New Program Gives Voters Way to Honor Veterans, Active Duty Military

Voting and paying tribute to our nation’s active and retired armed services personnel are two of the most patriotic acts citizens can perform. A new program launched by the Secretary of State’s Office this week allows people to tie the two together.
Secretary of State Tre Hargett announced the “Tennessee Honor Vote” program, which will provide citizens with an opportunity to dedicate their votes in the upcoming election to the servicemen and servicewomen of their choice.
A new page has been developed on the Secretary of State’s web site where people may sign up and dedicate a personal message to one or more active or retired members of the armed forces.
Once the messages have been reviewed, they will be posted online. Each participant in the program will receive an “Honor Vote” button and a letter of appreciation from Secretary Hargett.
The program will begin with dedications for the upcoming Nov. 6 election, but it will continue for future elections as well.
“Members of our armed services fight and sometimes make the ultimate sacrifice to protect our freedoms,” Secretary Hargett said. “Their service highlights how important it is for us to exercise our constitutional right to vote. I encourage Tennesseans to participate in this program, which is absolutely free of charge. It only takes a few minutes to sign up and prepare a message. And those messages to our active military and veterans may mean more to them than we’ll ever realize.”
“More than 27,000 members of the Tennessee National Guard have deployed since 9/11, making Tennessee the fourth largest National Guard state for deployments,” Major General Max Haston, Tennessee’s Adjutant General, said. “Many of these soldiers and airmen have seen firsthand in Iraq and Afghanistan just how important the right to cast your vote really is. This is a right we too often take for granted. Nothing means more to a service member than to be appreciated for their selfless service. The Tennessee Honor Vote program is just another way to show your support for the men and women defending the freedoms that we all enjoy.”
“It is extremely important to remember and recognize those who have courageously served our state and country, for without their selfless service, we may not be able to hold elections with the democratic right to vote,” Tennessee Department of Veterans Affairs Commissioner Many-Bears Grinder said. “This is an innovative and unique way to reinforce the importance of voting as well as reminding our service members and veterans that we value and support their service and sacrifice.”
To participate in the program, go to: or call toll-free 1-877-850-4959.

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