Calling all troops!!! The Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage everyone to get involved with a new initiative “Operation Appreciation – Saying Thanks to our DeKalb County Military.”
With the holidays quickly approaching, we will be sending military care packages filled with cards and letters to cheer on our local heroes. Suggested donations include items in 4 categories: downtime activities, snacks, personal items, and cards and letters. Downtime activities can be gently used or new books, magazines, playing cards, crossword and puzzle books, iTunes cards, and DVDs. Snacks include pre-packaged products such as beef jerky, trail mix, protein bars, noodle bowls, hard candy, snack crackers, sunflower seeds, and powdered Gatorade or water enhancers. Needed personal items are black boot socks, body wash, lip balm, foot powder, moleskin (for blisters on feet), sunglasses, air fresheners, toothbrushes/toothpaste, shaving cream, shampoo, conditioner, and other hygiene supplies. Of course, hand-written cards and letters, especially during the holidays, will remind them that their DeKalb County, Tennessee community cares for them, appreciate theirs and their families’ sacrifices, and are praying for their safe return.
Monetary donations are greatly appreciated and will be used to cover the shipping cost of about $15 per package and to purchase any additional needed items that are not donated. Make checks payable to: Smithville-DeKalb Co. Chamber (For: Operation Appreciation).
“We need your help! If you have addresses of friends or family members and their spouse that are in the military, please let us know! Deadline to submit names and bring donations is Wednesday, November 25, 2015. We will be putting the care packages together on Monday, November 30th,” said Suzanne Williams, Chamber Director.
Drop-off locations are the Chamber office located in the DeKalb County Courthouse Room 201, County Mayor’s office in Courthouse Room 204, or Charlie Max Salon, 113 West Main Street in downtown Smithville. You may also call the Chamber to make arrangements for Boy Scout Troop 347 to pick up your donations if you are not able to get them to a drop-off location.
“If you would like to volunteer, we would love to have you,” said Williams. “Operation Appreciation is a great opportunity for our businesses, industries, churches, organizations, and all local folks to express gratitude to our hometown men and women currently serving in the military.” Anyone interested in donating items, making a monetary contribution, volunteering your time on this project, or needing more information may contact the Smithville-DeKalb County Chamber of Commerce at 615.597.4163 or email: or Donna Hendrix-Cripps at 336-688-6462 or email:
“We are very excited for our community to come together for such a great cause! Let’s stand together and show our men and women in uniform how much we love them! Stay Strong, Keep the Faith and may God bless the USA,” Williams said.