Seven Sentenced Monday in Criminal Court

Seven people appeared before Judge David Patterson for sentencing in DeKalb County Criminal Court Monday after entering pleas under negotiated settlements.
35 year old Lisa Porterfield pleaded guilty to sale of a schedule II controlled substance and received a three year sentence, all suspended to TDOC probation. The sentence is to run consecutive only to Warren County cases against her. She must make restitution of $350. Porterfield was given jail credit from February 3 until July 30.
23 year old Jeremy Shelton pleaded guilty to theft over $1,000 and violation of probation. He received a three year sentence in the theft case all suspended to supervised probation except for one year to serve. He is also to serve the balance of a three year sentence in the violation of probation case with credit for 466 days. The cases are to run concurrently with each other. Once he has served his time, Shelton will again be released to probation. Shelton was also given jail credit of 228 days.
25 year old Kenny Dyal, Jr. pleaded guilty to theft over $1,000 and received a two year sentence to serve. The case is to run concurrently with a sentence he is currently serving. Dyal was given jail credit of 86 days.
26 year old Antonio Wilford pleaded guilty to two counts of sale of a schedule II controlled substance (hydromorphone). He received six years in one case and three years in the other. The cases are to run concurrently with each other as one six year sentence and concurrently with all other cases and probation violations against him in Putnam County. Wilford is to serve at least 30% of the sentence. He must make restitution of $350 and pay a fine of $2,000. He was given jail credit of 177 days.
48 year old William Bogle pleaded guilty to hindering a secured creditor. He is facing a two year sentence, all suspended to probation. He is seeking judicial diversion probation. His probation is to be transferred to Putnam County.
45 year old Joe Anthony Young pleaded guilty to two counts of a first offense of driving under the influence. He received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days in each case to run concurrently with each other. He must pay a fine of $360 in each case, spend 48 hours in jail, and he will lose his license for one year. Young is to attend an alcohol safety education program and submit to an alcohol and drug assessment. He was given jail credit of 179 days.
43 year old Christopher Lee Campbell pleaded guilty by information to driving under the influence and simple possession and received a sentence of 11 months and 29 days in each case all suspended except for 48 hours to serve at the Swaim Center in Smyrna. The sentences are to run concurrently. He was fined $360. Campbell must complete an alcohol and drug assessment and follow any recommended treatment. He will also lose his drivers license for one year or pursuant to the department of safety regulations.

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