Director of Schools Signs Two Year Contract (VIEW ACTUAL CONTRACT HERE)

After agreeing on the terms, Director of Schools Patrick Cripps signed his new two year employment contract Monday, August 17.
The deal was also signed by School Board Chairman W.J. (Dub) Evins, III and Vice Chairman Doug Stephens.
DS Contract for DeKalb County BOE 2015.pdf (108 KB)
Cripps was hired by the Board on July 16 and has served in the position for the past month under a temporary contract until finishing touches could be put on the final deal subject to a review by legal counsel.
The term is for a period commencing July 17, 2015 and ending June 30, 2017.
The contract calls for Cripps’ annual salary to be $85,000 paid in twelve equal monthly installments in accordance with the policy. The Board shall evaluate the Director annually and shall review the Director’s salary annually. In no event shall the Director’s salary be reduced except as provided by law. If any adjustment in salary is made during the term of this Contract, all of the other provisions of the Contract, including its termination date, shall remain as stated herein.
Under terms of the agreement, the Board will provide a medical insurance plan for Cripps on the same terms that it is made available to other employees. The Director will be able to participate in any other insurance program offered by the Board on the same terms as any other employee of the Board.
Cripps will also be provided with an automobile and all expenses involved in said automobile for him to carry out his official duties. He may use the automobile for personal purposes not interfering with school purposes, provided he shall pay or reimburse the cost of all fuel during such use.
The Director’s year shall consist of 240 duty days of normal office hours. Vacation time should be avoided at the beginning and end of the school year. The Director serves and is on duty during regular school session. Non duty days include 10 holidays and 12 annual leave days.
Cripps shall be granted one day of sick leave for each month of contractual employment. Sick leave days shall be cumulative and unused sick leave days may be used for retirement credit in accordance with the policies of the Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System,
The evaluation of the Director shall occur no later than January 31 each calendar year during the term of the contract. The board shall review with the Director his performance, progress toward established goals, and the working relationships between the Director and Board, the staff, students, and community at large; and any other matters relative to the employment of the Director.
As part of the evaluation process, by July 30 of each year, the Director will present a Strategic Plan to the Board for the upcoming school year. The plan will incorporate the results of the Director’s most recent evaluation, will identify the strengths and needs of DeKalb County Schools, and will describe the Director’s Plan of Action to reach the goals adopted by the Board.
The contract may be terminated by mutual agreement of the parties or due to the retirement, disability, or death of the director. It may also be terminated by the Board for cause pursuant to the terms and conditions set forth in TCA, the Teacher’s Tenure Act. If the Board terminates the contract for cause, the Director would be entitled to no further benefits of compensation.
The Board reserves the right to transfer the Director to any position within the system; however compensation and insurance benefits included in this agreement shall remain in full force and effect for the duration of the contract as specified in Article 1. In the event the Director declines to accept the transfer, this contract shall be terminated and the Director would be entitled to no further benefits or compensation.
The Director retains any rights to tenure as a teacher that he has already acquired in the DeKalb County Schools. Even so, the Director understands and agrees that, upon the termination of his duties as Director, he will be placed in a position for which he is licensed and qualified by the Board or any subsequent director of schools. No rights to a particular position are retained by seniority or any other means, and the Board or any subsequent director of schools, as appropriate, has the sole right to determine placement. However after placement, he will return to the pay scale prior to his appointment as Director.
The Director will not hire immediate family members in new administrative roles. Prior job assignments are grandfathered.

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