DeKalb County students will be taking the Tennessee Comprehensive Assessment Program, or TCAP, Achievement Tests starting April 23.
Students in grades 3-8 take the Achievement Test, and high school students take End of Course exams for various subjects. In addition, some school systems, including DeKalb County will administer the Achievement Test to students in Kindergarten and Grades 1 and 2 in the areas of reading/language arts, and math. TCAP is a set of statewide assessments given in Tennessee to measure students’ skills and progress.
The Achievement Test is a timed, multiple choice assessment that measures skills in Reading, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. “April 23 is the first day of testing. It will be our Reading, Language Arts test,” said Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-K to 6th grade. “On April 24 it will be Math. April 25th will be Science and April 26th will be social studies. That is the 3-8 grade schedule. This year we are also testing kindergarten and first grade. Last year we tested second grade. But for kindergarten, first and second grade, the main focus of their testing will be the Reading, Language Arts, and Math. Those are very important subjects and we want to make sure that they have those foundational skills and that they are ready for third grade. April 29-30 will be two days that we have for make ups,” said Burklow.
School officials urge parents to make sure their children are well rested and have had breakfast before they get to school. “Parents make sure your child gets plenty of sleep the night before the tests,” said Burklow. “We do not want anyone to oversleep because we are going to start testing at 8:15 a.m. so we do not want children to come into school feeling rushed and under pressure. We want them to come in relaxed. So make sure students get plenty of sleep and that they get up in time and be ready to go to school. Also be sure that the child eats a healthy breakfast. I know Stephanie Dyer, our school nutrition supervisor will be serving breakfast on the main days of testing, TCAP as well as End of Course. She is very supportive of supplying breakfasts for the children because it is a pretty long testing session in the mornings and she knows the importance of the children eating breakfast. If your child does not eat breakfast at home, they have a great breakfast at the schools so parents help your students start the morning off right. Make sure they have a full stomach and are ready to learn,” said Burklow.
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby also asks parents to try and avoid any conflicts that would keep your children out of school this week. “During this week that we are giving TCAP tests, we would ask that parents don’t schedule any kind of appointments, such as dental visits. Please reschedule those to another time. Because if you come to school at 9:00 a.m. and want to check your child out of school, if the test is underway we cannot go in and disturb that classroom. We have to monitor that classroom and make sure that everyone in that classroom has a great opportunity to do well on the test,” said Willoughby.
Category Archives: News
DeKalb County to Participate to in the Great American Clean up
The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce and the DeKalb County Executive’s office would like to invite residents across the county to participate in the DeKalb County Clean Up campaign on Saturday, May 18th. This event will be held in conjunction with the Keep America Beautiful initiative going on across the country. This organization’s mission revolves around a core belief that beauty is a silent but powerful force that makes communities safer, healthier and more livable.
Suzanne Williams, Executive Director of the Chamber of Commerce, would like to remind everyone that DeKalb County’s peak tourism season is about to begin, so now is a great time to start getting things spruced up for our coming visitors. According to Williams, “I think we are all aware of the value and importance of beautification in our communities to attract newcomers and tourists to our area and to maintain a stable and growing economy.”
To get a head start on clean up, dumpsters will be set up at highly visible and convenient locations a few days prior to the main event. Dumpster locations will be at the Dowelltown Community Center, Liberty Community Center, Alexandria City Parking Lot (behind square), and the County Complex parking lot.
County Executive Mike Foster says, “We would like for people to come out and help clean our communities and roadways. Folks are welcome to pick their own locations to clean, or we will be glad to assign a safe place for each person to participate.”
DeKalb Clean Up volunteers are asked to come to the County Complex, 732 So. Congress Blvd., Smithville on May 18th between 9 AM and 10 AM to sign-in and pick up the provided trash bags, rubber gloves, and bottles of water. For early sign-up, you can stop by the Chamber, located in the Courthouse, Room 201, anytime during regular office hours by May 17th to pick up supplies. Or if stopping by is not convenient, call the Chamber office at 597-4163 to be counted as a DeKalb Clean Up volunteer — just give your name and the general area where you will be working. Whether you’re beautifying your street, a highway, a park, ball field, a stream, or your own home, what a difference we can make through working together!
John Green Resigns from County Commission
Having moved his permanent residence to White County, long time fifth district county commissioner John Green has submitted his resignation.
During the county commission’s all-committees meeting Thursday evening, County Mayor Mike Foster informed the commissioners that Green turned in his resignation letter on Monday, April 8.
“I am writing to inform the DeKalb County mayor and county commission that I, John D. Green as of April 8, 2013, am resigning from my current position as fifth district county commissioner, ” wrote Green. “As of March 30, 2013 my permanent address has changed to White County,” he concluded in the letter.
Green has served on the county commission for eleven years. He was first elected in 2002 and then re-elected in 2006 and 2010.
Foster said the county will advertise for applications from persons in the fifth district interested in filling the unexpired term. The commissioners will interview the applicants and later vote to name a successor. Green’s term expires August 31, 2014.
Meanwhile, Foster announced Thursday evening that Chip Cook, the director of the local ambulance service is resigning by May 15. Assistant director Hoyte Hale will be the acting director. The county will advertise the opening, accept applications, and then name a new director.
The county budget committee will begin work on the new 2013-14 spending plan for the county in a meeting on April 24 at 6:00 p.m. at the courthouse. Foster said its hard to plan for the budget right now because officials are still learning about the federal Affordable Care Act (Obama Care) which will have to be implemented by next year and its effect on the county’s budget. The county may have to find new money to cover possible increases in county employee health insurance costs which could rise by several hundred thousand dollars.
Still bothered by skeptics among the public opposed to adding more equipment to the fitness center at the county complex, County Mayor Foster Thursday night updated the county commission on the number of people taking advantage of the center and the money it has generated for the county. Foster said that the center has had as many as 1,041 members but that there are currently 979 active members. Since July, 2012, a total of $54,185 has been brought in through the facility at the complex. The monthly expense is about $4,200 so the county is coming out about $12,000 to the good, which would go a long way toward adding more exercise equipment.
The county commission will meet in regular monthly session on Monday night, April 22 at 6:30 p.m. at the courthouse. The agenda is as follows:
Budget amendments/quarterly reports
Discuss DeKalb County Complex
Discuss Ambulance Service
Discuss Commission Vacancy in the 5th District
Discuss Budget and set meetings-Insurance questions for budget
Discuss DeKalb County Cleanup Day/Groups
Any old business properly presented (Folk Dance June 13, 2013)
Chamber to Apply for CDBG Downtown Revitalization Grant
In a continuing effort to revitalize the downtown commercial district, the Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce is applying for a Community Development Block Grant in the amount of $25,000.
If approved, funds from the grant will go toward façade improvements to eligible downtown buildings, specifically on the north and west blocks of the Smithville Public Square. Store owners in those areas who wish to participate will be responsible for funding the grant’s 25% local match. There would be no cost to the City of Smithville.
(Play video below to see results from work done through previous projects)
Its all part of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development’s Tennessee Downtowns program, a competitive community improvement program for cities and counties seeking to revitalize traditional commercial districts.
As part of the grant application process, the Smithville aldermen Monday night adopted a resolution designating the area eligible for the program. Chamber Executive Director Suzanne Williams addressed the mayor and aldermen making the request for passage of the resolution. “We’re here on behalf of the Tennessee Downtowns program. The chamber is going to be applying for a CDBG block grant for downtown. Its for $25,000. Its for improvements. Its not a sure thing like the last $15,000 grant we got. There’s going to be eight communities that receive this grant. I think we have a really good chance. The state says we are their poster child because we took $15,000 and did such a large amount of improvements with that. We posted our video presentation on youtube at their (state officials) request and they have been showing it to everybody. They are very excited. They think we have a good chance and they called and told me to apply. The grant does have a 25% matching fund. One of the qualifications is that we have to designate that area. It sounds terrible but its called “slum blight”. The city will have to pass a resolution declaring that determined area to be blighted and that will be part of the application. It’s a real broad definition. It could mean a beautiful building that is vacant. It could mean a building that’s got something in there but it needs improvements on the outside,” said Williams.
Smithville was one of 12 communities selected to participate in the first phase of the program several months ago. Chamber Director Williams made application on behalf of the city of Smithville and later for the $15,000 grant made available.
In the first phase, eligible downtown store owners who chose to participate received $500 for investing a minimum of $1,000 in exterior improvements of their buildings through the grant program. All sixteen mini-grant recipients were funded including The Flower Box, Cantrell’s Men Store, Cantrell’s Ladies Clothing, Attorney Keith W. Blair, Attorney Frank Buck, Thomas G. Janney, Henrietta Hale, Attorney Jeremy Trapp, Granny’s Goldmine, Alan Webb, Attorney Gayla C. Hendrix, Richard Williams, Attorney Vester Parsley Jr., Annette Greek, Attorney J. Hilton Conger, and Gail H. Webb.
If anyone is interested in obtaining more information about this phase of the program and the CDBG grant, contact the Chamber office at 597-4163. Letters of support for this project are also requested to help in obtaining the grant.
“DeKalb’s Got Talent” Coming Up April 25
DeKalb County High School’s Project Graduation Committee is hosting the First Annual DeKalb County Talent Show, “DeKalb’s Got Talent”, on Thursday, April 25, 2013 at 7:00pm at the County Complex Community Theater. One lucky winner will receive a $250 Cash Prize as well as an additional People’s Choice Award Winner. All proceeds will support Project Graduation for graduating seniors of DCHS.
“We are hoping for the community to come out and support the show and have a great time helping Project Graduation. The program (Project Graduation) was designed to keep students off of the road and safe from harm as they celebrate their graduation together. Project Graduation’s mission is to provide a free-of-charge, safe, supervised, alcohol and drug free, all night event for each graduating class,” Volunteer Judith Hale commented, “It takes lots of business and community support to raise the money needed to make this a success for our seniors. We appreciate every dollar that is given.”
Businesses such as DeKalb Community Hospital have stepped up to the plate to do their part. “It was a no-brainer when we heard that the high school needed our help with this event”, Marketing Director, Shan Burklow commented, “It is important that our seniors have safe activities available to them on a night that symbolizes their future. We are proud to sponsor ‘DeKalb’s Got Talent’ and ask that our friends and neighbors come out to support such a worthy cause.”
Ages 6 to adult are encouraged to participate in the talent show as individuals or as a team to win the $250 Cash Prize or the People’s Choice Award based on audience response. Any family-friendly talent is permitted. Contestants are asked to sign-up at the door starting at 6:00pm. Tickets are available at the door only ($3 Adults $2 Children 12 and under). For more information, contact Judith Hale at (615) 464-7810 or Shan Burklow at (615) 594-2792.
Fire Destroys Vacant Home on Hurricane Ridge Road
A fire early Tuesday morning destroyed a vacant brick home at 1081 Hurricane Ridge Road, belonging to the Federal Mortgage Home Loan company.
County Fire Chief Donny Green said a neighbor saw the flames and reported it just before 3:00 a.m.
Members of the Cookeville Highway, Liberty, Short Mountain Highway, Main Station, and tanker truck responded but could not save the structure. The sheriff’s department and DeKalb EMS were also on the scene but no one was injured.
No one lived at the residence. The cause of the fire is undetermined.
City Getting Pool Ready for Swimming Season
With the swimming season about to begin, the City of Smithville is working to get the pool ready to open.
During Monday night’s city council meeting, Mayor Jimmy Poss said the Langley and Taylor Pool Corporation of Nashville has been asked to come back and fix cracks that have developed in the pool since their repair work during the spring of 2011. The city has a three year warranty and the company is apparently liable for work called for under the contract which was warrantied but not done properly. “The pool guy came up today (Monday). We had a real good meeting with him. He will call before he comes back. We told him we wanted the work done just as quick as possible. He said it would take a day and a half and he would be out of there. But we have to pressure wash it first. The pool is empty. We drained it and we’ll pressure wash it,’ said Mayor Poss.
Meanwhile the new restrooms and showers will soon be completed at the pool. The building will have two commodes and a sink in both the men and women’s side and two showers will be installed on the outside of the structure. Most of the work on the restrooms is being done by city public works employees. “The bathrooms at the pool, we’ve got them dried in. We’ve got them basically plumbed. We’ve done all the work except the plumbing part. We got a certified contractor to do the plumbing. It hasn’t cost us a whole lot of money,” said Mayor Poss.
Pool operator Tony Poss said he is hoping the pool can be ready to open by May 11.
Liberty Mayor J. Edward Hale, A Legacy of Public Service
Having been in office for almost forty two years, Liberty Mayor J. Edward Hale holds the distinction of being the current longest serving elected public official in DeKalb County.
It was his love for the town he was born and raised in that inspired him to seek the office in 1971 and with the help of many townspeople who have served on the city council down through the years, Hale has worked to improve streets and sidewalks, restore local landmarks, and preserve history for future generations
Even before his time as mayor, Hale found other ways of serving the public. Hale spent many years as an educator in the school system and he once held a rural carrier position in the postal service. Though he is not one to brag on himself, Hale is proud of his accomplishments. It was for his years of leadership and devotion to his community and county that Hale was presented the Leadership DeKalb “Legacy Award” last week during the annual membership banquet of the Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce.
While he doesn’t mind talking about his life, Hale would rather not mention his age. He did, however just celebrate his birthday on April 3. The son of John Hale and Sadie Bratten Hale, he was born in what is known as the old Bratten House near Salem Baptist Church. The home still stands today. When he was six months old, Hale said his parents moved to another house in town, a home that was built around 1820 and remains one of the oldest houses in Liberty.
A graduate of Liberty High School, Hale furthered his education at Cumberland College, where he received an education degree. Hale later earned his Masters Degree at MTSU.
Shortly after completing his studies at Cumberland College, Hale got his first teaching job at Pisgah, where he served for one year before joining the U.S. Air Force on his birthday in 1942. After being honorably discharged from the service in December 1945, Hale spent two years in the fruit tree business in Danville Virginia before settling down back home in Liberty where he married Gloria Hobson in 1950 and resumed his teaching career.
Hale taught at the Dismal school and then moved to Liberty High School where he became teacher and later principal. After consolidation of the high schools in the county, Hale taught at the Liberty Elementary School. During those years at Liberty, Hale even tried his hand at coaching basketball. “We won the county tournament one year. It was the first time Liberty had ever done that,” he said. While he enjoyed teaching, Hale found there was more money to be made in other occupations. “I was just carried away with teaching. It got in my blood. I taught school for a pretty good while and then a rural route came available here. The pay was so low in the school business. It was so much better in the rural route. I just had to try it. So I got that job and served as a rural carrier for ten years. But I would pass a school house and see the kids playing. I felt I ought to be there with them,” he said. Hale eventually returned to the school system and retired as attendance supervisor in 1992.
In the years after the high schools were consolidated, the old Liberty High School began to deteriorate to the point where it became unuseable. Concerned about restoring the building, Hale made that a priority when he ran for and was elected mayor in 1971. “The city bought it after the consolidation. But up until we started (renovating) it wasn’t useable. You’d get wet in here if it rained. This building would have been gone in a little while,’ said Hale. ” That’s really what motivated me to come in as mayor. I thought it would be terrible for that old building to just go down. When I first came in, the town didn’t have any money. So I got the council to borrow some money. Everybody cooperated on it. I got a grant and got started on the building. We finally got a roof on it. One wall was gone from the leaks. Through the grants, I got a company from Nashville to come in to do restucco work. Later on, we finally got the windows put in. Eventually, we got it in pretty good shape,” said Hale.
Today, the building houses the town’s senior center, library, meeting room for the mayor and aldermen, and a History room which contains old photographs, newspapers, and other historical artifacts pertaining to the city and county. Hung along the walls in the main hallway of the building are old Liberty High School class pictures dating as far back as the 1920’s.
Improving streets and sidewalks also ranked high on Hale’s to do list when he first became mayor. “At that time, the town hadn’t had any repairs in a long time. The sidewalks were all broken up. Streets were in bad shape. With the help of the council, we did great things with the little town in building it back up. It was going down pretty bad. We got the sidewalks built on both sides all the way up main street. We did our roads and we’ve kept the streets up in pretty good shape. Now, they’re pushing babies on strollers and walking in pretty weather up and down the streets here. Meeting each other. Its really made it nice,” he said.
Through his association with UCHRA, UCDD, and other entities, Mayor Hale has taken advantage of many grant opportunities for funding city projects over the years. “I got interested in the UCDD and UCHRA. Every program that came along, I was there trying,” said Hale. “We got a program way back called the Green Thumb. A man (who worked in the program) would come around town and see to the needs of several people who were shut in and a few were blind. He would check on them everyday or take them to the store or wherever they needed to go. That was his job. It was a great help to the community,” said Hale.
“At one time the people didn’t have any place much to meet. We got the idea of a community center. It was probably the first one in the county. I got with my council. We called a community meeting and designed the community center. Its turned out real well. People come here from outside of the area now and rent it a lot. We’ve kept it up in pretty good shape,” said Hale.
Liberty also has its own fire engine and fire hall thanks to the leadership of Mayor Hale.
While he and the council have agreed on most projects over the years, there have been times when Mayor Hale has resorted to a little friendly persuasion to make things happen. “We had a retired preacher on the council one time. He didn’t want to spend any money. I got the money to build this tennis court down here through a grant. When I brought it up, he said no I’m not going to vote to waste money on a tennis court. I said okay, Alexandria will get that money and they will have a nice tennis court. He said well go ahead and get it then,” he said.
The city has also established zoning in recent years, which doesn’t always sit well with some town folk. “We’ve set up a zoning board. That’s tough in a little town,” said Mayor Hale.
Some may consider Mayor Hale himself to be a little conservative when it comes to spending local funds, but he doesn’t necessarily mind that brand. “I guess they’ve tried to tack onto me that I’m slow to spend money. But I want to spend on things that will be worth something and when I go out as mayor I want there to be money to use because there wasn’t when I came in,” he said.
Mayor Hale said while much has been accomplished in his four decades as mayor, he would like to have seen more services provided. “We don’t have sewage. We tried to get it during the days of Model Cities. We had a survey run but it was too expensive. That just killed our chances of getting it. We do share a water system with Dowelltown. We had one well furnishing all the water we needed but the state wanted us to dig another one so we have two now,” he said.
“We were never able to get the financing it takes to develop the upstairs (of the Liberty High School building),” said Mayor Hale. “The seats up there are in good shape. It seats a hundred people or more. I had an idea of trying to develop that and I had a committee to work with me to have a community meeting place but we had to have an elevator so I gave up on that part of it,” he said.
Even with all the improvements that have been achieved over the years, Mayor Hale is perhaps most proud that Liberty remains a quiet, peaceful town of good neighbors. “We have these old houses up and down main street. A lady visited here from Oklahoma one time and we took her around over town. She said you know, this main street is a Norman Rockwell picture,” he said.
“Its been a good little place to live. If you live here, you can’t imagine the turmoil going on in the rest of the world,” said Mayor Hale.
Mayor and Aldermen Asked Why Sell Water to DUD at Below Cost?
As city officials ponder whether to appeal the Utility Management Review Board’s recent dismissal of a DUD ratepayers petition over a proposed water treatment plant, two concerned city residents addressed the mayor and aldermen Monday night inquiring why the city desires to continue selling water to the DUD at below cost.
The DUD has a water purchase agreement with the city that went into effect almost ten years ago and is set to expire in January 2014. Under the contract, the city agrees to sell water to the DUD at a rate to increase by five cents per thousand gallons each year. The rate is currently at $2.05 per thousand gallons.
A recent study by Warren and Associates, paid for by the city, revealed that the actual cost for Smithville to produce water is $2.67 per thousand gallons. During the last meeting of the mayor and aldermen two weeks ago, city officials discussed offering DUD a new ten year deal which would include selling them water at $2.20 per thousand gallons for the first five years of the contract and raising it to $2.40 per thousand gallons for the last five years.
Waniford Cantrell, concerned citizen and former Smithville Mayor, asked why the city would not want to charge the DUD new water rates based on the water cost study. “I am thoroughly confused over our water operation. At a public hearing in 2010 over the city budget, water rates went up 43% for Smithville and they went up nine percent for the utility district. I made a comment at the time that we were possibly selling water cheaper than what it was costing to produce. At the time I recommended that we hire a cost accountant to determine the cost to produce a gallon of water. At the time (former) Mayor (Taft) Hendrixson relayed a comment to me from our financial consultant that I flat didn’t know what I was talking about. Now, some three years later we find that we were in fact selling water cheaper than what it was costing us to produce it. In fact, according to the Warren study we were selling water 67 cents cheaper than what it costs to produce. That’s 62% since January. Since we raised them a nickel. But using the Warren study figures, we were roughly losing $200,000 a year. How can we sell water to the utility district at below cost and profit from them? I don’t understand the big problem in losing them (DUD) as a customer. I think somebody (with the city) doesn’t know the difference probably between a profit/loss and cash flow,” said Cantrell
Faye Sandosky appealed to the mayor and aldermen to adjust the current contract with DUD to bring the rate in line with the actual water cost to the city. “As a citizen in the city, now that we know what the cost of producing our water is and that we citizens are subsidizing DUD’s rate, which is below what we are paying to produce the water and its my understanding that the contract we have with DUD is that they will continue to pay this underproduction cost until the new contract is renegotiated or in place in January. So that leaves us from April to January that this current underpayment contract is in place. Again, we the citizens are the ones that are absorbing that cost. I suggest that this board (city council) consider amending DUD’s contract so that they at least paying as much as it costs us, the city to produce the water. I believe the citizens should not be subsidizing DUD’s water costs. I would like to see that addressed and I would like to know your decision on it. Either yes you can. No you can’t. Yes we will. No we won’t. And if you won’t then I think we citizens deserve to know why,” said Sandosky.
Alderman Gayla Hendrix assured Cantrell and Sandosky that the city would give a proper response to their concerns at the appropriate time. “I don’t think I have enough information to answer you tonight but I would like for us to get together and come up with an answer and be able to present something to you at the next meeting. I don’t know enough about water costs to know the answers to that but I know there is a lot more factored into it. That’s why we probably need to discuss it and come back with a collaborative response. Just so that you’re aware that we’re not just sticking our heads in the sand, we (mayor and aldermen) have had an attorney/client meeting regarding the (recent UMRB) hearing. Obviously we can’t discuss those issues at this time but we will try to come up with some resolutions for you” said Alderman Hendrix.
Two Men Injured In Separate Motorcycle Accidents Monday
Smithville Police investigated a traffic accident Monday afternoon near Star Manufacturing on Hobson Street between a Jeep and a motorcycle.
The operator of the motorcycle, Randy Pedigo was injured and taken by DeKalb EMS to the airport where he was picked up by a helicopter ambulance. The driver of the Jeep, Karen Stanfield, was apparently not injured.
The two were apparently leaving the parking lot of the industry at the same time when they crossed paths.
The Smithville Volunteer Fire Department was also on the scene to render assistance.
Meanwhile, a 28 year old McMinnville man was seriously injured when his motorcycle rear ended a pickup truck Monday night on Highway 56 near the DeKalb/Warren county line.
Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol told WJLE that Daniel Byars was traveling south at a high rate of speed on a 2005 Suzuki GSXR motorcycle when he struck the rear of a 1992 Ford Ranger, driven by 22 year old Christopher McCoy, Jr. of Smithville.
According to Trooper Johnson, McCoy had just pulled onto Highway 56 from Meridian Drive heading south. Byars, unable to avoid the collision, was thrown from the bike upon impact. He was airlifted by a helicopter ambulance from a field on Ferrell Road and flown to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga. Byars reportedly suffered broken bones and internal injuries. McCoy was not injured.