More than One Million Dollars in Scholarships Awarded to DCHS Seniors

More than one million dollars in scholarships were awarded to sixty nine members of the Class of 2012 at DeKalb County High School during Thursday’s annual Senior Awards Day program.
Representatives of colleges, universities, branches of the armed services, businesses, civic groups, and other organizations made the presentations.
Heather Vidal, the Class Salutatorian, received more than $108,000 in scholarships, the largest total award presented to any student during the program. Vidal was presented a scholarship of $84,820 from Union University and the $24,000 Ned McWherter scholarship.
Meanwhile, Adam James, the Class Valedictorian, was presented an award for perfect attendance during the 2011-12 school year. Honor students, Tennessee Scholars, and students who have received the High Schools That Work Award of Educational Achievement were also recognized.
Other scholarship recipients are as follows:
Lela Ambrose
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: $30,600
Joseph Angaran:
Anthony Duane Trapp Memorial: $1,000
Christian Atnip:
Smithville Women’s Club: $350
Jessica Ball:
DTC Communications McAllen Foutch Memorial: $8,000
Thomas Beltz:
U.S. Marines Enlistment
Dustin Brown:
DeKalb County Children’s Service Council: $500
Chelsea Cantrell:
Love-Cantrell Funeral Home: $500
Megan Cantrell:
DeKalb Fire Fighters: $500
Tiffany Cantrell:
DeKalb Funeral Chapel: $500
Michael W. Caldwell:
Jolly Angels: $1,000
DeKalb County Scottish Rite: $1,000
Yesenia Cintron:
U.S. Marines Music Award
Erin Colwell:
David Wayne Alexander Memorial: $1,000
DeKalb Funeral Chapel: $500
Smithville Rotary Club: $750
Jakob Craven:
Dailey & Vincent Scholarship: $1,000
Alex Cripps:
U.S. Navy Enlistment: $85,000
Chelsea Crutcher:
U.S. Army Enlistment: $71,500
Jonathan Edwards:
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: $23,200
CIC Foundation: $10,000
Jolly Angels: $1,000
DCHS Beta Club Scholarship: $500
Matthew Elliott:
U.S. Marines Enlistment
Katy England:
Class of 1966: $500
Whitney England:
Tennessee Tech University: $16,000
Love-Cantrell Funeral Home Allen D. Hooper Memorial Award: $500
Jolly Angels: $1,000
DCHS Beta Club Scholarship: $500
Jeremie Ferdelman
U.S. Navy Enlistment: $85,000
Sloane Garrett:
Jeff Garrett Memorial: $500
AmVets Auxiliary: $250
Jolly Angels: $1,000
Jessica Garrison:
Tennessee Tech University: $10,000
Liberty State Bank: $1,000
Leadership DeKalb
Zachary Goldstein:
Universal Technical Institute Imagine America Foundation: $1,000
Katelyn Goodwin:
First Bank: $500
Love-Cantrell Funeral Home: $500
Todd Hasty:
Mentors Association Scholarship: $5,000
Tiffini Hendrixson:
Covenant College: $12,000
U.S. Marines Athlete Award
Johnna Hensley:
Dailey & Vincent Scholarship: $1,000
DeKalb Community Hospital: $500
FCCLA: $200
Heather Hughes:
Mentors Association Scholarship:$5,000
Brooke Hutchings:
Covenant College: $12,000
DeKalb Funeral Chapel: $500
Adam James:
Belmont University: $40,000
Sarah Jones:
Tennessee Tech University: $3,000
DeKalb County Soil Conservation District: $500
Doyle & Melford Smith Scholarship: $1,000
Stephanie Jones:
Martin Methodist:$25,000
Ally Judkins:
Kyle & Kenny Robinson Memorial: $1,000
Danielle Knowles:
DeKalb PTO: $300
Smithville Rotary Math Award: $100
Monse Leon:
Martin Methodist:$41,600
Tammy Li:
Liberty State Bank: $1,000
DCHS Student Council: $500
Elzie & Nell McBride Memorial: $500
Allison Little:
Tennessee Tech University: $4,000
Sarah Lomas:
Dailey & Vincent Scholarship: $1,000
Laura Martinez:
Tennessee Tech University: $10,000
U.S. Marines Scholar Award
Alex Meadows:
Lucille Stewart Memorial: $2,000
U.S. Army Athlete Award
Mason Merriman:
Kyle & Kenny Robinson Memorial: $1,000
Smithville Rotary Club: $750
Dustin Netherton:
U.S. Marines Enlistment
Tevin Owens:
Agee Oil Scholarship: $1,500
DeKalb Firefighters: $500
Jacob Odom:
University of Tennessee at Knoxville: $30,600
U.S. Army Athlete Award
Laura Pafford:
Mentors Association Scholarship: $5,000
Tennessee Tech University: $4,000
Hailey Perry:
DeKalb Republican Women: $500
Sebastian Phillips:
Clay Edwards Memorial Tiger Pride Scholarship: $500
AmVets: $250
U.S. Marines Athlete Award
Chris Powell:
U.S. Navy Enlistment: $85,000
Kidman Puckett:
DeKalb Funeral Chapel: $500
Stephanie Rackley:
Smithville Rotary Club: $750
Smithville Business & Professional Women’s Club: $500
Cora Beth Rhody:
Smithville Women’s Club: $350
Louis Richards:
Smithville Rotary Vocational Award: $100
Martin Riley:
U.S. Army Enlistment: $71,500
Yazmin Rivera:
Martin Methodist: $41,600
Sydney Robinson:
First Bank: $500
Leadership DeKalb
Johnna Roller:
Tennessee Tech University Cheerleading
Elizabeth Sanders:
Eddie Crips Memorial: $1,000
DeKalb Funeral Chapel: $500
Leadership DeKalb
Russell Storey:
U.S. Navy Enlistment: $85,000
Laura Sullivan:
Motlow State Community College: $4,000
DeKalb Retired Teachers: $750
Victoria Tatrow:
Tennessee Tech University: $10,000
Jolly Angels: $1,000
Zach Thompson:
MTSU: $16,000
Briana Vidal:
Cedarville University: $42,000
Comcast: $1,000
Heather Vidal:
Union University: $84,820
Ned McWherter Scholarship: $24,000
Krystal White:
MTSU: $16,000
Ashlee Whitehead:
Smithville Business & Professional Women’s Club: $500
Jacob Williams:
U.S. Marines Enlistment
Austin Wilmore:
Tennessee Tech University: $4,000
Alyssa Young:
Dailey & Vincent Scholarship: $1,000
Smithville Rotary Club: $750
Riley Young:
Tennessee Tech University: $3,000

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