Tigers Fall to Smith County 28-21

The DeKalb County Tigers fell to the Smith County Owls 28 to 21 at Tennessee Tech in Cookeville Friday night.
It was the second loss of the season for DeKalb County and their first in District 8AA.
The Owls scored first on a nine yard touchdown run by Jose Silva with 2:40 left in the first period. The P.A.T. kick by Blake Richmond was good and the score was 7-0. The scoring drive covered 65 yards in seven plays
The Tigers got on the board with 1:01 left in the second quarter as Quarterback Hunter Poteete tossed a six yard touchdown pass to Tyler Weatherby. The P.A.T. by Zach Taylor was good and the game was tied at 7-7. The drive went for 89 yards in thirteen plays.
Smith County took the lead with 8:27 left in the third period on a 13 yard touchdown run by Jose Silva. The P.A.T. by Blake Richmond was good and the score was 14-7. It was a 50 yard, four play drive.
The Owls extended their lead with 9:55 left in the fourth period on a 49 yard pass play from Quarterback Brandon Johnston to Shawn Pinson for a touchdown. The P.A.T. by Blake Richmond was good and Smith County was on top 21-7. The drive covered 80 yards in seven plays.
The Tigers struck quickly in the next drive on a 56 yard pass play from Quarterback Hunter Poteete to Sonni Young for a touchdown with 8:56 left in the game. The P.A.T by Zach Taylor was good and DeKalb County cut the Smith County lead to 21 to 14. That drive went for 56 yards in just two plays.
Smith County stretched their advantage again with 3:41 to go in the fourth period on a 17 yard touchdown run by Jose Silva. Blake Richmond’s kick for the P.A.T. was good and the Owls led 28 to 14. The drive covered 68 yards in nine plays.
DeKalb County’s last touchdown of the night came with 3:11 left in the game on a 59 yard touchdown pass play from Quarterback Hunter Poteete to Derick Ward. Zach Taylor’s kick for the P.A.T. was good and the Tigers trailed 28 to 21. The drive went for 72 yards in two plays.
DeKalb County travels to Hixson next Friday night. WJLE will have LIVE coverage.

Riley Brothers Charged in Area Burglaries and Thefts

The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department has arrested two men believed to be responsible for several recent burglaries and thefts in DeKalb and other counties.
43 year old Martin Riley is charged with aggravated burglary and two counts of theft of property over $1,000. His brother, 49 year old Timothy Riley is charged with aggravated burglary and theft of property over $1,000. Both are residents of Poss Road, Smithville.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says the Riley brothers didn’t just allegedly steal small things, they also allegedly took large expensive household appliances. “We’ve recovered all kinds of stainless steel refrigerators, stainless steel stoves, stainless steel freezers, radios, cd players, microwaves, toaster ovens, anything they could go into a house and get.”
According to Sheriff Ray, the Riley’s favorite targets were lake homes although they allegedly burglarized other residences as well “They would make entry into the houses, mostly lake homes, where people are not there everyday, push all these appliances up next to the door or on the front porch, and then they would go, get a vehicle, come back and load it all up, and sell it right then.”
A couple of the break-ins, for which the Rileys are believed to have been responsible, were on Shady Drive and Ponder Road. “On September 9th, detectives investigated a break-in at a residence on Shady Drive where someone had stolen a lawn mower, a six foot trailer, and a generator. Another was on Ponder Road where they had broken into a cabin and stolen refrigerators and other appliances.”
Sheriff Ray says the Rileys also allegedly burglarized homes in the City of Smithville. “There have also been some cases in the City of Smithville with which we were able to help the Smithville Police Department. They (Rileys) took some of the same things they were taking out in the county such as lawn mowers. In one case they took lots of health and beauty aids that an individual had bought by the boxes, things like shampoo and toothpaste, and they (Rileys) sold that to an individual.”
The investigation also implicated the Rileys in a scheme to steal a bobcat. “A couple of weeks ago, there was a bobcat that was rented in Warren County. It was delivered here in the City of Smithville. These two individuals were involved with that. Martin Riley went up there (McMinnville) and gave the people at the rental center some fake information and when they brought the bobcat down here he and his brother Tim loaded the bobcat on a trailer and sold it to a man in Indiana. We’ve been working closely with the Warren County Sheriff’s Department on that case. The detective was also able to find the guy who still had the bobcat and they’re returning that to the Warren County Sheriff’s Department.”
After stealing the goods, Sheriff Ray says the Rileys then tried to sell them as quickly as possible. “We believe they went around the county, asking people if they wanted to buy a lawnmower or refrigerator or whatever, but the people who bought the items didn’t realize they were stolen. At one of the places where they sold some of the items, the guy (buyer) had a vehicle tag that was laying over on the ground, which was still in date. They (Rileys) took the tag, stole it from him, and put it on their vehicle.”
According to Sheriff Ray the Rileys didn’t just peddle the stolen goods locally. ” In one case, they took a lawnmower from one of the break-ins and sold it to a guy on the street in Nashville.”
He says in some cases, the Riley’s were so anxious to make a sale that it aroused the suspicion of the buyers. ” At two places in the county where they had made a sale, the people noticed something strange about the refrigerators because they were still cold. Some of them actually had ice still in the ice box.”
Sheriff Ray is asking for your help in this investigation. If you believe you may have made a purchase from the Rileys, please contact the Sheriff’s Department . “We’re posting their pictures at www.wjle.com. Look at them because even though you might not know who you bought it from, you might remember their faces. If you have bought any type of appliances, radios, lawn mowers, flat bed trailers or anything, contact us. We would like to look at it. We’re asking the community to help us get these items back to the victims.”
Sheriff Ray says you might also recognize the truck the Riley brothers were driving. “It was an early 90’s model S-10 pick up truck, long wheel base. It was gray at one time but they spray painted it a little darker color. It would look like a black truck now. We were able to find the truck and retrieve the stolen license plate and give it back to the owner.”

Smithville Police to begin Directing Traffic in School Zone at Northside Elementary

A Smithville Police Officer will again be directing traffic in the school zone at Northside Elementary beginning Thursday morning (September 17th)
Police Chief Richard Jennings phoned WJLE Wednesday afternoon to say that an on-duty road officer will be assigned to direct traffic each morning and afternoon in the Northside Elementary School zone in the interest of public safety. Jennings says he is making this decision himself, in his authority as Chief of Police.
The issue surfaced last month at a city council meeting and it was discussed again during a workshop Monday night.
A plan has been proposed between officials of the city and school system to address the problem without someone directing traffic, but Alderman Shawn Jacobs says many parents are not pleased with that.
The mayor and aldermen are expected to discuss it again Monday night during the regular city council meeting, but Chief Jennings says he will go ahead and start the service now.
Chief Jennings says that the police department will continue to have an officer at Northside directing traffic even after the proposal is implemented to extend the school zone, to prohibit parking on the shoulder of Highway 56 north, and to route buses entering and exiting the school via Smith Road.
He added that only when all available officers are tied up on other calls, would the service not be provided.

Two Arrested in Armed Robbery at Dollar General Store

Smithville Police have charged a man and a woman in an armed robbery at the Dollar General Store on South Congress Boulevard Tuesday night.
28 year old Jacob Gadberry and 24 year old Nina Sullivan both of Toad Road, Dowelltown are each charged with one count of aggravated robbery.
According to Smithville Police Officer Scott Davis’ report, Sullivan entered the store around 7:20 p.m. and asked to use the restroom. After she left, Gadberry came in the store, opened an office door where the manager was counting money, and ordered her at knife point to open the safe where he took more than three thousand dollars and left the store. No one was injured.
Shortly after the robbery, county deputies Chris McMillen and Steven Barrett stopped a 1991 Nissan at Walnut and North Mountain Street, where the two suspects were taken into custody.
Officer Davis’ actual report states as follows:” I was dispatched to 513 South Congress (Dollar General Store) in reference to a robbery. Upon my arrival, I made contact with the witness who advised that the suspects were a white male wearing an orange Tennessee shirt, and a white female who was driving an older model red Nissan.”
The defendant (Sullivan) opened the door where management was counting money and asked if she could use the bathroom. The witness, Dawn Allen, stated “yes” and the defendant (Sullivan) went to the bathroom. Ms. Allen stated that a few minutes later the male suspect (Gadberry) yanked open the door and had an open utility tool knife and stated ” open the safe, don’t hit the alarm or be stupid, get back into the chair”. The suspect then took a blue and red money bag from the safe and fled the store.”
County deputies McMillen and Barrett, who were apparently at the jail at the time, heard the radio traffic and saw a vehicle fitting the description driving around the public square the wrong way. They pulled the car over at the intersection of Walnut and North Mountain Street
Officer Davis’ report states that “the suspects vehicle had money thrown inside the floor board and some of it was stuffed under the passengers seat. Once both suspects were removed from the vehicle, Sullivan was placed into Sergeant Joey Jones’ patrol car where she attempted to hide money taken from the robbery. The amount of the money taken in the robbery is estimated at $3,011. The money was recovered in the suspects’ vehicle and placed into the evidence room. At 11:59 p.m., I was attempting to locate the money bags that were taken during the robbery. I located the money bags at 201 South Third Street. These items were placed into evidence. “

DeKalb Health Department to offer Seasonal Flu Vaccine Friday

The DeKalb County Health Department will offer seasonal flu vaccine on Friday, September 18th at the DeKalb County Health Department from 9:00 a.m. until 4:30 p.m.
Seaonal flu is a preventable illness that can be serious and even deadly. Each year 5 to 20% of the country’s population gets seasonal flu. Nationwide, more than 200,000 people are hospitalized each year with complications from seasonal flu and more than 36,000 die from the illness. In Tennessee, an estimated 700 people die from seasonal flu each year.
The DeKalb County Health Department urges seasonal flu vaccinations to prevent illess. The vaccine is particularly recommended for the elderly, young children, and people with certain health conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart disease since they are at high risk for complications from seasonal flu.
The cost of the flu shot is $25.00. The Health Department will bill Medicare and other third party payors as appropriate.
The DeKalb County Health Department will also offer H1N1 vaccine when it becomes available. This vaccine is now being manufactured and tested in a manner similar to that of seasonal flu vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine available now is not effective against the H1N1 virus, and both kinds of flu are expected to circulate this year. The health department therefore strongly encourages everyone to get both types of flu vaccine. The public will be notified immediately when the H1N1 vaccine is available

Alderman says Parents Not Pleased with Traffic Plan at Northside Elementary

Officials of the City of Smithville and the DeKalb County School System have come up with a plan for dealing with traffic problems in the school zone at Northside Elementary School, but Alderman Shawn Jacobs says many parents still want someone to direct traffic there.
During a workshop meeting of the mayor and aldermen Monday night, Alderman Jacobs says parents are upset and they want the city to take action. “No one is satisfied with the plan that was worked out. These mothers are mad. They’re saying it’s just playing politics and that it’s something that should have been fixed in fifteen minutes, but it’s been drawn out for a month. If nothing else, for public relations gentlemen, I think we need to put an officer directing traffic at Northside. I mean, that’s public safety and that’s what police departments do. I’m just speaking from the number of complaints I get and I’m just trying to be responsive to the people that call me. I hate to get into this blame game where everyone is saying that everybody is trying to blame everybody else and whose responsibility it is. I don’t care whose responsibility it is, I just want to address what is being perceived, at least, as a safety concern and try to be responsive to the people, especially if we can do it without costing any money.”
The aldermen are expected to discuss the issue again during the regular meeting Monday night at seven p.m. at city hall.
Concerns were raised last month during a meeting of the Smithville Mayor and Aldermen that an accident could occur in the school zone unless the problem is addressed. The issue is that parents who pick up their children in the afternoons have to line up on the shoulder of Highway 56 north which makes it difficult for motorists exiting the school parking lot from being able to see around them. And because of the heavy traffic on Highway 56 during that time, many motorists leaving the school have to wait a long time before they can get back out on the road. Some say either the city, county, or school system should have an officer or trained civilian to direct traffic there during the mornings and afternoons.
To come up with an alternative, Director of Schools Mark Willoughby met last month with Smithville Alderman and Police Commissioner Aaron Meeks, Smithville Police Chief Richard Jennings, Northside Elementary School Principal Dr. Gayle Redmon, and Transportation Supervisor Peggy Pursell.
Willoughby says the proposal they came up with is to extend the school zone at Northside Elementary to Smith Road and to have the buses enter and exit on Smith Road. Parents would no longer be permitted to park on the shoulder of the road but they would have more room to enter and exit the school from Highway 56. There are apparently no plans under this proposal to have anyone directing traffic. ” We’ll be re-directing our buses to enter and leave through the Smith Road area. Therefore, the buses will not be lined up with car traffic in the mornings or afternoons, which we’re hoping will help some. We’re not going to start this right now, we’re going to wait for a few things to happen,. We’re going to move the flashing lights down there at Smith Road, then we will move (extend) the school zone a little bit further down the road. By doing that, we’re hoping to get those buses away from the cars. And then the cars would be snaking through the parking lot, similar to what they have in the past. But we’ll be getting the buses out of the way. The cars would be entering and exiting the same place they have always have, the only difference is that the buses will not be entering or exiting in the places where they have in the past. The buses will only be entering and exiting at Smith Road..”
Again Willoughby says the plan has not yet been implemented. TDOT may have to grant permission to extend the school zone before the signs and flashing lights can be relocated and some minor work has to be done at the entrance to the school property from Smith Road in order for buses to have easier access.

Baker Charged with Aggravated Assault for Allegedly Shooting at his Mother

A 27 year old man faces an aggravated assault charge after allegedly firing a weapon at his mother last week.
Matthew Allen Baker is under a $5,000 bond and he will be in court October 1st.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says deputies were dispatched to Pine Orchard Road Smithville on Tuesday, September 8th where a man had shot at his mother and was still armed. Upon arrival, officers found Baker at his residence and placed him into custody without incident. County detectives charged Baker with aggravated assault after they learned that Baker had a loaded shotgun and pointed it at his mother, shot twice in the ground in front her, and once over his mother’s vehicle. Baker also busted out a tail light on his mother’s vehicle with the butt of the gun as she was leaving. The woman was apparently not injured during the incident.
Also on Tuesday, deputies responded to an auto accident on Banks Pisgah Road Smithville and found the driver of the car 24 year old Flint Wilson Gilley II to be in an intoxicated state. Gilley had an odor of alcohol on his person. He was unsteady on his feet, had slurred speech, and red watery eyes. Gilley was asked to perform field sobriety tasks which he failed. Gilley did admit to drinking a six pack of beer prior to the accident. Gilley was charged with driving under the influence and his bond was set at $1,500. He will appear in court on October 1st.
On Friday, September 11th, a deputy spotted a vehicle driven by 45 year old Charles Wayne Smithson on Highway 56 North swerving and passing two cars on a double yellow line. After the stop, officers noticed Smithson had an odor of alcohol on his person, slurred speech, and was unsteady on his feet. Smithson was asked to perform field sobriety tasks but he refused. Smithson also refused a blood test to determine how much alcohol and/or drugs were present in his system. Inside the vehicle, deputies found beer cans and a .357 pistol. Smithson did not possess a valid hand gun carrying permit for any weapons. Smithson was charged with a first offense of driving under the influence, unlawful possession of a weapon, and he was issued written citations for violation of the implied consent law and for open alcohol containers. His bond was set at $4,000 and he will appear in court on October 29th.
On Sunday, deputies stopped 33 year old Jamie Lynn Cozart of Highway 96 Auburntown for a traffic offense. When the officer asked for his driver’s license, Cozart said that he had left it at home. The deputy then ran a computer check which revealed that the driver’s license was suspended for failure to satisfy citations in both Wilson and Rutherford Counties. Cozart was charged with driving on a suspended license. His bond was set at $1,000 and will appear in court on October 14th.

Wreck Victim Dies

A 29 year old woman, who was seriously injured in a September 2nd traffic accident in DeKalb County, has died.
Kym Curtis of McMinnville passed away late Saturday afternoon at Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga.
Arrangements are being handled by DeKalb Funeral Chapel but the family has chosen direct cremation so there will be no funeral service or visitation.
According to Sergeant Mark Dial of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Curtis was driving a 1993 Chevy Caprice traveling east on Keltonburg Road when she went off the highway while negotiating a curve to the left. “The passenger side wheels traveled off the pavement. She over steered to bring the vehicle back onto the pavement, resulting in her going into the west bound lane” where she sideswiped a westbound 2001 Hyundai, driven by 26 year old Joseph Edge of Smithville. Sergeant Dial says the Curtis car continued east in the westbound lane and made an angle impact with the front of a westbound 2009 Toyota Yaris, driven by Allison Marie Vance, who was following behind Edge..
After Curtis was extricated from her car, both she and her 18 year old sister, Laura Curtis, who was a passenger in the Caprice, were airlifted from the scene and flown to Erlanger Hospital. Laura Curtis was treated and released.
Vance was removed from her vehicle and transported by DeKalb EMS to DeKalb Community Hospital where she was airlifted to Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville.
Joseph Edge was apparently uninjured in the crash and his eleven month old daughter, also escaped injury.

TDOT Identifies 111 Structurally Deficient Bridges for Replacement or Repair

The Tennessee Department of Transportation Friday identified 111 bridges across the state that will be either replaced, repaired or rehabilitated through a new initiative aimed at reducing the number of structurally deficient bridges in the state. There are no DeKalb County bridges on this list.
TDOT’s Better Bridges Program is a four year program approved in 2009 by the Tennessee General Assembly that will utilize bonds to pay for the repair or replacement of more than 200 structurally deficient bridges in the state. Today, TDOT presented a list of bridges to be covered in the first year of the program to Governor Phil Bredesen and leaders of the Tennessee General Assembly as required by Public Chapter 552.
“The bridge projects identified for the first year of this program will improve the safety and reliability of more than one hundred bridges in Tennessee,” said Governor Phil Bredesen. “Addressing these projects now rather than later allows us to take advantage of today’s lower construction costs.”
The federal Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the price of steel and iron scrap fell nearly 57 percent from June 2008 to June 2009, and cement prices were down 15 percent over that same period.
“Without this program much of this critical work on structurally deficient bridges would have to be deferred for years,” said TDOT Commissioner Gerald Nicely. “The bridges we rebuild today with this investment will serve the state for decades to come and provide a lasting benefit for future generations.”
The 111 bridge projects selected for the first year of the bonding program are spread evenly across the three grand divisions of the state and include one project costing more than $20 million and five projects with costs of more than $4 million each.
The needed replacement of a bridge built in 1936 on State Route 33 (Maynardville Highway) over the Clinch River (Norris Lake) in Union County will be included in the first year program and is estimated to cost more than $20 million.
Five projects with costs exceeding $4 million include: rehabilitation of the SR-9 (E. Broadway) bridge over the French Broad River in Cocke County which was originally built in 1928; replacement of a bridge in Perry County on SR-13 that crosses the Buffalo River built in 1952; replacement of a bridge in Montgomery County on SR-13/US-79 (Wilma Rudolph Blvd.) over the Red River which was built in 1931; replacement of a bridge in Shelby County on SR-14 (S. Third St.) over the Illinois Central Railroad that was built in 1932; and replacement of a bridge on SR-35 (Chapman Highway) in Sevier County that crosses Gists Creek originally built in 1956.
TDOT also today identified four large bridges that will be funded during the second year of the program. They are: SR-33 (Henley Street) over the Tennessee River in Knoxville; SR-73 (US-321) over the Tennessee River in Loudon County; SR-109 over the Cumberland River in Sumner & Wilson Counties; and SR-57 (US-72) over SR-23 and the CSX & ICG railroads in Shelby County.
The following are the bridges on the list for repair or replacement under the first phase of the bond program.
Tennessee Department of Transportation Infrastructure Improvement Bond Program Fiscal Year 2009-2010 (PHASE I) Project Selection List
County Route Description Type of Work
Blount SR-33 SR-33 (Old Knoxville Hwy) over Little River at LM 16.90 Rehabilitation
Blount SR-336 SR-336 (Brick Mill Road) over Little Baker Creek at LM 0.52 Replace
Bradley SR-2/US-11 SR-2 (Hiwassee Street) over Hiwassee River & Southern Railroad at LM
Carroll SR-1/US-70E SR-1 over Rutherford Fork Obion River at LM 11.02 Rehabilitation
Carroll SR-1/US-70E SR-1 over Reedy Creek at LM 14.43 Rehabilitation
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Overflow at LM 3.86 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Overflow at LM 3.92 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Overflow at LM 4.04 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over South Fork Obion River at LM 4.14 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Old River Bed at LM 4.28 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Overflow at LM 6.09 Replace
Carroll SR-436 SR-436 over Clear Creek at LM 6.20 Replace
Carter SR-159/US-321 SR-159 over Elk River at LM 7.23 Replace
Cocke I-40 I-40 Eastbound lane over Pigeon River at LM 9.62 Rehabilitation
Cocke I-40 I-40 Eastbound lane over Pigeon River at LM 9.76 Rehabilitation
Cocke I-40 I-40 over Branch at LM 2.4 Rehabilitation
Cocke SR-9/US-25W SR-9 (E Broadway) over French Broad River & Southern Railway at LM
Cocke SR-107 SR-107 over Dry Fork Creek at LM 2.41 Replace
Davidson SR-1/US-41 SR-1 (Murfreesboro Road) over Mill Creek at LM 21.97 Replace
Dickson SR-1/US-70 SR-1 (US-70) over Piney Creek at LM 4.17 Rehabilitation
Dickson SR-48 SR-48 over I-40 at LM 0.21 Rehabilitation
Dyer SR-104 SR-104 over Bethal Branch at LM 28.38 Rehabilitation
Dyer SR-104 SR-104 over Overflow at LM 28.85 Rehabilitation
Dyer SR-182 SR-182 (Lenox-Nauvoo Road) over Coon Creek at LM 3.79 Replace
Dyer SR-211 SR-211 over Branch at LM 6.04 Rehabilitation
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Oakland Road) over Loosahatchie River at LM 19.62 Replace
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Oakland Road) over Branch at LM 19.74 Replace
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Oakland Road) over Little Laurel Drainage Canal at LM 21.90 Replace
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Oakland Road) over Branch at LM 21.70 Replace
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Main Street) over Wolf River at LM 0.81 Replace
Fayette SR-194 SR-194 (Main Street) over Overflow at LM 0.72 Replace
Fentress SR-52 SR-52 (Livingston Highway) over East Fork Obey River at LM 5.23 Replace
Fentress SR-52 SR-52 (Livingston Highway) over Branham Hollow Branch at LM 7.47 Replace
Gibson SR-77 SR-77 over Overflow at LM 9.57 Rehabilitation
Gibson SR-104 SR-104 over Branch at LM 12.53 Rehabilitation
Grainger SR-1 SR-1 over Richland Creek at LM 16.28 Rehabilitation
Grainger SR-1 SR-1 over Richland Creek at LM 17.07 Rehabilitation
Greene SR-34/US-11E SR-34 (East Andrew Johnson Highway) over Rheatown Creek at LM
Greene SR-350 SR-350 (East McKee Street) over Richland Creek at LM 5.15 Replace
Hamilton I-24 I-24 over Ramp to I-124N at LM 7.52 Rehabilitation
Hamilton I-75 I-75 Northbound lane over Big Spring Creek at LM 1.17 Rehabilitation
Hamilton SR-17 SR-17 (Saint Elmo Ave) over Mountain Stream at LM 0.09 Replace
Hamilton South Seminole Drive over I-24 at LM 3.27 Rehabilitation
Hardeman SR-18 SR-18 over Cypress Creek at LM 29.89 Rehabilitation
Hardeman SR-57 SR-57 over Overflow at LM 20.29 Replace
Hardeman SR-57 SR-57 over Big Muddy Creek at LM 20.38 Replace
Hardeman SR-57 SR-57 over Overflow at LM 20.64 Replace
Hawkins SR-1/US-11W SR-1 Southbound over Poor Valley Creek at LM 3.53 Rehabilitation
Hawkins SR-31 SR-31 over Poor Valley Creek at LM 2.34 Rehabilitation
Hawkins SR-113 SR-113 over Robertson Creek at LM 6.63 Rehabilitation
Haywood SR-1/US-70E SR-1 over Branch at LM 25.74 Rehabilitation
Haywood SR-19 SR-19 (Old Mercer Road) over Branch of Carter Creek at LM 15.61 Replace
Haywood SR-19 SR-19 (Old Mercer Road) over I-40 at LM 16.62 Rehabilitation
Haywood SR-76/US-79N SR-76 over South Fork Forked Deer River at LM 23.98 Replace
Haywood SR-76/US-79N SR-76 over Mud Creek at LM 21.59 Rehabilitation
Haywood SR-76/US-79N SR-76 over Overflow at LM 21.98 Rehabilitation
Hickman SR-50 SR-50 over Swan Creek at LM 20.63 Replace
Jackson SR-56 SR-56 (Jennings Creek Highway) over Crab Tree Creek at LM 23.27 Replace
Jackson SR-135 SR-135 (Keeling Branch Highway) over Keeling Branch at LM 17.62 Rehabilitation
Johnson SR-34/US-421 SR-34 (South Shady Street) over Roan Creek at LM 19.96 Rehabilitation
Johnson SR-67 SR-67 over Doe Creek at LM 5.61 Replace
Johnson SR-67 SR-67 (West Main Street) over Roan Creek at LM 16.78 Rehabilitation
Johnson SR-133 SR-133 over Beaverdam Creek at LM 2.77 Rehabilitation
Knox SR-131 SR-131 (Ball Camp-Byington Road) over Meadow Creek at LM 5.95 Replace
Knox SR-332 SR-332 (Concord Road) over Southern Railway at LM 1.87 Rehabilitation
Lawrence SR-15/US-64 SR-15 over Shoal Creek at LM 14.78 Rehabilitation
Lawrence SR-15/US-64 SR-15 over Crowson Creek at LM 14.63 Rehabilitation
Lawrence SR-242 SR-242 over Knob Creek at LM 12.02 Rehabilitation
Lawrence SR-242 SR-242 over Factory Creek at LM 7.93 Rehabilitation
Lewis SR-48 SR-48 over Blondy Hollow Branch at LM 12.52 Rehabilitation
Marion SR-283 SR-283 (Alvin York Highway) over Branch at LM 3.06 Rehabilitation
Marshall SR-11/US-31A SR-11 over Branch at LM 8.73 Rehabilitation
Maury SR-245 SR-245 (Campbellsville Pike) over Little Bigby Creek at LM 9.92 Rehabilitation
Maury SR-247 SR-247 (Snow Creek Road) over Turkey Creek at LM 2.5 Replace
Montgomery SR-12 SR-12 over Little McAdoo Creek at LM 4.04 Rehabilitation
Montgomery SR-13/US-79 SR-13 (Wilma Rudolph Blvd) Northbound lane over Red River at LM
Morgan SR-29/US-27 SR-29 (Morgan County Highway) over White Oak Creek at LM 23.05 Replace
Overton SR-84 SR-84 over Carr Creek at LM 7.65 Rehabilitation
Perry SR-13 SR-13 (SR-13) over Buffalo River at LM 1.73 Replace
Pickett SR-154 SR-154 (Pickett Park Road) over Thompson Creek at LM 1.26 Rehabilitation
Polk SR-40/US-64 SR-40 (US-64) over Brush Creek at LM 23.04 Rehabilitation
Putnam SR-96 SR-96 (Medley Ammonett Road) over Buffalo Valley Creek at LM 1.28 Rehabilitation
Rhea SR-29/US-27 SR-29 (US-27 Bypass) Left Lane over Richland Creek at LM 5.58 Rehabilitation
Roane SR-1/US-70 SR-1 over Southern Railroad & Black Creek at LM 2.46 Rehabilitation
Roane SR-72 SR-72 over Stamp Creek at LM 4.55 Rehabilitation
Roane Lawnville Road over I-40 at LM 1.7 Rehabilitation
Robertson SR-11/US-41 SR-11 over Red River at LM 24.58 Rehabilitation
Robertson SR-49 SR-49 over Carrs Creek at LM 7.92 Rehabilitation
Rutherford SR-102 SR-102 (Almaville Road) over Branch at LM 2.38 Replace
Sevier SR-35/US-441 SR-35 (Chapman Highway) North & South Bound Lanes over Gists
Creek at LM 10.65
Sevier SR-35/US-441 SR-35 (Chapman Highway) North & South Bound Lanes over Gists
Creek at LM 10.98
Sevier SR-35/US-441 SR-35 (W Main Street) over West Fork Little Pigeon River at LM 13.76 Rehabilitation
Shelby I-40 I-40 Eastbound Lane over Sam Cooper Blvd at LM 14.13 Rehabilitation
Shelby SR-14/US-61 SR-14 (South Third Street) over Ravine at LM 9.51 Replace
Shelby SR-14/US-61 SR-14 (South Third Street) over IC Railroad at LM 9.68 Replace
Shelby SR-57 SR-57 (Poplar Ave) over SR-57 West Bound Ramp to I-240 South
Bound at LM 8.08
Shelby SR-57 SR-57 (Poplar Ave) Eastbound Lane over I-240 & I-240 Exit Ramp at LM
Shelby SR-57 SR-57 (Poplar Ave) Westbound Lane over I-240 at LM 8.18 Rehabilitation
Smith SR-24/US-70N SR-24 (Lebanon Highway) over Roundlick Creek at LM 2.96 Rehabilitation
Smith SR-25 SR-25 (Dixon Springs Highway) over Lick Creek at LM 0.15 Rehabilitation
Sullivan SR-36 SR-36 (West Center Street) over Reedy Creek at LM 10.48 Rehabilitation
Sullivan SR-126 SR-126 (South Wilcox Drive) over Holston River at LM 1.90 Rehabilitation
Union SR-33 SR-33 (Maynardville Highway) over Clinch River (Norris Lake) at LM
Washington I-26/US-23 I-26 (James H. Quillen Parkway) over Boones Creek at LM 6.81 Rehabilitation
Washington SR-81 SR-81 over Muddy Creek at LM 16.60 Replace
Washington SR-400 SR-400 (Watauga Road) over Brush Creek at LM 4.99 Replace
Wayne SR-203 SR-203 over Indian Creek at LM 12.03 Rehabilitation
Williamson SR-106/US-431 SR-106 (Lewisburg Parkway) over West Harpeth River at LM 5.09 Rehabilitation
Wilson SR-265 SR-265 (Central Pike) over Dry Creek at LM 13.69 Rehabilitation

Sophomore Class Wins Float Competition in DCHS Homecoming Parade

Students from DeKalb County High School celebrated the last day of Homecoming Week with a parade Friday afternoon.
The Tiger football team’s homecoming opponent Friday night is the White County Warriors and the floats in the parade had a Tiger versus Warriors theme.
The parade featured Homecoming Queen April Hale and her court, the DCHS Fighting Tiger Band, lots of decorated cars and trucks, county and city law enforcement officers, and fire fighters, among others. The event concluded with a pep rally on the square led by DCHS Football cheerleaders.
The Sophomore Class took first place with their float called “Tigers Flush the Warriors” featuring a large “stuffed” toilet with the legs of a White County Warrior Football player sticking up as he is being flushed. The float was complete with large “toilet paper” and holder along with a “Tiger Bowl”.
The Senior Class won second place with their float called “Tigers Wipe Out the Warriors”. This float displayed a beach scene including a Tiger on a surf board with waves, a Warrior player under the board, an umbrella, sand, and beach chairs.
Third place went to the Freshman float with the theme “Dominate the Warriors” This float had a large chariot with a Tiger driving, Greek columns, two Tiger football players, and two Warrior football players.
The FCCLA Club took fourth place for their float called “Tigers Knock out the Warriors” featuring a Tiger hospital scene with a Warrior on a stretcher, a syringe to give a shot, a hammer to knock him out, and lots of doctors and nurses
The Junior Class received fifth place for their float “Wound the Warriors”. This float had a large stuffed Tiger paw with a White County Warrior football player laying under the paw and an ax in his back.
The FFA also had a float with hay bales and club members riding along.
Winners of the best decorated vehicles in the parade were: First place- Kristen Puckett; Second place- Weston Rhody; and Third place- Jessica Cantrell
Fluty’s and Liberty State Bank tied to win the Homecoming Business Decorations Contest.