Local Bridge Named for Zachary Lee Close

The DeKalb County Commission Monday night, September 28 voted to name a bridge in memory of a nine year old boy who lost his life in a 1997 accident with a horse.
The bridge, over Smith Fork Creek, on the Lower Helton Road near Mount Zion Baptist Church will be named the Zachary Lee Close bridge.
The bridge over Smith Fork Creek on the Alexandria to Dismal Road had been named for Close several years ago but vandals repeatedly damaged or tore down the memorial signs at the bridge. First District Commissioner Mason Carter said the child’s mother requested that the memorial be transferred from the bridge on Alexandria to Dismal Road to the one on Lower Helton Road, hoping that the signs would not be vandalized there.
The resolution is as follows:
“Whereas, Zachary Lee Close was born on November 30, 1987 and departed this life tragically on January 3, 1997; and
Whereas, the bridge across Smith Fork Creek located on the Alexandria to Dismal Road is named in memory of Zachary Lee Close; and
Whereas, Tammie Hubbs, mother of Zachary Lee Close has requested that the bridge across Smith Fork Creek located on Lower Helton Road be named in memory of Zachary Lee Close; and
Whereas, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners has the authority to name bridges located on county roads, and
Whereas, the DeKalb County Board of Commissioners is pleased to name the bridge located across Smith Fork Creek on Lower Helton Road in memory of Zachary Lee Close.
Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Board of Commissioners of DeKalb County, meeting in regular session this the 28th day of September, 2015, does declare and name the bridge located across Smith Fork Creek located on Lower Helton Road the Zachary Lee Close Bridge.
Be it further resolved that the bridge across Smith Fork Creek on the Alexandria to Dismal Road be returned to the status of an unnamed bridge.”
The county commission approved the request. The bridge on the Alexandria to Dismal Road will return to being an unnamed bridge.

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