One man was seriously injured in a one car crash Tuesday night on Highway 70 east near Sligo Bridge.
Michael Reid apparently lost control of his car and went off an embankment.
He was later airlifted from the scene by a helicopter ambulance and flown to Vanderbilt University Medical Center with serious head and back injuries.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says a fisherman on the lake heard the crash and reported it around 10:00 p.m.
Officers quickly responded and found where the vehicle had run off an embankment. They soon discovered the car and found Reid hanging onto to a vine to keep from falling off the bluff into the lake.
A deputy helped pull him to a safer place on the embankment until more help could arrive.
Sheriff Ray says he would like to commend the DeKalb County Rescue Squad, County Volunteer Fire Department, and DeKalb EMS who were on the scene within minutes. He says they got to Reid, secured him in a basket, and brought him back up to the top of the hill.
The accident was investigated by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
Category Archives: News
DeKalb County Jail & Annex Meet Standards For Re-Certification
Sheriff Patrick Ray says he is pleased to announce that the DeKalb County Jail and the Jail Annex have both met standards for re-certification by the Tennessee Corrections Institute.
According to Sheriff Ray, “On June 21st, John Hanna, Jr., Detention Facility Specialist for the Tennessee Corrections Institute conducted an inspection and on June 26th, we received our certification for both the DeKalb County Jail and DeKalb County Jail Annex.”
Concerning the DeKalb County Jail, Hanna wrote in the summary of his report that “This facility is run by officers that seem to care about the conditions of the overall jail. I went through the cell areas that did not have evidence of pest or vermin. The medical section had a medical receipt system well established and the kitchen was up to date with the meal plans. I recommend continued certification of this jail.”
As for the DeKalb County Jail Annex, Hanna wrote that “The annex is run similar to the main jail. The physical plant looked clean with no sign of bugs and vermin. I recommend continued certification.”
Sheriff Ray says in spite of a growing inmate population at the jail, his administration has been able to maintain standards for state certification of the jail, while operating under budget. “When I took office on September 1st, there were 73 inmates who were housed at the jail. Since then, we have been housing an average of 95 per day and 113 on the weekends. We currently have 10 females and 85 male inmates incarcerated. We’ve also sent over 40 inmates to the Tennessee Department of Corrections in Nashville since September 1st.”
With the support of his staff and the county commission, Sheriff Ray says improvements have been made to the jail. ” Since September, I have been able to purchase new mats, blankets, and personal care items. We’ve done some painting, plumbing, and electrical work and we had a company come in and re-do some of the cell door locks. We’re also in the process of buying new security cameras for the jail.” All of these projects, he says, have been funded without overspending the budget.
Meanwhile, Sheriff Ray says the Tennessee Corrections Institute has granted approval for the DeKalb County Jail Annex to add 18 beds to the 88 bed facility.
D.A. Says No TBI Investigation Needed In Stufano/Ray Case
The District Attorney General’s Office will not be requesting a TBI investigation into allegations of wrongdoing against Smithville Police Chief Thomas J. Stufano by Roy Ray.
The Smithville Aldermen voted 3 to 1 on Monday, July 16th to place Chief Stufano on administrative leave with pay, pending the outcome of an independent investigation into the Stufano/Ray case. Lieutenant Richard Jennings, the senior ranking officer within the department at the time, was named acting police chief.
Two days after that meeting on Wednesday, July 18th, Mayor Taft Hendrixson sent a written notice to city attorney John Pryor that he was casting a veto of the council’s action. The aldermen were also notified. As a reault of the mayor’s veto, Stufano was reinstated as Police Chief.
The city board is scheduled to meet in regular session again on Monday night, August 6th, at which time the aldermen may consider trying to override the mayor’s veto, which would require a two thirds majority vote, or at least four members of the five member board.
Ray has filed a federal court lawsuit against Stufano and the city claiming his constitutional rights were violated and that he was injured as the result of excessive police force during a misdemeanor traffic stop in February. He is represented by Lebanon attorney Adam Parrish.
In a letter to city attorney Pryor, District Attorney General Pro Tempore Anthony (Tony) Craighead wrote this week that “The District Attorney’s Office will not be requesting a TBI investigation. There are several reasons for this decision.”
Craighead’s letter states that ” First, the TBI’s mission is to investigate criminal activities. That is those cases where a crime has been committed with an eye toward prosecution. I do not see what crime they are being called on to investigate. The incident between Chief Stufano and Mr. Ray has been fully investigated by the City of Smithville Police, and I fail to see what additional information is needed or what crime needs to be investigated. The purpose of the TBI is not to make an investigation into whether a law enforcement officer used proper procedures in making an arrest. That is not it’s job. It appears that is what the City Council needs done, but that does not fall, as I understand, under the parameters of that agency.”
“Second, the City Council or the Police Department did not request or believe there was a need for an investigation until a civil lawsuit was filed some five months after the incident. It appears from our discussion it was only requested when a private attorney, who has filed the lawsuit, appeared before the City Council to suggest some form of investigation. If all these facts were known at the time of the incident and no new facts have emerged, except for the lawsuit, then I am not going to have this office or the TBI drawn into a lawsuit that we have no standing in which to be involved.”
“Finally, after a review of Chief Stufano’s meticulous, detailed report (which I might add, I would enjoy seeing on all law enforcement cases across the district), I do not see what additional information could be gained from a formal TBI inquiry. All the facts are there, all the statements from officers are there, and I am of the opinion there are no new facts that would emerge.”
“If all the facts are as Chief Stufano and his officers state, I do not see any charges that the TBI would need to substantiate.”
“This is a very unfortunate situation; however because someone chooses to sue a police officer does not automatically require a TBI investigation. As in the criminal court, making allegations against someone does not make those allegations true. If the TBI was not requested or needed when the event occurred, I fail to see why they are needed now.”
Second Annual Education Celebration Set for Monday
The Second Annual Education Celebration for DeKalb County has been set for August 6th from 6:00 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. downtown around the courthouse square.
The celebration is being organized by DeKalb County Board of Education Federal Programs Supervisor Michelle Burklow along with committee members Jennifer Mitchell, Angela Johnson, Pamela Poss, Suzette Barnes, Gina Denman, Melissa Pirtle, and Jamie Vickers.
This Education Celebration is nationally known as First Day of School America and is held annually in a lot of the bigger cities in the United States. Since 1997 the First Day Foundation organization has been assisting schools, families and communities to come together for a celebration on the First Day of each new school year to support education and begin a year-long partnership to promote student success. This is also a time that parents and students can become more familiar with the faculty, staff and PTO of the school that they are entering.
The community can support First Day in a number of ways. Community based organizations can provide materials and resources to parents to make them aware of services available to them in the community. Community leaders- mayors, city council members, clergy, businesses, corporate leaders and others can visit the schools and events and show their support. Local businesses partner with schools by donating products, services and volunteers to the First Day Celebration.
All five schools in DeKalb County will have a booth and be displaying a photo board with their staff and their individual credentials. Each school will also be represented by their school’s PTO about what the PTO does and how parents can help. The Lion’s Club Vision Screening van will be available that day for vision screenings, the DeKalb County Health Department will be represented with information, and the Tennessee Voices for Children and many other organizations will be there. There will be refreshments, inflatable jumping balloons and FREE school supplies.
If you would like to help with this event please call Michelle Burklow at 215-2107.
This celebration is totally free of charge to those who attend so make plans now to join the celebration, downtown Smithville on August 6th.
Dr. Cliff Duke
Love Cantrell Funeral Home
Dekalb Telephone Cooperative
DTC Wireless
Middle Tennessee Natural Gas
Federal Mogual Corp
Cumberland Nursery
Dr. David Foutch
Denny Lamp
Janney and Associates
TKEON Orthodontics
DeKalb Community Bank/Wilson Bank and Trust
Vickers Grave Service
Liberty State Bank
Smithville OES—Eastern Star
Danny and Melissa Pirtle
Cohutta water distributed by ABC Ice
Griffin’s Fruit Market
First Assembly of God
First United Methodist Women
Alexandria Church of Christ
Jacobs Pillar
New Home Baptist Church
People’s Missionary Baptist Church
Snow Hill Methodist Church
Smithville Church of Christ
Tabernacle The Baptist Church
Grace Bible Church
New Union Baptist Church
Light House In-Home Ministry
Salem Baptist Church
Keltonburg Methodist Church
Bright Hill Methodist Church
Indian Creek Baptist Church
Real Life Community
St. Gregory’s Catholic Church
Church of the Nazarene
Real Life Community
St. Gregory’s Catholic Church
Covenant Baptist
Smithville Cumberland Presbyterian
Cooper’s Chapel
Johnson’s Chapel
Keltonburg Church of Christ
Elizabeth Chapel
Dowelltown Methodist
Calvary Baptist
Mt. Zion Baptist Church
Dowelltown Baptist Church
Smithville Free Will Baptist
Liberty Hill Presbyterian
First United Methodist
Banks Pisgah Church
Smithville First Baptist Church
Traffic Stop Results in Three Drug Arrests
The DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department made a traffic stop last Wednesday which led to the arrest of three people on drug charges.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says 28 year old Donald Bart of Old Eagle Creek Road Smithville was pulled over on Highway 70 East for a traffic violation and when the deputy asked who he was, Bart gave a fictitious name. Upon further investigation, the deputy learned the man’s real identity. Bart said he gave the deputy a fictitious name because he was wanted in Texas. Bart was also charged with possession of drug paraphernalia after the deputy found a syringe in Bart’s belt line.
Meanwhile, 52 year old Thomas Pavone of Old Eagle Creek Road, Smithville was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and 32 year old Tracy Schunke of Foster Road Smithville was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia and simple possession of a schedule II drug (Dilaudid).
Both Pavone and Schunke were in the vehicle with Bart.
Sheriff Ray says when Pavone was asked to exit his vehicle, he voluntarily gave a syringe to the deputy and Schunke had in her possession a syringe and a half of a Dilaudid pill.
Bond was set at $3,500 for Bart; $1,000 for Pavone; and $2,500 for Schunke. Pavone and Schunke will be in court on August 2nd.
Bart pleaded guilty to his charges on July 26th and received a six month sentence to serve.
Meanwhile, in other another case, 18 year old Anthony Tramel of Oakley Road Liberty was charged with burglary on Thursday.
Sheriff Ray says Tramel went to a residence that had burned in Liberty and broke into a detached garage, but he was unable to steal anything because a witness had caught him in the act.
Bond for Tramel was set at $5,000 and his court date is August 2nd.
43 year old Mateo Perez of Bluff Springs Road, McMinnville was arrested on Wednesday for No Drivers License. Perez was driving a 1998 Jeep Cherokee on Banks Pisgah Road when he lost control of his vehicle while negotiating a curve and hit a ditch. Perez was unable to produce a Valid Drivers License. Bond was set at $1,500 and his court date is August 23rd..
23 year old Nichole Gilley of White Street Smithville was charged with DUI, Driving on a Suspended Drivers License, and No Insurance. While on routine patrol, a deputy noticed Gilley’s vehicle weaving on Highway 56 South. Gilley admitted to the Deputy that she had been drinking and smoking Marijuana. Her bond was set at $3,500.
DeKalb County Fair Draws to Close Saturday Night
If you haven’t been to the DeKalb County Fair this week, today (Saturday) is your last chance.
The week long fair will draw to a close late tonight.
Today’s events are as follows:
A performance of the DCHS Band at 5:00 p.m.; DeKalb Idol Final Competition at 6:00 p.m. followed by a performance by Joanie Compretta at the Lions Club Pavilion; a Horse Shoe Tournament at 3:00 p.m. at the barn; and a Super Tractor and Truck Pull at 7:00 p.m. at the Hilltop Arena. On the Memory Lane Stage, Southern Dream will be performing at 8:00 p.m. The Sympathetic Scarecrow Band, which was scheduled to perform, will be unable to attend.
There will be no cash drawing tonight. All the prize money has been given away.
Rides on the Midway will be provided by the Family Attractions Amusement Company. Unlimited rides will be available for $14.00.
The fair will feature lots of delicious foods and many commercial, agricultural, and women’s exhibits.
Admission to the fair is $3.00 per person. Children under age four will be admitted free! Gates open at 4:00 p.m. Parking is Free!
For more information, call 529-FAIR or visit on-line at or
Toddler Show Winners Awarded at DeKalb County Fair
Winners of the annual Toddler Show were awarded Friday evening at the DeKalb County Fair.
The winners are as follows:
Girls (13 to 18 months)
First Place- Bella Nicole Moser, daughter of Tyson Moser and Melissa Higgins of Smithville
Second Place- Grace Boyd, daughter of Leslie and James Boyd of Smithville
Boys (13 to 18 months)
First Place- Tony Bryson Trapp, son of Amanda and Tony Trapp of Smithville
Second Place- Kaden Trapp, son of Melissa Hart and Nathan Trapp of Smithville
Girls (19 to 24 months)
First Place- Lydia Grace Johnson, daughter of Jason and Crystal Johnson of Smithville
Second Place- Tacoma Nicole Maples, daughter of Bruce and Shondrell Maples of Rock Island
Boys (19 to 24 months)
First Place- Briz Trapp, II, son of Brad and Kim Trapp of Smithville..
Second place- Coen Edward Pipes, son of Jimmy and Brandy Pipes of Brush Creek.
Girls (25 to 30 months)
First Place- Harlee Rae Stanley, daughter of Chris and Dana Stanley of Liberty
Second Place- Carlee Elizabeth West, daughter of Megan West of Smithville
Boys (25 to 30 months)
First Place- Holden Craig Trapp, son of Amanda and Tony Trapp of Smithville.
Second Place- Adan Ramirez, son of Carelis Haynes and Roel Ramirez of Smithville
Girls (31 to 36 months)
First Place- Sophia Angeletti, daughter of Stacy Angeletti of Smithville
Second Place- Jana Faith Tripp, daughter of Jonathan and Beth Tripp of Liberty
Boys (31 to 36 months)
First Place- Ethan Cole Winchester, son of Renee Winchester of Smithville
Girls (37 to 47 months)
First Place- Jaycee Rochelle Johnson, daughter of Shelley and Tim Hearn and Jonathan Johnson of Alexandria.
Second Place- Alley Beth Cook, daughter of Troy and Julie Cook of Alexandria.
Boys (37 to 47 months)
First Place- Dakota Patrick, son of Jessica Patrick and Josh Gunter of Smithville
Second Place- Kasen Johnson, son of Jason and Crystal Johnson of Smithville.
Twins (12 to 47 months)
First Place- Lydia Caroline and Jathon Roth Willoughby. Their parents are Jonathon and Renee Willoughby of Smithville.
Meanwhile, Jo Ann Tramel was the $1,000 cash winner Friday night.
DeKalb County Fair Features Baby Show
Babies from one day to twelve months old were showcased during the annual Baby Show held Thursday evening at the DeKalb County Fair.
The winners are as follows:
Girls (1 day to 3 months)
First Place- Kaitlyn Brooke Summers, daughter of Alisha Root and Matt Summers of Smithville.
Second Place- Madison Gale Byars, daughter of Amy Walker and Cody Byars of Smithville
Boys (1 day to 3 months)
First Place- Jacob Ryan Lawson, son of Tim and Christy Lawson of Smithville
Second Place- Savory Ike Brown, son of Elizabeth Hutson and Matthew Brown of Smithville
Girls (4-6 months)
First Place- Katherine Irene Knowles, daughter of Jared and Karen Knowles of Smithville
Second Place- Addison Grace Miller, daughter of Josh and Amy Miller of Smithville.
Boys (4-6 months)
First Place- Robert Zaxton Grandstaff, son of Marcus and Dianna Grandstaff of Alexandria
Second Place- Alex Lane Lemons, son of Ed and Ashley Lemons of Smithville
Girls (7-9 months)
First Place- Sway Roberts, daughter of Mickie Ritchie and Ralph Roberts of Liberty
Second Place- Katlynn Miranda, daughter of Phillip and Rachel Miranda of Smithville
Boys (7-9 months)
First Place- Jordon Dallas Parker, son of Kendall and Dallas Parker of Smithville
Second Place- Spencer Lee Pipes, son of Jimmy and Brandy Pipes of Brush Creek
Girls (10-12 months)
First Place- Ila Renee Adcock, daughter of David and Shannon Adcock of Smithville
Second Place- Emily Louise Robinson, daughter of David and Linda Robinson of Smithville
Boys (10-12 months)
First Place- Braydon Murphy, son of Michaela and Cody Murphy of Smithville
Second Place- Noah Seth Culwell, son of Jonathon and Hayley Culwell of Smithville
Twins (1 day to 12 months)- Andrew Jackson Dakas and Annabella Eleni Dakas. Their parents are John and Amanda Dakas of Smithville
Meanwhile, Lisa Oakley won the $1,000 cash giveaway Thursday night.
Smithville Police Deal with Despondent Man on Green Acre Drive
Smithville Police this week were summoned to a residence on Green Acre Drive where a man was reportedly despondent and suicidal.
Chief Tom Stufano says “Officers were advised that a despondent man was held up in his residence located at 224 Green Acre Drive in Smithville. 911 dispatchers had received a call from another address on the street that a man was claiming that he was suicidal and would hurt anyone responding. Numerous calls were made back to the original phone number but the resident there stated that the man had left and gone back to his residence.”
According to Chief Stufano, “At approximately 12:30 p.m., Smithville Officers closed down the neighboring streets setting up a perimeter around the man’s residence and negotiations began with the man now known as 55 year old Fred Claspell. Officers used a megaphone from a police car as Claspell did not have a phone in the residence. After almost 20 minutes Claspell came running out of the front of the residence yelling, “Shoot me I want to die, I’ll kill you all”. In his haste Claspell slipped on the front steps falling to the ground. Officers were able to quickly move in to secure him. EMS who had been standing by during the incident was also present. Claspell did not have any weapons on him at the time. Claspell was taken to DeKalb Community Hospital for a cut on his nose and a mental health evaluation. While Officers were closing up the residence they saw numerous types of ammunition, large saber swords and various gun parts near the doorway. Claspell’s daughter was notified and responded to the police station.”
Chief Stufano says ” The Smithville Police Department commends the actions of the neighborhood residents who helped in this incident, so that a successful resolution was found.”
Murray Named Little Miss Princess
Eight year old Mary Elizabeth Murray was crowned Little Miss Princess at the DeKalb County Fair Wednesday night.
Murray is the daughter of Angel Brown and Dwight Murray of Smithville.
She succeeds the retiring 2006 Little Miss Princess, 10 year old Kelsey Sueanna Hedge, daughter of David and Trina Hedge of Smithville.
First runner-up in the pageant was Mallory Dickerson, the eight year old daughter of Terry and Tracy Dickerson of Carthage.
Eight year old Rosa Maria Payne of Alexandria was second runner-up and also named Miss Photogenic.. She is the daughter of Tammy and Randy Payne.
Third runner-up was seven year old Caitlin Tyree, daughter of Josh and Carrie Tyree of Liberty.
Meanwhile, Rick Martin was the winner of the $1,000 cash giveaway Wednesday night.