County Property Tax Collections Up Over This Time Last Year

DeKalb County’s 2011 property tax collection rate through April 30 was slightly better than the previous year according to Trustee Sean Driver.
“At this certain date, as far as collections on 2011 taxes we’re at 93.75%, through April 30,” said Driver. ” We do have two more months before the budget year ends. I think this year the county budgeted 94.15% (anticipated collections) with a 5.85% delinquency rate (anticipated). We’re close to that figure right now as far as meeting budget. I think that’s great for that 2011 year based on the way the economy is right now,” he said.
Trustee Driver said collections are up by about one percent, compared to the same time period last year. “Our base for collection is $7,437,000 and today (April 30) we’re at $6,973,000. That comes to 93.75%. I looked back on the same day (last year) as far as collections and we were right at 92.75% so we’re at about one percent better than 2010 taxes (collected).
If you did not pay your 2011 taxes by the February 29 deadline, they may be paid at the trustee’s office now, but theres a penalty and interest of 4.5 percent. “We are confident in collecting some more taxes,” said Driver. “I have mailed out delinquent notices as a courtesy. I’ve had a lot of good feedback on that. People have thanked us for mailing those out to let them know what that figure is (amount owed). I fixed those delinquent forms for April, May, and June. We put in all three amounts (owed) just in case you couldn’t pay one month, we gave you the amount for the next month,” said Driver.
Driver said he has turned over unpaid 2010 property taxes to the clerk and master’s office. “We collected approximately 98% of 2010 taxes and turned over $113,000 still left to be collected,” he said. Clerk and Master Deborah Malone said those 2010 taxes may be paid in her office along with a 22.2% interest plus court costs and attorneys fees.
Driver said he would like to offer a partial payment service for taxpayers in the future. “I sent out a census to all counties in Tennessee to find out how many are taking partial payments. This has been on my heart for two years now. I’m getting a lot of good feedback on the programs they (other counties) have set up in their offices. I am really looking into accepting partial payments in the Trustee’s office. I think that would benefit that taxpayer, rather than them having to come up with the full payment during the tax season. Maybe they could spread that payment out a little bit and better manage their money,” said Driver.
More people are also taking advantage of on-line payment of taxes, according to Driver. “Taxes may be mailed in, paid in person, or by debit or credit card either in the trustee’s office or on-line at,” said Driver. ” We are still offering credit and debit card processing through the Business Information Systems for the property owners of DeKalb County. You may pay your property taxes using a VISA, MASTERCARD, or DISCOVER card. It can be handled on-line, in the Trustee’s Office, or by phone.”
Driver explained that a 2.75% convenience fee will be added to your tax bill, if you take advantage of on-line payment with a debit or credit card or 1.5% by e-check, but the county does not collect it (additional fee). “It worked out great this time,” said Driver. “More and more people have found out about it and they’re beginning to use it more. We’re using a vendor (Business Information Systems) that sixty five of the ninety five trustees in the state use to record those on-line payments,” said Driver.

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