Alexandria Man Charged with Stealing Batteries from Same Location Three Times

A 29 year old Alexandria man has been arrested for allegedly stealing batteries from the same residence on three different occasions and selling them at a local recycling center.
Shane Nerod Miller of Lower Helton Road is charged with three counts of theft of property under $500. His bond totals $3,000 and he will be in court on October 13.
According to Sheriff Patrick Ray, Miller went to the same residence on Hales Lane on three different occasions, August 2, 4, and 8 and allegedly stole several batteries valued at less than $500 on each trip. Miller then allegedly took the batteries to a local recycling center where he sold them. The total weight of the batteries taken to the recycling center were 816 pounds on the first trip, 503 pounds on the second visit, and 405 pounds on the last occasion. Miller was arrested after an investigation by a Sheriff’s Department detective assigned to the case.
Meanwhile, in a separate investigation, 29 year old Terry Rayborn Collins is charged with theft of property over $1,000. His bond is $5,000 and he will be in court on August 18.
According to Sheriff Ray, Collins allegedly took a 1990 Dodge pickup valued at over $1,000 from a location on Holmes Creek Road and sold it to a local recycling center. He was arrested on Monday, August 8 after an investigation by a Sheriff’s Department detective assigned to the case.
24 year old Monty Lee Slatten, Jr. and 22 year old Sarah Rachelle Bumbalough are each charged with vandalism under $500 and burglary. Bumbalough’s bond is $6,000 while bond for Slatten totals $12,500 and they will be in court on August 18.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Monday, August 8 Slatten and Bumbalough allegedly entered a vehicle in the Sligo parking lot on Highway 70 east, took a cd player out of the dashboard, and dropped it causing less than $500 in damage to the cd player. They were arrested after an investigation by a Sheriff’s department detective assigned to the case.
49 year old Lisa Gail Caldwell was charged with driving on a revoked license on Tuesday, August 9. Her bond is $2,500 and she will be in court October 5.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Tuesday, August 9, Caldwell was stopped by a deputy who had prior knowledge that her drivers license were revoked. A computer check confirmed that her license were revoked for failure to satisfy insurance after an accident on June 7, 2010 in Warren County. She already had a pending citation for driving on a revoked license on July 20, 2011.
Five days later, on Sunday August 14, Caldwell was stopped by an officer on Dry Creek Road for failure to maintain proper lane of travel. She was again charged with driving on a revoked license and issued a citation for failure to maintain lane of travel and for violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance). Her bond in that case is $5,000 and she will be in court on August 25.
50 year old Tammy Elizabeth Burton is charged with public intoxication. Her bond is $1,000 and she will be in court on August 25.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Wednesday, August 10, a deputy responded to a domestic argument on Eagle Creek Road. While there, Burton came up to the officer. She had slurred speech and she was unsteady on her feet. Burton was arrested for her own safety.
28 year old Tommy Lynn Parsley of Mount Juliet is charged with a sixth offense of driving on a suspended license, reckless endangerment, and evading arrest by a motor vehicle. His bond totals $15,000 and he will be in court on August 18.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Saturday, August 6, a deputy was behind a vehicle on Highway 56 north traveling south when he noticed the right tail light out. The officer initiated a traffic stop after crossing Hurricane bridge. The vehicle in front of the officer slowed down and started to pull over but then began to speed up, refusing to stop. The deputy activated his emergency lights and sirens and began a pursuit with speeds exceeding 75 miles an hour. After traveling some six to seven miles, the officer terminated the pursuit due to public safety. Upon further investigation, it was learned that Parsley was the driver of the fleeing vehicle.
In addition to evading arrest, Parsley was charged with reckless endangerment because his actions placed the public in danger of serious bodily injury due his high rates of speed and meeting on-coming traffic on the roadway.
A computer check of his license later confirmed that they were suspended for failure to satisfy citations in Wilson County.
Four days later on August 10 at around 5:00 a.m., an officer was called to check out a suspicious person on Lonnie Cantrell Road. When the man, Parsley, saw the officer he started running. The deputy ordered him several times to halt but he never slowed down. He was later arrested.
Parsley was charged with evading arrest in that incident and his bond was set at $2,500. Other charges are pending against him.
51 year old Glenis Vickers Brown of Crossville is charged with driving under the influence and possession of drug paraphernalia. She was further issued a citation for failure to maintain proper lane of travel. Her bond totals $3,000 and she will be in court on August 18.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Friday, August 12 Brown was stopped on Highway 70 for failing to drive in her lane of travel. Her speech was very rapid and she was unsteady on her feet. Brown submitted to but performed poorly on all field sobriety tasks. She also submitted to a blood test. During the investigation, Brown gave the officer consent to search and he found four hypodermic needles, a spoon with a powdery residue, half pill, and a tourniquet.
20 year old Travis Arron Joiner of Lebanon is charged with evading arrest and issued citations for failing to maintain proper lane of travel, underage consumption, and driving on a suspended license. His bond totals $1,500 and he will be in court on August 25. A 17 year old juvenile was also arrested in the case.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Sunday, August 14. Joiner was stopped at a residence on New Home Road for failing to maintain proper lane of travel and speeding. The officer told the driver to stay in the vehicle while he chased down a passenger who had fled. When the officer returned to the vehicle, Joiner was not there. The officer knocked on the door of the residence where the vehicle was parked but no one answered. A couple of hours later, the officer returned to the home and found Joiner there. Joiner was taken into custody.

Two Local Bridge Projects Soon to be Completed

Work on bridge projects at Dry Creek and Tramel Branch Road will soon be completed.
Road Supervisor Kenny Edge told WJLE Monday that “the Dry Creek Bridge is basically built. All the sub-structure. All of the deck has been built and the rebar is all in place. It’s ready for the concrete and that should be poured one day this week,” said Edge.
“The Tramel Branch Bridge is already complete, except for the guardrails on the ends and some minor work. Some of them (motorists) have been moving the (Road Closed) sign and crossing it (the bridge). But really, it hasn’t been completed and opened to the public yet,” said Edge
“None of the roads (at either location) are blocked. Really everybody can get through there,” concluded Edge
In February, the Tennessee Department of Transportation awarded a bid to Mountain States Contractors, LLC of Mount Juliet in the amount of $505,991 to build a new concrete box beam bridge on Tramel Branch Road over Helton Creek near Alexandria. The project includes grading, drainage, and paving.
TDOT also awarded a bid to Roads, LLC of Brentwood in the amount of $623, 963 to build a concrete I-Beam bridge on Pea Ridge Road over Dry Creek. The project includes grading, drainage, and paving. Once the new bridge is completed at Dry Creek, the old one next to it will be removed.
Both projects are being funded with 80% federal funds and 20% local matching money, including 14% from the DeKalb County Highway Department budget (state aid) and 6% from the county general fund.

Nashville Woman Dies from Injuries in Saturday Morning Car Crash

An elderly Nashville woman died from injuries in a one car crash Saturday morning on Highway 70 east near the Gentleman’s Club location.
Dead is 75 year old Gale Link of Nashville.
Link was a passenger of a 1997 Mazda Miata convertible, driven by 56 year old Eddie Doss also of Nashville. The top was down on the car at the time of the crash.
Central dispatch received the call at 10:31 a.m.
Sergeant Mark Dial of the Tennessee Highway Patrol told WJLE that Doss was traveling east on Highway 70 and lost control while negotiating a curve. The car skidded off the north side of the highway and rolled over crashing top first into a utility pole. Morning rains had made the pavement wet which could have contributed to the crash.
In addition to DeKalb EMS, members of the Midway, Short Mountain Highway, and the Extrication and Rescue Team of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department were summoned to the scene along with wrecker services from DeKalb Tire and Service, JR Motors, and Tim’s Truck Service and Towing. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department was also on the scene to help with traffic control.
Doss did not have to be extricated from the vehicle but Link was pinned in between the car and the pole. Tow trucks from all three local wrecker services were used to stabilize the car and then to pull it away from the pole so members of the extrication team could get to her. Link was removed from the car and taken by DeKalb EMS to the Midway fire station where a Life Force helicopter ambulance had landed to pick her up. However because her injuries were so serious, Link was instead taken on to DeKalb Community Hospital by ground ambulance. After being stabilized, Link was then airlifted to Vanderbilt Hospital, where she later died. Doss was taken to DeKalb Community Hospital by DeKalb EMS but he wasn’t believed to have been seriously hurt.
Members of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department wish to thank DeKalb Tire and Service, JR Motors, and Tim’s Truck Service and Towing for their valuable assistance in the extrication of Ms Link from the car.
Although the investigation continues, Sergeant Dial reports no evidence of drugs or alcohol. Link’s death marks the second traffic fatality of the year on DeKalb County roads.

School Board Adopts Consolidated Budget

The DeKalb County Board of Education Thursday night adopted the 2011-12 consolidated budget for schools as approved by the county commission Monday night.
The budget includes a 3.2% pay raise for support staff or non-certified personnel and a 1.6% local increase to match the state’s 1.6% pay hike for certified personnel (teachers).
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby asked for the school board’s input on which new positions should be funded in this budget.
The board voted in favor of funding three assistant principals, including one each at DeKalb West, Northside Elementary, and Smithville Elementary School; a new fifth grade teaching position at Northside Elementary School; a special education teacher at DCHS; and a support staff site coordinator at DCHS.
Proposed new positions which will not be funded for now include an additional math teacher at DeKalb County High School, an assistant band teacher, and assistant soccer coaches.
Director Willoughby explained that these new positions would have to be funded from the school system’s state basic education (BEP) reserve account, ” When we approve this consolidated budget we will be doing basically the same thing that we have done in the past. Last year we used $640,000 of our BEP reserve funds (to balance the budget). We ended the year $780,000 (to the good). This year, if we did employ everyone we had on the list that we sent to the county commission on the second go around (revised budget), we would be using $990,521 out of BEP reserves. It is our hope that we do not use all of our reserves,” said Willoughby
The board voted to authorize funding for the three assistant principal positions, one each at DeKalb West, Smithville Elementary, and at Northside Elementary, on a ten month, two week contract each. The new assistant principals will help perform teacher evaluations, as required by the state. A total of $225,000 is figured into the budget to fund those positions which Director Willoughby said are needed. ” It is my thoughts that we cannot complete the requirements that are made on us by the state department of education without having these three assistant principals. These assistant principals will be at DeKalb West, Smithville Elementary, and Northside Elementary. One person has expressed an interest, who is already an assistant principal at one of our secondary schools, of applying at one of our elementary schools. So if that goes through, that may be sort of a flip flop and we would be filling that secondary position. It wouldn’t be any more money. We’re still just talking about three new positions at $225,000. What we did to come up with that $225,000 figure, we took the assistant principals that we have. We took the highest paid assistant principal and the number of years that this person has and multiplied that times three. We’re going to save some money though because more than likely when we hire a teacher to be an assistant principal, the person that we’re hiring will not be getting paid to teach. What I want to do with the three assistant principals, all of our present assistant principals are paid on eleven months. Our new assistant principals would be at ten months and two weeks. So therefore, we would be saving two weeks pay there also, ” said Willoughby.
Fifth district board member W.J. (Dub) Evins, III added that based on the state requirements increasing the number of teacher evaluations each year, the school system has little choice but to add these new assistant principal positions. “In regards to the budget, my major concern is, when it comes to a point where the state hands down a mandate that the county commission has to add another cell to the landfill, they have to do it. When the state tells the board of education that we have three buses we have to retire and put three new buses on the road, we have to do it. The unfortunate part about these assistant principals is, the state says we have to go from evaluating teachers two times in ten years to four times each year which is forty times in ten years, unless you’re tenured and then its six times a year in five years so you’re going to be evaluated thirty times. The state has said we have to do this but the state didn’t say we have to hire assistant principals. They just want us to get the job done. They lay out these guidelines and then drop the ball in our lap. For those reasons, I would like for the board to consider looking into our reserve account to fund these positions. If it comes about next year, that they’re (state) not going to fund it and we can’t afford to fund it, the county commission can’t afford to look into it for us, then we may have to re-think the issue and back up. But we need those assistant principals,” said Evins
Seventh district member Johnny Lattimore added ” We’re not trying to avert the county commission but this is something this board feels we must do because if we don’t do the evaluations, we stand in danger of losing $13 million in funding from the state so we don’t have any other option in my opinion,” said Lattimore.
The school board voted unanimously to adopt the consolidated budget, as approved by the county commission, and to authorize funding from BEP reserves for the three new assistant principal positions. All members were present except for First district member John David Foutch.
Although third district member Kenny Rhody made a motion to add an assistant band teacher position, the motion failed to receive a second as the board has chosen not to provide the monies right now. The board, however, is expected to revisit the issue again next month.
Board member Lattimore said although all new positions sought by the board of education in this budget are needed, including a new assistant band teacher, he fears the school board cannot to afford to fund them all this year. “There’s no way that I can see that we can fund all these things. If we fund everything that we’ve discussed in the workshop before this meeting and then next year we have to go back to the county commission and ask them to pay for these three assistant principal positions, and then we have to go back (to county commission) and ask for $667,000 to replace the job’s grant funds (which will not be available next year), and then ask (county commission) for whatever other needs that arise, then that’s going to be a big tax increase,” said Lattimore.
Rhody responded “I was a band student. I’ve watched the band. There’s twenty six new members this year. The numbers are up. There’s no band program at the west school. I feel like we’ve got to get our younger students a feeder program built back that we’ve lost. We dropped the ball a few years ago when we (cut funding) for an assistant band director we had. Our band really suffered on account of it. The band got down to twenty members. I feel this is very important,” said Rhody.
Sixth district member Bruce Parsley inquired about whether adding a part-time assistant band position is an option. Director Willoughby said he had not considered it. Board members suggested that a part-time position might not have to be a new hire, but a supplement for someone already in the school system.
The board voted 5 to 1 to authorize $24,000 in funding for a site coordinator who will be employed on a 200 day contract. Board member Lattimore said he wanted to vote yes but he cast a no vote based on funding concerns next year. Director Willoughby said by adding this new position, the school system will be saving money in the long run. “We have had an increase in the number of students wanting to take the on-line, distance learning, dual credit type courses and the number of courses that are offered has also increased. This, in a way, is saving us money rather than hiring teachers to teach these extra courses. For the program to be as successful as it needs to be, we need a site coordinator who could be there with the students and monitor what is going on and make phone calls at home if needed,” said Willoughby
Meanwhile, Director Willoughby said a new teaching position at Northside Elementary school has already been filled based on the need due to the state mandated pupil/teacher ratio. “Numbers (of students) came in and we did not have a choice. I might add if we get very many more students at DeKalb West, the numbers will force us to hire another teacher there,” he said.
Willougby added that the new special education teacher at the high school has also been hired. That too, he said, was not an option for the school system based on state and federal law requirements for meeting needs of special education students.
Fourth district member Billy Miller asked that the issue of funding assistant soccer coaches be re-visited possibly at the next meeting. “I don’t think right now is the time, but I do think we need to look into it to see what we can do to resolve the situation. I’ve had several individuals to come to me personally and want us to look into this and see if there is any kind of way to get them (soccer program) some help or relief. There may not be anything that we can do but I don’t think we should turn a deaf ear and act like we’re not doing anything about it,” said Miller.

Attendance Supervisor Clay Farler gave a report on student enrollment as of the eighth day of school, Thursday August 11. Farler said a total of 3,062 students are currently enrolled system-wide from pre-K to high school students including the adult high school. That’s up from 2,994 students enrolled as of the eighth day of school last year. Current student enrollment at each school is as follows: DCHS 850, DeKalb Middle School 535, Northside Elementary 623, Smithville Elementary 605, and DeKalb West 449.
In other business, Director of Schools Willoughby presented his monthly report on personnel to the Board of Education.
Those employed since last month include the following:
Carl Ray Cantrell, custodian at Smithville Elementary School
January Agee, teacher at Northside Elementary School (new)
Jamie Trebing, teacher at DCHS (replaces Michelle Fontanez)
Sherree Macemon, teacher at DCHS (new special education teacher)
Nallely Ortega-Prater, teacher at DCHS (replaces Brittany Willoughby)
Jennifer Lewis, English as a Second Language (ESL) teacher at Northside Elementary (federal funds)
Lindsey Barrett, teacher at Smithville Elementary School (replaces Jane Parsley)
Amanda Vaughn, teacher at Smithville Elementary School (replaces Fay Turner)
Joshua Gulley, teacher at DCHS (replaces Rebecca Purdue)
Jared West, teacher at DeKalb Middle School (replaces Ben Johnson in special education)
Justin Nokes, teacher at DeKalb Middle School (replaces Lisa Cripps)
Rebecca Hawkins, transferred from substitute to full time bus assistant
Lisa Cripps, transferred from teacher at DeKalb Middle School to Secondary Instructional Supervisor
Leave of Absence
Margaret Nichols, teacher at Smithville Elementary School, leave as requested
Heather Blankenship, special education assistant at Northside Elementary
Jean Neal, bus assistant
Michelle Hoyle, Pre-K educational assistant at Smithville Elementary
Frederick Sanders, special education teacher at DCHS
Clay Bumbalough, custodian at Smithville Elementary School.

Teen Challenge of Upper Cumberland Offers Hope to Those Suffering from Addiction

If you know of a teenager or adult battling drug or alcohol addiction, Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland could be the answer for that person.
Teen Challenge is a 12 to 15 month faith-based program which helps those with addictions by ministering to them.
In order to help support the program, the Buckner’s Chapel United Methodist Church in Smithville is hosting a benefit yard sale on Saturday, August 13 from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and you’re invited to participate.
Tim McLauchlin, Executive Director of Teen Challenge of the Upper Cumberland, said Teen Challenge has been helping change lives since 1958. “Teen Challenge is a fifty four year old ministry. It was started by David Wilkerson in Brooklyn New York in 1958 to help those who were struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. After about five or six years, they realized that if this program has this much success with teenagers then why can’t it help adults? So now there are over 230 Teen Challenge Centers in the United States. Most of those centers also help adults and that’s what we do. We help adults in the Upper Cumberland area who are struggling with drug and alcohol addiction. We are a long term faith based program that ministers to these individuals and helps them to learn to live a life free from drugs and alcohol and a life that is pleasing to God,” said McLauchlin.
“We get a lot of people who come to us right off the street who have heard about us. They want help. They understand that its only through Christ that they can get true deliverance. We also get a lot of referrals through the courts and legal system. I visit a lot of individuals in jail who have written us letters saying they need long term help from more than just a thirty or sixty day program”, according to McLauchlin.
“Teen Challenge is a discipleship program. It’s a ministry. It’s not outpatient. It’s long term residential. Most Teen Challenge programs are twelve to fifteen months long. The people actually live there and go through a Bible school process where they learn to transform their minds to the things of God instead of the things of this world”, said McLauchlin
“Teen Challenge is not a medication treatment program. For those who are looking for medication to get off medication, Teen Challenge is not for them. Teen Challenge is strictly faith based. We teach them that if you will rely on God and trust in him, He will deliver you from your addictions. As a former addict myself several years ago, there were several ways I tried to get off (substances) but it was only through Christ that I truly got deliverance,” he added.
“Teen Challenge has an 87% success rate for those who are willing to commit to it. A lot of the courts work with us. They can order people to go to Teen Challenge but really you have to be willing to do it for twelve to fifteen months and if you do, 87% of those who go through the program never go back to a life of drugs and alcohol,” said McLauchlin
“You live at the Teen Challenge program. They take care of your food and your clothing. Your whole day is filled with Bible studies and chapel worship time. There are chores you have to do during the day but your whole time is filled with studying the word in some form or fashion,” he said.
“Because it is a faith based program, insurance companies will not cover it so we do try to get grants but most people do have to pay for it. But if you look at some of the standard programs out there, they run from $8,000 to $15,000 for a 90 to a 120 day program. Most Teen Challenge Centers can help people for less than $1,500 for a full twelve month program,” according to McLauchlin.
“We have a lot of churches that support us monthly. We also do a lot of fund raising. This Saturday, August 13 we’re going to be having a fund raiser yard sale at the Buckner’s Chapel United Methodist Church on Highway 56 in Smithville from 7:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m. and all proceeds from this yard sale will go directly to helping us fund the Teen Challenge Program in this area,” said Mclauchlin.
If you have any questions about Teen Challenge you can find us on the web at or you can call toll free at 1-888-688-0470.

Former Employee of Potters Home Center Charged with Forgery and Theft

A former store employee of Potters Home Center on East Broad Street has been charged with forgery and felony theft over $1,000 in a scheme to allegedly steal money from the business by taking advantage of the store’s policy on returning merchandise.
32 year old Jason Brian Jones is under a $20,000 bond and he will be in court on August 18.
According to Smithville Police Chief Randy Caplinger, on several occasions from June 7th through July 30th, Jones allegedly forged the names of people on return slips, then made out a check from the store for the returns to the names on those slips. He then allegedly forged their names on the backs of those checks, cashed them in-store, and kept the money. The total amount of money taken in the scheme amounts to several thousands of dollars. All of the return slips were bogus, meaning that no merchandise from anyone named on the slips was actually brought to the store for a return.
During the investigation, Police questioned Jones who allegedly confessed to the crimes. He is also no longer an employee of the store. Chief Caplinger said the investigation continues.
Meanwhile, the Smithville Police Department has arrested two local women on drug charges after they allegedly sold dilaudid to a confidential source in a recent controlled drug buy operation.
Chief Caplinger said 43 year old Kimberly Patterson and 39 year old Wanda Carol Mathis are each charged with one count of unlawful possession of a schedule II controlled substance for sale and delivery. The women allegedly made the sale from the car they were in at the time. .
Patterson and Mathis were not immediately arrested after making the sale but instead were taken into custody on another day, Monday August 8 after police pulled over their vehicle at the BP convenience market on West Broad Street. Police also seized the car.
Bond for each is $25,000 and they will appear in court August 18.
Two people were picked up by the police department on Sunday, August 7 after being found with drugs in their vehicle in the parking lot of a local business.
Chief Caplinger said 31 year old Russell Shannon Estes is charged with public intoxication and simple possession of a schedule II, IV, and VI controlled substance. He was also cited for possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond totals $7,000. 36 year old Lisa Marie Arnold was issued citations for simple possession of a schedule II, IV, and VI controlled substance. Both Estes and Arnold will appear in court on August 18.
According to Chief Caplinger, police were notified that two people had been seen in their automobile parked at Neo’s restaurant on West Broad Street. He said it appeared as though they were snorting drugs. Police arrived and saw Estes and Arnold in the vehicle preparing to roll a green leafy substance, believed to be marijuana, into a cigarette. They were also found in possession of a container with twenty six pills, believed to be percocet, two pills thought to be hydrocodone, and twelve pills suspected to be xanax. A white powdery substance could be seen on the car seat. Estes was charged with public intoxication after he was found to be unsteady on his feet and had slurred speech. A citation was issued against him for possession of drug paraphernalia after police found a pill organizer, pill bottle, metal container, and a straw.
24 year old Serena Lattimore of 114 Juniper Lane has been charged with child neglect after police found her seven year old daughter walking alone down the street near DeKalb Community Bank on Friday, August 5th.
A passerby spotted the child and called police. The youngster told the officer that she was walking to school after she found her mother asleep at home and could not wake her. The Department of Children Services was notified and began an investigation. Lattimore’s bond is $3,500.
43 year old David Dixon was picked up for violation of probation on Wednesday, August 10. During a search incident to his arrest, police found a pill on him. He was charged with simple possession of a schedule IV controlled substance. His bond is $2,500 and he will be in court on August 25.
27 year old Roxanna Landis was arrested recently after being found slumped over while sitting on the sidewalk in front of Rite Aid Pharmacy on South Congress Boulevard. Police were called and found that Landis had slurred speech and was unsteady on her feet. Landis allegedly told police that she had taken hydrocodone. A syringe was found in her wallet. Landis was charged with public intoxication and possession of drug paraphernalia. Her bond is $3,500.
22 year old Thomas Owens was cited for theft on August 4 after a shoplifting incident at Walmart. He is accused of trying to steal $112 worth of merchandise from the store. He will be in court on August 18.
29 year old David Hollingsworth has been charged with domestic assault. Police were recently called to a residence on Dearman Street to check out a domestic complaint in which a man and his wife were arguing. Police found signs of an assault on the woman’s left arm and determined that Hollingsworth was the aggressor. His bond is $3,500.

THP Names First Female Major

Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security Commissioner Bill Gibbons and Tennessee Highway Patrol Colonel Tracy Trott on Wednesday announced the appointment of the first female Major of the Highway Patrol. This is the highest rank held by a woman in the history of the Highway Patrol.
Betty Blair, who has served as Captain over the Inspectional Services Bureau (formerly the Office of Professional Responsibility) has been named Major and will be assigned as the Executive Officer to the Colonel. Major Blair has been part of the Inspectional Services Bureau (ISB) since 1999, first as a trooper assigned to the Accreditation Team. She rose through the ranks of sergeant and lieutenant of the Staff Inspection and Accreditation Team, becoming Captain over the entire ISB in 2009. Blair started her career with the THP 1994 as a Road Trooper assigned to the Cookeville District. Prior to her service in the THP, Blair worked for the Department from 1983-1993 as a Driver License Examiner, Training Coordinator, and Issuance Manager. Blair is a graduate of the Northwestern Police Staff and Command School and was nominated by her classmates and instructors to receive the Kremel Leadership Award. She completed the Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation and Advanced Reid Technique Interviewing and Interrogation courses.
“Betty Blair has been instrumental in the THP’s accreditation process. She has helped us raise the bar as a law enforcement agency, and I am proud to promote her to Major,” Col. Trott said. “With her administrative knowledge and experience, I know Major Blair will further be an asset to me and the entire command staff,” he added.
Commissioner Gibbons and Colonel Trott also announced the appointment of Captain Vic Donoho to the Inspectional Services Bureau, a position he previously held from 2007-2009 before being named Captain of the THP’s Nashville District headquarters. Donoho has held various other positions throughout his career as a state trooper, including a year in Washington, DC, with the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. He also served as Administrative Lieutenant in the Cookeville District, a Road Lieutenant in Robertson, Davidson, Macon, Trousdale, Smith, and DeKalb Counties, and as a Lieutenant in the Planning and Research Division. Donoho spent four years assigned to Executive Security Detail at the Governor’s Residence, where he was promoted to Sergeant. Donoho began his career with the THP in 1989 as Road Trooper in Van Buren and White Counties. He is a graduate of the NHTSA Officer Leadership program, a graduate of the Northwestern Police School Staff and Command and attended Volunteer State Community College. Donoho also completed 40 hours of Internal Affairs training conducted by the Institute of Police Technology and Management (IPTM), and the Reid Technique of Interviewing and Interrogation and Advanced Reid Technique Interviewing and Interrogation courses.
“Leading the Inspectional Services Bureau is one of our most important assignments. With the promotion of Major Blair, I believe Captain Donoho’s leadership and investigative skills are needed to fill this vacancy and maintain the level of professionalism the Department has earned over the past several years,” said Commissioner Gibbons.

Voters Need to Update Information at Election Office

Over 2,000 voters will have to fill out a special form in order to vote next year if they do not make contact with the election commission office in advance of election day.
Dennis Stanley, DeKalb County Administrator of Elections, said his office recently completed the state-mandated Address Confirmation Program and over 2,000 voters were mailed letters asking them to confirm or update
their residential and mailing addresses. “If a voter has not voted since November 4, 2008 or had any kind of
contact with the election office, they were mailed the letter asking for address confirmation or an update of their address,” Stanley said. “Contact” means voting or filing a duplicate voter registration form, or notifying the election commission of an address, or name change.
Voters were provided with a form and a postage-paid envelope to send back a confirmation or change of address to the election commission “Once they were sent the letter, their voting status was changed to inactive, meaning unless they return the form provided or make other kinds of contact with the election office before they wish to vote again, they
will have to fill out a ‘Fail-Safe’ form on election day,” Stanley said. “That will result in a delay at the polls and could even mean the voter will be sent to another voting precinct, depending on where they now live. It will be much more convenient for the voter to return the Address Confirmation letter mailed recently than to go through a possible inconvenience on election day,” he added.
Nearly 200 voters have taken the time to return the letters with either a confirmation or address change, Stanley said.
“The real concern is that over 600 (or about 25%) of the letters have been returned by the Post Office with insufficient addresses or with a notation the voter moved and either did not leave a forwarding address or the forwarding time has expired,” he continued. “All voters really need to let us know if they have moved and give us their current address or they could experience some delay and inconvenience when going to vote next year.”
If you think you have moved from the address used for your voter registration or changed the mailing address given to the election commission, please call us as soon as possible and we’ll check it out,” Stanley said.
The Election Commission office can be reached by calling 597-4146. You can mail them at P.O. Box 543 Smithville, TN 37166.

DeKalb County Fire Department Receives Elite Award for 2010-11 Training Efforts

For the third consecutive year, DeKalb County Fire Department has been recognized as one of Tennessee’s elite fire departments for outstanding training achievement.
Last year, the department was awarded the Gold Level Award and was the #1 volunteer fire department in Tennessee for training hours. This year, the department logged 1,393 training hours and was recognized as a Silver Level fire department in Tennessee for its 2010-11 training efforts. Additionally, DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department ranks #33 overall considering all 732 fire departments in Tennessee, both paid and volunteer.
DeKalb County Mayor Mike Foster commended the department’s members and leaders for making DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s training program such a huge success. “It is amazing to see the level of commitment that we are getting from our volunteer firefighters who work hard and train hard to make sure our citizens have good fire protection here in DeKalb County. These rankings make it very clear that we have an excellent group of men and women who are willing to do whatever it takes to be ready to respond to the emergency needs of our citizens,” says Mayor Foster.
Chief Donny Green says he wants to personally commend Assistant Chief/Training Coordinator Roy Merriman and Lieutenant/Training Officer James Pennington for their determination in making our training program one of the best. “Properly trained firefighters are the best tools a fire department has. Without training, good equipment is useless,” says Chief Green. The Department’s training was a core element in the recent Insurance Services Office (ISO) evaluation that resulted in a dramatic improvement to DeKalb County’s Public Protection Classification Rating of Class 6. This translates in significant savings to DeKalb County homeowners’ insurance premiums.
If you are interested in learning more about the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department, or would like information on how to be on our team and become a volunteer firefighter, you can visit the Department’s website at: or call the Main Station at 615-597-2609 and leave a message. You can also visit the Department’s FaceBook group page.

Ferrell Charged with Two Counts of Theft

A Smithville man is charged with two counts of theft after allegedly taking things from two residences on Chapman Hollow Road last month.
Sheriff Patrick Ray reports that 47 year old Scott A. Ferrell of Cookeville Highway, Smithville is charged with two counts of theft of property over $500. His bond is $10,000 and he will be in court September 22.
According to Sheriff Ray Ferrell allegedly stole several items from a residence on Chapman Hollow Road on Tuesday, July 26. Items taken included a turning plow, six foot drag disk, chains and booms, with a total estimated value of $610. The drag disk was later recovered from a local metal recycling business.
On the same day, July 26, Sheriff Ray said that Ferrell allegedly stole several items from another residence on Chapman Hollow Road including a tobacco trailer, MTD 38 inch cut lawn mower, two hay rings, and a lift, with a total estimated value of $775. The tobacco trailer was later located but due to damage, it could not be recovered.
Meanwhile, 48 year old Gale Edward Winne, Jr. of Smithville is charged with vandalism. His bond totals $1,500 and he will be in court on August 18.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Sunday, August 7 deputies were called to a residence on Dearman Street where a man had kicked open a door and entered the home. Upon arrival and speaking to the homeowner and others at the residence, the officers found the man, Winne, inside the kitchen area. Winne allegedly admitted to kicking open the garage door, which caused damage to the door and the frame. According to Sheriff Ray, the incident arose due to an argument among persons at the residence. Winne became angry, left the home, but returned later. When no one answered the door as he knocked, Winne kicked it in. The homeowner said the door is valued at $150.
36 year old Jamie Ray Myers of Soddy Daisy is charged with public intoxication, the illegal use of inhalants and violation of the habitual motor vehicle offender law. His bond totals $8,500 and he will be in court on August 18.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Tuesday, August 2 a deputy was called to check out a suspicious person who was reportedly knocking on doors, telling people he had run out of gas. Upon arrival, the officer found the man, Myers, at Terrell Road and Highway 70 east. Myers told the deputy that he had run out of gas here while enroute from Dunlap to Whitwell. Myers was unsteady on his feet and his speech was slurred. The officer asked Myers if he had consumed any drugs or alcohol. Myers replied that he had been huffing paint thinner. Due to his actions and for his safe being, Myers was placed under arrest for public intoxication. Myers gave consent to search his vehicle and the officer found a two liter bottle of a clear watery liquid and a plastic bag containing a clear liquid, which Myers claimed was paint thinner. The deputy also asked Myers to produce his drivers license, but Myers said he didn’t have one because he is an habitual offender. A computer check revealed that on March 18, 2002 Myers was convicted as an habitual offender in Hamilton County.
34 year old Lisa Rosita Seibers of Doyle, Tennessee is charged with a second offense of driving under the influence and driving on a revoked license. Her bond is $6,000 and she will be in court September 1.
Sheriff Ray reports that on Sunday, August 7 a deputy responded to a location on Highway 70 east at the request of a TWRA officer, who had been following a vehicle with a flat tire. After the automobile was stopped, the deputy spoke to the driver, Seibers. Her speech was slurred and she was very unsteady on her feet. When asked if she had anything to drink or had taken any medications that day, Seibers replied no but added that she had taken a xanax and consumed some alcohol the night before. Seibers submitted to and performed poorly on several field sobriety tasks. She also submitted to a blood alcohol test. Seibers had a prior DUI charge in 2010.