Twelve members of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department recently graduated
from the Tennessee Fire Service and Codes Enforcement Academy’s 64-hour
Basic Firefighter Training Course.
According to Chief Donny Green, five members of this group attended the course in Putnam County while the other seven attended the course in Cannon County. “I am proud of our members’ commitment to being well-trained and prepared to respond to our communities’ needs during emergencies”
Assistant Chief Roy Merriman serves as the department’s training coordinator and says
he understands the degree of dedication it takes to shuffle work, family commitments, and fire department activities. “I would just like to say thanks to all the new recruits for the commitment they have shown in taking time to complete this training”.
Pictured from left to right: (kneeling) Joe Bowen (Main Station), Steve Phillips (Temperance Hall Station), Bradley Taylor (Midway Station), Cory Killian (Main Station), Bradley Johnson (Main Station);
(standing) Justin Brooks (Keltonburg Station), Joey Meyers (Main Station), Amanda Vaughn (Main Station), Billy Fuson (Midway Station);
Not pictured: Steve Rapasy (Midway Station), Eric Snow (Main Station), and Brandi Summers (Belk Station).
Category Archives: News
Marsh Charged with Burglary and Theft
A 19 year old man has been arrested for breaking into a local business last week.
James Andrew Marsh of Green Acres Drive, Smithville is charged with burglary and theft of property under $500. His bond is $7,500 and he will appear in court on May 28th.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says “on Thursday, May 7th, deputies responded to a report of a break in at a business on Highway 146. Through an investigation, officers learned that Marsh had broken into the business and stolen a cash register and cigarettes. Marsh was arrested later in the day.”
Meanwhile, in other cases, 36 year old Gary Edward Matthews of Four Seasons Road, Smithville, who had no driver’s license, drove by a deputy on Tuesday, May 5th. and was later taken into custody. Officers, during the arrest, found a straw containing a white powdery residue along with three 10 milligram pills believed to be Hydrocodone and a half pill believed to be a 7.5 Hydrocodone. Matthews was charged with two counts of simple possession of a schedule III drug, (Hydrocodone), possession of drug paraphernalia, and driving on a revoked driver’s license. Matthews’ total bond was set at $10,000 and he will appear in court on June 4th.
Also on Tuesday, officers arrested 28 year old Fernando Olivera Aldino of West Main Street, Smithville for driving under the influence and no driver’s license. While on patrol on Highway 56, deputies spotted Aldino weaving in the roadway. During the investigation, officers detected a strong smell of alcohol on Aldino’s person. He submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed and he could not produce a valid Tennessee driver’s license. Aldino’s bond was set at $2,000 and he will appear in court on May 28th.
On Saturday, May 9th, officers responded to a suspicious person call at the Johnson’s Chapel Community Center on Johnson’s Chapel Road. Upon arrival and talking with the subjects there, a deputy noticed a glass pipe containing marijuana, sticking out of the gas tank lid of the subjects’ vehicle. Officers also found more marijuana inside of the vehicle and a marijuana cigarette. 23 year old Anthony Ray Ribble of Hayes Court, Smithville was arrested and charged with possession of a schedule IV drug (marijuana) and possession of drug paraphernalia. His bond was set at $2,000 and he will appear in court on May 28th..
In another case, deputies arrested 22 year old Alfonso Almaguer Soto of South Third Street, Smithville Saturday after he had parked in the roadway of Banks Pisgah Road. Officers detected a strong smell of an alcoholic beverage on his person and he was very unsteady on his feet. Soto submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed. Soto also had no driver’s license and he gave a fake name at the scene. Officers later discovered Soto’s real name. He was charged with driving under the influence, no driver’s license, criminal impersonation, and violation of the implied consent law. Soto’s total bond was set at $3,000.
Also on Saturday while deputies were on patrol, they spotted a vehicle weaving in the roadway on Highway 56. The driver was 46 year old Jamie Lara Amaya of Newby Circle, McMinnville. He had an odor of alcohol on his person and he was unsteady on his feet. Amaya submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed. Amaya was charged with driving under the influence. His bond was set at $1,000 and will appear in court on May 28th.
On Sunday, May 10th deputies were dispatched to a fight call at the Keltonburg Community Center on Keltonburg Road. As officers began investigating the fight, 31 year old Jason Stewart of Edgewood Drive, Cookeville started yelling and pointing his finger in the deputies’ faces. Stewart was told several times to calm down but he continued yelling. Stewart was arrested for disorderly conduct. His bond was set at $1,000
Deputies also responded to an accident on Bright Hill Road and found 34 year old Enrigue Villa of Earl Avenue, Smithville to be driving without a license. Villa was charged in the case and his bond was set at $1,000. He will appear in court on May 27th.
Also on Sunday, deputies were on patrol on Highway 70 when they stopped a vehicle for weaving. 47 year old Gregory A. Young of Young Ridge Road, Sparta was charged with an 8th offense of driving under the influence. Officers noticed that Young was unsteady on his feet and had an odor of alcohol on his person. Young submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed. Young was also cited for violation of the implied consent law. Young’s bond was set at $10,000 and he will appear in court on May 28th.
Boat Smart Super Saturday on Center Hill Lake
Volunteers and Tennessee Wildlife Resource Agency have teamed up with the US Army Corps of Engineers on Center Hill Lake for Boat Smart Super Saturday on May 16. Super Saturday, the kickoff to National Safe Boating Week, May 16-22, is geared to promote boating and water safety while having fun at the lake. “Wear It,” referring to life jackets, is the primary message for boaters to follow to arrive alive after a day on the lake.
The teams will be ready at boat ramps around the lake on Super Saturday to greet visitors and remind them of tips to be safe on the water. They will also be doing courtesy boat inspections from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM at Hurricane Bridge Day Use Ramp, Edgar Evins State Park, and Ragland Bottom Day Use Ramp at the request of the boaters.
A variety of volunteers will be participating from boaters to park hosts, and more. Volunteers view it as a nice way to take a few hours, greet visitors, enjoy being around the lake, and feel good about knowing the information they provide may save a life.
“With the warmer weather and summer approaching quickly, crowds are getting back out on the lake to relax and enjoy water sports,” said Park Ranger Jamie Summers. “Boat Smart Super Saturday is a perfect opportunity for our agencies and volunteers to tackle the job of reminding people to have fun yet expect the unexpected. Prepare with the right gear for your boat, wear a life jacket, use courtesy and common sense, and don’t drink and boat.”
Some tips for boaters:
1) Expect the unexpected. Wear your life jacket.
2) Avoid drinking and operating a boat.
3) Keep a proper lookout – watch out for the “other guy.”
4) Use courtesy and common sense.
5) Take a safe boating course.
DeKalb 911 hosts Powerphone Emergency Medical Dispatch Class
DeKalb County 911 recently hosted a Powerphone Emergency Medical Dispatch Class at the DeKalb County Fire Department Main Station. All counties in the Upper Cumberland region were invited to the class and many participated.
The class focuses on providing each student with the skills necessary to give our callers life saving medical instructions until EMS arrives on scene. Upon completion of the class, the dispatchers hold a national certification to enable them to provide these necessary instructions.
Pictured above from left on top row: are Leslie Lytle and Janice Higham dispatchers with DeKalb E-911 and other dispatchers participating from White, Cannon, and Warren counties.
DeKalb E-911 now has 100% of it’s full time staff trained to provide these life saving skills.
12th Annual Relay for Life Raises $67,000
DeKalb Countians by the hundreds filled Greenbrook Park Friday evening to show their love and support for cancer survivors and to join the fight against the disease during the 12th annual American Cancer Society Relay for Life.
Casey Midgett, Chairman of the DeKalb Relay for Life, says $67,000 has been raised with still more pledges yet to come in.
Even though the forecast called for stormy weather, the rains held off and people, young and old alike, flocked to the park to enjoy the food, games, music, and fellowship.
Check out Photos at Relay for Life at
In this overnight family-oriented event, participants walked relay-style around the track and took part in fun activities off the track. Cancer survivors took center stage during the opening ceremony to give a personal testimony as to just how long they’ve been a survivor.
This year more than 30 teams joined together to raise money to aid in the battle against cancer. A male beauty contest was also held again this year, featuring several men dressed as women, using their attributes to bring in as much money as possible. Mark “Fifi” Violet of K & M Jewelry raised more than $600 and was this year’s winner.
The walking track was also lined with luminaria in honor or remembrance of those who have battled cancer. This ceremony of light symbolizes the hope and courage with which we all continue to fight cancer
Chris Summers, Community Representative with the American Cancer Society says “Relay For Life is a unique opportunity for our community to come together to celebrate people who have battled cancer, remember those we’ve lost, and fight back against the disease. Many of the participants are cancer survivors.”
Funds raised at Relay For Life will enable the American Cancer Society to support local services and resources for cancer patients and their families. Funds also support critical cancer research and community education programs designed to teach people how to reduce their risk of developing cancer.
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service.
The American Cancer Society currently funds more than $10.7 million in cancer research in Tennessee, this year alone! Research grants are funded at East Tennessee State University, the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, Vanderbilt University, MeHarry Medical College, the University of Tennessee, Memphis and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Gordon Confers with Officials of Caney Fork Electric Cooperative
Congressman Bart Gordon recently met with representatives of Caney Fork Electric Cooperative to discuss energy reform legislation currently being drafted in the U.S. House. Caney Fork Electric Cooperative serves DeKalb, White, Warren, and Van Buren counties.
Pictured: Glen and Mary Lynn Page, Congressman Bart Gordon, and Kristie and Bill Rogers
Congressman meets with MTUD Representatives
Congressman Bart Gordon recently met with representatives of Middle Tennessee Natural Gas Utility District to discuss energy reform legislation that is currently being drafted in the U.S. House.
Pictured: Michael Corley, Congressman Bart Gordon, and Charlie Bowman of MTUD
Former Tigerette Named to District’s Hall of Fame
A former DeKalb County Tigerette has been inducted into the District’s Fast Pitch Softball Hall of Fame.
Ashley Redmon was a member of the Tigerettes from 2001 to 2004. As a pitcher, she maintained an overall ERA of 1.23 and her overall pitching record was 58-26. Over those four years, the Tigerettes earned two regular season championships, one district tournament championship, one regional championship, one sub-state championship, and one state appearance.
Redmon received three All District Awards, two All Tournament Awards, and one Best Offensive Player Award.
In 2004, she signed a letter of intent to continue playing softball at Maryville College and graduated with a business degree in May 2008.
Redmon is the third former Tigerette to be named to the District’s Hall of Fame, joining Kim McCoy and Tonya George. Danny Bond is also a member of the Hall of Fame for his years and success as coach.
Tigerettes Win District Tournament Championship
The DeKalb County Tigerette Fast Pitch Softball Team won the District 7AA Tournament Championship in Baxter Thursday night beating Cannon County 15 to 0 in three innings.
Olivia Norton was the winning pitcher.
Cannon County emerged from the loser’s bracket to face the Tigerettes after beating Livingston Academy 4 to 1 and then knocking off Macon County 9 to 3 in ten innings Thursday.
The Tigerettes were the top seed in the tournament after winning the regular season district title and earlier in the week they beat Cannon County 6 to 0 and Macon County 7 to 1 to get to Thursday night’s tournament championship game.
Prior to the game the All District Teams were recognized.
DeKalb County’s Victoria Bennett was named the District’s Most Valuable Player and Danny Bond is the District Coach of the Year.
DeKalb County’s Morgan Page, Kristina Stephens, and Cynthia Woodward were named to the First Team All District; Alex Meadows and Jaylen Garrett made the Second Team All District; Olivia Norton and Brooke Hutchings received Honorable Mention; and Alex Meadows and Brooke Hutchings are members of the District’s All Freshmen Team.
The Tigerettes will host a first round game of the Region Tournament Monday in Smithville. More details will be forthcoming. WJLE plans LIVE coverage.
Meanwhile, the Tiger baseball team lost 4 to 2 to the Macon County Tigers in the semi-finals of the District Tournament at Baxter Thursday afternoon. With the loss, the season is over for DeKalb County as the format of the tournament was changed from double elimination to single elimination.
Qualifying Deadline Approaching for Liberty Election- Early Voting Hours set for Smithville Balloting
Persons may file qualifying petitions for the Liberty Municipal Election.
A mayor and two aldermen will be elected in Liberty on Thursday, August 6th.
The qualifying deadline is noon on Thursday, May 21st
The positions are currently held by Mayor J. Edward Hale, Jr. and Aldermen Jarrett Pistol and Howard Reynolds, Jr.
Meanwhile, the dates and times are set for early voting for the Smithville Municipal Election
All early voting will be in the basement of the courthouse starting Wednesday, May 27th through Thursday, June 11th from 9:00 a.m. until 1:00 p.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, and from noon until 6:00 p.m. on Thursdays.
The regular city election day is Tuesday, June 16th from 8:00 a.m. until 7:00 p.m. at the courthouse. The voter registration deadline for the Smithville election is Monday, May 18th.
In Smithville, three aldermen will be elected. The candidates are Incumbents, Jerry Hutchins, Sr., Tonya Sullivan, and Willie Thomas, and challengers, Gary Durham, Shawn Jacobs, Aaron Meeks, W.J. (Dub) White, and Todd Van Dyne.