McCormick Hires Support Staff For New School Year

Director of Schools Jim McCormick has employed the DeKalb County Support Staff for the 2006-2007 school year.
He presented the list of employees to the Board of Education Thursday night.
Those employed at DeKalb County High School are:
Rachel Bandy-Cook, Cathy Beltz- Educational Assistant, Kathy Chapman-Cook, Billy Colwell-Custodian, Linda Cyphers- Vocational Rehabilitation Secretary, Debbie Eaton- Educational Assistant, Regina Estes- Secretary, Beverly Ferrell- Educational Assistant, Billy Golden- Custodian, Faye Hendrix- Vocational Secretary, Jerry Herman- Custodian, Rita Johnson-Cook, Rita Leichtfuss-Educational Assistant, Debra Magness- Bookkeeper, Melissa McKay- Educational Assistant, Rhonda Merriman-Educational Assistant, Tina Myers- Educational Assistant, Brandy Pack- Educational Assistant, April Patterson- Guidance/Records Clerk, JoAnn Pittman- Custodian, Jo Dean Redmon- Cook, Rob Robinson- Educational Assistant, Linda Sorrell- Educational Assistant, Suzanne Williams- Part Time Cafeteria worker and Debbie Young-Cook.
DeKalb Middle School:
Rita Beshearse- Part Time Library Assistant/Part Time Cafeteria Monitor, Helen Burt- Part Time Cafeteria worker, Helen Cantrell-Cook, Reba Cantrell- Cook, Fay Gilreath- School Bookkeeper, Johnna Goff- Educational Assistant, Connie Haggard- Cook, Truitt Hale- Custodian, Murianna Herman- Custodian, Barbara Hibdon- Cook, Kristy Lasser- Educational Assistant, Samantha Lester- School Secretary, Reba Malone- Custodian, Paulette McDonald- Educational Assistant, Deandrea Miller- Educational Assistant,Lisa Norton- Educational Assistant, and Eldon Vanatta- Cafeteria Manager.
Smithville Elementary School:
Austin Bain-Custodian, Jimmy Barnes- Custodian, Pauline Braswell- Educational Assistant, Cindy Childers- Educational Assistant, Brenda Crook-Educational Assistant, Cathy Driver- Educational Assistant, Barbara Ervin- Cafeteria Manager, Betty Griffith- Educational Assistant, Jean Hayes- Cook, Vickie Jeffries- Educational Assistant, Angela Johnson- Educational Assistant, Natasha Judkins- Educational Assistant, Melinda Lattimore- Educational Assistant, Sara Lomas-Custodian, Patricia Milam- Part Time Cafeteria Monitor/Substitute Custodian, Tina Miller- Educational Assistant, Dori Mooneyham- Educational Assistant, Lisa Pack- Educational Assistant, Freeda Pedigo- Cook, Rhonda Pelham- Secretary/Receptionist, Lori Poss- School Bookkeeper, Julie Pugh- Educational Assistant, Phyllis Reed- Educational Assistant, Brenda Rigney- Part Time Educational Assistant, Debra Rowland- Educational Assistant, Thomas Trammell-Part Time Custodian, Tammy Tyler- Cook, Annie Walker- Educational Assistant, Celia Whaley- Educational Assistant, Judy Wilson-Cook, and Rita Young-Educational Assistant.
Northside Elementary:
Faye Adkins-Custodian, Vickey Atnip- Educational Assistant, Charles Ayers- Custodian, Tracy Baker- Educational Assistant, Suzanne Bradford- Educational Assistant, Janice Bratcher- Cook, Nancy Burger- Cook, Gail Crips- Secretary, Ervil Cubbins- Educational Assistant, Regina Daw- Cafeteria Manager, Rebecca Ervin- Cook, Starr Ferrell-Educational Assistant, June Gilbert- Cook, Phyllis Hallum- Educational Assistant, Dena Haugh- Educational Assistant, Thelma Martin- Educational Assistant, Angie Moore-Educational Assistant, Deanna Page- Cafeteria Monitor/Part Time Cafeteria Worker, Diane Trapp- School Bookkeeper, Kim Violet- Custodian, and Jean Young- Educational Assistant.
DeKalb West School:
Holly Bain-Educational Assistant, Betty Boss- Educational Assistant, Brenda Beth Cantrell-Educational Assistant, Donna Crook- Cook, Dorothy Duggin-Custodian, Tena Edward- Educational Assistant, Pauline Frazier- Custodian, Mattie Frazier-Custodian, Lisa Hale- Educational Assistant, Donna Hale- School Bookkeeper, Donna Hendrix- Cook, Shelby Jennings- Educational Assistant , Melinda Miller- Part Time Cafeteria worker, Faye Nixon-Cook, Roenia Turner- Half Time Library Assistant and Lunch Room Monitor, Jalene Vanatta- Educational Assistant, Jamie Vickers- Secretary, Jeanette West-Cook, and Georgia Young-Cafeteria Manager.
County Wide Positions:
Chandra Adcock- School Nurse, Rena Adcock- Substitute Cafeteria Worker, Jennifer Agee- Educational Assistant, Gabina Alfaro- English Second Language Assistant, Cynthia Armour- Substitute Cafeteria worker, Jenean Bain- Bus Assistant, Dwayne Carlton- Part Time Grounds, James Carroll- Substitute Custodian, Betty Cooper-Substitute Cafeteria worker, Bettye June Dodd- Bus Assistant, Sharon Farler- School Nurse, Greg Frasier-Computer Technician, Melissa Fuson- Substitute School Nurse, Theresa Garrison-Part Time Occupational Therapist, Billy Golden- Maintenance worker, Rhonda Harpole- Library Assistant/Half Time at Smithville Elementary School and Half Time at Northside Elementary School, Terry Hicks- Maintenance worker, Earl Jared-Maintenance Supervisor, Freda Johnson- Substitute Bus Assistant, Mary Joines-Bus Assistant, Eddy Roy Judkins- Maintenance Worker, Helen LaFever- Substitute Cafeteria worker, Edith Lasser- Physical Therapist Assistant, Angela Lawson- Substitute Bus Assistant, Francis Mahler- Substitute Cafeteria worker, Tammy Maynard- Substitute Cafeteria worker, Teresa Miller- Secretary/Bookkeeper Central Office, Jenny Montgomery- Substitute Cafeteria worker, Tera Mooneyham- English Second Language Assistant- Brad Mullinax- Technology Director, Jean Neal- Bus Assistant, Shirley Ours- Special Education Secretary, Melissa Pirtle- Food Service Bookkeeper, Jo Dean Redmon- Part Time Custodian, Brian Reed- Alternative School Assistant, Jennifer Roller- Substitute Cook, Oneita Storey- School Attendance Secretary, Jewell Tate-Part Time Custodian, Ricky Todd- Substitute Custodian, Kimberly Turner-School Nurse, Cindy Twilla- Bookkeeper/Payroll Central Office, Barbara Vanatta and Margaret Vanatta- Substitute Cafeteria Workers, and Elizabeth Westveer- Deaf Interpreter.
Shane Cook- Transportation Supervisor, James Wilkerson- Mechanic, and Peggy Pursell- Part Time Secretary.
The following are bus drivers: Harold Ashford, Karen Adkins, Dwayne Cantrell, Dinah Cripps, Elaine Davis, Debbie Eaton, Julie Fayette, Marshall Ferrell, Starr Ferrell, Julie Fitts, Linda Fowler, Bill Fowler, Lynn Griffith, Judith Hale, Melissa Hicks, Kimberly Lawson, Jerry Lawson, Bobby Martin, Ronald Merriman, Jimmy Mullican, Jack Patterson, Walter Phillips, Faye Pollard, Jimmy Poss, Tony Poss, Peggy Pursell, J.T. Pursell, Juanita Salazar, Vickie Simpson, Bobby Taylor, Mark Violet, Suzanne Williams, and Melvin Young.
Substitute bus drivers are: Danny Bond, Shawna Harper, Ricky Hendrix, Daniel Lawson, Angela Lawson, Christina Tacy, Annette Vanatta, and Jamie Vickers.
Meanwhile, in his monthly personnel report to the school board Thursday night, Director McCormick has employed the following people for the 2005-2006 school year as substitute teachers: Lorrie Evans, Misty Franklin, Leanne Frasier, Franque Lawrence, Lori Manns, Cody Martin, Adrienne McCormick, Billy Neal, Sandra Phillips, Jeania Poss, Elizabeth Redmon and Thomas Stufano.
Jennifer Griffith, a teacher at Northside Elementary School, has been granted a leave of absence as requested.
The following have either retired or resigned:
Leah Magness, teacher at Northside Elementary School, resigned; Jason Stanton, teacher at DeKalb County High School, resigned; Johnny Williams, custodian at DeKalb County High School, resigned; Bonnie Rigsby, educational assistant at DeKalb Middle School, resigned; and Carolyn Mullinax, teacher at DeKalb West School, retiring at the end of the school year.
Special Education Summer School Personnel:
Jane Parsley, Tonya Perry, Betty Parris, and Louise Owen as teachers; and Dori Mooneyham, Tina Miller, Tracey Baker, Melissa McKay, Cathy Beltz, and Linda Sorrell as educational assistants.

Jan Alexander Named DeKalb County Teacher of the Year

The DeKalb County Teacher of the Year is Jan Alexander.
John Isabel, President of the DeKalb County Education Association, made the announcement during Thursday night’s Board of Education meeting at the high school cafeteria.
A Teacher of the Year is selected at each of the five schools and one of them is chosen DeKalb County Teacher of the Year.
Alexander was named Teacher of the Year at DeKalb Middle School.
Isabel also recognized the other Teachers of the Year including Harriet Cantrell at DeKalb County High School, Teresa Bogle at DeKalb West School, Jan Thomas at Smithville Elementary School, and Lisa Bell at Northside Elementary School.
Carol Hendrix, Supervisor of Instruction, recognized the retiring teachers who each have dedicated many years of service to the DeKalb County School System and the children of the county.
The retirees honored include Tommy Alexander from DeKalb County High School, Carolyn Maynard from Smithville Elementary School, Teresa Bogle from DeKalb West School; and Carolyn Mullinax from DeKalb West School.
Director of Schools Jim McCormick also recognized Cathy Frazier, Supervisor of Special Education, who has also retired.
Mary Nelle Summers honored five cafeteria staff who are retiring this year including Jennie Foster, a cook at Smithville Elementary School; Jean Cook, a cook at DeKalb West School; Frances Haggard, Betty Malone, a cook at Northside Elementary School, and Sarah Tramel, cafeteria manager at DeKalb County High School.
Earl Jared, Maintenance Supervisor, recognized two retiring employees, James “Doober” Miller, maintenance worker; and Lynn Colwell, maintenance worker/bus driver.
Carol Hendrix also honored the newly tenured teachers including Joseph Agee, Joseph Ruch and Peggy Semmes from the DeKalb Middle School, Penny Bilyeu and Sonya House from the DeKalb County High School, Amanda J. Franklin and Jennifer C. Rice from the Smithville Elementary School, Tad Webb, Leah Cantrell Magness and Tonya Perry from the Northside Elementary School and Melanie Molander from DeKalb West School.
A reception was held after the meeting for the retirees, tenured teachers, and the Teachers of the Year.

DCHS Graduation Set For Friday Night

A total of 154 students at DeKalb County High School will receive their diplomas during graduation exercises Friday, May 19 at 8:00 p.m. on the high school football field.
The program will feature remarks by the Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Class President, and Principal. The prestigious White Rose and Citizenship Awards will also be presented to three outstanding members of the class.
The high school chorus will be featured and the high school band will perform the processional and recessional.
The honor students will also be recognized.
Elise Cantrell is the Valedictorian and Kheela Blair is the Salutatorian. Both have a grade point average of 4.0.
In addition to Cantrell and Blair, students earning Highest Distinction with a 4.0 grade point average include Shane Baker, Charles Cox, Courtney Curtis, Samantha Emerson, Justin Hooper, Kirk Michaels, Jacob Norton, and Caitlin Robinson. Others earning Highest Distinction and their grade point averages are Ben Malone-3.96, Jessica Ingram-3.93, Malea Adamson-3.92, Daniel Alexander-3.89, and Kealah Curtis-3.80.
Students earning High Distinction and their grade point averages include Kevin Colvert- 3.62, Ashley Craver-3.60, Christen Hale- 3.75, Caleb Hendrix- 3.60, Sarah Jared- 3.67, Sean Leiser-3.71, Paige Preston- 3.66, Keitha Pryor- 3.64, Johnathon Puckett- 3.62, Krista Puckett-3.68, Cody Randolph- 3.75, Whitney Rice- 3.61, Kris Robinson- 3.70, Matthew Taylor- 3.68, Ashley Underhill- 3.64, Susan Willis- 3.66, and Aaron Young-3.64.
Students earning Distinction and their grade point averages are Alexandra Adcock- 3.22, Amy Adkins- 3.20, Paige Bass- 3.31, Alesha Billings- 3.30, Ashley Bowling- 3.34, Shelly Braseel- 3.55, Steven Cantrell- 3.20, Tara Cantrell- 3.42, Bethany Davis- 3.53, Zachary Fuson- 3.28, Amanda Green- 3.37, Devin Hale- 3.59, Josh Hendrixson- 3.48, Nicole Linn- 3.57, Andrew Nunley- 3.34, Lourdes Quezada- 3.57, Josh Ramsey- 3.28, Sarah Randolph- 3.29, Amanda Scott- 3.44, Kathy Scott- 3.37, Bethany Sims-3.58, Matthew Sorrell- 3.25, Kristen Stickland-3.57, Elicia Taylor- 3.46, Tiffany Waggoner-3.25, and Corey Williams-3.28
Members of the Class of 2006 at DeKalb County High School are:
Jessica Adams, Malea Ashley Adamson, Alexandra Paige Adcock, Eric Randall Adcock, Amy Dawn Adkins, Brittany Nicole Alack, Joseph C. Aldridge, James Daniel Alexander, Jillian Bridget Atnip, Randi Renee Atnip
Kalah Elaine Bailiff, Shane Allen Baker, Lee Roy Barajas, Tiffany Carol Barrett, Paige Allessandra Bass, Robert O. Beavers, Chase Belcher, Alesha Candace Billings, Bobby Ray Blackford, Kheela Nichole Blair, Kimberly Ann Blanchfield, Joshua Denton Bowers, Ashley Nicole Bowling, Chase Bradford, Shelly Nichole Braseel, Brandon Wayne Brooks, Alexander Wayne Brown, Erika Sarah Brown, Riley A. Bullard, Chris Burke, Cody Franklin Byars
Micheal Darin Caldwell, Mark Cameron, Carl Ray Cantrell, Elise Jessica Cantrell, Jacob Lee Cantrell, John Cantrell, Justin Andrew Cantrell, Steven Andrew Cantrell, Tara Regina Cantrell, Shayna Nicole Close, Kevin Norris Colvert, Brandi Nicole Colwell, Stephanie Corriea, Charles Wesley Cox, Ashley Michelle Craver, Emily Crook, Jeremy Brandon Crook, Allen Robert Crotty, Micheal Anthony Crowell, Courtney Lee Curtis, Kealah Deanne Curtis
Lindsey Paulette Davenport, Bethany Kay Davis, Jared Purnell Davis, Courtney Danielle Decker, Samantha Devault
Samantha Nicole Emerson, Janda Arielle Emmons
Andrew Ferris, Kalee Erin Finley, Derrick Byron Fitts, Zachary Lee Fuson
Nathan Ray Gard, Rachel Michelle Goodwin, Brandon Michael Gray, Amanda Gayle Green, Juan Ricardo Gutierrez
Christen Ashley Hale, Devin Caldwell Hale, Leroy Hale, Leslie Cleo Harrison, Caleb Andrew Hendrix, Cory Ryan Hendrixson, Joshua Ryan Hendrixson, Claudet Delrocio Hernandez, Daniel Wayne Holmes, Justin Davis Hooper
Jessica Ingram, Sara Lee Jared
Orlando Jamal Johnson
Jonathan Bryan Keith, Cory Adam Killian
Jessica Lane, Jason M. Lattimore, Sylvia Lattimore, Leslie Lawrence, Mollie Lawrence, Zackery Wade Lay, Sean Allen Leiser, Yessica Leon, Nicole Dee Linn, Amanda Jean Lombardi, Ashley B. Long
Benjamin Tyler Malone, Kevin James Maloney, Miranda Kaye Maple, Kelly McKeown, Kirk Andrew Micheals, Seirra Kasey Miller, Shane Allen Miller, Amanda Louise Moore, Tiffany Gayle Morgan
Jacob Colby Nokes, Sasha Danielle Nokes, Benjamin Nolt, Jacob Ryan Norton, Andrew Stephen Nunley
Joshua Allen Odom, Charles Matthew Olson
Ronak Narendra Patel, Roy Jacob Pedigo, Gary Christopher Ponder, David Kalahan Potter, Melanie Paige Preston, Keitha Mechelle Pryor, Johnathon David Puckett, Joshua Puckett, Krista Nichole Puckett
Lourdes Quezada
Joshua Keith Ramsey, Cody Chance Randolph, Sarah Beth Randolph, Julie Dianne Ray, Joshua Van Reed, Paige Lauren Reeder, Whitney Nicole Rice, Caitlin Denise Robinson, Kristopher Anthony Daniel Robinson
Tiffany Ann Satterfield, Amanda Jo Scott, Kathy Jane Scott, Jessica Lee Shehane, Bethany Lynne Sims, Josalyn Zan Sisk, Matthew Barham Sorrell, Kristen Meredith Strickland, Jodee Leigh Stults
Elicia Kaye Taylor, Matthew Ryan Taylor, Nicholas M. Taylor, James Russell Teuteberg, James Tramel
Ashley Rebekah Underhill
Justine Marie Vaughn, William Thomas Vaughn
Tiffany Waggoner, Samantha Sueann Walker, Joseph Travis Wann, Joseph Loye Webster, Tom Webster Jessica Leeann West, Amy Nichole Williams, Corey Dana Williams, John Lucas Williams, Susan Danielle Willis
Aaron Wilson Young
Alex Zimmerman

School Board Seeks Property Tax Hike To Fund New Budget

The Board of Education will be asking the county commission for a tax increase of from thirteen to twenty three cents to help fund the 2006-2007 general purpose and food service budget.
The school board adopted the tentative budget Thursday night.
Two options are being proposed for the county commission’s consideration.
Under the first option, the school board proposes expenditures of $15, 880, 490 which is $1,190,133 more than proposed revenues of $14, 690, 357 ( including $950,000 appropriated from the Local Option Sales Tax Fund/Sinking Fund)
The board proposes to use $750,000 of the fund balance/reserves and reducing expenditures, but under this plan $440,133 in new money would be needed, requiring a thirteen cent tax increase for schools.
Under the second option, the school board still proposes expenditures of $15,880,490, which is $1,540,133 more than proposed revenues of $14,340,357 (including $600,000 appropriated from the Local Option Sales Tax/Sinking Fund)
The board proposes to use $750,000 of the fund balance/reserves and reducing expenditures, but under this plan $790,133 would be needed in new money, requiring a twenty three cent tax increase for schools.
The Tentative School Budget proposes the following extras:
A 2% salary increase for certified staff; degree advancement for certified staff; an increase in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement Rate for Certified Staff to the new rate of 6.13%; benefits matching increased for certified and support staff; health insurance increased for certified staff and support staff; a 2% salary increase for support staff/step increases as per salary scale; an increase in the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement Rate for Support Staff to the new rate of 5.18%; an increase in school attendance clerks to 11 month positions; add another Central Office attendance clerk position at 10 months; increase the salary of a Computer Technician by $5,000; increase funds for textbooks; increase funds for utilities (electric and natural gas); increase funds for fuel (diesel and gasoline); Regular Capital Outlay 300,000; and Special Education Teacher positions as required (3).
The tentative budget will be presented to the Budget committee of the County Commission for consideration.

DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department Receives Equipment Grant

The DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department will receive a $17,914 U.S. Department of Homeland Security equipment grant, U.S. Representative Bart Gordon announced today.
“Many communities struggle to maintain fire-protection services”, said Gordon, a member of the Congressional Fire Services Caucus. “Even though demands on firefighters have increased tremendously over the years, the resources they depend on to provide their life-saving services have not”.
“That’s why Congress initiated the Assistance to Firefighters Program, which is similar to the highly successful COPS program that put more than 100,000 new police officers on the nation’s streets.”
Fire Chief Donny Green said the grant will provide the 77-member department with a set of new equipment and will enable them to perform all types of rescues.
“With this equipment, our firefighters will have the capability to rescue entrapment victims, as well as victims involved in farm-related accidents,” Green said.
Homeland Security awarded the grant through the Commercial Equipment Direct Assistance Program, which provided smaller law enforcement and emergency responder agencies with equipment items that will enhance and support regional response, mutual aid and interoperability of responder equipment.

City Board Votes To Buy Drug Dog For Police Department

The Smithville Board of Mayor and Aldermen Monday night voted to purchase a certified drug dog for the police department from a vendor in Miami, Florida at a cost of $7,500.
Police Chief Gus Clemente says the dog will be used in investigations to search for a variety of drugs.
Chief Clemente says while the dog will be certified, the officer who works with the animal will have to receive some training.
In other business, Jimmy Lewis, operator of the Smithville Golf and Swim Club, is asking the city board to reduce his rent from $2,500 to $1,000 per month in consideration for his making major improvements to the irrigation system at the golf course.
Lewis, with his former partner Darryl Counts, was granted a five year extension of his lease agreement along with a five year renewal option only a few months ago. In that amended agreement is a clause that says “the tenant has committed itself to expend the sum of one hundred thousand dollars in order to dig a second well, to install a sprinkler system for the fairways, and to purchase golf carts”.
Under the previous agreement with the city, Lewis had the golf course and swimming pool leased until 2012 at a rate of $2,500 per month. Under the amended agreement, Lewis was granted an extension of his lease through 2017 at the same rate of $2,500 per month, with a five year renewal option. The monthly rate can be renegotiated in 2017.
Lewis says he has already spent a great deal of money on the golf course and swimming pool and he now needs some help from the city.
Lewis says the volume of water needed to supply water to all the fairways cannot be supplied by the well that now exists and that two new wells are required. He says the holding pond that the golf course now has does not have the capacity to hold the volume of water needed so it will need to be enlarged or a new pond will have to be dug.
Lewis wants a reduction of $1,500 per month in his rent for sixty eight months until the irrigation improvement project is paid off, starting in June, 2006 through January 2013.
City aldermen asked Lewis to obtain more bids on the proposed project and they would consider his request at the next meeting on Monday, June 5th at 7:00 p.m. at city hall.

Woman Severely Burned After Apparently Smoking In Bed

A 62 year old resident of Fiddler’s Manor Apartments on Walker Drive was airlifted to Erlanger Hospital in Chattanooga Sunday morning with severe burns after apparently smoking in bed .
The name of the woman is being withheld pending notification of her family.
Detective Sergeant Chris Russell of the Smithville Police Department says Officer Marcus Caldwell responded to the call around 11:00 a.m. The Smithville Volunteer Fire Department was also summoned to the scene.
Upon arrival, Officer Caldwell and another resident found smoke coming from under the door of the woman’s apartment. Caldwell forced open the door and found the apartment filled with smoke. The woman was in the bathroom and she had suffered severe burns on her head, back, and the sides of her body.
Officer Caldwell removed the woman from the apartment. She was treated at the scene by DeKalb EMS and airlifted from the parking lot of Smithville Elementary School by a Life Force Helicopter Ambulance and flown to Erlanger Hospital.
The other sixteen residents of the apartment complex were evacuated from the building as a precaution, but no one else was injured.
Detective Sergeant Russell says the preliminary investigation is that the woman may have been smoking in bed and either caught her clothing or some other cloth material on fire. Authorities believe she had gone from the bedroom to the bathroom in an attempt to extinguish the fire.
The woman’s apartment apparently received little or no fire damage, and no other apartment was affected by the fire.

Relay For Life Huge Success

Hundreds gathered at Green Brook Park Friday night for the annual Relay for Life fund raiser sponsored by the DeKalb County Unit of the American Cancer Society and the event has generated more than $97,000.
There was plenty of food for sale, games for kids, a male beauty contest, a candle light illumination ceremony, a cancer survivors walk, and more, all in an effort to raise money to find a cure for cancer.
Iva dell Randolph says this year’s goal of $100,000 was almost met with still some more money yet to come in. “As of Saturday morning, we had collected and deposited in the bank, $97,562. We want to thank everyone for their support.”
SW Manufacturing’s team raised $7,426, more than any other team. Smithville Elementary School had the best decorated camp, and K & M Jewelry was recognized for having the Most Spirit.
Mark “Kitty” Violet was the winner of the male beauty contest.

Scholarships Awarded To Fifty Three Students At DCHS

Fifty three members of the Class of 2006 at DeKalb County High School received scholarship awards during Friday’s annual Senior Awards Day program.
Colleges, universities, businesses, civic groups, and other organizations presenting awards and their recipients are as follows:
Tennessee State University:
Four year $36,000 Minority Scholarship- Keitha Pryor
Middle Tennessee State University:
$1,000 Raider Scholarship-Paige Reeder
$5,000 Neill Sandler Scholarship- Bethany Davis
$6,000 Four year Provost Scholarships- Charles Cox, Justin Hooper, Shane Baker, and Sean Leiser
$12,000 Academic Service Scholarships- Samantha Emerson, Ben Malone, and Jacob Norton
Tennessee Tech University:
Athletic Scholarship to play golf- Tara Cantrell
$16,000 Four year Academic Scholarship & $1,000 College of Engineering Scholarship- Kirk Micheals
Valedictorian Scholarship/ Human Ecology Department (Martin and Lorraine Peters Endowed Scholarship $2,500 per year)- Elise Cantrell
$8,000 Golden Eagle Diversity Residential Life Scholarship- Jessica Ingram
$4,000 Legacy Scholarship- Aaron Young
$3,500 Science Fair Scholarship- Zachary Fuson
$1,000 College of Business Administration Louise N. Taylor Endowed Scholarship- Kheela Blair
Tennessee Technology Center at Livingston:
Academic Scholarships- Benjamin Nolt and Samantha Walker
Vol State Community College:
$1,500 Division Academic Service Scholarship- Corey Williams, Samantha Walker, and Caitlin Robinson
Cumberland University:
$2,500 per year Academic Scholarship- Bethany Sims
Academic Scholarship- Paige Bass
University of Tennessee at Knoxville:
$1,500 per year University Scholarship- Daniel Alexander
$3,000 per year Volunteer Scholarship- Courtney Curtis
U.S. Army:
$37,144 Montgomery GI Bill Award- Matthew Sorrell
U.S. Marine Corps:
$36,000 Scholarship- Alesha Billings
Distinguished Athlete Awards- Ben Malone and Tara Cantrell
Scholastic Excellence Award- Elise Cantrell
Motlow State Community College:
$4,000 Academic Service Scholarships- Joshua Hendrixson and Sara Jared
Tennessee Titans:
$1,200 Community Service & Leadership Scholarship- Ben Malone
DeKalb Hospital:
$1,000 Scholarship- Christen Hale
Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship (Caney Fork Chapter)- Malea Adamson
Smithville Women’s Club:
$500 Scholarships- Paige Preston and Malea Adamson
Lucille Stewart Memorial:
$2,000 Scholarships- Jacob Nokes and Cody Randolph
Matthew McAfee Memorial:
$2,000 Scholarship- Ashley Underhill
DeKalb Foundation for Education:
$500 Scholarship- Kristen Strickland
Kenny and Kyle Robinson Memorial:
$1,000 Scholarship- Paige Reeder
DeKalb County Scottish Rite:
$1,000 Scholarship- Janda Emmons
Eddie Crips Memorial:
$1,000 Scholarship- Janda Emmons
Liberty State Bank:
$1,000 Scholarships- Kealah Curtis and Kheela Blair
Chris Lawson Memorial:
$500 Scholarship- Kristen Strickland
Pizza Inn/Bumpers Drive-In :
$1,000 Scholarship- Kristen Strickland
Charlene Morrison Johns Memorial Senior Achievement Award for Excellence:
$500 Award- Susan Willis and Jacob Norton
DeKalb Funeral Chapel:
$500 Scholarships- Bethany Davis and Janda Emmons
Love-Cantrell Funeral Home:
$500 Scholarships- Whitney Rice, Zachary Fuson, and Chase Bradford
Allen Hooper Memorial:
$500 Scholarship-Corey Williams
DeKalb Farmers Coop:
$500 Scholarship- Aaron Young
DCHS Class of 1966:
$500 Scholarship- Whitney Rice
AmSouth Bank:
$500 Scholarship- Amanda Green
Smithville Rotary Club:
$500 Scholarships- Paige Reeder and Krista Puckett
$100 Math Award- Charles Cox
$100 Vocational Award- Sarah Randolph
DeKalb Retired Teachers Association:
$500 Scholarships- Jason Lattimore and Josh Odom
Smithville Business & Professional Women’s Club:
$500 Scholarships- Tiffany Nicole Waggoner and Janda Emmons
Leadership DeKalb Alumni Association:
$500 Scholarship- Daniel Alexander
DeKalb Republican Women:
$500 Scholarship- Kris Robinson
Agee Oil Company:
$1,200 Scholarship- Daniel Alexander
Amvets Post #101:
$250 Scholarship- Zack Lay
Amvets Post #101 Ladies Auxiliary:
$250 Scholarship- Josh Ramsey
DeKalb County Fire Fighters Association:
$250 Scholarships- Elicia Taylor, Whitney Rice, and Ashley Underhill
DCHS Class of 1969:
$250 Scholarship- Kevin Colvert
Elzie & Nell McBride Memorial:
$500 Scholarship- Jacob Norton
DeKalb County Soil Conservation District:
$500 Scholarship- Zachary Fuson
DCHS Student Council:
$250 Scholarship- Janda Emmons
Studio Six Photography:
$200 Scholarships- Ashley Underhill and Nicole Linn
Two students, Shane Miller and Jacob Norton, received awards for perfect attendance during their four years at DCHS.
Two teachers, Betty Paris and Joey Reeder, were also recognized for perfect attendance this year.
Harriett Cantrell was named DCHS Teacher of the Year as selected by the faculty.
The Tennessee Scholars is a recognition program that encourages students to take a more rigorous and challenging course of study in high school. It is a partnership between the school district, County Mayor’s office, the education committee of the Chamber of Commerce, the State Department of Education, Tennessee Chambers of Commerce and Industries, and the Tennessee Business Round Table.
The Tennessee Scholars have met a rigorous program of study, which includes advanced math, science and technical classes, have maintained a good record of discipline and attendance and have completed at least twenty hours of community service.
The following students from DCHS are this year’s Tennessee’s Scholars: Daniel Alexander, Tara Cantrell, Courtney Curtis, Samantha Emerson, Janda Emmons, Kalee Finley, Amanda Green, Justin Hooper, Jessica Ingram, Sara Jared, Nicole Linn, Ben Malone, Jacob Norton, Lourdes Quezada, Cody Randolph, Caitlin Robinson, Kris Robinson, Amanda Scott, Kathy Scott, Bethany Sims, Matthew Taylor, Ashley Underhill, Corey Williams, Susan Willis, and Aaron Young.
Other senior awards and the recipients are as follows:
Senior Band Awards: U.S. Marines “Semper Fidelis”- Josh Hendrixson; Outstanding Senior Musician- Corey Williams; Most Improved Senior Musician- Kathy Scott; Most Dedicated Senior Band Student- Zach Fuson; Outstanding Color Guard Member- Samantha Emerson.
Outstanding FCCLA Seniors- Amy Williams and Susan Willis.
U.S. Marines Scholastic Excellence Award- Elise Cantrell.
Distinguished Athlete Awards- Ben Malone and Tara Cantrell
Economics Award for Outstanding Achievement- Courtney Curtis and Daniel Alexander
Government Award for Outstanding Achievement- Ben Malone and Malea Adamson
Advanced English IV- Shane Baker and Kirk Michaels
English IV- Alesha Billings and Lulu Quezada
Art- Erica Brown and Nicole Linn
Health Science Education- Shane Baker
Forensic Science Academic Achievement- Kristen Strickland and Corey Williams
Theatre Arts Best Actress- Susan Willis; Theatre Arts Best Supporting Actress- Ashley Craver and Kathy Scott; Theatre Arts Best Supporting Actor-Cody Byars; Theatre Arts Best Animated Character- Amy Williams.
Student Council Vice-President- Zach Fuson; Student Council Treasurer- Sean Leiser; Student Council Senior Members- Jacob Norton, Janda Emmons, Ben Malone, Amy Adkins, Ashley Craver, Bethany Davis, Jessica Ingram.
Overall Business Award- Kris Robinson
Yearbook Awards: Co-Editors- Elise Cantrell and Keitha Pryor; Business Manager- Shane Miller; Features Editor- Matthew Taylor.
Most Improved Math Student- Ricardo Gutierrez
Math Award- Jessica West
Database- Andrew Nunley and Ryan Taylor