Mulloy Receives John W. Harris Award

The National Junior Beta Club presented former DeKalb West School student Callie Mulloy with the prestigious John W. Harris award Sunday (June 28) at the Beta Club’s national convention.
“I was scared,” Callie says of accepting the award in front of thousands of other students at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville.
Callie, who served as Vice President of the DWS club this past school year, was one of five students presented with Beta’s MVP leadership trophy.
“I am full of pride and thankfulness that Callie was chosen for this great honor,” said School Counselor and DWS Junior Beta sponsor Bill Conger. “I’ve had Callie in class since she was a Kindergarten student my first year at DeKalb West, and I’ve enjoyed watching her grow academically and mature over the years. The Beta Club made a perfect pick.”
“Her peers and adults alike admire Callie’s intelligence and loving spirit,” School Resource Officer Lewis Carrick wrote in a recommendation letter for Mulloy. “She is driven and strives at being the best for those around her. She stands out as a positive role model for the rest of the students.”
Callie’s academic record is outstanding, her character is beyond reproach, and her skills as a leader are superb. While being involved in other extracurricular activities like cheerleading, gymnastics, and softball, she has maintained straight A’s on her report card. She is a member of the gifted program. Callie says, “I always strive to go above my academic goals.”
Beyond her educational aspirations is her faith. “Whether I succeed or fail in my ambitions, there is always One I can go to for hope and inspiration; my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.” Her beliefs are underscored by the way she conducts her life. For example, instead of enjoying a well-deserved hour break for related arts and gym at the end of the day, Callie sacrificed her time to tutor her classmates. She longs to see them succeed and understand their subjects as she does.
Callie supported the administration early each morning when she and another Junior Beta student provided child care for PreK-1st grade students prior to school. “There is nothing so special as watching their smiles and laughter light up the room,” she said. “That simple little moment just reminds me of the good in the world.”
Callie has logged approximately 80 hours of service to the Junior Beta Club this year alone. She is always willing to do whatever is needed whether it’s picking up trash, tutoring, writing/drawing cards of appreciation, working with the food bank, and performing with the Drama Club at church. Her special calling is with the elderly at our community’s assisted learning center, Webb House. Callie is the kind who puts her heart and 100% effort into everything she does.

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