The Infinity Athletics Allstars received 2nd place at their latest competition at Nashville Municipal Auditorium on Saturday, December 10th.
The next event will be the last Tennessee competition on Saturday, February 11th at Nashville Municipal Auditorium. Then, the final competition will be the Cheersport Nationals in Atlanta, Georgia February 17-19th. Anyone interested in coming to a competition to support the All Stars and needs more information, please call Infinity Athletics at 215-9050. We would like to thank everyone for all their support.
Pictured are Top Row (L-R): Coach Jennifer Sykes, Kenzie France, Shaunta Koegler, Madison Colwell, and Callie Mulloy
Bottom Row (L-R): Shelby Sprague, Chloe Sykes, Emme Colwell, and Alley Sykes
Not Pictured: Katherine Clendenen
Category Archives: News
DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department Awarded Federal Grant
The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department has been awarded a $103,950 U.S. Department of Homeland Security Operations and Safety Grant, U.S. Senator Lamar Alexander announced.
Even though demands of EMS providers and firefighters have increased tremendously over the years, the resources they depend on to provide their life-saving services have not. That’s why Congress initiated the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program, which is similar to the highly successful COPS program that put more than 100,000 new police officers on the nation’s streets.
Chief Donny Green said the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department will use this federal funding award to purchase a new 4 X 4 brush/quick attack vehicle to replace the old and unreliable 1975 homemade brush truck. This vehicle will be used in the department’s county wide operation and will be a huge asset in helping firefighters access areas around Center Hill Lake.
DeKalb County will only have to provide a 5% local match for the purchase of this new vehicle awarded in this grant. Chief Green says that the department appreciates the support of County Mayor Mike Foster and the DeKalb County Commissioners for agreeing to provide the 5% local match for this grant.
2011 Fire Incident Responses Up in DeKalb County
The DeKalb County Fire Department has compiled its 2011 Incident Response Summary.
The best news in this report is that DeKalb County did not record any fire-related deaths in 2011. Overall, 2011 fire incident responses in the county were up by 54 calls from 2010. In 2010, the department responded to a total of 392 fire incidents. The department responded to 446 fire incident responses in 2011. This count does not include the 357 rural medical first responder calls that county fire department personnel responded to.
DeKalb County Fire Chief Donny Green said that the most marked increase in incidents is in the “alarms” category. This category captures responses to automated alarms such as fire/smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms. Chief Green said that this is expected because of the increased population of absentee homeowners around the Center Hill Lake area. According to Green, these property owners increasingly are using automated alarm systems to monitor their property, as their primary residences are elsewhere.
With DeKalb County’s rural population growing at rates higher than the cities’ population growth within DeKalb County, the department continues to strive to prevent fires and fire related incidents by using prevention and educational measures. DeKalb County Fire Department’s Fire Prevention and Safety Officer, Lt. Brad Mullinax, says that preventing incidents is much more economical than responding to them.
The chart as shown above provides a breakdown of each type of fire incident response that the department responded to in 2011.
UPDATED: DeKalb County to Have Two State Representatives Under Redistricting Plan
DeKalb County would have two State Representatives under a new Republican drawn redistricting plan unveiled Wednesday.
State Representative Terri Lynn Weaver would continue to represent Smith County and most of DeKalb County as part of the 40th district but the southern portion of DeKalb County would become part of another district with Cannon and a large portion of Wilson County, represented by Republican Mark Pody of Wilson County. Legislative atttorney Doug Himes told WJLE Thursday that a total of 6,126 DeKalb County residents would be in Pody’s 46th district. The precincts affected include Belk, Keltonburg, and Blue Springs in the sixth district, a small portion of the Middle School precinct in the third district, and a small portion of the Church of Christ Annex precinct in the seventh district. The rest of DeKalb County (12,597 residents) would remain in Weaver’s 40th district.
Weaver would also lose Macon County but she would pick up Trousdale County and a portion of Sumner County.
The plan would have to be enacted by the State Legislature before it could take effect.
Click Link Below to See Statewide House Redistricting Plan
Meanwhile, State Senator Mae Beavers would continue to represent DeKalb County as part of the 17th district under the Republican drawn senate redistricting map.
Lt. Governor Ron Ramsey announced the release of the plan Wednesday, which was put together by the Senate’s Working Group on Redistricting with the assistance of the Office of Legal Services and is now available at the General Assembly’s website.
Click Link Below to see the Middle Tennessee Senate Redistricting Plan
Under the plan, Senator Beavers’ 17th district would still be made up of Cannon, Clay, DeKalb, Macon, Smith, and Wilson Counties, but Beavers would lose Trousdale County and the one precinct she represents in Sumner County to the 18th district.
“We were committed to drawing a fair and legal state senate map and that is exactly what we have done.” said Lt. Governor Ramsey. “The map emphasizes regional integrity and adheres to state and federal laws as well as court precedent. I look forward to concluding the redistricting process swiftly and efficiently as soon as we go into session next week.”
In addition to Lt. Governor Ramsey the Senate Working Group on redistricting included three regional coordinators: Majority Leader Mark Norris, Republican Caucus Chairman Bill Ketron and Speaker Pro Tempore Bo Watson.
This release includes both a statewide map as well as regional and urban center breakout maps for public perusal. A comprehensive memorandum explaining the new map in detail can also be found at the website:
Landscape Photographer Bill Luton to Host Book Signing Saturday
Landscape Photographer, Bill Luton, exposes the beauty to one of Tennessee’s most beautiful lakes in the pages of his new book “The Lake” a photographic journey through the seasons on Center Hill Lake.
Click the following link to hear a radio interview with Bill Luton on WJLE
The book is now available for sale and Luton is inviting you to meet him during a book signing this Saturday, January 7 from 4:00 p.m. until 7:30 p.m. at the White Possum Grille on Walnut Street downtown Smithville.
Throughout the changing seasons, from early dawn through dusk, Luton is able to capture an image not often seen or viewed while exploring the lake’s secluded coves.
The lake itself snakes over 60 miles through some of Middle Tennessee’s most noted terrain. Roughly less than 1% of the shoreline has been developed and what has, is mainly for recreational usage.
Rolling hills, steep cliffs, and hidden waterfalls are just a part of what has been experienced and shared in this first series. Migrating waterfowl to human intervention awaits you with just a simple turn of the page.
Shown are 25 images from “The Lake” providing you with samples of the images found within the 48 page book. This hardback book measures 12″ wide by 9″ tall using 80# silk paper, a four color process with a spot gloss varnish to protect and enhance each individual image.
You can preview and order “The Lake” online at
Candidates for School Board Can Now Pick Up Petitions at Election Commission Office
Petitions for the 5th and 6th district school board races can now be picked up at the DeKalb County Election Commission office.
School board members, who run as non-partisan candidates, are elected in even-numbered years in August with the membership being staggered. In August 2012, members in Districts 5 and 6 are to be elected. The qualifying deadline for this election is NOON, April 5. The seats are currently held by W.J. (Dub) Evins, III in the 5th district and Bruce Parsley in the 6th district.
Meanwhile, the state representatives seats that serve DeKalb County will also be on the August State Primary ballot. However, due to statewide redistricting, petitions for those offices will not be issued until February 6, 2012.
“Due to the events of reapportionment (or redistricting), the Coordinator of Elections may postpone the normal beginning date petitions can be issued,” said Dennis Stanley, DeKalb Administrator of Elections. “Due to the fact the legislature has yet to approve a redistricting plan, the Coordinator has moved the date to February 6.” The qualifying deadline, however, will remain the same-April 5.
Meanwhile, Stanley reminds voters about key dates for the upcoming Presidential Preference Primary and DeKalb County Democratic Primary, set for March 6th. The last day to register to vote is February 6 and early voting will be
held from February 15 through February 28. The last day a voter may send in a written request for an absentee ballot is also February 28th.
Stanley also reminded voters that a photo identification will be required to vote on the machine during early voting or on election day. For more information, contact the election office at 597-4146.
Tennessee Lawful Employment Act Aims To Strengthen Legal Employment Verification
Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development Commissioner Karla Davis today announced new requirements of all employers in Tennessee to demonstrate that they are hiring and maintaining a legal workforce.
“This online verification process is designed to be convenient for employers and only takes a few minutes to complete. The department can provide assistance to employers who don’t have Internet access,” said Commissioner Davis.
Signed into law by Governor Bill Haslam on June 7, 2011, the Tennessee Lawful Employment Act requires verifying the employment eligibility of all newly hired employees through the online E-Verify program (, or requesting all newly hired employees to provide one of the following identity and employment authorization documents as required:
A valid Tennessee driver’s license or photo identification
A valid driver’s license or photo identification from another state where the license requirements are at least as strict as those in Tennessee
A birth certificate issued by a U.S. state, jurisdiction or territory
A U.S. government issued certified birth certificate
A valid, unexpired U.S. passport
A U.S. certificate of birth abroad
A report of birth abroad or a citizen of the U.S.
A certificate of citizenship
A certificate of naturalization
A U.S. citizen identification card
A lawful permanent resident card
The law also requires employers to obtain and maintain a copy of one of the above listed identity/employment authorization documents for all non-employees as well. A “non-employee” is defined as any individual, other than an employee, paid directly by the employer in exchange for the individual’s labor or services.
The employment verification provisions referenced above will be phased in as follows:
All state and local government agencies must enroll and participate in E-Verify or request and maintain an identity/employment authorization document from a newly hired employee or non-employee no later than January 1, 2012
All private employers with 500 or more employees must enroll and participate in E-Verify or request and maintain an identity/employment authorization document from a newly hired employee or non-employee no later than January 1, 2012
All private employers with 200 to 499 employees must enroll and participate in E-Verify or request and maintain an identity/employment authorization document from a newly hired employee or non-employee no later than July 1, 2012
All private employers with six to 199 employees must register and utilize E-Verify or request and maintain an identity/employment authorization document from a newly hired employee or non-employee no later than July 1, 2013
The Tennessee Department of Labor does have the authority to impose penalties for non compliance. For a first violation, $500 for each employee or non-employee not verified, for a second violation, $1,000 for each employee or non-employee not verified, and $2,500 for a third violation.
The private employer must submit evidence of compliance within 60 days of the final order. If the employer fails to submit such documentation, then the commissioner has the authority to suspend the private employer’s license until the employer remedies the violation.
Any lawful resident of Tennessee or any employee of a federal agency may file a complaint alleging a violation of the employment verification provisions of the Act. If there is satisfactory evidence of a violation, the Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Labor and Workforce Development will conduct an investigation.
For more information on the Tennessee Lawful Employment Act visit or contact the Labor Standards Division toll-free at 1-855-TNEBILL (1-855-863-2455).
Ferrell Named Forestry Employee of the Year
Glenn Ferrell was recently named the Tennessee Department of Agriculture Division of Forestry’s Employee of the Year. The award is presented annually to a division employee who shows outstanding efforts and work accomplishments for a particular year.
“Glenn has been a tremendous asset in the Cumberland District. The technical and professional staffs there, along with the citizens they serve, are fortunate to have such a dedicated individual working with them,” said State Forester Steven Scott.
Ferrell has served the division’s Cumberland District since 1982 – 13 years as a part-time wildland firefighter in Cannon County and the last 16 years working full-time as a Forestry Aide 2 in DeKalb County. He is charged with operating a dozer used in fighting wildfires and works in forest management activities along with Forestry Technician Joe Bryson.
“Glenn does a great job in fire control in a county that has a high percentage of extremely steep terrain,” said Bryson. “He takes his dozer where a goat couldn’t go and when it becomes impossible to plow safely any farther, he jumps off his dozer and grabs a (leaf) blower or rake and does the work of two men.”
Ferrell is a native of Cannon County where he grew up and went to school in the small community of Short Mountain.
“I always wanted to work in forestry,” said Ferrell. “You get to work outside and do different stuff every day. It’s not always the same job.”
Ferrell currently resides in DeKalb County with his wife Louise and has a step-daughter and two young grandchildren. In his spare time, Glenn enjoys watching dirt track racing and spending time with his grandchildren.
Council Forced to Delay Action to Change City Election Date
A special meeting of the Smithville Mayor and Aldermen was scheduled Tuesday night to adopt an ordinance on first reading to change the city election from June to August to coincide with the county general election. But the meeting was canceled after city officials learned from the Municipal Technical Advisory Service (MTAS) that the action could not legally be done by passage of an ordinance. It would require a change in the city charter.
Under state law, a municipality can change the date of a city election to coincide with the August or November general election, “notwithstanding any provision of a private act of a municipality to the contrary”. According to MTAS, the City of Smithville has such a private act charter, which prohibits the changing of an election date by ordinance. Such action requires a change in the city charter, which must be approved by both the board of aldermen and the state legislature.
Mayor Taft Hendrixson brought up the issue during the December 19 city council meeting. He said by having the city election along with the county general election, it would save the city some money in holding the election and it would probably bring more city voters to the polls. But by having the election in August, the terms of the incumbent mayor and aldermen this year would have to be extended by a couple of months.
During that meeting, the aldermen voted 4 to 1 to have an ordinance drawn up to make the change. Alderman Steve White, who voted against the proposal, said that while he favored saving the city money and encouraging a larger voter turnout, he was concerned with the legality of making these changes by ordinance, when the city charter calls for the city election to be held in June. White said he preferred waiting until other changes are made in the city charter before making this one. “With the way the charter reads, you would have to be extending somebody’s term and I don’t think we can change that without the charter being changed. As the charter reads, our election has to be in June. If we move it to August then that’s after our term is out,” said White.
Mayor Hendrixson replied “But our terms would be extended. Myself, yours (Steve White), and Mr. (Cecil) Burger’s term will be extended by approximately sixty days until the August Election this year. You can’t extend terms by more than two years but you can extend terms by up to two years,” said Mayor Hendrixson.
Alderman White continued “My thinking is that if we’re getting some more changes ready for the charter, I think we might ought to go ahead and have the election in June this time and then if we decide we want to do that (change election date) go ahead and change the charter that way if we want to change the terms we can do all that as the next elections come up,”said White.
City officials plan to present a resolution to the aldermen soon making changes in the charter but that action requires approval of the state legislature in addition to passage by the city council.
State law concerning changing the date by ordinance of municipal elections to coincide with general elections states as follows in 6-54-138
“Notwithstanding any provision of a private act of a municipality to the contrary, the legislative body of a municipality may by ordinance change the date of municipal elections to coincide with the August or November general election. The ordinance changing the election date shall provide for the extension of the terms of members of the legislative body of the municipality necessary to meet the election date, but no term may be extended for more than two years beyond its regular expiration date. If an action is taken pursuant to this subsection the presiding officer of the legislative body shall file a certified copy of the ordinance with the state coordinator of elections”
Arrest Made in Alexandria Theft Investigation
An arrest has been made in an Alexandria theft investigation.
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department has charged 27 year old Michael Brandon Colwell with theft of property under $500, resisting arrest, and unlawful possession of a weapon. His bond is $4,500 and he will be in court January 5. Colwell had been a resident of Cantrell Road Smithville before moving to Parkview Apartments on Gin Alley Road, Alexandria just a few days ago.
Meanwhile, the Alexandria Police Department has charged Colwell with four counts of burglary, three counts of theft, and one count of vandalism. His bond on these charges totals $60,000 and he will be in court January 5. More charges are pending.
According to Sheriff Patrick Ray, Colwell was arrested Monday, January 2 for allegedly taking twenty dollars in cash from the wallet of someone on Curtis Avenue in Alexandria. He said Colwell admitted to the theft.
On Monday morning, officers went to Parkview Apartments on Gin Alley Road in search of Colwell but did not find him. Colwell was there when the officers returned later. Colwell was placed under arrest and handcuffed. Upon a pat down search, officers found on his side, a buoy knife with a five and three quarter inch blade. During the arrest, Sheriff Ray said that Colwell became violent. Colwell told the arresting officers that he was not going to jail and tried to jerk away from them several times. The officers had to take him to the ground. They also forcibly put him in the patrol car.
While making the arrest, officers saw some things in the residence that were not there on their first visit including a chainsaw, guitars, and radios that appeared to have been ripped out of vehicles. The officers confiscated those items and brought them to the jail for a further investigation.
Alexandria Police Chief Mark Collins said that in addition to the charges brought by the Sheriff’s Department, Colwell is charged with breaking into the First Baptist Church on Locust Street in Alexandria around midnight on New Year’s Eve; breaking into two cars at residences on Curtis Avenue; and attempting to break-in to one of his neighbor’s apartments on Gin Alley Road late Sunday night or early Monday morning. In the attempted burglary, Chief Collins said Colwell attempted to break into an apartment that joined his at Parkview. But the victim was home at the time. When she heard a noise at the front door, she looked through a peephole and saw a man trying to open the locked door with a credit card. But Colwell was apparently scared off because he dropped the card and ran into his own apartment.
In the News Year’s Eve incident, Chief Collins said a concerned citizen called around midnight to alert authorities of the break-in at the church. Alexandria Police responded and found that two front doors of the church had been pried open. Chief Collins said that as officers entered attempting to clear the building, they saw someone inside. The intruder made his escape by breaking out a glass door. Alexandria Police initiated a foot pursuit and Sheriff’s Department deputies came to the scene to assist but the suspect could not be located. Chief Collins said while the burglar had taken a few items from the church, he had left behind a pile of electronic equipment inside that he apparently had intended to steal.
After Colwell’s arrest by the Sheriff’s Department on Monday morning, Alexandria Police began receiving reports from residents in Alexandria whose vehicles, buildings, and outbuildings had been burglarized. The Sheriff’s Department had seized as suspected stolen property several items found in Colwell’s Alexandria apartment upon his arrest. Many of these things were later identified as the items reported missing from the victims who had called police.
Alexandria Police conducted a search of Colwell’s apartment home and recovered items taken from the church and other places in Alexandria.
Chief Collins commended the concerned citizen who tipped off authorities about the burglary in progress at the church on New Year’s Eve because that call may have prevented the theft of several thousands of dollars worth of equipment from the church. He also thanked Sheriff Ray and his deputies for their assistance in this case.
Chief Collins further urged citizens to report any suspicious activity they may observe by calling the Alexandria Police Department or 911.
32 year old Eric Steven Pollard of Lowery Lane, McMinnville is cited for violation of the registration law, violation of the light law, and violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance). His court date is January 25.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Tuesday, January 3 a deputy spotted a white truck with a head light out on Highway 56. The officer stopped the vehicle but the driver, Pollard, could not show proof of insurance and registration.
20 year old Travis Joe Davenport of Eagle Creek Road, Smithville is charged with driving on a suspended license. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court on January 19
Sheriff Ray said that Davenport was stopped by an officer on Highway 56 Saturday, December 31. The deputy making the traffic stop had prior knowledge that Davenport’s license was suspended because he had issued him a citation for the same offense on November 14. Davenport’s license was suspended for failure to satisfy a citation on October 28, 2011
23 year old Charles R. Riedley of Wildwood Drive, Smithville is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence. He was also issued a citation for reckless driving and violation of the implied consent law. Riedley will be in court on January 5. His bond is $3,000.
Sheriff Ray reports that on December 28, an officer pulled over Riedley’s vehicle on Wildwood Drive for erratic driving. Riedley had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and he was unsteady on his feet. He performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. Riedley refused to submit to a blood test. His first DUI offense was on November 27, 2007 in Rutherford County.
33 year old Victor Lee Lewis of Short Mountain Highway, Smithville is charged with driving under the influence and criminal trespassing. Lewis was also issued citations for violation of the implied consent law and violation of the light law. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court on January 5.
Sheriff Ray reports that on December 29 Lewis was stopped by an officer on Highway 146 because of a non working brake light. He was also allegedly involved in a trespassing complaint. Lewis had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person and he was unsteady on his feet. He performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. Lewis refused to submit to a blood test. On the trespassing charge, Lewis is accused of beating on the door and windows of a residence on Highway 146, where he was not supposed to be. Officers warned him to keep away from this home but he returned and began beating on the door and windows again.
32 year old Alvaro Munoz of Miller Road, Smithville is cited for driving on a suspended license, violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance), and roadways lane for traffic (failure to maintain lane of travel). He will be in court on January 19.
Sheriff Ray said that Munoz was stopped by a deputy on Highway 70 Friday, December 30 for failing to maintain his lane of travel. He allegedly crossed the line several times. A computer check revealed that Munoz’ drivers license was suspended for violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance) on November 14, 2011. He could not provide proof of insurance during this traffic stop (December 30).