Burglaries and thefts are on the rise in DeKalb County.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says from April 1st through June 23, 2008, the Sheriff’s Department has taken over 100 reports, up from 80 reports during the same time period last year.. Sheriff Ray says most of the stolen items fit into two types of thefts.
(1) Thieves are targeting construction sites around the lake, including the newly developing sub-divisions off of the Coconut Ridge Road. Sheriff Ray says “We have also had reports from the Floating Mill, Four Seasons, River Watch, and the Austin Bottom Area of stolen hand tools, power tools, and copper wire. Sheriff Ray says “Thieves will wait until after dark or on the week-end and enter the contractors fully enclosed trailers by cutting off the pad locks on the doors or they will find an unfinished house and gain entrance by forcible entry to see if contractors have left any tools there.”
(2) Thieves are also riding the roads in the county looking for scrap metal including everything from old scrap metal to junk cars. There has also been a rise in thefts of drive-able and newer model vehicles and lawn mowers.
Sheriff Ray says “One case we are investigating is where someone stole a newer model truck that had a trailer and lawnmower attached to it, took the truck less than a 5 mile radius from the residence, unhooked the trailer, burned the truck, and took the trailer and lawn mower with them.”
“One day alone I assigned 14 theft cases to my two detectives. Because of the increase in thefts, I have also assigned patrol deputies to work on some of the reports.”
Detectives ask you to be on alert to possible thieves in your area. Without putting yourself in danger, if you see a suspicious vehicle in your area, get the make, model, color, and if at all possible, a tag number, then call 215-3000 and a deputy will check on the vehicle.
If you are approached by anyone wanting to sell tools or any other items for a price well below that of what the item is worth, you are urged to contact the Sheriff’s Department.
Detectives also ask you to write down your serial numbers on any appliances such as TV’s stereos, etc. You also need to write down the serial numbers of any of your hand tools or power tools. This will help to identify your tools if they get stolen. Detectives say at least 90% of all reports they are assigned to do not have any serial numbers or any distinguishing marks on the reported items. Serial numbers or self applied numbers on any items stolen can aid in their recovery if stolen. The numbers can be entered into a data base and tracked down if the items are pawned.
To report a theft or any crime, call the Sheriff’s Department 597-4935 or the Crime Tip Line at 464-6400. All calls are kept confidential
Sheriff Ray also reports several arrests within the last week.
32 year old Stephanie Jill Kennedy of Cookeville Highway, Smithville was charged Sunday, June 15th with public intoxication and resisting arrest after deputies responded to a complaint on Cookeville Highway. When officers arrived on the scene, they noticed Kennedy lying in the roadway. When deputies went to her, she tried to get away by running from them. When the officers caught her, she begin fighting. Kennedy’s bond was set at $2,000 and she will appear in court on June 26th.
40 year old Christine Pearl Petty of Phillips Road, Lebanon was charged Monday, June 16th with a second offense of driving under the influence and driving on a revoked license. Deputies responded to a call on Highway 96 in Liberty about a drunk driver that had hit a guardrail. Officers spotted the vehicle on Highway 70 West and stopped it. They also detected a strong odor of alcohol on her person and saw that she was unsteady on her feet. She submitted to field sobriety tasks which she failed. Petty was also arrested for driving on a revoked driver’s license. Petty’s license was revoked for a DUI in Wilson County but she was granted a restricted driver’s license from home to work and back. She lives in Lebanon and works in Gordonsville. She was placed under a $4,500 bond and her court date is June 26th.
30 year old Phillip Edward Miranda of Dale Ridge Road, Liberty was arrested Tuesday after officers responded to a call about an unwanted guest on Parkway Drive. Upon arrival, deputies found Miranda in an intoxicated state. He was given field sobriety tasks which he failed. He admitted to driving to the residence.
On Wednesday, 36 year old Tammy Denise Currie of Circle Drive, Dowelltown was arrested at a residence on East Main Street in Dowelltown. Currie was wanted on a warrant for non payment of child support. When deputies arrested Currie, they noticed a small amount of marijuana, rolling papers, and scales lying on a coffee table. Officers also found in the home hemostats, a crusher, gravity scales, digital scales, and a bag containing over ½ oz. of marijuana. Also found were 54 pills in an unnamed pill bottle believed to be methocarbamol. Currie was placed under arrest for failure to pay child support, possession of a schedule VI drug (marijuana) for sale and delivery, possession of a schedule VI drug, possession of drug paraphernalia, and possession of a legend drug (methocarbamol). Currie’s bond is $7,500 and her court date is July 24th.
Currie was arrested again on Saturday on Circle Drive in Dowelltown. Deputies responded to a fight call on Circle Drive and found Currie in an intoxicated state. Deputies witnessed Currie move her vehicle while trying to investigate the fight. Currie submitted to field sobriety tasks which she failed. She admitted to taking Loritab and Adavan. Currie was arrested for a third offense of driving under the influence and driving on a revoked driver’s license. Her bond was set at $4,000 and will appear in court July 3rd.
Also on Saturday, 46 year old James Hargrave of Old Bildad Road, Smithville was charged with leaving the scene of an accident and driving on a suspended driver’s license. Hargrave was traveling on Old Bildad Road in Keltonburg when he ran off the road and stuck a mailbox and then fled the scene. The owner of the mailbox ran to his vehicle and followed Hargrave back to his residence. Hargrove was also found to have a suspended driver’s license. His license was suspended for an accident with property damage and failure to satisfy a citation. Hargrave’s bond was set at $3,500 and his court date is July 2nd.
28 year old Amanda Gale Hasty of Hutchinson Road, Murfreesboro was arrested Saturday after she was stopped for a traffic violation for a third offense of driving on a suspended driver’s license. Hasty’s driver’s license was suspended in Rutherford County for failure to pay citations. Her bond was set at $3000 and her court date is July 2nd.
Category Archives: News
Election Commission Releases Sample Ballot for August 7th Elections
The DeKalb County Election Commission has released a sample ballot for the DeKalb County General Election, Tennessee Democratic and Republican Primaries, and the Dowelltown and Liberty Municipal Elections to be held on Thursday, August 7th.
The first page of the sample ballot reveals the names of Democratic candidates for the United States Senate including Mark E. Clayton, Gary G. Davis, Kenneth Eaton, Leonard D. Ladner, Wm Mike Padgett, and Robert D. Tuke.
Incumbent Bart Gordon is the only Democratic candidate for the United States House of Representatives in the 6th Congressional District.
The second page of the sample ballot shows the names of Democratic candidates for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the 40th Representative District including Cleveland Derrick Bain, Jeff Barrett, Steven K. Cantrell, Gayla C. Hendrix, Carl (Hix) Jones, Dean Sircy, and Sarah Marie Smith.
Spaces are on the ballot for DeKalb County Democratic Executive Committee member from each district and precinct but there are no candidates.
The sixth page of the sample ballot includes the name of incumbent Lamar Alexander, the only GOP candidate for the United States Senate.
Two GOP candidates are listed for the Tennessee House of Representatives in the 40th Representative District including Nicky Rittenberry and Terri Lynn Weaver.
There is no GOP candidate for the United States House of Representatives in the 6th Congressional District.
The seventh page of the sample ballot reveals the names of candidates for Assessor of Property, School board member in the 5th and 6th district, and constable in each district.
Candidates for Assessor of Property include Democratic incumbent Timothy (Fud) Banks, Republican John David Foutch, and Independent Sandy C. Brown.
Candidates for school board member in the 5th district are Larry Evans and Incumbent W.J. (Dub) Evins, III, both Independents.
In the 6th district, candidates for the school board are Incumbent Linda Louise Fuston and Bruce Parsley, both Independents.
Constable candidates are Republican Incumbent Reed Edge in the 2nd district, Democratic Incumbent Wayne Vanderpool in the 3rd district, Democrat Paul Cantrell in the 4th district, Democratic Incumbent Mark Milam in the 5th district, Democrat Cantrell Jones in the 6th district, and Democrat Johnny King in the 7th district. All are unopposed. There is no candidate for constable in the 1st district.
The ninth page of the sample ballot includes names of candidates in the City of Dowelltown and City of Liberty elections.
In Dowelltown, Incumbent Mayor Gerald W. Bailiff is unopposed and Aldermen candidates are Incumbent Joe L. Bogle and Elizabeth A. Redmon, also unopposed.
In Liberty, three aldermen will be elected. The candidates are Todd Dodd and incumbents Jerry W. Johnson, Dwight Mathis, and Paul M. Neal.
The tenth and eleventh pages of the sample ballot ask for a “yes” or “no” vote on the retention of two state supreme court judges, William C. Koch, Jr. and Gary R. Wade; two court of appeals judges (middle division), Andy D. Bennett and Richard H. Dinkins; court of appeals (western division), Steve Stafford; court of criminal appeals (eastern division), D. Kelly Thomas, Jr.; and court of criminal appeals (western division), Camille R. McMullen.
The deadline for voter registration in time for the August 7th elections is Tuesday, July 8th and early voting will be held Friday, July 18th through Saturday, August 2nd. Times of early voting have not yet been set.
DCHS Registration set for Incoming Freshmen and New Students
Incoming freshmen students from DeKalb West and DeKalb Middle Schools and their parents are invited to attend Freshmen Orientation Night on Thursday, July 31 at 6:00 p.m. Students will receive their schedules and attend an orientation session with their home room teachers. Students who attend Freshmen Registration night will not be required to attend school on the regular registration day on August 5th
This Orientation Night is only for Freshmen transferring from DeKalb West and DeKalb Middle Schools.
Students new to DeKalb County are invited to registration during regular school hours July 23rd-25th or call for an appointment with the counselor at 597-4094
Meanwhile all high school students who are new to the DeKalb County School System are invited to come by the DCHS guidance office and register July 23-25th from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.
Students new to the school system are strongly encouraged to register during this time to avoid long registration lines during the first week of school and to allow the guidance office staff time to send for your records which will help determine which classes you need to register for.
This registration period is only for students new to the school system and not for freshmen transferring from DeKalb West or DeKalb Middle Schools.
Freshmen students transferring from DeKalb West and DeKalb Middle Schools and their parents are encouraged to attend Freshmen Registration Night on July 31st starting at 6:00 p.m.
Boat Registration Fees Have First Increase In A Decade
The new Tennessee boating registration fees are effective as of July 1, 2008, marking the first increase since 1998, according to Ed Carter, Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency Boating Chief.
Fees for boats 16 feet or less in length will increase $3 to $13 for one year. Fees for boats more than 16 feet to less than 26 feet cost will increase $5 to $25.
While the fee increase becomes effective July 1, boaters will not see the increase until their current registration expires. At the owner’s discretion, boats in Tennessee may be registered for one to three years.
The increase in the registration fees in these categories and other categories of boats represent the increase in the Consumer Price Index since 1998.
Additionally, boats must have a validation decal that must be affixed to the vessel on each side of the boat immediately preceding or following the Tennessee identification number. Vessels with a valid document issued by the United States Coast Guard are not required to display a certificate of number but will display a current validation decal issued by TWRA.
The fee to be collected for issuance of a vessel certificate or number or registration is as follows:
16 feet and under $13 (1 year) $24 (2 years) $35 (3 years)
Over 16 feet to less than 26 feet $25 (1 year) $48 (2 years) $71 (3 years)
26 feet to less than 40 feet $38 (1 year) $72 (2 years) $107 (3 years)
40 feet or more $51 (1 year) $97 (2 years) $142 (3 years)
Consignment (Manufacturers Only) Same fees as lengths and years above.
Dealer/Manufacturer Certificate $32 (1 year) $64 (2 years) $95 (3 years)
Duplicate and Replacement Certificate $6 (1 year)
The Tennessee Wildlife Resources Commission approved the boating fees and regulation changes.
FSA County Committee Nomination Period Underway
Agriculture Secretary Ed Schafer announced farmer and rancher candidate nominations began June 15 for local Farm Service Agency (FSA) county committees.
The nomination period continues through August 1, 2008. Elections take place this fall.
“I encourage all producers to participate in the county committee election process by nominating candidates by the August 1 deadline,” said Schafer. “We are counting on as much participation as possible, because county committees are an important link between the farm community and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. We have seen a trend in recent years of increased nominations of minority and women producers and we hope that will continue.”
According to Donny Green, County Executive Director for the DeKalb County Farm Service Agency, Committees apply their judgment and knowledge to make decisions on county commodity price-support loan eligibility, establishment of allotments and yields, conservation programs, disaster programs, employment and other farm program-related issues. Nationwide, there are more than 7,800 farmers and ranchers serving on FSA county committees.
Committees consist of three to five members who are elected by eligible local producers.
To be eligible to serve on an FSA county committee, a person must participate or cooperate in a program administered by FSA, be eligible to vote in a county committee election and reside in the local administrative area in which the person is a candidate.
Nominees must reside in Local Administrative Area (LAA) # 2 which is described as the area that includes: West of a line where Hwy. 146 crosses the Cannon County line following Hwy. 146 north to Hodges Rd.; thence north to Tabernacle Rd.; following a line from Tabernacle Rd. to Dry Creek Rd.; west of Dry Creek Rd. to Hwy. 70 West; north of Hwy. 70 to Hwy. 96 North (Dale Ridge Rd.); west of Hwy. 96 North to Hwy. 141 (Wolf Creek Rd.);West of Hwy. 141 to Center Hill Dam; thence following the Caney Fork River north/northwest to the Smith County line; thence south of the Smith County line; thence east of the Wilson County line to the Cannon County line; northwest of the Cannon County line back to the intersection of Hwy. 146 and the DeKalb/Cannon County line. LAA # 2 generally covers the following communities in DeKalb County: Alexandria, Liberty, Dowelltown, Snow Hill, Temperance Hall, Dale Ridge, portions of Short Mountain, Dry Creek, Pea Ridge, Wolf Creek, and Lancaster.
Individuals may nominate themselves, or others, as a candidate. In addition, eligible candidates can be nominated by community-based and other organizations in the county where the election is being held before the close of the nomination period, especially groups representing socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers. Nominations and elections are open to all eligible candidates and voters without regard to race, color, religion, nation origin, age, sex, marital status or disability.
The nomination form (FSA-669A) is available at USDA Service Centers and online at: http://www.fsa.usda.gov/pas/publications/elections. For more information about FSA county committees, visit the DeKalb County USDA Service Center or call 615-597-8225, extension 2.
Alexandria Police Arrest Watertown Man on Drug Charge
A Watertown man, already in possession of Xanax pills, got arrested in Alexandria Tuesday night after police learned he showed up at a residence on Avant Circle looking to buy more drugs.
Alexandria Police Chief Mark Collins says 46 year old Jeffrey Lynn Brashears was charged with possession of a controlled substance (Xanax).
According to Chief Collins, Brashears came to the residence on Avant Circle where an alleged drug dealer once lived, looking to purchase more Xanax pills, but learned that the person he wanted to see had moved.
Alexandria Police stopped Brashears on West Main Street after the person who now lives at the Avant Circle residence, called them to report the incident.
Chief Collins says Brashears was in possession of Xanax pills at the time of his arrest and was charged in the case.
Hendrixson, Burger, & White Win Re-election
Incumbent Smithville Mayor Taft Hendrixson and Incumbent Aldermen Stephen White and Cecil Burger have been re-elected to new two year terms after beating their challengers in Tuesday’s Municipal Election.
A total of 963 voted in the election including 684 during early voting and 279 on Tuesday (election day).
Mayor Hendrixson defeated Faye Driver Fuqua 542 (56.75%) to 413 (43.25%).
Alderman Burger led the ticket with 570 votes (34.46%) followed by White with 567 votes (34.28%). Unsuccessful candidates for aldermen were Danny Washer with 409 votes (24.73%) and Alford Webber with 108 votes (6.53%).
Mayor -elect Hendrixson and Aldermen-elect Burger and White will be sworn into office again soon. Their terms officially begin July 1st.
The Mayor and Board of Aldermen consist of Mayor Taft Hendrixson and Aldermen Stephen White, Cecil Burger, Tonya Sullivan, Willie Thomas, and Jerry Hutchins’ Sr.
The positions of Sullivan, Thomas, and Hutchins will be up for election in June 2009.
The vote in the mayor’s race Tuesday breaks down as follows:
Faye Driver Fuqua:
Early Voting-271
Absentees (paper ballots)-39
Election Day-103
Taft Hendrixson:
Early Voting-353
Absentees (paper ballots)-14
Election Day-175
The vote in the aldermen race breaks down as follows:
Cecil Burger:
Early Voting-362
Absentees (paper ballots)-32
Election Day-176
Danny Washer:
Early Voting -276
Absentees (paper ballots) 21
Election Day-112
Alford Webber:
Early Voting-75
Absentees (paper ballots)-9
Election Day-24
Stephen White:
Early Voting- 367
Absentees (paper ballots)-21
Election Day-179
Smithville Police Charge Woman with Theft of Merchandise from Wal-mart
Smithville Police charged a 43 year old woman with theft of property under $500 Sunday after she allegedly stole merchandise from Wal-Mart.
Sharon L. Young of Obie Adcock Road is under a $1,000 bond.
Officer Travis Bryant, in his report, states that “On June 15th at Wal-mart on Highway 70, Sharon Young loaded a shopping cart with groceries and pushed it out the store without paying for them. The items were valued at less than $500. She took the items to her car and began putting them into her vehicle. When confronted by associates, she said she did not have a receipt and then got into the car and left, almost striking two associates with her car as she was attempting to get away. Associates obtained the license plate number from the car, which belonged to a man in Warren County. McMinnville officers went to the man’s address and spoke with him. The man told police that he had loaned the car to Sharon Young, his mother-in-law.”
Young was later arrested and charged in the case.
Meanwhile, 20 year old Britnie K. Stafford of Village Place was charged with child neglect and abuse on June 9th. Her bond is $5,000 and she will be in court June 26th.
Officer Travis Bryant, in his report, states that “Stafford was sleeping on her couch while her two year old child had gone out of the house and crossed the street onto other property unattended. Other officers have responded to this residence several times for the same problem.”
29 year old Michael D. England was charged with theft of property under $500 on June 11th.
Officer Matt Holmes reports that ” On June 11th at Tenneco on Highway 70, England allegedly took boxes of scrap brass and loaded them in a truck in an attempt to take them for his use. The brass was valued at less than $500. The brass was allegedly taken from the plant in a milk crate and placed in England’s truck. Two boxes of brass were found in the back seat of the truck by England’s boss and maintenance coordinator at the plant.” England reportedly told them he just needed the money. England is under a $1,000 bond and he will be in court on the charge July 17th.
19 year old Guerra Castillo Antolin of McMinnville was charged with underage possession and consumption of alcohol on Saturday. His bond is $1,000 and he will be in court June 26th.
Officer Scott Davis reports that after a traffic stop on Broad Street and Tiger Drive, Antolin was found to have an open beer in the vehicle. He also had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. Antolin was a passenger in the vehicle in which the driver was arrested for DUI. Antolin allegedly admitted to drinking two beers..
The driver of the vehicle, Jantes Jeovani was charged with driving under the influence. His bond is $1,000 and he will be in court June 26th.
According to Officer Scott Davis’ report, Jeovani’s vehicle was stopped for erratic driving. He had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. His eyes were also bloodshot. No field sobriety tests were administered because of safety reasons due to the location where he stopped. Jeovani had an open beer in the vehicle and admitted to drinking two to three beers.
25 year olf Clayton A. Moore of Rolling Acres was charged Saturday with driving under the influence. He was also cited for no proof of insurance, no proof of registration, illegal parking, violation of the seat belt law, refusal to sign citations, and resisting arrest. His bond totals $3,500 and he will be in court August 7th.
Police say Moore was operating a motor vehicle and was stopped for reckless driving at Village Place. Moore, who parked in the street, had an odor of an alcoholic beverage on his person. He was unsteady on his feet, and had slurred speech. No field sobriety tasks were performed because he refused to consent. He also refused to submit to a blood test. Moore allegedly refused to comp,y with the officer’s request when told what to do. When officers were putting him into the patrol car, Moore allegedly tried to pull away.
DeKalb County Native New Postmaster For Readyville
Readyville’s new postmaster is now official.
Ceremonies were held Friday for Mindy Versluis, a DeKalb County native. Versluis, a 9 year veteran of the service will replace Wally Cothran. Cothran has retired from the Postal Service.
Readyville residents and family members were in attendance for the ceremony. David Underwood, manager of postal operations administered the oath of office.
(click on picture to get a larger view)
(This story provided as a courtesy of wbry in woodbury)
Pease Arrested on Fugitive from Justice Warrant
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department picked up a man last week on a fugitive from justice warrant who is wanted for questioning in a murder case in Florida.
21 year old Brandon Christopher Pease of Mine Lick Creek Apartments which is located in the Austin Bottom area of DeKalb County, was arrested Tuesday on a fugitive from justice warrant. Sheriff Ray says Pease was picked up because authorities in Marion County Florida wanted him for trespassing in an occupied structure. Pease was also wanted for questioning about a murder in Marion County, Florida. Pease has signed his waivers for extradition and is willing to return to Florida. He is being held under a $10,000 bond in the DeKalb County Jail.
Also on Tuesday, 47 year old Gary Wayne Cantrell of Page Drive Smithville was charged with driving under the influence. Sheriff Ray says a deputy observed Cantrell on Highway 70 East driving in the wrong lane of traffic. After stopping the vehicle, Cantrell was given field sobriety tasks which he performed poorly. Cantrell did admit to drinking beer. Cantrell’s bond was set at $1,000 and his court date is June 26th.
27 year old Jason Ross Frizzell of Maple Street Cookeville was charged Sunday with driving under the influence. Sheriff Ray says Frizzell was pulled over on Highway 56 North. He had apparently passed out under the steering wheel of his vehicle because deputies had a difficult time trying to wake Frizzell. After waking him up, Deputies thought Frizzell seemed confused and he also had a strong odor of alcohol on his person. Frizzell submitted to field sobriety tasks which he failed. He was placed under arrest for DUI and also he was written a citation for an open container of alcohol in his vehicle.