Gino’s Bar-B-Q To Add Jobs

Gino’s Bar-B-Q is planning to add a few jobs.
John Roller, Vice President of Gino’s Barbeque, told WJLE on Friday that Gino’s, which has been in operation in Smithville since 1977, will be creating ten to fifteen jobs within the next six months as the company looks to serve a larger distribution area. “We have been approved for the Sysco label, which is the largest food distributor in the country. They actually have a few houses in Canada as well. This allows us to have access to more than half of those facilities, which would go from our current capacity of about five houses to the availability of seventy houses across the country. In return, the volume would create jobs as well as this expansion that Gino’s is going through right now, which is adding another cook room, and probably at completion, will add another shift as well and maybe even a cleanup crew on the weekend,” said Roller.
Gino’s Bar-B-Q currently employs ten people, but Roller said expectations are to possibly triple that number over time. “We have ten working for us right now and I look for it to double the crew within six to eight months, and even triple going forward,” he said. ” It will just grow from there. The plan, once we go into the system, we have to physically go to these locations and market the product, and in return create the volume and the jobs,” said Roller.
Roller said plans are to modify one of the packaging rooms at the local facility to make room for the expansion. “We took the existing plant, which we’re pretty much tapped out on square footage here, and we just modified one of out packaging rooms. We’ve got to build some exterior walls to expand that room to add cooking capacity. Currently we’ve got five smokers and we’re going to be adding three more additional large commercial smokers,” said Roller.
Gino’s Bar-B-Q serves several well known companies including Robert Orr Sysco of Nashville, Charles C. Parks distribution of Gallatin, and Institutional Wholesale of Cookeville. “We’ve been here since November, 1977,” said Roller. We manufacture pork, beef, turkey, and chicken along with ribs, barbeque. We also co-pack for other people across the country. This is a co–pack for Hicks Smoked Meats out of Humbolt, Tennessee. Its his recipes. We cook it here. We pack it here and ship it from here to the distribution centers all over the country,” said Roller.

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