Early Voting Begins May 30 for Smithville Municipal Election

Early voting for the Smithville Municipal Election begins Wednesday, May 30 through Thursday, June 14 at the DeKalb County Election Commission Office on the first floor of the courthouse.
Hours for early voting are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m,
Thursday from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m., and Saturday from 9 a.m. until Noon.
A mayor and two aldermen will be elected on Tuesday, June 19, each to serve a two year term, beginning July 1. The candidates for mayor are Taft Hendrixson and Jimmy Poss. Candidates for alderman are Scott Davis, Jason Judd Murphy, Tim Stribling, and Steve White.
The ballot will also include a referendum on liquor by the drink in city restaurants. Voters will have the opportunity to vote either “yes” or “no” on whether to “authorize the sale of alcoholic beverages for consumption on the premises in the City of Smithville.”
Registered voters who will be unable to go to their polling place (courthouse) on election day may vote by one of the following methods;
1. Voting by personal appearance
Beginning May 30, 2012 and through June 14, 2012, a voter desiring to vote by personal appearance shall go to the DeKalb County Courthouse, sign an application to vote and cast their vote on a voting machine. The last day to vote early by personal appearance is June 14, 2012.
2. Voting by mail
A voter must meet certain legal qualifications in order to vote absentee by mail. A voter desiring to vote absentee by mail shall, in writing over his/her signature either in person at the Election Commission Office or by mail, request an application for an absentee ballot. The voter must make
the request in writing and include their name (as registered), social security number, residence address (911 address), mailing address (if different from residence address), the election(s) they wish to vote in, the reason they are requesting to vote an absentee ballot and their signature. The written request must be received no later than June 12, 2012.
Disabled & Elderly Voters
Disabled or elderly voters (persons 65 or older) assigned to vote in precincts where the polling place is inaccessible may vote at the DeKalb County Election Commission office on election day OR vote early by personal appearance during the dates specified for early voting at the DeKalb County Courthouse OR vote by absentee ballot. Any disabled or elderly voter desiring to vote at the election commission office must notify the office in writing and complete an affidavit that states their voting location is inaccessible. Deadline for notification is June 9, 2012. Affidavits are available at the election office.
Please call 597-4146 if you have any questions. STATE LAW REQUIRES A PHOTO I.D. TO VOTE IN 2012 ELECTIONS.
For additional information, contact the Election Commission Office at 615-597-4146. The DeKalb County Election Commission is located at 1 Public Square, Room 104, (DeKalb County Courthouse), Smithville, TN. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

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