Two former Cannon County Correctional Officers, 24 year old Jonathan McCormick of Lee Braswell Road, Smithville and 24 year old Christopher Hale of West Main Street, Smithville have been charged in connection with several local burglaries and thefts. Both men worked for former Cannon County Sheriff Kenny Wetzel.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says McCormick was arrested on May 30th for three counts of Burglary, one count of Aggravated Burglary, two counts of theft over $500 and three counts of theft over $1,000. Bond is set at $140,000 . His court date is set for June 21st.
Detectives allege that on May 19th, McCormick entered a house at LaFever Ridge Road, Silver Point that was under construction and took electrical tools valued at $2,600. The tools have since been recovered.
Hale has also been charged with two counts of Burglary, one count of Aggravated Burglary, three counts of theft of property over $500 and two counts of theft of property over $1,000. Bond is set at $410,000 and his court date is June 28th
Detectives allege that on May 10th, McCormick and Hale entered a residence that was under construction on Coconut Ridge Road Smithville and took 300 feet of under ground copper wire and various hand tools valued at $1,110.
Sheriff Ray says McCormick and Hale, on May 14th, entered a residence through a window on Big Rock Road Smithville and took a computer valued at $800. The computer has since been recovered.
Two days later on May 16th, McCormick and Hale entered a house on Seaton Drive, Smithville, that was under construction and took 8 rolls of copper wire that was valued at $600.
The same day, they allegedly took a roll of cooper wire valued at $600 from a company who was doing wiring for the newly constructed dock at Hurricane Boat Dock.
McCormick and Hale also allegedly took 2,000 pounds of copper wire valued at $6,000 from a location on Game Ridge Road Smithville on May 28th.
Meanwhile, on May 30th, John Atnip Jr. of Jacobs Pillar Road Smithville was involved in a hit and run accident on Short Mountain Highway. Atnip lost control of his vehicle, went across the roadway, and struck a utility pole. Atnip then fled the scene. Atnip was later arrested and charged with leaving the scene and violation of his driver’s license. Atnip was placed under a $2,500 bond and his court date is June 28th.
20 year old Ben Pascal of Green Hill Road, McMinnville was arrested on May 30th for theft of property. Sheriff Patrick Ray says Pascal went to visit a friend on South Tittsworth Road , Smithville and stole another visitor’s prescription drugs (10 Oxycontin 20 milligrams). Bond is set a $1,000 and his court date is June 7th.
Meanwhile, on May 30th, deputies from the Sheriff’s Department worked a wreck on Highway 70 West in Liberty.
45 year old Hoyte Neal of West Broad Street, Smithville was west bound on the Nashville Highway. in a 2005 GMC Pickup. Neal failed to negotiate a curve and ran head on into two parked vehicles in a parking lot belonging to Crook’s Auto Sales. Neal’s vehicle also struck the car lot’s office building. Neal was not injured.
On May 31st, 19 year old Kurtis Dykes of Floyd Drive, Smithville was charged with Consumption of alcohol under age 21. Deputies pulled over Dykes’ vehicle in Dowelltown for a traffic violation and found Dykes had been drinking. His bond was set at $1,500 and his court date is June 21st.
Deputies, also on May 31st, worked a motor vehicle accident at the Intersection of Patterson Road and Short Mountain Road. 48 year old Martin Arnold of Wet Mill Creek ,Celina was arrested for DUI and implied consent after deputies found Arnold to be under the influence. Bond was set at $1,500. His court date is June 28th.
On Friday, June 1st, the Sheriff’s Department received a report from Redmon Road, Smithville that a car was stolen. Warrants have been taken on 39 year old James Cargill of St. Louis, Missouri. Cargill was arrested in Long Beach, Mississippi for possession of the stolen vehicle. Cargill will be extradited back to Tennessee shortly to face charges here for theft of property over $1,000.
On Saturday, June 2nd, 18 year old Brandon Hutchings of Young Ridge Road, Sparta was charged with public intoxication and consumption of alcohol under age 21. Deputies were called to Young Ridge Road to answer a disturbance call and found Hutchins in an intoxicated state. Bond was set at $5,000 and his court date is June 28th.
Category Archives: News
Friday Afternoon Blaze Damages Home on Lower Helton Road
DeKalb County and Alexandria Volunteer Firefighters were called to the home of James Anderson on Lower Helton Road Friday afternoon.
Assistant County Fire Chief Roy Merriman says the family was not at home when the fire started. He says a neighbor was on his back porch when he heard an explosion. Upon going to check, the man discovered a fire on the back wall and deck of the Anderson home.
Merriman says speculation is that Freon from a refrigerator on the deck may have ignited causing the explosion.
The neighbor called 911 and tried to keep the fire under control with a hose pipe until firefighters arrived.
Members of the Liberty, Temperance Hall, and Short Mountain Highway stations responded along with mutual aid support from the Alexandria Volunteer Fire Department.
Assistant Chief Merriman says the fire burned through the back wall and into the attic and one corner of the house received extensive damage, but most of the home’s contents were not damaged.
Members of the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department and DeKalb EMS were also on the scene.
Local SCV Group Observes Confederate Memorial Day
While our dead heroes of all wars are remembered and honored on national
Memorial Day and at various Decoration Days at many cemeteries,
Confederate Memorial Day is dedicated to those who served so bravely and
honorably in the cause of Southern Independence 1861 to 1865. Our
Governor has again issued a proclamation in support of honoring those
who served and fought long and hard against great odds.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans, Savage-Goodner Camp of DeKalb County
honored those in a ceremony placing a wreath on the Confederate Monument
at the Court House and at the grave of the Unknown Confederate Soldier in
the Smithville Town Cemetery.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans exists for the purpose of honoring
those ancestors and preserving the TRUTH of our history and their cause
against a malicious campaign of falsification and distortion, not only
against the Confederacy but all of Southern history and culture.
The Sons of Confederate Veterans stands one hundred per cent in favor of
education in TRUTH. The Southern people are the most loyal of American
citizens. Most native Southerners can name ancestors or relatives who
have fought in every war for the past 300 years. We deserve better than
to be vilified and portrayed as inferior in any way. We have every
reason to be proud of our heritage, and thus we salute our ancestors and
honor them at every opportunity, mainly by BEING Southern and proud of
it. We are mindful of the Fifth Commandment in Holy Writ, “Honor thy
father and thy mother”. We abhor the absurdity of the notion of
“generation gap” invented in the 1960s to the great detriment of our
Smithville Aldermen Adopts No New Taxes Budget
The Smithville Board of Mayor and Aldermen Monday night adopted the new 2007-2008 budget on first reading.
The new budget totals $6-million 686-thousand 188 dollars. Under the new spending plan, the property tax rate will remain the same at 68 cents per $100 of assessed value.
The new budget calls for the water and sewer rates to remain the same. City water customers will continue to pay $3.50 for the first one thousand gallons of water usage plus $3.50 for each additional one thousand gallons of usage. Rates for customers outside the city limits are 50% higher. The rate the city charges the DeKalb Utility District is $1.75 per thousand gallons but will increase to $1.80 for January 1st, 2008 sales.
City sewer customers, under the new budget, will continue to pay the flat usage rate of $3.62 plus $3.25 per thousand gallons thereafter.
Water tap fees for customers inside the city limits is $400 for a three quarter inch water line and the sewer tap fee is $400 for a four inch sewer line. If the lines are larger, the fees are cost plus 10%. For customers outside the city limits, water tap fees are $525 for a three quarter inch line and $525 for a four inch sewer line. Again, if the lines are larger, then the fees are cost plus 10%.
The proposed budget calls for city employees with up to four years of service to get their automatic step pay increases as defined in the wage scale plus a 2.7% cost of living increase. City employees with more than four years of service, who have topped out on the wage scale will only get the 2.7% cost of living increase with two exceptions, City Recorder Burnace Vandegriff who is budgeted to receive an increase of about $3,800 making his salary $52,000 a year and Police Chief Tom Stufano, who is budgeted to get about a $7,100 pay raise making his total salary $45,011.
When the fiscal year started July 1, 2006, the general fund was projected to be $714,655 in the red by June 30, 2007, but by eliminating unnecessary spending during the year, city officials say the General Fund will have a surplus of $136,040 by June 30th, 2007.
The General Fund would actually show a surplus of $486,040 by the end of the month, however the cost of operating the city’s sanitation system came to $350,000 this year. Since the city has no garbage collection fee for customers, the general fund must absorb the cost.
City officials are projecting that the general fund will show a deficit of $1,010,863 by June 30, 2008 unless spending can be held in check again during the year. If not, then the city may have to use more of the money from the surplus to balance the budget. The major spending projects include a proposed expansion of the fire hall and upgrades at the airport.
The water and sewer fund, at the beginning of the fiscal year on July 1, 2006, was expected to finish with a deficit of $67,594 by June 30, 2007. The projection now is for the fund to show a surplus of $ 1,771,103. However, the water and sewer fund is expected to finish the new budget year on June 30, 2008 with a deficit of $193,275 unless spending can be controlled.
Proposed capital outlay expenditures in the general fund for the new year come to $1,950,000. Specific projects are as follows: Financial Administration- $7,500 including $5,000 for a computer upgrade and $2,500 unspecified; Parks and Recreation- $15,000 unspecified; Public Works/Buildings and Grounds- $15,000 unspecified; City Hall Building Alteration per ADA- $8,500 including $5,000 for handicapped rehabilitation and $3,500 unspecified; Fire Protection- $900,000 for a proposed expansion of the fire hall; Street Department- $40,000 including $10,000 for downtown beautification and $30,000 unspecified; Police Department- $39,000 including $25,000 for a police car and $14,000 unspecified; Swimming Pool- $10,000 for capital repairs; Airport- $910,000 unspecified; Animal Shelter- $5,000 unspecified; Sanitation Fund- $5,000 and Drug Fund- $5,000 unspecified.
Proposed water and sewer fund capital outlay expenditures include $40,000 for an update of sewer plant equipment, $50,000 for an update of the water plant and engineering fees, and $20,000 for a sewer rehabilitation camera. Debt repayment-principal: bonds- $205,000
Although these capital outlay projects are budgeted, they all may not be funded during the year.
Second and final reading action will follow a public hearing at the next meeting on Monday, June 18 at 7:00 p.m. at city hall.
WJLE Radiothon Planned To Raise Funds for Second Habitat for Humanity Home Here
DeKalb County residents can help make home ownership a reality for a local family with donations to the second Habitat for Humanity Radiothon Fundraiser on WJLE Friday, June 15th from 9 until 12.
Monies raised will be applied toward lot purchase, materials and construction of the second Habitat home on Adams St. in Smithville. “Our goal is to begin construction of a three-bedroom house later this summer,” says Nolan Turner, president of the local Habitat chapter. “In 2005, we raised over $25,000, and we hope to exceed that this year.”
The home will be built for Felicia Gibbs, a divorced single mother, and her children Dasia, 4, and Trystan Seth, 9 months old. Felicia grew up in Alexandria, attended DeKalb West Elementary School, and graduated from DeKalb County High School in 2001. She has been working since she was 15 and is raising her children on her own. They currently reside in Smithville where she is employed by Bumper’s Drive-In Restaurant.
“Felicia and her children have all the qualities we look for in partner families. She is cooperative, humble and eager to work,” says Turner. “I hope everyone who shares our commitment to help those who are less fortunate will support our efforts by contributing to this fundraiser.”
The Gibbs family met criteria used by Habitat to identify the best candidates for successful home ownership: demonstration of need, ability to pay, and willingness to partner with Habitat. Recipients of Habitat-built homes must make a downpayment and put in hours of “sweat equity” before construction can begin. After the house is built, they assume a 20-year interest-free mortgage for the purchase price, based solely on the price of materials and related services. These costs are projected to be in the $40,000 to $45,000 range, with monthly payments ranging between $200 and $300.
Gibbs says this opportunity represents “a dream come true. This is the kind of blessing I’ve prayed for…I am so grateful, excited and eager to get started.”
“Knowing I will own a home provides a feeling of security for me and my children,” she adds. “When I signed the agreement, I felt I was signing for the beginning of my life. I am so thankful to Habitat, everyone who will help make this dream come true and to God. He has been so good to me and my family.”
Radio listeners can phone in a pledge and challenge other members of the community to make a donation by calling 597-4265, 215-5316 and 215-5317 during the Friday morning event. Donations of any amount will be appreciated.
For information on making a pledge or donation, please contact these officers of the Habitat Board of Directors: Nolan Turner, president; Tecia Pryor, vice president and chairperson of the Development Committee, 597-7370; Nancy Lewis, secretary; or Glenda Davis, treasurer. You may also leave a message on the Habitat voicemail at 215-8181 and a board member will return your call.
WJLE Radiothon to Benefit Habitat For Humanity Of DeKalb County Set For June 15th
Habitat for Humanity of DeKalb County recently selected Felicia Gibbs and her children, as its second partner family.
The Gibbs family’s Habitat house will be built on Adams Street in Smithville.
Habitat will be conducting a RadioThon on WJLE on Friday, June 15th from 9:00 a.m. to Noon to raise funds for the construction of this house. Your support is needed to help make the Radiothon successful.
Habitat for Humanity is an ecumenical Christian housing ministry, providing families in need with the opportunity for affordable home ownership.
Volunteers and donors assist in building the homes and Habitat for Humanity sells the homes to the Partner Families at cost with no-interest mortgages.
Anyone wishing to make a donation can call any of these numbers during the radiothon: 597-4265, 215-5316 and 235-5317
Police Make Arrest In Child Assault Case
Smithville Police recently investigated a Domestic Assault and found that the victim was a 4 year old female child.
Chief Tom Stufano says police arrested the 28 year old father of the child who lived in the 100 Block of Village Place in Smithville. Investigators were summoned to the complainant’s sister’s address to be advised of the assault. Once at the scene, Police found that the child had a number of bruises and marks. Contact was made with the father at his address and he was intoxicated. Investigators also discovered that the father had been assaulted by 2-3 other individuals who had left the scene just prior to police response. The subjects were identified and contacted but the father refused to prosecute. The father was subsequently arrested and transported to the DeKalb County Jail under a $5,000 bond.
Chief Stufano did not identify the man charged in the case.
Meanwhile, Chief Stufano says on Saturday, May 26th, Smithville Police arrested 31 year old Christopher Gibbs of 221 Sims Street in Dowelltown for DUI, Driving on a Revoked License 2nd Offense and Sale and Delivery of a Schedule III Drug. Officers responded to a citizen complaint of a possible intoxicated driver at State Route 56 and North Congress Boulevard. Upon contact, Smithville Police observed Gibbs in an intoxicated state and found an open container of beer in the front console. Field sobriety tests were administered and he performed poorly. Gibbs also had (14) Lortabs Pills concealed in cellophane in his pocket. Gibbs was arrested and transported to the DeKalb County Jail under a $9,500 bond.
Chief Stufano says “Smithville Police are ever vigilant for drunk drivers and actively patrol our streets in an effort to identify suspicious activity. The interest and support the community has shown in helping deter crime has shown to make a significant difference in the safety of our neighborhoods.”
Smithville Man Charged with Rape
Smithville Police investigating a complaint of rape have arrested 50 year old Marc Jenkins of 612 South Mountain Street in Smithville for the crime.
Chief Tom Stufano says ” the 30 year old victim, along with another female friend, had gone over to the Jenkins residence on May 25. Shortly after arriving, the victim relayed to her friend and Jenkins that she was not feeling well due to seizures and needed to leave. Jenkins advised the victim that she could lie down in a bedroom and would not be disturbed. The victim awoke in the early morning hours and began screaming, noticing her pants had been removed and finding someone sexually assaulting her.
The victim went to the DeKalb Community Hospital and was then transferred to Cookeville for a further Rape examination.
Investigators arrested Jenkins after he admitted to the sexual assault. He was taken to the DeKalb County Jail. His bond was set at $10,000.
Smithville Police Make Another Arrest in Recent Theft Investigation
Smithville Police Investigators assigned to investigate a lost purse last week ended up charging two people who used the victim’s credit card to purchase and outfit their house with a big screen TV, Surround Sound Stereo System, curtains and a variety of other items.
Detectives initially charged Nicholas Mongello with the theft of the purse.
Chief Tom Stufano says ” Further investigation discovered that Montgello’s roommate was also involved. 23 year old Daniel Rose of 1222 South College Street in Smithville was charged with Criminal Conspiracy after he admitted to escorting Mongello to other area merchants with the intent to defraud. Items were eventually recovered. Mongello was additionally charged with Fraudulent Use of a credit card. Both were taken to the DeKalb County Jail under a $3,500 bond.”
On Sunday May 27th , Smithville Detectives were contacted by the US Secret Service to accompany them to 620 Short Mountain Highway.
Chief Stufano says “Federal agents had received information that a resident of that address had made threats against the President. Further information disclosed that the 62 year old woman being investigated had recently received notification that she would be allowed to visit the White House with other family members. After an hour and a half interview, Federal Agents and Smithville Police concluded that the woman was not a threat, although she had admitted that she had made the verbal threat against the President and had weapons in her house. A family member had phoned the information to the US Secret Service.”
In another investigation, Chief Stufano says a flim-flam may have occurred recently at the Smithville Post Office. A female victim reported that she had run into the Post Office for just a few minutes and upon leaving she was distracted by an unknown white male in his 40’s approximately 6’1″ with a slender build and sporting medium length dirty blonde hair. The subject was wearing a green tee shirt with blue jeans and driving a green Chevy pickup. During the course of the investigation she stated that the conversation was odd as it did not have any specific content. Upon returning to her vehicle the woman found her purse missing. Police are advising that these types of crimes do occur and usually involve 2 to 3 people with distraction techniques.
Chief Stufano says “The Police Department is advising our residents to remain vigilant to suspicious activity and call when they feel something just doesn’t seem right. Smithville Police are committed to investigating any and all crimes committed against our residents and guests.”
Sheriff’s Department Makes Four Drug Cases and One DUI Arrest
Five people have been arrested by the DeKalb County Sheriff’s Department in recent days, four of them on drug charges and one for DUI.
Sheriff Patrick Ray says 38 year old Tina Dorton of Luttrell Avenue was charged with sale and delivery of a schedule II controlled substance (Dilaudid) after selling two pills believed to be Dilaudid to an undercover informant.
In another case, 22 year old Shawn Owens of Sparta was charged with simple possession of marijuana and possession of drug paraphernalia after a deputy checked the Johnson’s Chapel boat ramp site and found Owens lying near the water. The officer also discovered a box containing some marijuana, rolling papers, a pill crusher, and a glass pipe.
Meanwhile, 21 year old Jordan Adams of Game Ridge Road was charged with simple possession of a schedule VI controlled substance (marijuana) and unlawful possession of a schedule IV controlled substance (Xanax) for sale and delivery, after being stopped in his vehicle by an officer on Allen’s Ferry Road.
Sheriff Ray says after the drug dog hit on the vehicle, officers conducted a search and found nineteen Xanax pills hidden in a secret compartment of a 24 ounce water bottle.
18 year old Chase Scharff of Colorado, a passenger of Adams’ vehicle, was charged with possession of drug paraphernalia for having a battery operated pipe.
Officers seized Adams’ vehicle and contacted the Tennessee Department of Revenue for collection of the drug tax.
Finally, 40 year old Terry Cummings of Spencer was arrested for a fifth offense of driving under the influence after he was seen weaving on Highway 70 in his vehicle by a deputy who stopped him and administered a field sobriety test.