Third Annual Tiger and Lady Tiger Camp of Champions Starts Monday

The DeKalb County Tiger and Lady Tiger Basketball 3rd Annual Camp of Champions will be June 24-27 from 8:00 a.m. until 11:30 a.m. at the DCHS Gymnasium. It’s for ages 5-14.

Camp Goals are to provide each camper with a positive, fun-filled learning experience. The camp is designed to teach the fundamentals of basketball and give campers added game experience, while emphasizing teamwork and competition in a fun environment.
Enrollment Instructions: A fee of $60 covers the entire cost of all instruction. Each additional child from a family will cost $30. Each camper will receive a camp T-shirt. Competitive contests will be held each day to allow campers to earn prizes and awards. Campers will have the opportunity to compete against other players in game situations and shooting competitions. Camp will be divided into age groups and ability groups.
Cost of Camp is $60. There are two ways to register. LIVE registration will be held at the DCHS gymnasium on June 23 from 2-4 p.m. or you can mail the camp fee to: DeKalb County Basketball in care of Debra Magness at 1130 West Broad Street, Smithville, TN 37166. The $60 must be paid at the time of registration.
Camp Staff are Directors Lynus Martin and Joe Pat Cope. Staffed by county and area coaches.
Include with the fee the camper’s name, age, grade next year, address, phone number, and t-shirt size: YS, YM,YL, S, M, L, XL, and the parent’s signature.

Woman Charged With Burglaries, Thefts, and Vandalism at Sligo Marina

Accusations of vandalism, burglaries, and thefts at a local marina has landed a local woman in trouble with the law.
36 year old Stephanie Lee Vanatta of A.B. Frazier Road, Smithville is charged with four counts of burglary, four counts of theft under $500, and one count of vandalism over $500. Her bond totals $60,000 and she will be in court on June 20.
Vanatta is accused of breaking into and taking items from two pontoon boats, committing vandalism of an automobile, and breaking into and stealing items from two other vehicles at Sligo Marina on Thursday, May 23.
Sheriff Patrick Ray said that on Thursday, May 23 Vanatta allegedly entered a pontoon boat at Sligo Marina and took two fish locators, a tool bag containing miscellaneous tools, a solar battery charger, and an electric fish cleaner all valued at less than $500.
Vanatta allegedly entered another pontoon boat and took two flashlights, a can of WD 40, a set of tools, two quarts of oil, and miscellaneous tools all valued at less than $500.
Vanatta further allegedly entered a Ford pickup truck by breaking out the glass on the driver’s side and taking a gas can, extra car keys, and a boat latch lock.
The same day, Vanatta allegedly entered a Toyota by breaking out the back glass and taking a bag containing several keys, a first aid kit, a thirty one bag, flip flops, a cleaning kit, and two Sam’s cooler bags all valued at less than $500.
She also allegedly damaged a 2006 Chevy HHR vehicle by leaving marks on both of the driver side and passenger side doors causing over $500 in damage.
41 year old Willard Darrell Brown of Earl Avenue, Smithville is charged with introduction of drugs in a penal institution. His bond is $5,000 and he will be in court June 20.
Sheriff Ray said that on Friday, June 14 Brown was at the jail to serve a court ordered weekend sentence. When he entered the jail, correctional officers asked Brown if he had anything on him they should know about. Brown replied no. After observing Brown on camera at the jail, officers suspected he may have had contraband on his person. When the correctional officers went to his cell, they noticed that Brown had something in his fist. When told to open his fist, Brown refused. The correctional officers had to take Brown to the floor. Brown then put a bag in his mouth. The correctional officers had to forcibly remove the bag from Brown’s mouth. The bag contained Xanax, a schedule IV drug and Lortab, a schedule III drug.
William Joseph Kitchen of Amherst, Ohio is charged with domestic assault. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court June 20. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, June 10 Kitchen allegedly assaulted his girlfriend on Potts Camp Road by putting his hands on her throat, strangling her and leaving marks on her neck and throat. He was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
20 year old Luis Enrique Hernandez of McMinnville and Jose Maria Sanchez are each charged with public intoxication. Bond for each is $1,500 and they will be in court July 11.
Sheriff Ray said that on Sunday, June 16 the sheriff’s department received a call about noise on Adcock Cemetery Road. Upon arrival, the deputy spoke to both Hernandez and Sanchez who each had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on their persons and were unsteady on their feet. For their safety, both Hernandez and Sanchez were arrested and brought to the jail for booking.
51 year old Billy Joe Davis, II of Heritage, Tennessee is charged with driving under the influence. His bond is $1,500 and he will be in court July 11. Sheriff Ray said that on Saturday, June 15 Davis was operating a motorcycle on Dale Ridge Road that was involved in a crash. He had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and he was unsteady on his feet. Davis had two containers. One of the containers was full of wine and the other was empty but had an odor of wine. Davis performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. He also submitted to a blood alcohol test. Davis was arrested and brought to the jail for booking.

Aldermen Ratify New City Charter

The Smithville Mayor and Aldermen held a brief special meeting Tuesday morning, June 18 at 7:30 a.m. at city hall to formally ratify the new charter before election day voting began at 8:00 a.m. The vote was 5-0 to adopt the new charter.
HB1363.pdf (117.79 KB)
The aldermen wanted to enact the charter before the election because it extends the length of terms of the newly elected aldermen from two years to three years. Beginning with those elected next year and with all future elections, terms of office for the mayor and aldermen will be four years.
A resolution, seeking these and other changes in the charter, was passed by the Board of Aldermen in February and sent to the Tennessee General Assembly.
Legislation amending Chapter 486 of the Private Acts of 1941 to make these changes in the charter was adopted by the Tennessee General Assembly on Friday, April 19. However, by law the aldermen had to wait at least sixty days before taking action to ratify it. Tuesday, June 18 marks the 60th day.
According to the legislation, “This act shall have no effect unless it is approved by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the legislative body of the City of Smithville, with such vote to be taken not fewer than sixty (60) nor more than one hundred twenty (120) days following the passage of the act by the General Assembly”.
City Attorney Vester Parsley, Jr. recently sought an opinion from the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) on whether the aldermen could meet election day, which is the 60th day, to ratify the new charter.
In reply, Josh Jones of MTAS wrote that ” I do not think it violates Tennessee law to have the ratification vote of the governing body and the election for aldermen on the same day.”
Jones based his judgment on a State Attorney General’s opinion in a Springfield charter change which was decided by a public referendum. “In the (AG) opinion, the private act charter of the City of Springfield was amended by private act of the general assembly. The amendment increased the length of aldermanic terms from two to four years. However, to be ratified the private act had to be approved by referendum. That referendum was occurring during the same election as the vote to elect new aldermen. Hence, the term length of these aldermen was dependent upon the outcome of the referendum,” wrote Jones.
“This parallels the situation in Smithville. The only difference being a 2/3 vote of the governing body as opposed to a referendum is required to ratify.”
“In the opinion, the Attorney General stated that both elections could be held simultaneously and the fact that one affected the other was not fatal.”
“Based on my reading of this opinion, I do not think it violates Tennessee law to have the ratification vote of the governing body and the election for aldermen on the same day,” wrote Jones.
Under the new Smithville city charter the terms of office will be extended for the mayor and aldermen. It extends voting rights to county residents that own commercial property in the city (two persons per deed), allows property rights voting to county residents who own at least 3,500 square feet of property in the city, and allows by ordinance regular city council meetings to be held only once per month.
The new charter calls for city elections every two years, on the first Thursday in August to coincide with the county general election and state primaries. Terms of office for the mayor and aldermen will go from two to four years.
The three aldermen elected Tuesday, June 18 will serve a three year term until after the August election in 2016. From then on three aldermen will be elected to serve four year terms.
Next year under the new charter, a mayor and two aldermen will be elected on the first Thursday in August. Those elected will serve for four years.
Because the voter registration deadline has already passed, no new voters including property rights voters can register in time for Tuesday’s election.

DCHS General Metals Class Assists County Fire Department with Tanker Project

Over the course of the last few months of the 2012-13 school year, the DeKalb County High School’s General Metals Class has partnered with the DeKalb County Fire Department to complete a very important project that increases the capabilities of three of the department’s tanker trucks. The project entailed planning, fabricating, and installing storage racks on our tanker trucks for the portable folding water tanks that the department uses to supply water in areas where hydrants are not readily available. This ability is vitally important in order for the department to be able to maintain adequate water supplies that meet the Insurance Services Office (ISO) minimum criteria for water supply. “In order to maintain and improve our county’s fire protection rating, we have to demonstrate that we can provide water supplies that can allow us to flow at least 250 gallons per minute for a constant 2-hour period. This equipment will greatly enhance our ability to do that,” says Chief Donny Green.
Todd Cantrell, General Metals Class Instructor, and Steve Repasy, DeKalb County Firefighter, planned and directed the project from start to finish. Repasy contributed about 50 hours of design and development. In total, Repasy and other firefighters donated 64 hours of installation labor. According to Cantrell, the class performed about 160 hours in fabricating the tank racks.
Chief Green says he wants to personally express the department’s thanks to the following individuals for making significant contributions:
Todd Cantrell and DCHS General Metals Class (fabrication and labor)
Steve Repasy, DeKalb County Firefighter (Project Director)
Tracy Foutch, Foutch Industries (painting)
Phil Boner (painting)
Brian Williams, DeKalb County Firefighter (labor)
Captain Michael Lawrence, DeKalb County Firefighter (labor)
Jeremy Neal, DeKalb County Firefighter (labor)
Lieutenant David Agee, DeKalb County Firefighter (labor)
Stan Morris, DeKalb County Firefighter (labor)
In combination, the class and other volunteers donated a total of about 274 man hours and services for this project allowing the cost of this project on all three tankers to be less than $400 total; solely for materials. Green says that purchasing such racks from a fire service equipment vendor, and having them installed, would have easily cost the county fire department a minimum of $5,000.

Staging Area Being Set up for Construction of New Sligo Bridge

Construction on the new Sligo bridge should begin within a few weeks.
The contractor who was awarded the bid on the project, Massman Construction of Kansas City, Missouri is starting to set up the staging area at the Highland Trail (Dubland) Boat Ramp near Riverwatch to gain access to the lake in getting barges to work from down to the bridge. The boat ramp is now closed to the public until construction is completed.
Jennifer Flynn, TDOT Regional Community Relations Officer, told WJLE Wednesday that Massman has until June 2016 to get the new bridge completed. “A lot of people don’t realize that work has started on this project but you are not seeing anything yet. We had a pre-construction conference on May 22 and after that the contractor, Massman Construction of Kansas City, Missouri began staging their equipment. What that will consist of is getting their equipment to where they can be able to work in the water and get their barges in the water to begin construction in earnest on the brand new bridge. To do this, they are utilizing the Riverwatch community and the Mountain Harbor community to move their equipment. That’s where the staging area is. They’ll have to go through those neighborhoods. I would caution anyone in those neighborhoods to watch out for some large trucks, probably the next month or so. We did have a meeting with the neighborhood leaders after the pre-construction meeting to inform them of the plans. Once they get things in place, the extra traffic should calm down. They will see some traffic go through their neighborhood occasionally but it won’t be anything like it probably is right now,” said Flynn.
“This is a $38.9 million dollar project and it’s slated for completion in June 2016. But the contractor has a very aggressive schedule and they hope to have things completed before then. We look forward to it. People will soon see barges in the water and that is when they will really get started in earnest on the actual construction of the brand new bridge. I look forward to that bridge being finished and I know the people of DeKalb County also do because they have been waiting a long time for a brand new bridge. It certainly will be a refreshing change for them to be able to fish and look up and not see nets hanging down from a bridge,” said Flynn.
Massman Construction, at $38,903,917 had the lowest of the six bids submitted for the project.
The new bridge will be built next to the existing one. Once the new bridge is completed, the existing bridge will be removed. “We will maintain traffic on the existing bridge and once the new bridge is constructed we’ll move traffic to the new bridge and then they will demolish the old bridge,” said Flynn.

Two Injured in Thursday Night Wreck

Two people were injured after their vehicle plunged off an embankment Thursday night on Highway 96 (road to Center Hill Dam)
Trooper Dewaine Jennings of the Tennessee Highway Patrol told WJLE that 42 year old Richard Clyde Clemmons of Lebanon was traveling east on Highway 96 in the direction toward Center Hill Dam in a 1996 Jeep Cherokee when he failed to negotiate a curve to the left. The vehicle left the road to the right, went down an embankment, and ran into a tree. The impact with the tree kept the vehicle from going further down the hill.
Clemmons suffered minor injuries. A passenger, 41 year old Joel Bruce Barry of Lebanon was transported by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital.
Clemmons was cited for failure to maintain his lane of travel and for a registration violation for having the wrong tag displayed on his vehicle.

Leadership DeKalb Seeks Support to “Feed the Need” of Hungry Children

The Leadership DeKalb Class of 2013 is asking for your help to “Feed the Need” of hungry children in DeKalb County this summer.
Darrell Gill, President of the Leadership DeKalb Class, said the outreach effort began last week and proved quite successful. “Last Thursday (June 6) we had a community night where we served hot dogs, chips, and drinks to children around the community. We visited over near the Joe L. Evins ballpark. We were in the Bell Street area and also at Short Mountain Village,” said Gill.
“We knew there was a need for food for hungry children this summer while they were out of school. Of course, our class picked that as our project for the summer. We ended up reaching twenty four families, a total of seventy six children. The need is definitely there. We are committed to giving these families food once a week on Thursday or Friday. It’s really humbling to see that we have kids right here in our hometown that lay down at night and may be hungry,” he said.
You may partner with Leadership DeKalb by making a donation of non-perishable foods or cash to help “Feed the Need” this summer. “I’m asking for people to partner with Leadership DeKalb 2013 and either bring non-perishable foods or monetary donations that we can use to continue to provide this service throughout the summer until school starts back,” said Gill. “Those donations can be dropped off at DeKalb Tire and Service, Smithville Computer, and we’ll also have some food drop boxes at a couple of other locations in town. Donations may be sent to 200 East Broad Street, Smithville TN. Attention Darrell Gill, made out to Leadership DeKalb 2013,” he said.

Early Morning Structure Fire Causes Extensive Damage

A Friday morning fire caused extensive damage to a residence at 944 South Mountain Street near the DeKalb EMS headquarters.
911 received the call at 4:42 a.m.
Smithville Fire Chief Charlie Parker said the blaze apparently started in the kitchen and spread to the living and dining room. City firefighters were able the save the rest of the structure.
Chief Parker said the cause has not been determined.
No one was home at the time of the fire and no one was injured.

City Election Set for Tuesday, 426 Vote Early

Four hundred twenty six people cast ballots during the two weeks of early voting for the Smithville Municipal Election.
Seventy people voted Thursday which was the last day of early voting. That was the largest single day turnout of the early voting period which ran from May 29-June 13.
Two years ago a total of 538 people voted in the Smithville Municipal Election. 350 people voted early or by absentee ballot, while 188 people voted on Election Day.
Daily totals for this year’s early voting were as follows beginning, Wednesday May 29:
Wednesday- 23
Friday- 19
Wednesday- 29
Three aldermen are to be elected.
Election day is Tuesday June 18. Voting will be from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. on the first floor of the courthouse.
Candidates for aldermen are incumbents Gayla Hendrix, Shawn Jacobs, and Danny Washer and challengers Aaron Meeks, Josh Miller, and Anthony Scott.

Willoughby Signs Contracts with Professional Personnel for Next School Year

Director of Schools Mark Willoughby has signed contracts with the Professional Personnel for the 2013-2014 school year.
Willoughby presented a list of the employees to the Board of Education Thursday night.
Certified personnel at each school are as follows:
DeKalb County High School-
Brittany Allen, Angie Anderson, Charlotte Blaylock, Danny Bond, Amanda Brown, Kathy Bryant, Kevin Burchfield, Kelley Burgess, Amee Cantrell, Jeanine Cantrell, Todd Cantrell, Gary Caplinger, Mary Anne Carpenter, Joe Pat Cope, Patrick Cripps, Jared Daniels, Deborah DePriest, Andrew Dixon, Donna Emmons, Marshall Ferrell, Tina Fletcher, Amanda Fuller, David Gash, Nicole Green, Josh Gulley, Sara Halliburton, Marie Hill, Susan Hinton, Sonja House, John Isabell, William Jennings, Natasha Judkins, Dylan Kleparek, Brad Leach, Lynus Martin, Lori Myrick, Rolando Navarro, Jenny Norris, Scott Odom, Nallely Ortega-Prater, Shelly Painter, Walteen Parker, Linda Parris, John Pryor, Mary Anne Puckett, Joey Reeder, Leslie Rice, Marilyn Roberts, Melissa Ruch, Daniel Seber, Michael Shaw, Steve Trapp, Chris Vance, Dianne Werth, Michael Whitefield, Shea Wiegele, Jonathon Wright, and Sara Young.
Northside Elementary School-
January Agee, Marla Beshearse, Kelly Birmingham, Mollie Bratten, Linda Bush, Regina Campbell, Trent Colwell, Michael Crockett, Alisha Day, Ashley Dean, Jerry Foster, Carrie Gottlied, Amy Green, Amanda Griffith, Jennifer Griffith, Melissa Hale, Cynthia Hale, Jessica Hale, Patty Hale, Jennifer Herndon, Lisa Hull, Karen Jacobs, Shelly Jennings, Kristy Lasser, Lisa Mabe, Jama Martin, Amanda Mathis, Libby McCormick, Elizabeth Nolt, Josh Odom, Megan Pack, Beth Pafford, Amy Raymond, Dr. Gayle Redmon, Ashley Reeves, Bethany Rigsby, Melissa Roysdon, Tammy Sims, Julie Styer, Dr. Bill Tanner, Carol Tripp, Kristen Van Vranken, Betsye Walker, Ginger Wenger, and Sandy Willingham.
DeKalb West School-
Doris Cantrell, Jenny Cantrell, Jeanna Caplinger, William Conger, Kim Crook, Martha Damron, Tonya Ellis, Janet England, Holly Espinosa, Sabrina Farler, Katie Goolsby, Lesa Hayes, Ricky Hendrix, Cathleen Humphrey, Kristen Kell, Regina Kent, Shelia McMillen, Melanie Molander, Diana Moon, Amanda Mullinax, Danny Parkerson, Tammy Payne, Debra Poteete, Cynthia Preston, Lori Pryor, Cynthia Pulley, Audrey Russell, Shelia Vanatta, Jane Watson, Susan West, Vicki Wilson, and Amy Young.
Smithville Elementary School-
Misty Agee, Renee Beaty, Kelly Birmingham, Lindsey Bouldin, Kelli Bullard, Beth Cantrell, Laura Carter, Wendy Colvert, Layra Crook, Trena Curtis, Vicky Duke, Tina Gash, Vicky Hawker, Bradley Hendrix, Holly Hendrix, Mary Henny, Lindsey Holmes, Tanya Howard, Lorie Isabell, Ana Jarvis, Amanda Johnson, Angela Johnson, Jennifer Judkins, Karen Knowles, Carrie Lee, Sherree Macemon, Kristen Malone, Kim Martin, Adrienne McCormick, LeVaughnda Midgett, Margaret Nichols, Susan Palmer, Jane Ramsey, Amanda Rhoady, Allison Rigsby, Carol Sampley, Heather Shehane, Carol Tallent, Ashlee Thomason, Janet Trapp, Carol Tripp, Julie Vincent, Sherian Waggoner, Tiffany Wheatley, Kristy Williams, Janet Woodward, Christie Young, and Crystal Young
DeKalb Middle School-
Joey Agee, Josh Agee, Lori Alexander, Suzette Barnes, Ashley Barnes, Nancy Cowan, Lisa Craig, Amanda Dakas, Courtney Davis, Tena Davidson, Jenny Elrod, Jason Farley, Amy Fletcher, Suzanne Gash, Lori Hendrix, Tom Hill, Randy Jennings, Bryan Jones, Michelle Jones, Gail Kirksey, Michael Lewis, Michael Littrell, Leah Magness, Martha Melching, Debra Moore, Justin Nokes, Karen Pelham, Anita Puckett, Candice Scrabo, Lori Sexton, Penny Smitty, Tonya Sullivan, Kitty Thomas, Tad Webb, Jared West, Jennifer West, Kathryn Wisinger.
Central Office Staff-
Gina Arnold, Katherine Ballard, Michelle Burklow, Dr. Danielle Collins, Lisa Cripps, Dee Anna Reynolds, and Stephanie Walker
County Wide-
Lisa Bell, Amy Fox, Judy Malone, and Lori Rogers.