Murder Defendant Arraigned in Criminal Court

The man accused in the fatal stabbing of his girlfriend in February appeared in criminal court for arraignment Monday.
42 year old Anthony (Tony) Tyrone Crews was transported from the location where he is being housed out of the county and brought to the DeKalb County courthouse Monday morning. Sheriff Patrick Ray and deputies escorted Crews into the courthouse and up to the courtroom where he appeared to formally enter a not guilty plea to a grand jury indictment of first degree murder in the death of 28 year old Ashley Bain, whose body was found lying on the floor of a bedroom at the home she and Crews shared at 3870 Cookeville Highway, Smithville on Thursday afternoon, February 5. At the time of his arrest on the evening of the stabbing, Crews had been charged with second degree murder. The indictment alleges that “Crews, on February 5, did unlawfully, intentionally, and with premeditation, kill Ashley Bain, constituting the offense of first degree murder”.
Judge David Patterson appointed the District Public Defender’s Office to represent Crews and kept his bond at $2 million.
Along with all others who were indicted by the grand jury on Monday, July 27, Crews case will be back in court for settlement discussions in September and for negotiation deadline in October.
Following the brief hearing Monday, Crews was escorted out of the courthouse to an awaiting unmarked patrol car which transported him back to the location where he is being housed.

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