City Recognizes Pool Lifeguards

The Smithville Mayor and Alderman Monday night paid tribute to lifeguards at the Municipal Swimming Pool for their work in helping keep the pool and its patrons safe this summer.
Tony Poss, operator of the pool and golf course, said the lifeguards did an outstanding job and he thanked them and city officials for their support of the lifeguards this year.
Certificates of appreciation on behalf of the city were presented by Mayor Jimmy Poss to each lifeguard. Some were absent due to other commitments. This year’s lifeguards are Conner Apple, Jason Judkins, Lucas Phillips, Travon Johnson, Zach Taylor, Zack Vincent, Spencer Stanfield, Kevin Kijanski, Grace Webb, Ethan Roller, Dylan Young, Cole Parsley, Chase Cantrell, McKenzie Poteete, Johnna Roller, Camry White, Jake Odom, Mallory Sullivan, and Alex Hall.

Mayor Poss singled out White for pulling a child to safety this summer at the pool. Tony Poss also praised Judkins, Phillips, and Apple for helping save the lives of two people while on vacation in Florida, pulling them from ocean waters.
In other business, Edward Frazier of Cill Street came before the mayor and aldermen asking for enforcement of city ordinances to keep animals from running at large. Frazier said dogs running loose in his neighborhood are creating a nuisance. The city has ordinances requiring pet owners to keep animals from running free. Alderman Shawn Jacobs mentioned that the city has two animal control officers and suggested that Frazier or anyone with a problem such as this may call central dispatch at 215-3000 to have an officer address the problem. If they still don’t get any satisfaction, they may further report it to the mayor and aldermen.
Todd Van Dyne, member of the DCHS Quarterback Club, addressed the mayor and aldermen asking that the city appropriate either $150 or $500 to purchase a banner in support of the local football program. The banner would be displayed during local games. Mayor Poss said city officials would discuss it and get back to him.
Alderman Danny Washer asked that the media be contacted to notify the public in the event of early garbage pickup. In recent weeks because of the hot weather, garbage pickup has started as early as 6:00 a.m. Public Works Director Kevin Robinson later told WJLE that the city will continue picking up garbage as early as 6:00 a.m. for now, until the end of the extremely hot weather season.
Mayor Poss also commended Alderman Sanitation Commissioner Jason Murphy for his volunteerism, taking part of a day recently to ride the garbage truck helping the sanitation workers.
Secretary-Treasurer Hunter Hendrixson also gave a brief financial report. “On our local sales tax for the year, from January til June, we collected $426,502. Compared to 2011 for the first six months, we collected $418,640 so we’re up about $8,000. Its not a whole lot of difference but I’d rather it be up than down,” said Hendrixson
“Our basic checking accounts, we have several but in our operations account, we have a general checking account which pays for police, fire, and finance and administration. Sanitation also comes out of that even though its in a separate account. At the end of June we had right at $3.4 million, compared to 2011 which was right at $3.4 million so we’re basically the same as we were at this time last year,” said Hendrixson.
“Our water and sewer operations or maintenance account can only be spent on water and sewer and nothing else. Last year at this time we were at $1.58 million. This year we’re at $1.9 million. We’re up about $331,000. Keep in mind we’ve completely paid for the water plant renovation which was around $2.7 million. Its complete and there is no debt on that. We have no debt at all in the water and sewer,” he said.
“The City of Smithville has several cd’s. In the general account we have two cd’s that total $500,000. In water and sewer we have six cd’s which equal $600,000. We have two other cd’s, which also fall under water and sewer. Our grinder pumps. We have several sewer customers. We allocate their money. They don’t actually have a sewer system. They use grinder pumps. We have $40,000 in one and $20,000 in another for $60,000. That’s a total of cd’s at $1,160,000. So our total cash on hand at the end of June to the City of Smithville was $6,475,000. Obviously, that’s not just money that’s setting there. Its constantly being used for our day to day operations,” said Hendrixson.
“We have a couple of debt obligations at the moment. Our ladder truck that we have purchased. We paid $250,000 down in our last budget. That leaves around $496,000 left on that. In this budget we’ve been approved for an airport paving grant, which will pave the runway and the apron. It’s a $1.5 million grant and the city is obligated to pay 10% of that which is around $150,000. To pay $150,000 to get $1.5 million is a pretty good deal,” he said.
“We’ve got four police vehicles that we leased two years ago. We have a payment of $26,000 left on this budget and one more equivalent in the next budget,” said Hendrixson
“That’s just to give you a broad overview where the city finances are. The city is in pretty good, sound financial shape and has been for several years even way before I got here. I inherited a pretty good operation. The citizens should be thankful for that,” he said.
(Pictured above left to right: Jake Odom, Connor Apple, Spencer Stanfield, Kevin Kijanski, Zack Vincent, Cole Parsley, Ethan Roller, Zach Taylor, Dylan Young, Travon Johnson, Alex Hall, Jason Judkins, Lucas Phillips, Chase Cantrell
Bottom roll McKenzie Poteete, Grace Webb, Mallory Sullivan, Johnna Roller, Camry White, Frankie Rice)

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