High School Seniors Honored for Outstanding Educational Achievement

Eighteen members of the class of 2010 from Dekalb County High School have received the High Schools That Work (HSTW) Award of Educational Achievement. High school seniors who complete a challenging and focused program of study and demonstrate readiness for employment and for college studies receive the award. Award recipients receiving personalized certificates and congratulatory letters from the Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) are Reeves Beller, Payne Denman, Dakota Dexter, Kendra Foutch, Nick Goff, Brandon Haas, Kyle Hogue, Grant James, Sasha Knowles, Layne Mathis, Tejaswi Munagala, Katie Nixon, Amanda Ours, Hunter Poteete, Haley Snyder, Caleb Spencer, Cynthia Woodward, and Tiffany Young.
“These students are to be commended for their efforts,” said Kathy Hendrix. “By taking challenging courses in high school and performing well high on rigorous exams, they have increased the likelihood of success in the workplace and further education.”
Students qualify for the award by completing a college-preparatory course of study in at least two of three subject areas (English/language arts, mathematics or science); completing a concentration in a career/technical area, mathematics/science or the humanities; and meeting readiness goals in all three subject areas on the HSTW Assessment.
HSTW, a Southern Regional Education Board (SREB) initiative, is the largest high school improvement effort in the United States, with more than 1,100 school sites in 31 states, the District of Columbia, and Calgary, Canada. HSTW is supported by member states and grants from organizations, such as the Wallace Foundation, Goldman Sachs Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, Carnegie Corporation, Whitehead Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. SREB was founded in 1948 as America’s first multi-state compact for education.
For more information, contact Allison Timberlake, coordinator of assessment for School Improvement, or Emily Kagey, chief editor for School Improvement, at the Southern Regional Education Board, 592 10th St., N.W., Atlanta, GA 30318.

DeKalb Schools to Close for the Summer According to Schedule

The DeKalb County School System will not have to make up the three days missed last week due to flooding and the “boil water advisory” in Smithville.
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby says officials of the state department of education notified him Monday that a waiver has been granted so schools will close according to schedule next Saturday, May 22nd.
Students will attend school the rest of this week and Monday through Thursday next week. Students will not attend on Friday, May 21. That will be an administrative day, but all teachers must attend. The last day of school will be Saturday, May 22nd. That will be an abbreviated school day and report cards will be sent home.
Graduation at DeKalb County High School will be Friday, May 21st at 7:00 p.m. on the high school football field.

Willoughby says Tentative School Budget Includes Small Pay Raises for Personnel

Teachers and other certified personnel and support staff are budgeted a small pay raise under the proposed 2010-11 tentative general purpose spending plan for schools, which is expected to be acted on by the board of education Thursday night.
The proposed $18 million budget, if approved by the school board, will be forwarded to the county’s budget committee for it’s blessing and then onto the county commission for final approval later this summer.
The tentative budget includes a $400 increase per certified position and a 25 cent per hour increase for all support staff positions along with the step increases per salary scales and adjustments for degree advancement per salary scales.
Director of Schools Mark Willoughby says the total amount of the increase for raises comes to about $150,000 including local matching for social security, retirement, etc, but it’s an increase the school system needs to fund, since personnel haven’t had a local increase in pay in quite sometime.
The proposed tentative budget also includes one new special education resource teacher for DeKalb County High School to help meet the new diploma requirements. One of the current school nurse positions and two special education assistants, under this budget, would be funded from general purpose schools, rather than federal as they have been in the past. One part-time special education vision teacher position would become full time under this budget.
Perhaps, the category making the single largest impact on the budget is in the state mandated increase in the school system’s contribution to the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement, going from 6.42% to 9.05% for teachers and from 5.18% to 6.28% for support staff. That totals well over $239,000.
The bottom line on total school expenditures for next year comes to $18,029,136, exceeding total revenues by $770,476. In order to balance the budget, the school board is expected to propose appropriating $712,000 of the local school system’s share of state Basic Education Program (BEP) reserves as one-time expenditures and $58,476 of Technology Reserves. The school board does not plan to seek an increase in the local property tax rate for schools, but is expected to ask the county for an increase in local revenue of $33,744 over last year’s budget to round out this proposed spending plan.
Willoughby says this is another “bare bones” budget. “We have figured a budget that is very close. Not any excess in there. We have figured a pay raise for all our employees. When we look at where their pay was two years ago compared to where it is now, our teachers are actually making less now than what they did two years ago. The state had given them a bonus. That bonus has gone away. This year we have a $400 pay increase for our teachers and we have a 25 cent per hour increase in there for support staff, which on an eight hour day out of ten months would equal $400, the same as for the teachers. This is again a bare bones budget. We’re asking for approximately $33,000(increase) from the county and we actually think that would be growth money so we hope this budget will be accepted by the county commission. Keep in mind that while there is very little money in there for pay raises, approximately $150,000 in pay raises for our system, everything (cost of living) has gone up for our employees also, whether it be gas, food, etc. Our employees have needs so we have included that raise in there, which there hasn’t been one for our employees for a while.”

Sheriff’s Department Finds Three Separate Meth Labs- Eight Arrested as a Result

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department has made several recent arrests after discovering three separate methamphetamine labs.
In the first case on Monday, May 3rd, Sheriff Patrick Ray says his department received information about a possible meth lab at a residence on New Home Road. After arrival, deputies, spoke to 30 year old Tawanna Ann Petty, the person who was renting the residence, and she gave them consent to search
Others at the residence were 35 year old Kevin Donald Bogle of Barnes Mill Road Smithville, 32 year old Angela Jean Atnip of Green Hill Road Smithville and 31 year old Shawn Bradley Patton of Oak Drive Smithville along with Petty’s three children ages five, eleven, and thirteen years old
During a search of the bedroom and bathroom area of the home a methamphetamine lab was discovered in two bags. Items included pseudoephedrine packs, glass cook ware, coffee filters, lithium batteries, lye, layered liquids, tubing, muratic acid, p h strips and other components that are used in the manufacture of methamphetamine.
Petty, Bogle, Atnip, and Patton were all charged with manufacture of a schedule II drug (methamphetamine) and reckless endangerment for the production of methamphetamine in a residence where children are present. Bond for all four was set at $50,000 each and they will appear in court on May 20th.
A hazardous waste removal company was summoned to remove the harmful components from the home. The Petty residence has been quarantined until a hazardous waste control company tests the home for harmful or deadly toxicants.
Meanwhile on the same night, deputies received information of another methamphetamine lab at a motel on highway 70 east. Upon arrival, the officers received consent to search the motel room of 31 year old David Wayne Gaines of Sparta Highway Smithville. During the search deputies found a stained 2 litter bottle, empty pseudoephedrine packs, hot plate, coffee filters, lithium batteries, needles, Coleman fuel, tubing, muratic acid, layered liquids, and several other components that are used in the manufacture of methamphetamine. Gaines was arrested for manufacture of a schedule II drug (methamphetamine) and his bond was set at $25,000. He will appear in court on May 20th.
A hazardous waste removal company was brought to the scene to remove harmful components. Gaines’ room and the adjoining motel office and storage room have been quarantined until a hazardous waste control company tests for harmful or deadly toxicants.
In yet another meth case, three people, 29 year old Misty Dawn Barnes of Highland Avenue, Smithville, 23 year old Jeffery Lynn Smith of Blues Hill Road, McMinnville, and 27 year old Christopher White of Short Mountain Highway, Smithville were arrested on Monday, May 10th after a rolling meth lab was found in their vehicle on Smith Road. They have each been charged with manufacture of a schedule II drug (methamphetamine). Bond for all three was set at $25,000 each and they will appear in court on May 20th
While on patrol, a deputy stopped a vehicle on Smith Road in Smithville for a traffic violation and asked for consent to search. During the search, the officer found a black back pack that contained coffee filters, glass ware, needles, lithium batteries, Coleman fuel, a butane tank, a propane tank, a butane torch, muratic acid, p h strips, layered liquids and other components that are used in the manufacture of methamphetamine. A hazardous waste removal company was called to remove the harmful components from the vehicle.
Sheriff Ray says it appears the production of methamphetamine is on the rise again in Tennessee.
“This new method to our area is called “shake and bake” where the offenders can easily make methamphetamine in a shorter amount of time with fewer products needed for the cook.”
“I have asked Chief Mark Collins of the Alexandria Police Department and Chief Randy Caplinger of the Smithville Police Department to join us in hosting a methamphetamine class for anyone who wants to know more about the manufacture of methamphetamine and the hazards of where methamphetamine has been manufactured. This class is open to everyone, especially people who rent homes or motel rooms here in DeKalb County. We are all very concerned about the growing methamphetamine problem in the State of Tennessee and here in DeKalb County. The place where the event is to be held and time will be announced later to our local news media.”
” I would also like to encourage anyone who has information of any drug activity to please feel free to call or come by and see me. You can also report this or any crimes to our Sheriff’s Department Crime Tip line at 464-6400.”
Meanwhile in other cases, 28 year old Juan Carlos Cassillas of Williamsport Pike Columbia was arrested on Tuesday, May 4th for driving without a valid license. Bond for Cassillas was set at $1,000 and he will appear in court on May 26th. Sheriff Ray says a deputy was patrolling the school zone at DeKalb West when he noticed a car going through at a high rate of speed. After stopping the vehicle, the officer asked Cassillas for his driver’s license, but he could not produce one.
19 year old Elisha James Jenkins of Marshall Creek Road, Auburntown was arrested on Wednesday, May 5th for disorderly conduct. He was also issued citations for a seatbelt violation, under age consumption, and possession of an alcoholic beverage under 21 years of age. Jenkins’ bond was set at $1,000 and he will appear in court on May 20th. According to Sheriff Ray, a deputy, while on patrol on Short Mountain Highway, stopped Jenkins for a traffic violation. Jenkins became very belligerent and he had a smell of alcohol on his person. Jenkins, who is under 21 years old, was also in possession of a jug of Vodka.
26 year old Daniel John Pendergraph of Shellsford Road was arrested Thursday, May 6th and charged with two counts of theft at the Pates Ford Marina. The theft occurred on March 8th. Detectives charged Pendergraph after he was found to be in possession of a stolen boat. He also allegedly had 60 stolen CD’s and DVD’s, a set of walkie talkies, and a Direct TV box from another boat at the marina. Bond for Pendergraph was set at $18,500.
30 year old Robert Paul Brawley of Felts Road Sparta was arrested Friday, May 7th and charged with two counts of violation of probation in DeKalb County. Sheriff Ray says Brawley was found to have in his possession a bag that contained 4 pills believed to be dilaudid, 19 pills believed to be Xanax, a baggie that contained a white powder believed to be methamphetamine, a used hypodermic needle, and a pill crusher. Brawley was charged with two counts of simple possession of a schedule II drug, possession of a schedule IV drug for resale, and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond on the new charges was set at $37,500 and he will appear in court on May 20th.
21 year old Timothy “Tyler” Patrick was charged Friday, May 7th with theft of property over $500 after an investigation into a theft of an H P Vista laptop computer valued at $900 from a residence on The Loop Road Smithville. The theft occurred on March 26th. Sheriff Ray says after the theft, Patrick went to a pawn shop in Warren County and pawned the computer. Bond for Patrick was set at $5,000 on the charge and his court date is set for May 13th.

Candidates Gearing up for Smithville Municipal Election Campaign

The Smithville Municipal Election is a little over a month away and the voter registration deadline in time for the balloting is Monday, May 17th
Meanwhile, early voting will be May 26th through June 10th. Voting times are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. and Thursday from 2:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. on the first floor of the courthouse. No voting on Memorial Day, May 31st.
A mayor and two aldermen will be elected on Tuesday, June 15th. Each term is for two years. The terms of office for those elected will begin on July 1st.
Smithville Mayor Taft Hendrixson will be challenged for re-election again this year. Hendrixson, who is seeking his third term, will face opposition from former Smithville Mayor Bruce Medley and DeKalb County High School teacher Debi Loring DePriest
Hendrixson was first elected mayor in 2006 and he was re-elected in 2008. Medley, a local livestock producer, served one term as mayor from 1988 to 1990. He did not seek re-election in 1990.
DePriest will be making her first attempt at elected public office.
Meanwhile, Incumbent Aldermen Stephen White and Cecil Burger are seeking re-election. Also in the race for alderman is Shawn Beckham.
White was first elected in 2000 and will be looking for his sixth term as alderman. Burger is seeking his third term as alderman. He was first elected to that office in 2006. Prior to that, Burger served as Mayor from 1990 to 2006.
This is Beckham’s first attempt at elected public office.
Voters who don’t live in Smithville but own property in the city may vote in the municipal election under certain conditions.
The Smithville Charter allows Property Rights Voting. The property must be a minimum of
7500 square feet and the person owning the property must reside in DeKalb County. Proof of ownership and residence must be shown by the following means: (1) A certified copy of the deed and the execution of an affidavit that the person still owns this property and (2) A copy of the most recent DeKalb County real property tax notice, and (3) Proof of residence in DeKalb County. Property rights registrants are entitled to vote but not to hold any municipal office or serve on any municipal board or commission. Proof of ownership and registration form must be provided to the Election Commission office by the May 17th registration deadline.
Meanwhile, Administrator of Elections Dennis Stanley reminds voters who have moved since registering to vote that the election commission office needs your current address on file.
“Updating the record is a simple process. All the voter needs to do is fill out a change of address form, which is available at the election commission office. To see if you need to update your record, simply check the address on your voter registration card. If it is different than your current address, you need to update the information with the election commission.”
“Updating the address will make your voting experience go much easier and quicker.” Stanley said,” and will not slow down the line at the polling place during early voting or election day.”

Bredesen Announces Disaster Declarations for 12 More Counties Including DeKalb

Governor Bredesen has the federal government has authorized a major disaster declaration for 12 additional Tennessee counties, including DeKalb County bringing the total number of counties declared to 42. This action makes federal assistance available to individuals in Chester, Clay, DeKalb, Hardin, Jackson, Lauderdale, Lawrence, Lewis, Macon, Stewart, Trousdale and Wayne counties.
Bredesen asked President Obama on Monday to declare 52 counties federal disaster areas following the severe storms, tornadoes and flooding that struck the state over the weekend. Forty-two counties have received declarations to date. In addition to the 12 counties announced today, counties authorized include: Benton, Carroll, Cheatham, Crockett, Davidson, Decatur, Dickson, Dyer, Fayette, Gibson, Hardeman, Haywood, Henderson, Hickman, Houston, Humphreys, Madison, Maury, McNairy, Montgomery, Obion, Perry, Robertson, Rutherford, Shelby, Smith, Sumner, Tipton, Williamson and Wilson.
“I appreciate that President Obama and other federal officials continue to expedite our requests and announce declarations for additional counties,” said Bredesen. “This will be tremendously helpful to Tennesseans who suffered losses as they work to rebuild, and I look forward to seeing more counties authorized in coming days.”
Residents and business owners who sustained losses in the designated counties can begin applying for assistance immediately by registering online at www.fema.gov or by calling 1-800-621-FEMA (3362).
Tennessee suffered 23 confirmed fatalities as a result of the extreme weather and flooding that struck the state April 30-May 2. Numerous evacuations and water rescues were performed as flood waters rose. Many residents lost all of their possessions as homes were destroyed or sustained major damages.
FEMA sent a liaison officer to the state Sunday and opened its regional coordination center in Atlanta to provide support to operations in Tennessee. FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate has been in the state twice since the flooding began, touring areas of both middle and west Tennessee.
The President’s action makes federal funding available to affected individuals in the counties authorized to date, including both individual and public assistance.
Individual assistance can include grants to help pay for temporary housing, home repairs and other serious disaster-related expenses. Public assistance is also available to state and eligible local governments and certain private nonprofit organizations on a cost-sharing basis for debris removal and emergency protective measures only at this time. In addition, federal funding is available on a cost-sharing basis for hazard mitigation measures statewide.

Cantrell Charged by Smithville Police with Simple Possession

Smithville Police took warrants against Johnny Cantrell on Wednesday, May 5th charging him with two counts of simple possession.
K-9 Officer Bradley Tatrow was called to 318 Bell Street to check on a man who had called 911 saying that he was on drugs and felt like he was going to die. Officer Tatrow and Sergeant Randy King made contact with Cantrell who told them that he and a friend were smoking some marijuana and he thought that it was laced with something. Mr. Cantrell was complaining of pain and had very slurred speech. The officers asked him if there was anymore marijuana in the house. Cantrell told them that there was some in the drawer and he pointed to an end table next to the couch. Upon opening the drawer, Officer Tatrow found and recovered a small baggie of a green leafy substance believed to be marijuana. He also confiscated a small baggie of a white powdery substance believed to be methamphetamine that was in plain sight on top of the end table. Cantrell was transported by DeKalb EMS to the emergency room of DeKalb Community Hospital where he received medical treatment. The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department served the warrants upon Mr. Cantrell’s release from the hospital.
28 year old Derek A Daniels of 4635 East Richmond Shop Road, Lebanon was arrested on Saturday, May 1st for a fourth offense of driving on a suspended license. Officer David Phillips pulled over Daniels for speeding and a check of his driver license revealed them to be suspended for failure to satisfy a citation multiple times. Daniels’ bond is $2,500 and his court date is May 12th.
25 year old Ellissa Howard of 306 Jackson Street was arrested on Saturday, May 1st for domestic violence. Officer Scott Davis was called to the residence and saw Howard assault two family members. He pulled Ms. Howard off one of the victims, put her in his patrol car, and later arrested her. Howard’s bond is $2,500 and her court date is May 13th.
46 year old Paul Green Cantrell and 35 year old Tonya Michelle Cantrell both of 523 Riley Avenue were arrested on Monday, May 3rd by Officer Matt Farmer and K-9 Officer Bradley Tatrow. Officer Farmer received a phone call from County Deputy Jody Johnson informing him that Paul Cantrell was coming into the city driving on a suspended license and that he was operating a black Charger. Officer Farmer met Cantrell at the intersection of South College Street and West Bryant Street. Cantrell passed him and continued on to the corner of Oak Street and West Broad Street where he got out of his vehicle and met Tonya Cantrell. When asked why he was driving since he had received a citation earlier, Mr. Cantrell became belligerent and uncooperative. Tonya Cantrell, standing between Officer Farmer and Mr. Cantrell, began yelling and saying that he (Officer Farmer) was not going to talk to Mr. Cantrell nor take him into custody. Mrs. Cantrell was asked to move back several times but she refused. After Officer Farmer placed Cantrell under arrest and began escorting him to the patrol car, Mrs. Cantrell kicked Officer Farmer in the back of his upper left leg knocking him into Mr. Cantrell. Officer Farmer requested back up and K-9 Officer Tatrow responded to the scene where he was informed by Officer Farmer that Mrs. Cantrell was to be arrested for assault. Officer Tatrow advised Mrs. Cantrell that she was under arrest for assault and as he tried to place her left wrist in the handcuffs she jerked away from him violently and began yelling. At that point, Officer Tatrow placed her in an arm bar restraint while trying to affect her arrest. Mrs. Cantrell was charged with resisting arrest. Bond for Paul Cantrell is $1,000. Mrs. Cantrell’s bond is $2,000. They will be in General Sessions Court on May 20th.
20 year old Antonio Santimanez of 225 East Bryant Street was arrested on Thursday, May 6th for domestic assault. Corporal Travis Bryant made the arrest. The victim stated that her boyfriend, Santimanez, tied her up and struck her several times in the face causing her nose to bleed. She also had marks on her arms and forehead from the assault. Bond for Santimanez is $2,500 and his court date is May 20th.
Meanwhile, anyone having information on the following offenses is asked to contact the Smithville Police Department at 597-8210 or the Tip Line at 464-6046.
On Sunday, May 2nd Ross Peterson reported that he had a .380 Walther pistol stolen out from under the passenger seat of his vehicle while at Town Edge Apartments on Kendra Drive.
Also on Sunday, May 2nd, Connie Armour reported that someone had taken her Snapper push mower from her yard at 425 Jackson Street
Any information received that will help the Smithville Police solve any criminal offense will be greatly appreciated. All information is confidential.


The “Boiling Water Advisory”, which has been in effect since Wednesday night for subscribers of the City of Smithville and DeKalb Utility District, has been lifted.
Hunter Hendrixson, Secretary-Treasurer for the City of Smithville, says the official word came down from the state Friday afternoon. “As of 2:30 p.m. today (Friday), the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation has lifted the “Boiling Advisory” for water for both Smithville Water Department customers and also for DeKalb Utility District customers so it is safe to drink your water. We have been cleared by the state. Our water samples checked out fine. There was nothing found in them to be alarmed about.”
Hendrixson adds that the water treatment plant continues to pump and water storage levels are rising in the city’s water tanks. “We are seeing water storage levels rising slowly, but hopefully tonight (Friday) and with the weekend coming up, we should be back up to normal storage levels.”

UCHRA Secures Additional $1.2 Million Energy Assistance Funding

“The Upper Cumberland Human Resource Agency (UCHRA) has received an additional $1,270,760 in energy assistance funding to serve low and moderate income consumers in the Upper Cumberland region announced,” Phyllis Bennett, Executive Director.
The Tennessee Department of Human Services has informed UCHRA that funding for its Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) has been increased to $5,081,257 for the year ending June 30, 2010, a 74% increase over the previous year’s funding. “The increased LIHEAP funds will allow UCHRA to serve in excess of 14,000 households in the 14-county area,” remarked Bennett.
In DeKalb County, 765 households have received assistance totaling $248,703. “We are very pleased that with these funds every eligible household that has applied for LIHEAP assistance will be served,” stated Stephen Bilbrey, Pickett County Executive and UCHRA’s Chairman of the Board of Directors. “I encourage individuals who meet program guidelines to apply for funding this year, even if they have not previously been served,” Bilbrey continued.
During the current year the Federal government has increased the required level of poverty from 125% to 200% for households to be eligible to receive LIHEAP assistance. “Under these guidelines, for example, a household of 4 persons may have an annual income up to $44,100 and qualify,” explained County Executive Mike Foster. The range of payments is $300 – $375, depending upon priority points, which are paid directly to the provider of the eligible household’s primary energy source (i.e. electric, natural gas, propane, coal, wood, or kerosene).
The increase in funds represents a successful effort on the part of the UCHRA Board and staff to provide more LIHEAP program funds for qualifying families. “This infusion of additional funds has come at the best possible time to assist residents in the Upper Cumberland,” remarked Michael Nesbitt, Smith County Mayor and Chairman of the Aging and Community Services Committee.
All UCHRA county offices are accepting LIHEAP applications between the hours of 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. DeKalb County residents may apply at the DeKalb County office located at 527 West Main Street in Smithville. For more information call 615-597-4504.
CUTLINE: Pictured from left to right: Phyllis Bennett, UCHRA Executive Director; Curtis Hayes, Mayor of Livingston and UCHRA Policy Council Chairman; Stephen Bilbrey, Pickett County Executive and UCHRA Chairman of the Board of Directors; and Lee Webb, UCHRA Community Services Director.

Gordon Urges DeKalb County Flood Victims to Contact County Emergency Management Agency

Congressman Bart Gordon is encouraging DeKalb County residents to document property damage from flooding and contact county emergency management officials following this weekend’s devastating floods.
“In the next few days, county officials will be working with TEMA and FEMA to conduct damage assessments that could determine whether the area will be eligible for federal disaster assistance,” Gordon said. “If your property was damaged by flooding, make sure the county is aware of it. This is one of the most important steps you can take right now.”
Several counties in Tennessee have already received federal disaster declarations. Governor Phil Bredesen has requested a disaster declaration for 52 Tennessee counties, including DeKalb. Gordon continues to work with federal, state and local officials to ensure damaged areas receive needed assistance.
Gordon applauded the efforts of local first responders during the unprecedented flooding and the Army Corps of Engineers for its management of the Center Hill Dam, which is upstream from DeKalb County. Gordon, who has worked closely with the Corps in the past to secure critical funding for dam repairs, noted Corps officials report both dams remain structurally safe and are not showing signs of damage.
“The Corps is doing an excellent job of monitoring the situation. The dams have performed as they were designed to under massive pressure,” Gordon said. “The flood damage is still substantial, but we could have seen much worse without prompt response and sound repairs.”
Gordon’s staff will be available to answer questions about applying for federal assistance at (615) 896-1986. Up-to-date information will also be online at www.house.gov/bart.
Steps for property owners to report flood damage:
·Contact county emergency management officials at (615) 597-5673.
·Contact your insurance company to determine the extent of your coverage. A list of major homeowner insurance telephone numbers is available at house.gov/bart.
·Contact the Red Cross for immediate assistance and information about other local assistance at (615) 250-4250.
· If the county is declared eligible for assistance, contact FEMA promptly, regardless of the level of insurance on your property, at 1 (800) 621-FEMA or at www.fema.gov.