Sheriff’s Department Makes Two Arrests for DUI

In his latest report on crime news, Sheriff Patrick Ray said 49 year old Trina Rose Mathews of Sparta Highway, Smithville is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence and a second offense of driving on a suspended license. She was also issued a citation for driving with no headlights on, failure to maintain lane of travel, violation of the implied consent law, and possession of drug paraphernalia (a marijuana pipe). Her bond is $6,500 and she will be in court on May 23. Sheriff Ray said that on Saturday, April 13 a deputy was on routine patrol on Highway 70 east when he met a truck at Sligo bridge with no headlights on. The truck was traveling eastbound in the middle of the roadway, crossing double yellow lines. The officer pulled over the vehicle at Hillcrest Market. While speaking with the driver, Mathews, the deputy noticed that her speech was slurred and very slow. He asked to see her license but she laughingly replied that she had no license. Instead, she produced an ID from another state. Mathews had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on her person. She told the officer that she had consumed some beer. Mathews submitted to but performed poorly on field sobriety tasks. She did not consent to a voluntary blood withdrawal so a forced blood draw was taken as per state law. A marijuana pipe was also found in her possession. A computer check of her license revealed that they were suspended on February 18, 2007.
28 year old Carly Chaundra Jones of Coconut Ridge Road, Smithville is charged with driving under the influence. She was also issued a citation for failure to maintain her lane of travel and violation of the financial responsibility law. Jones will be in court on April 25. Her bond is $1,500. Sheriff Ray said that on Saturday, April 6 a deputy responded to a one vehicle accident on Highway 56 north in the area of Jewel’s Market. The deputy talked with the driver, Jones who had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on her person. Jones was very unsteady on her feet and her speech was slurred. Jones told the officer that she had taken xanax and consumed some beer. Jones submitted to but performed poorly on several field sobriety tasks. She also submitted to a blood alcohol/drug test.
29 year old Carl Edward Schwartz of East Main Street, Dowelltown is cited for driving on a revoked license. He will be in court April 25. Sheriff Ray said that on Thursday, April 4 a drug detective of the sheriff’s department saw Schwartz pull out of the DeKalb Market parking lot. The officer had prior knowledge that Schwartz’s license were revoked for a DUI from a previous arrest about a month ago. A computer check confirmed it.
24 year old Juliann Marie Clark of Foster Road, Smithville is cited for simple possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia. She will be in court on April 25. Sheriff Ray said that on Monday, April 8 a sheriff’s department drug detective conducted a search of Clark’s residence and found a small baggie of marijuana on a television stand. Clark allegedly admitted to smoking marijuana when the detective pulled up. The officer found a marijuana pipe in Clark’s purse, a used hypodermic needle in a bedroom, and a pill crusher in a small bag.

Rock Island Man Dies in Warren County Crash

A 32 year old Rock Island man lost his life when his mini-van collided with a tractor trailer rig hauling nursery trees Sunday morning on Highway 70 south in Warren County near the Van Buren County line.
Dead is Daniel Luke Caldwell.
According to the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Caldwell was driving a 2005 Chrysler mini-van north on Highway 136 when he allegedly failed to yield to a stop sign at the intersection and struck a 2013 Kenworth tractor trailer going east on Highway 70, driven by 29 year old Jorge Moreira of McMinnville. The collision occurred in the eastbound outside lane on highway 70. After impact, both vehicles overturned and then came to a final rest in the eastbound ditch on Highway 70. Moreira was not injured in the crash.
The accident, which occurred around 3:30 a.m. Sunday morning was investigated by Sergeant Jimmy Jones and Troopers Gary Myers and Bruce Pryor of the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
32 year old Daniel Luke Caldwell of Rock Island died early Sunday morning from injuries sustained in an automobile accident in Warren County. The funeral will be Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. at Love-Cantrell Funeral Home. Burial will be in the Banks Cemetery. Visitation will be Wednesday from 10:00 a.m. until the service at 2:00 p.m. He was a born again Christian and was formerly employed at Federal Mogul. Caldwell was preceded in death by a brother, Jacob Lee Caldwell; his maternal grandfather, Austin Scurlock; his paternal grandparents, Wade and Pearline Caldwell; and an uncle, Larry Scurlock. Survivors include his parents, Terry and wife Donna Scurlock Caldwell of Rock Island. Maternal grandmother, Ruth Vanatta Scurlock of Smithville. Five aunts, Diana Thomas and Jannie Gordon both of Michigan, Janice Johnson and Pam Miller both of Smithville and Peggy Scurlock of Kentucky. Three uncles, Gordon Caldwell of Michigan, Danny and wife Teresa Scurlock and Jeff and wife Debbie Scurlock all of Smithville. One nephew, Andrew Caldwell of Smithville and several cousins and friends. Love-Cantrell Funeral Home is in charge of the arrangements.

DeKalb and Cannon County Mayors – Mike vs. Mike In the Battle of the Bulge

DeKalb County Mayor, Mike Foster, and Cannon County Mayor, Mike Gannon, are putting their fair counties on the line in a “battle of the bulge”, or as they laughingly like to call it — the “say goodbye to coconut pie” challenge. The 90 day Weight Loss Challenge Celebration is kicking off on Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 at the County Complex from 5:30-7:30pm. Any DeKalb or Cannon County Resident can participate for $10 as an individual or $35 for a team of 4 or 5. Each participant will receive a five dollar discount to the County Complex Gym, exercise tips from personal trainers, healthy recipes, coupons, discounts for healthy fare and more. Weekly emails of encouragement will be sent to participants to encourage their efforts of healthy choices and keep them informed of local exercise and support group opportunities. The individual or team with the highest overall weight loss percentage will receive cash awards and prizes for their age categories. After 90 days, the highest overall DeKalb County winner will go “head to head” with the Cannon County Champion to reveal the winning county and claim their trophy.
“It is our hope that the community will come out and take the 90 day challenge to be fit, healthy and support each other. The weather is warming up and it is the perfect time to get active and fit as a county. Obesity is bad for our health and our attitude. Let’s all lose those extra pounds and feel great together,” stated Sue Conley – Chief Executive Officer of DeKalb Community Hospital.
“I am so very grateful for everyone who has helped to pull this challenge together,” Shan Burklow – Marketing Director of DeKalb Community Hospital smiles, “The County Mayors have been such good sports throughout this whole process. We appreciate the local businesses that have partnered with the Weight Loss Challenge to offer discounts and prizes for the participants. We are very optimistic for the community support and hope that anyone who has weight to lose will come out and lose it together. Although scales will be used to monitor everyone’s progress monthly, your weight will be confidential and unseen by the public. Percentages will be the method we use to communicate your overall loss as an individual or team. We are happy to have several churches and civic organizations interested in signing up as a team. Come one…come all…the more the merrier!”
Both counties have 90 days to lose all the collective weight they can. Cash prizes will be awarded to the highest percentage of body weight in each age category – male and female. So, put down that doughnut and grab a Yoplait! It’s time for the Weight Loss Challenge…do it for yourself…or do it for Mike….either way, it’s a WIN!
Sign-up sheets are available at the County Complex, Subway, Smithville-DeKalb Chamber of Commerce, and DeKalb Community Hospital. For more information on the weight loss challenge, go to
or contact Shan Burklow (615) 215-5448 or

Chamber Celebrates Golden Anniversary

The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce has been in existence for fifty years and members gathered to celebrate this milestone during the annual banquet held Thursday night at the county complex auditorium
Ralph Vaughn, former manager of WJLE was the keynote speaker for the evening.
The program began with a silent auction, welcoming remarks by Chamber President Janna Gillard, presentation of the flags and pledge by members of Boy Scout Troop 347, and a performance of the National Anthem and Invocation by State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver with entertainment by singer Josh Melton.
The winners of the annual Leadership DeKalb Alumni awards were honored
DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Chief Donny Green received the Community Leader of the Year Award and Liberty Mayor Edward Hale was presented the Legacy Award.
The Community Leader of the Year award goes to someone who has made a significant and positive impact on the county, specifically during 2012 and in a capacity beyond commitment to his or her profession. Green has led the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department as chief for several years. He also serves as Director of the DeKalb County Farm Service Agency and is a member of the Smithville Fiddler’s Jamboree Board of Directors.
The Legacy Award goes to the person or persons who have made a significant and positive impact on DeKalb County over a considerable period of time and in multiple or lasting ways. Hale has served as mayor of Liberty for 42 years, currently the longest serving elected public official in DeKalb County.
Special awards were presented to Suzanne Williams, who has served as Executive Director of the local Chamber of Commerce for ten years and to Jen Sherwood, director of Leadership DeKalb for fifteen years.
Director Williams gave an annual Chamber recap and a video was presented showcasing highlights of many activities and events held during the year.
Meanwhile, the retiring members of the Chamber board were recognized including Keith Blair, attorney; Mike Williams of the DeKalb County Fair Board; George Oliver of the Smithville Rotary Club; Jason Ray of the Leadership Alumni Class of 2009; and Rhonda Caplinger of Liberty State Bank.
New members are Kathy Hendrixson, Director of the DeKalb County Library System; Sherry Harris, owner of D & S Specialtees; Sue Conley, CEO for DeKalb Community Hospital and Stones River Hospital; Jeff Crips, Branch Manager of Regions Bank in Smithville; Raul Ramirez, Human Resources Manager at Federal Mogul; Shea Hays Colwell, Assistant Director of Nursing at NHC Healthcare in Smithville; and Stein Prichard, Manager of Prichard Foods in Alexandria.
The 2013 officers are President Janna Gillard, Vice President; Julia Cantrell, Secretary Valerie House, and Treasurer Jeff Crips.

Parents Reminded of New State Law on Kindergarten Registration

The state has passed a new law, adjusting the birth date cut off by one month for this coming 2013-2014 school year for children entering Kindergarten.
Under the new law, children entering kindergarten shall be five years of age on or before August 31, 2013 for the 2013-2014 school year and on or before August 15 for all school years thereafter. The law has been that a child who is five years of age on or before September 30 could be permitted to enter kindergarten.
Officials say the change allows more time for a child to grow cognitively and develop many skills needed for a successful start in school, the effects of which influence future academic success.
The new law grandfathers children whose birthday is between September 1 and September 30, 2013, who have successfully completed a state pre-K program and are ready to enroll in kindergarten.
Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-K through 6th Grade, addressed this issue with the school board Thursday night. “The state has changed the age that students will be enrolling into kindergarten. The date this year and previous years has been in September. A student must be age five on or before September 30. They have moved that back to August 31. So they have cut off a month. We have a different enrollment. Our students that are enrolled in pre-K this year will be grandfathered in. They will be able to move on into kindergarten instead of having to sit out a full year. So those students will be enrolled. The next year the date for enrollment will be moving up to August 15. I just wanted to make parents aware that we are having a new date for kindergarten enrollment. Again, the age is five on or before August 31,” said Burklow
Smithville Elementary and DeKalb West School Kindergarten Pre-Registration will be Friday, May 3 from 8:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Children who plan to attend kindergarten MUST turn five years old on or before August 31, 2013 in order to enroll for the 2013-14 school year. Parents should bring their children who are to be tested that day. Also bring the child’s birth certificate, child’s social security card, recent kindergarten physical, current immunization certificate (shot record), and proof of residence (gas/electric bill).
Principals Julie Vincent of Smithville Elementary, Dr. Gayle Redmon of Northside Elementary, and Patrick Cripps of DCHS updated the school board on upcoming events at their schools.
“We’re getting ready at Smithville Elementary to take the SAT 10 (Stanford Achievement Test) in a couple of weeks,” said Vincent. ” This is the first time our kindergarten students and first graders have taken an assessment so everybody is preparing and getting ready for that. Next Friday, some of our kindergarten classes are having career day so they will be coming in dressed as their favorite occupation, such as nurses, doctors, police, firefighters, etc. Also May 3 is our kindergarten registration for next school year and that will be from eight o’clock until one p.m.” she said.
“At Northside Elementary School we’re also gearing up and working hard for TCAP and SAT 10,” said Dr. Redmon,. “We recently had a Writers Night at Northside. We had lots of students who displayed their works, stories, and poetry. This was through our after school program. Many of the students read their works. It was a great night. We had lots of parents who came out and participated. I want to thank our after school teachers who worked hard at putting that together and to Mrs. Beth Pafford who organized Writers Night. That was her idea. It went over extremely well. Our next after school project is a Raised Garden and we’re excited about that,” she said.
“We’ll start our end of course testing on May 6-9,” said DCHS principal Cripps. “On May 6 we’ll
have Algebra I and Algebra II. On May 7 we’ll have English I and English II. On May 8 we’ll have English III and Biology and May 9 we’ll have U.S. History. We wish the parents would get their kids in bed early and make sure they get a good breakfast in the morning. We will be getting breakfast provided thanks to the school board and Mr. Willoughby. We’d just like to thank you for that,” he said.
“Talking about TCAP, this is a time for our students to shine,” said Michelle Burklow, Supervisor of Instruction for Pre-K through 6th Grade. ” They’re going to show off all they’ve learned this year. We’re excited about that. I know that the principals have already encouraged parents to get their children in bed early and to make sure they have breakfast. As mentioned, we will be serving breakfast that week but we also want to encourage students and parents to make sure that you do eat a good breakfast every morning that you come to school because we know breakfast is important,’ she said.
“We will be providing free breakfasts for pre-k through eighth grade during TCAP and SAT 10 testing and they are on the same day so breakfasts will be free that week,” said Stephanie Dyer, Food Nutrition Supervisor. ” Pre-k students don’t take the tests but we are still going to count them so they can eat a free breakfast also. And then we feed end of course testing on those specific days for only those students taking that specific test that day. We’re excited to provide that. Its very important to eat breakfast every day so we just encourage that and its only a dollar each day,” she said.
In other business, the school board granted permission for the Junior and Senior Classes of DCHS to have the prom off campus at the Doubletree Heartland Ballroom in Murfreesboro on Friday, April 19. The prom begins at 8:00 p.m. and ends at 11:30 p.m. Anyone leaving the location before 10:30 p.m. will be required to sign out.
The DCHS basketball cheerleaders were also granted permission to attend the UCA Cheerleading Camp at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville July 9-12.

Optometry Services to be offered in Schools through CSH and WellChild

Optometry services will be available to students beginning this fall through Coordinated School Health and WellChild Screening Inc.
Dee Anna Reynolds, Coordinated School Health Coordinator said during Thursday nights school board meeting that optometry is an expansion of a service that began in 2008 for DeKalb County Schools. “In the 2008-09 school year, Coordinated School Health began services with WellChild Inc to do Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment (EPSDT) exams for students. Parents who were interested in the service and whose children qualified received WellChild exams on site at school through WellChild’s mobile clinic. We have continued service with WellChild every year since then,” said Reynolds.
WellChild Health Screening Inc. (WCHS) performs health screenings of students at school including vision, hearing, mental health, blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, scoliosis, motor skills, etc.
Reynolds said these physicals have served hundreds of children in DeKalb County. ” In the first year, 142 physicals were completed. This year, for 2012-13, over 400 exams have been completed.” she said. “In the five years we have implemented this service, one thing has remained constant and that is the number of vision referrals. Approximately 20-33 percent of students receive vision referrals every year either through WellChild services or Coordinated School Health screenings,” said Reynolds.
“WellChild has offered mobile optometry services in Memphis only for the last few years and it has been a very successful service there so WellChild began looking at adding this service to the middle Tennessee area. Through a several month long process, WellChild has been able to secure the resources and optometrists who are willing to aid with this service. So, Coordinated School Health is pleased to announce WellChild will be adding the optometry service for DeKalb County beginning this fall,” she said.
“Parents who fill out the paper work and want their child to receive a WellChild exam will now have an option to fill out an additional form for optometry services. Students who receive vision referrals will have further vision testing. If that child needs glasses, they will receive two pairs of glasses, one for school and one pair to take home and keep at home. At the end of the school year, Coordinated School Health will take the school pair of glasses and return to WellChild,” said Reynolds. “WellChild will send those glasses to be checked for needed repairs and cleaning. The glasses will be returned to the student for the next school year. In addition to offering this optometry service through EPSDT exams, WellChild will be working with Coordinated School Health through their vision screening results to further test students who may need it,” she said.
WellChild forms will be included with the beginning of the year registration forms so parents should be looking for those forms at the start of the new school year this fall.
In other business, Director of Schools Mark Willoughby presented his monthly report on personnel to the board of education.
Those employed since the last meeting include:
Kathy Jacobs, sub bus driver
Danny Washer, sub bus driver
Mary Sanders, Educational Assistant at DeKalb Middle School
James Caplinger, custodian at Smithville Elementary School
James Dwight Knowles, part time custodian at DeKalb West School
Vicky Walker, transferred to School Secretary position at DeKalb Middle School
Samantha Lester, School Secretary at DeKalb Middle School, resigned.
The school board adopted resolutions of appreciation for support staff and teachers.
The resolution for teachers is as follows:
“Whereas, teachers are a vital part of our school system because they nurture and engage students in activities which will educate and graduate tomorrow’s citizens and leaders; and
Whereas, teachers spend countless hours preparing teaching materials, grading papers and projects, studying about issues in education, consulting with administration, parents, students, and fellow educators; and
Whereas, teachers create a safe and healthy learning environment for the students to enjoy while they participate in daily lessons; and
Whereas, teachers demonstrate an exemplary attitude and establish rapport with the students; and
Whereas, great teachers transmit their passion for learning onto their students; and
Whereas, effective teachers give positive and constructive advice, praise accomplishments, and adjust their teaching styles as needed to meet the individual needs of students
Now, therefore, be it resolved that the DeKalb County Board of Education recognizes the numerous contributions that our teachers make each day by establishing May 7, 2013 as teacher Appreciation Day in all DeKalb County Schools; and
Be it further resolved that the board expresses appreciation and thanks to teachers in our school system. We encourage each school and community to recognize them for their contribution to the success of our school system and its students”.
The resolution for support staff is as follows:
“Whereas, the support staff in the DeKalb County School System is an outstanding group of dedicated school employees who care deeply about the students; and
Whereas, our teachers and administrators depend upon support staff members to prepare learning materials, operate the office and carry out business functions of the school, tutor, counsel, advise and guide individual students and perform a variety of other activities that result in an improved learning environment for students and their teachers throughout the school year; and
Whereas, our support staff is made up of individuals who have shown a commitment to our schools and the students they serve; and
Whereas, support staff bring into our schools a good measure of common sense, a calm demeanor and a willingness to let others occupy the spotlight and receive credit for success; and
Now, therefore be it resolved that the DeKalb County Board of Education hereby establishes April 18, 2013 as support staff appreciation day; and
Be it further resolved that the board expresses appreciation and thanks to all the support staff in our school system and encourages each school to recognize and join in the celebration of these individuals on that day for the role they play in the success of our school system.
Be it further resolved that the board endorses the use of the Hollywood theme to celebrate support staff members because students and adults can have fun with the theme and show the support staff they are the true stars in our school system”.

State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver- The Loop

Hello, fellow Folks of the Fortieth! Session has adjourned for the week, and most members have headed home for the weekend. The hallways are quiet; while here in 105, I pause to collect my thoughts for this week’s update on the Hill. A book titled “Ancient Wisdom” sits on the shelf above me. How timely the text for today speaks: If you want to be wise, catch yourself from thinking or saying, “Who cares?” or “What does it matter?” Instead consider why you momentarily want to shut down. Pray immediately that God would keep your heart and head in the game.
Honestly, when Thursday rolls around, it is very easy to embrace a “Who cares?” attitude. But there is something about spending yourself in hard work that produces energy and passion in your heart and soul. I believe we are wired not to run away from reality, but to transform it. Pressing forward, and working together to make Tennessee even better is the mission statement from this Rep, and also from many of my colleagues, as well.
In the House, we continue the trend of cutting taxes: sales tax on food from 5.25 to a flat 5%; raise the Hall Tax Exemption for seniors from $16,200 to $26,200 for single filers, and $27,000 to $37,000 for joint filers; HB64 exempts Tennessee businesses from paying a portion of their annual excise tax, allowing businesses to use that money for expansion or other necessary costs.
Workers’ Compensation Reform Act of 2013 will create a system that is more fair and efficient, and will provide better outcomes for employers and employees, and it continues gaining support from both employers and employees across the state. The current state workers’ compensation system was created in 1919–very much in need of an overhaul! Tennessee is currently one of only two states that adjudicate workers’ claims in trial courts, which results in some of the highest medical costs related to workers’ comp in the nation. Debate on the chamber floor is scheduled for April 11.
Transportation Sub and Full are closed, as are many other committees. The House Chamber will shortly be set for long days as we work toward completion of this session by April 20. . .or soon thereafter.
In My Bag of Bills, HB119 will be heard in Finance Full before it goes into one last committee called Calendar and Rules. HB119 places the strictest possible limitations on the use of EBT cards, plus penalizes those establishments and welfare recipients who abuse them. HB68, also in Finance Full next week, protects children in cases where mental health history is on record when considering child custody cases. HB1295 will be in Criminal Justice Full on Tuesday. This bill is paramount in order to protect children inside the womb and outside the womb. Yes, the week was a whirlwind, and next week promises to be a repeat.
Coffee and Conversations happen every Friday morning at 8:00 a.m. The Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability, along with yours truly, will be presenting the Trousdale County Senior Center with the first ever Innovative Grant Award on April 5, at the Senior Center in Hartsville. “High five” to the Trousdale Seniors who submitted the best concept designed to encourage more senior participation in their community. FYI, they won 5,000 bucks! Oh, and their proposal? Change a portion of the Center into a coffee and juice bar, complete with a library and internet connection hot spot, to make their Center more appealing to the baby boomer population! You rock!
Saturday is a full day, as well, as Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder will come to Trousdale to greet our area veterans and visit the Trousdale Medical Center as we continue to bring better ways to serve our veterans closer to home.
Please do not hesitate to call my office, 615-741-2192, for any questions or assistance. Hey, have a great week–and may the good Lord take a likein’ to you!
Terri Lynn

Annual Celebration of Spring at Edgar Evins State Park

The 4th Annual Celebration of Spring will be Saturday, April 13th at Edgar Evins State Park, Silver Point, between Smithville and Cookeville on Center Hill Lake. This will be a FREE day of outdoor recreation and entertainment for families and individuals, sponsored by the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park and park employees.
The day’s activities will begin at 8 a.m. at the Visitors Center with registration for all and sign-ups for the events that have a maximum number of participants. The activities that have limits are the popular nature hikes led by Ranger Mark Taylor, Holly Taylor and Danny L. Bryan, Assistant Professor of Biology at Cumberland University, as well as the approximately 45 minutes long pontoon boat rides for adults and children over 3 years accompanied by an adult.
Some new features this year include a chance to decorate a cookie or cupcake, sponsored by Peggy and Scotty Richardson of the Pure Bread Baking Company, and a Native Animals presentation by the popular NHECM. ( The wildlife “stars” of the program will include a young bobcat, possum and raccoon. In addition David Haggard, West Tennessee Interpretive Specialist for TN State Parks will bring his Birds of Prey program.
Live on-stage performances throughout the day will also include a Minnie Pearl impersonator and country/pop singer, Patricia Jackson from Nashville, and the Flat Broke Blue Grass Band. The young dancers from Cannon Arts Dance Studio will dance around the Maypole and perform several colorful ballet numbers.
Other offerings will include kite flying, face painting, 3-legged and sack races, living history demonstrations, and Holly’s friendly snakes.
Boy Scouts of Troop 875 will show how to cook in a Dutch Oven over a camp fire. Girl Scouts of Troop 1146 will assist anyone interested in making honeysuckle baskets or corn shuck dolls and some new crafts options.
Many offerings will overlap so there will be something going on most of the day for various ages and interests. In addition there are approximately 11 miles of trails waiting to be hiked by those who prefer to explore on their own.
Count the number of candies in a jar at registration for a chance to win a days rental of a kayak or canoe and a sack lunch for two from Caney Fork Outdoors and Big Rock Market.
Participants are encouraged to pack a picnic or sack lunch and plan to stay for a fun day in the park. Those who wish to make it an overnight or weekend outing may phone the park office (1-800-250-8619 or 931-858-2114) to inquire about camping and cabins.
The websites for the Friends of Edgar Evins State Park may be visited at and
The park address is 1630 Edgar Evins Park Road, Silver Point, TN 38582

Jury Finds Smithville Man Guilty in Child Sex Crime

A Smithville man stood trial Wednesday in DeKalb County Criminal Court for the rape of a child but a jury of eight women and four men found him guilty of the lesser offense of aggravated sexual battery.
Judge Leon Burns, Jr. presided over the trial.
44 year old Kenneth Lee Moore, facing a possible prison term of eight to twelve years, will be sentenced on May 17. Had he been convicted as charged in the indictment for rape of a child, Moore could have been sentenced to a minimum of twenty five years in prison. The jury deliberated for more than four hours before returning their verdict.
“We’re satisfied with the verdict that we got today,” said Deputy District Attorney General Greg Strong in an interview with WJLE. “This will require eight to twelve years of service in the penitentiary at 85% before release eligibility. It is really considered a 100% sentence but he can qualify for up to a 15% sentence reduction. Moore will be on community supervision for life as a sex offender. This will put the victim well into her adult years before he (Moore) is ever eligible for parole.
According to Sheriff Patrick Ray, Moore allegedly raped his twelve year old niece on November 15th, 2010. The child, who was living with Moore at the time, awoke from sleep to find Moore allegedly making sexual contact with her.
“The basic facts of the case were that Moore accomplished oral sex with his twelve year old niece who was living with him at the time due to a hardship that her mother had, “said Strong. “She (victim’s mother) had lost her job and she had to move in with the defendant (Moore). He took advantage of this young girl,” said Strong.
The victim was one of three witnesses to testify for the prosecution during the trial Wednesday, along with the girl’s mother and Detective Mike Billings of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department. ” I would like to say that she (victim) is a strong girl,” said Strong. ” I’m proud of her for what she did in this case. This is obviously not something that a twelve year old wants to go through. She held her head up and she was strong and she is the reason we got the verdict that we got,” said Strong.
The defense called one witness, a juvenile relative of the victim, in an attempt to discredit the victim as a witness, according to Deputy D.A. Strong. “She testified about the victim’s truthfulness. She also testified that she didn’t know the victim very well. I don’t think the jury put much faith in that,” said Strong.
Moore’s attorney, Jason Hicks of Cookeville, in an interview with WJLE after the verdict said this was a case of “he said”, “she said” without any corroborating evidence. “We’re pleased that the jury did not find him guilty of rape of a child or the attempted rape of a child. Our position from the beginning was that Mr. Moore was not guilty of any of the charges so obviously we were shocked by that (verdict). The cases of this nature are very, very tough for all the parties involved. There is generally little corroborating evidence from any other witnesses and that makes them very tough for the courts to try. We presented our case as to the victim’s credibility and her veracity of truthfulness and the jury saw it differently. But ultimately we plan to appeal this case and keep fighting on up to the next levels,” said Hicks.
“I would like to say thank you to Detective Billings and the Sheriff’s Department for the job they did investigating this case,” said Deputy D.A. Strong. ” I’d like to also say thank you to the child advocacy center in Cookeville. That’s where the victim in the case went for what we call a forensic interview. Without those things adding up we would not have had much of a case here,” he said.

Election Commission Reorganizes

The DeKalb County Election Commission has chosen its officers for the next two years.
The commission met in regular monthly session Wednesday afternoon at the courthouse to reorganize and to conduct other business.
Walteen Parker was named to her third term as chairman of the commission. Harry Lasser was re-elected as the secretary.
In other business, the commission reappointed Dennis Stanley as administrator of elections for the next two years. All five members voted in favor of Stanley’s reappointment.
The DeKalb County Election Commission members include Republicans Walteen Parker, Barbara Vanatta, and Jim Dean. Democratic members are Richard Hearon Puckett and Harry Lasser.
In other business, the election commission set the dates for early voting for the Smithville Municipal Election. Three aldermen are to be elected.
Voting will be May 29 through June 13 on the following days and hours:
Mondays: Noon until 5:00 p.m.
Tuesdays: 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Wednesdays: 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Thursdays: 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m.
Fridays: 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 9:00 a.m. until Noon
Election day is Tuesday June 18. All voting will be done on the first floor of the courthouse.