while to get to each location and get it corrected. Like down on the Oakley Road where the wing wall fell off a bridge, we had to get somebody to come in there with a track hoe to remove everything and then get the forms set up and pour the concrete. By the time you go in there and set up and do all that, it takes so many hours to do it,” he said.
While flooding is not uncommon in DeKalb County, Edge said it usually doesn’t occur so much during the summer months and making these flood repairs is slowing his regular maintenance work. “We deal with it occasionally throughout the year but most of the time in the summer is when you get to do the oiling and chipping and road maintenance and mowing. But when you have these continual rains day after day it makes it hard. Like in July, you fix something one day and it’s washed away the next. Its time consuming and you have to neglect your normal duties throughout the county to correct all these dangerous situations,” said Edge.
“We’re slowly recuperating from all of this. We’ll finally recover. Everybody just bare with us,” he said.

Tracy Slone Named New DCHS Baseball Coach

DeKalb County High School has a new baseball coach.
Tracy Slone of Murfreesboro succeeds long time coach Scott Odom who recently resigned the position. The announcement was made Monday by DCHS Principal Patrick Cripps after which Coach Slone met for the first time with DCHS baseball players and parents. “I would like to welcome Coach Slone to our baseball program. He has a great reputation around Tennessee High School baseball and we’re excited to have him here with us,” said Cripps.
Slone is a native of Indiana and a graduate of Cumberland University in Lebanon where he pitched on the Bulldogs’ first World Series team in 1988. He played two seasons of minor league baseball in the New York Yankees and Oakland A’s organizations.
For the last two years, Slone has been an assistant baseball coach at Siegel High School in Murfreesboro. Prior to coaching at Siegel he was the head coach at Lebanon High School from 2005-2011, Lincoln County High School from 1994-2004, and at Lakeland High in LaGrange, Indiana. During his prep coaching career, Sloan won more than 350 games and has seen 70 of his former players go on to play at the college level and three more sign pro contracts.
“I grew up in northern Indiana,” said Coach Slone in an interview with WJLE Monday. “After high school, I went to a Junior College in Kansas and then to Cumberland University on a baseball scholarship at both places. After Cumberland, I had an opportunity to sign a professional contract with the Oakland A’s organization. I played a little bit with them and then I joined the New York Yankees organization. I was a left handed pitcher but developed some elbow problems. I still got the opportunity to play a little professional baseball and nobody can ever take that away from me,” said Coach Slone.
According to Principal Cripps, Coach Slone was one of many applicants for the job but he seemed to stand out. “I knew this was going to be a big hire,” said Cripps. “The program is important to me. It was important to get a solid guy. Somebody to not only coach baseball and coach the right way but to be a leader of men. We had people from all over to apply for the position. I had people from Kentucky, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, from the east to west and north to south in Tennessee. I had a ton of applications. But everybody I talked to about Coach Slone said he is a solid baseball guy and more importantly, he is a solid man. Somebody you would want your son playing for,” said Principal Cripps.
Perhaps the highest praise for Coach Slone came from legendary and Hall of Fame head coach Woody Hunt of Cumberland University . “I was going to a conference and got an email from Coach Slone saying that he was interested in the job. I got back from that conference and was sitting at the house when Coach Hunt called me and told me a little bit about Coach Slone. How many times does a Hall of Fame coach call you wanting to make a recommendation for a hire? When you have somebody call of Coach Hunt’s stature and you look at the wins he (Coach Slone) has had and how many kids he has seen go to college, it’s just a win-win for us,” said Principal Cripps.
Coach Slone told WJLE that after two years as an assistant, he looks forward to being a head coach again. “I was a head coach for nineteen years before becoming an assistant at Siegel. I wanted to be a head coach again and I happened to be looking on TSSAA and noticed DeKalb County (had an opening). I’m excited. I’ve always coached at Triple-A schools but this is the size of town and school I like. There is a good tradition in baseball here and I want to win games but my main goal is to do it the right way. I want the kids to act the right way on and off the field and set good examples for the program,” said he said.
Coach Slone and his wife Tracy have two children. “Chase is a senior and Jordan, my daughter is going to be in sixth grade. We live at Walter Hill,” he said.
In addition to his baseball head coaching duties, Coach Slone is being hired as a wellness teacher at DCHS. “I’ve always coached at one school and teached at another so this is the first time I’ve actually been at the school that I coach at so this is exciting for me,” he said.
Coach Slone has a B.S. degree in Education from Cumberland University in Lebanon. He has been a P.E. teacher for 5th-12th grade at MAP Academy in Lebanon since 2005.

Woman Injured in Rollover Accident on Jefferson Road

A 34 year old woman was injured Sunday evening after she lost control of her car on Jefferson Road.
Sergeant Eric McCormick of the Tennessee Highway Patrol said Amy Craig was eastbound on Jefferson Road in a 2006 Buick when the car ran off the right shoulder and rolled over coming to rest on its side.
Craig was taken by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital where she was treated and released. She is to be charged with driving under the influence, violation of the implied consent law, expired registration and failure to stay in her lane of travel.
The crash was reported to THP at 7:45 p.m.

City Takes Fight to Stop DUD Water Plant to Chancery Court in Davidson County

The City of Smithville is taking its fight to keep the DeKalb Utility District from building its own water treatment plant to Chancery Court in Davidson County.
Following the recommendation of city attorney Vester Parsley, Jr. the aldermen voted 4-0 Monday night to hire Nashville attorneys Bill Purcell and Jason Holleman to file an appeal of the State Utility Management Review Board’s dismissal of a petition by a group of DUD ratepayers who were hoping to halt DUD plans to build the water plant.
After a hearing on Thursday, April 4 which lasted all day and into the night, the UMRB board found that the petitioners had failed to meet their burden of proof that DUD rates or services provided were unreasonable. The hearing was held in Smithville at the DeKalb County Complex auditorium.
“I do not believe that the petitioners presented a case for water rates,” said one member of the UMRB board. “They presented a case for not wanting Smithville to lose DeKalb Utility District as a customer. What the petitioner proved was that Smithville didn’t want to lose a customer, not that the rates were improper,” he said.
During Monday night’s meeting of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen, City Attorney Parsley said an appeal of the UMRB’s ruling must be filed within sixty days of the filing of the order from that hearing and the deadline is August 5. “Earlier this year (April 4) we had a hearing before the (UMRB) board regarding the application that DUD had made to build a new water treatment plant here outside the city to treat water,” said Parsley. ” Of course we (city) would lose a substantial part of our income that we receive from DUD if they continue on that way. We had 60 days (from the date the order was filed from the hearing) to file an appeal. That 60 days will be up on August 5,” said Parsley.
“I have been in communication with (Nashville attorneys) Bill Purcell and Jason Holleman who were involved with (representation at UMRB hearing) for the ratepayers of the City of Smithville and DUD customers. They need to know whether or not the board (aldermen) wants to make that appeal (to Chancery Court) because it has to be done within that deadline. If it isn’t, they (DUD) can go forward (build the water plant) and that’s the end of the case. The appeal process is very similar to what you see with the court of appeals. However, you’re going to appeal to a Chancellor that is in Davidson County, not a local Chancellor,” said Parsley. “The purpose of that appeal is to determine whether or not the (UMRB) board which came to Smithville and had the hearing made the right decision,” he said.
“I have also been in communication with Mr. Purcell and Mr. Holleman regarding the cost of that appeal to the City of Smithville. They have offered to prepare an appeal for the hearing. There will be no new proof. No new depositions submitted. The fee is not to exceed $10,000. It is my recommendation to the board that we go forward with that but that’s up to the board,” said City Attorney Parsley. ” As to the outcome of that, we’ll have to wait and see how the Chancellor rules. But I think it would be good for us to go forward with that and hopefully we would get a more favorable decision from a Chancellor than we did the (UMRB) board,” he said.
Alderman Tim Stribling made a motion to file the appeal. ” Mr. Mayor, I’d like to see that this go before the Chancellor. I think it would be more unbiased. I think we all saw that day the deck was stacked against us so I’d like to make a motion that we appeal the decision of the board which allowed DUD to continue with building their own water treatment plant and I’d also like to make a motion that we retain Bill Purcell and Jason Holleman to represent the city with an understanding that they shall be paid a fee not to exceed $10,000,” said Alderman Stribling.
Alderman Danny Washer offered a second to the motion. Alderman Jason Murphy and Shawn Jacobs joined Stribling and Washer in voting for it. Alderman Josh Miller was unable to attend the meeting.
In other business, the aldermen, following a public hearing, adopted on second and final reading an ordinance to change the regular meeting dates of city council meetings to once a month, on the first Monday at 6:00 p.m. at city hall. For many years, the meetings have been held twice a month on the first and third Monday nights at 7:00 p.m. at city hall.
If the first Monday should fall on a holiday, the aldermen will meet on the second Monday of that particular month at 6:00 p.m. at city hall. Special meetings may be called during the month as needed by the mayor or any two aldermen.
The regular city council meetings for the remainder of the year will be on Monday, August 5; September 9; October 7; November 4; and December 2 at 6:00 p.m. at city hall.
Meanwhile, the aldermen adopted a resolution authorizing the city to participate in the Tennessee Municipal League Risk Management Pool “Safety Partners” Loss Control Matching Grant Program.
If approved the 50% matching grant may be used to assist with the purchase of safety related equipment. such as high visibility traffic vests, rain gear, boots, gloves, safety cones, etc. for city employees.
TML is the city’s liability insurance carrier. “They do all of our workers comp, property, and liability,” said Hunter Hendrixson, City Secretary-Treasurer. ” Once a year they authorize a “Safety Partners” Loss Control Matching Grant. It’s a 50% match. They haven’t sent me how much we’ll be eligible for but I think it’ll be around the $2,000 mark,” he said.
The resolution is as follows:
WHEREAS, the safety and well being of the employees of the City of Smithville is
of the greatest importance; and
WHEREAS, all efforts shall be made to provide a safe and hazard-free workplace for the City of Smithville employees; and
WHEREAS, the TML Risk Management Pool seeks to encourage the establishment of a safe workplace by offering a “Safety Partners” Loss Control Matching Grant Program; and
WHEREAS, the City of Smithville now seeks to participate in this important program.
SECTION 1. That the City of Smithville is hereby authorized to submit application for a “Safety Partners” Loss Control Matching Grant through the TML Risk Management Pool.
SECTION 2. That the City of Smithville is further authorized to provide a matching sum to serve as a match for any monies provided by this grant.

Veterans Urged to Learn More About Benefits Available to them During Upcoming Meeting

Many veterans are said to have little or no understanding of all the benefits due them.
In an effort to boost awareness locally, officials of the Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs will hold a meeting Thursday night, July 18 at 6:00 p.m. at the VFW Post 7623 on the Sparta Highway in Smithville. All military veterans and their spouses are urged to attend. Please bring with you a copy of your DD214 (retirement or discharge form) or other proper military service information if you are interested in learning more about benefits to which you may be entitled.
Among those planning to be present to answer questions are County Service officer Paul Cantrell along with Sarah Tinch of Putnam County and Jack Bussell and Matthew Elmore of White County.
Officials say veterans are eligible for a wide range of benefits, from access to the VA’s well-regarded medical system to lifetime payments for disabilities suffered during military service to access to education, life insurance and home loan programs, among others.
“DeKalb County veterans are lacking on a lot of benefits (due them). A lot of spouses or widows of veterans can still receive some benefits, ” said Ron Miller, VFW Post Commander. Benefits have changed within the last three to ten years and most veterans, spouses, and handicapped people who are 100% disabled have no idea what they are eligible for,” said Miller.
“For example, if they (veterans or spouses) are unable to use a shower or tub, they go up to about $7,500 (benefits) to improve their bathroom just to get it fixed,” said Miller. “Most of the residents of DeKalb County need to know about all of this and the only way they can be informed of it is to meet in a forum where they can discuss it,” he said.
“DeKalb County (veterans) received about $3.5 million in (benefits) during 2011-12. They could receive more,” said Miller. “We’ve only got 1,100 (veterans) in the county”. In one way or another, from compensation to the veterans or from subsidies, it could be from anything as long as it’s used for the veterans,” he said.
“I would appreciate it if everybody (veterans and spouses) would come if they need it. Even if you don’t understand what benefits you may be eligible for, come to the meeting and ask the questions,” said Miller.
For more information, call Ron Miller at 931-761-2307

County Commission to Decide SROs for All Five Schools July 30

All five DeKalb County Schools may soon have a School Resource Officer.
Funding for four new SRO positions is included in the county’s proposed consolidated budget for the 2013-14 fiscal year which will take effect upon passage by the county commission. The vote is set for the next regular county commission meeting, which has been rescheduled from Monday, July 22 to Tuesday, July 30 at 6:30 p.m. in the downstairs courtroom of the courthouse.
DeKalb-2014 Consolidated Budget 7-13-13.pdf (206.35 KB)
The county budget committee met briefly Monday afternoon to act on the budget again after a few omissions were discovered in the spending plan following Friday night’s vote by the committee. The corrected document will now go to the full county commission for approval.
The county has been funding one School Resource Officer at the high school for several years. The other four schools in the county have never had an SRO.
Under this proposed spending plan, two of the new School Resource Officers will be funded (salaries and benefits) in the county general budget while the other two new SRO’s (salaries and benefits) will be paid for out of the school budget. Money to equip and train all four new SRO officers will be included in the county general budget and the four extra used patrol cars for the officers will be paid for out of the county general’s capital projects fund. The officers are to be hired by the sheriff and will work out of his department.
In addition to passage of the budget, the county commission will also keep the property tax rate status quo for the 2013-14 fiscal at $1.62 per $100 of assessed value.
According to County Mayor Mike Foster, plans are in the making this budget year for the development of a Solid Waste transfer station. “It will be in this budget year,” said Foster. ” We already have funding in place for it. We have saved money through the years to build it but we don’t have it in there (budget) yet because we don’t have an engineer report on it. We will do a budget amendment to the enterprise fund (when needed). If we don’t do a transfer station then we will have to develop a new landfill within the next year because the one we’re in will be full by this time next year,” said Foster.
Funds to offer health insurance to full time county general employees under the Affordable Health Care Act remains in the county general budget, even though the penalty provision of the federal law will not be enforced this year. The so-called employer mandate, which penalizes employers with more than 50 employees if they fail to provide a minimum standard of affordable health insurance, was set to kick in during 2014, but now will take effect in 2015.
The fire department plans to apply for grants to purchase a tanker truck and other equipment. The budget includes a total of $17,500 in local matching funds under the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. If awarded, a $12,500 local match (5%) will be required for the purchase of a tanker truck and a $5,000 local match (5%) will be needed for equipment. The fire department budget also includes $6,000 to purchase new pagers to replace some old pagers; $8,000 for reimbursement of in-service training costs for the last half of the fiscal year (after grant funds are exhausted); $23,000 for annual replacement of nine sets of turnout gear and eight breathing cylinders) to avoid a major one-time purchase in the future; and a Capital Project funding request for a one-time expenditure of approximately $20,000 to place a new roof and doors on an existing building at the Main Station.
Two years ago, a step wage scale was adopted for full time employees of the sheriff’s department. Last year, a step plan was put in place for full time county general employees. According to County Mayor Foster, a wage scale will be developed later this year for full time employees of the ambulance service after passage of the budget. Apparently no other pay raises are budgeted.
Total budget appropriations for the fiscal year 2013-14 come to $42,208,422.
One cent of the tax rate generates $42,953 in local money with a 7.7% delinquency rate figured into the equation.
The proposed tax rate is broken down as follows:
County General: 82 cents
Highway/Public Works: 3 cents
General Capital Projects: 10 cents
Debt Service: 12 cents
General Purpose Schools: 55 cents.
The solid waste fund, under this budget, would not receive any property tax money but would continue to be supported by revenues derived from payment-in-lieu of taxes, local option sale taxes, hotel-motel tax, bank excise tax and wholesale beer tax, etc.
Capital projects fund expenses for the year include:
*Motor vehicles (Patrol Cars for Sheriff’s Department)- $131, 000 ($50,000 of this amount for 4 used patrol cars for new SRO officers)
*Other equipment (Fire Department Turnout Gear)- $23,000
* Building Improvements (Rescue Squad)- $1,700 (to purchase a roll up door)
*Building Construction (Veterans Building) $30,000 (repairs)
*Building Construction (Omega Building) $68,000 (repairs)
*Building Construction (Courthouse) $50,000 (repairs)
*Building Improvements (Fire Department) $20,000 (place a new roof and doors on an existing building at the Main Station)
*Building Improvements (Rescue Squad) $8,700 (adding shed to cover a boat)
The county commission is also expected to adopt a resolution July 30 making appropriations of $145,734 to the following non-profit organizations:
DeKalb Sparks Softball- $150
Upper Cumberland Development District- $3,411
Tennessee Division of Forestry-$1,500
DeKalb County Rescue Squad- $16,821
Plateau Mental Health-$7,180
Families First-$750
Senior Citizens Program-$26,934
DeKalb Soil Conservation District-$34,062
DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce-$15,000
Imagination Library- $7,200
Genesis House- $1,500
Upper Cumberland Child Advocacy Center- $1,780
DeKalb County Fair- $1,500
WCTE-TV- $5,000
Prospect Incorporated-$12,500
Upper Cumberland Human Resources-$1,200
UCHRA Assessment-Homemaker Aide, etc-$9,245
DeKalb-2014 Consolidated Budget 7-13-13.pdf (206.35 KB)

Two Children Among Those Injured in Alexandria Wreck

Two children were among those injured in a two vehicle crash Monday afternoon on Highway 70 in Alexandria.
Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol said 57 year old Litta Murphy of McMinnville was driving west in a 2003 Ford Taurus when she experienced a medical episode which apparently caused her to cross the center line and into the path of an eastbound 2004 Ford F250, driven by 71 year old James Wair of Lebanon.
Murphy’s relatives, a six year old and a seven year old, were back seat passengers of her vehicle. The seven year old was taken by DeKalb EMS to a helicopter landing zone setup nearby on Highway 53 where she was airlifted to Vanderbilt hospital. Both Murphy and the six year old girl were transported by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community hospital. Murphy was later transferred by ground ambulance to Vanderbilt Hospital. Wair was taken by a private vehicle to UMC Medical Center in Lebanon.
Murphy is to be cited for violation of due care.
In addition to Trooper Johnson, the Alexandria Police Department was on the scene helping direct traffic. The Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department set up the helicopter landing zone.