DeKalb Community Hospital Kicks off October Mammogram Drive

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
In recognition, DeKalb Community Hospital is encouraging women to get their annual mammogram by doing a mammogram drive. Last year the hospital did more than 350 mammograms during the month of October. Bill Little, the CEO at DeKalb Community Hospital, states that this year “I hope we complete at least 400 of these potentially life-saving exams”.
As an incentive for women to get their mammogram the hospital is offering a free tote to those who come in during the month of October for their exam. The bags are also given out all year long when women schedule their first mammogram or come in on their birthday. Breast cancer is a type of cancer where cells in the breast tissue divide and grow without normal control. It is a widespread and random disease, striking women and men of all ages and races. It is the most prevalent cancer in the world today, with about 1.3 million people diagnosed annually. The exact cause of the disease is unknown, and at this time, there is no cure.
But there is hope. Thanks to heightened awareness, early detection through screening, improved treatment methods and increased access to breast health services, people have a greater chance of survival than ever before.
Carla Mick, the Director of the Radiology Department at DeKalb Community Hospital, also shared that “the hospital is proud to be able to offer a mammogram screening special to help those women currently without insurance or with insurance that doesn’t cover this screening. The much reduced special price is just $60.00 and includes the actual mammogram as well as covers the radiologist reading fee”. She adds that when registering the patient should let the admitting office know that they would like the screening special.
According to Carla, “all women should really get their first mammogram by age 40 and then yearly thereafter. If you have a family history of breast cancer then you shouldn’t wait until you are 40. Mammograms are the best way to detect breast cancer early. We hope as many women as possible will call to schedule their mammogram. You can call 215-5530 to schedule yours today”.
(Radiology Department staff wearing shirts to promote Breast Cancer Awareness-
Pictured left to right: Front row: Kelly Curtis
Second row: Dama Agee, Carla Mick, Wanda Crouch, Shaun Tubbs
Third row: Chris Mick, Michele Roller, Misty Graves)

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